So I tried this really stupid Kayle setup to attempt to maximize early game dominance and it turned out to be pretty funny actually.
AD Marks, AP Quints, Armor Seals and MRes glyphs. 19 in offense to get as much feasible starting game AP/AD as I could. Summoners were teleport+ignite, with ignite mastery. Use ignite early to get bonus AP/AD.
Bought a Dring at level 1 because that's what you do, I guess; had 72 AD and I think 50-something AP at level 1. I used my ignite and bumped that up to around 74 AD 60 AP, so early game I hit REALLY HARD. Used that to earn some early kills and get myself an early blasting wand + boots, since people don't really stay in range to eat Righteous Fury swings but they will usually let themselves get hit by Q.
My next step with this build is to try adding flat AD seals and flat AP glyphs, then sit in spawn for 25 seconds and buy both red and blue pots to start with like 85 AD and 60 AP before the ignite, and try to cheese people hard and start snowballing right away. I also feel like an early Malady over Rageblade would be better but I'm not sure.