Sailor Princess Twenty-Two.
Smash Master
I would think that the guy asking for help with getting into a competitive level of play understands that he has to work on the stuff people suggest to him after he asks them for help.And yes, you still need to get better at them since there's not a player in the world that had all of that down perfectly.
No need to talk down to him like he's some cocky idiot.
Or is talking down to new people the way to become more productive?
Actually **** this beating around the bush ****
Dear CJ,
Way too much censor dodging to bother editing out.
P.S. I forgot to address your insanely uninformed comment about me being the most unproductive sheik, not only am I one of the people most likely to respond to new sheik's questions in the Q&A and the one to start the most discussions in the new MU panel thread, I also am one of the driving forces behind people improving in my city. So aside from being some circle jerking theory-crafter, you're an uninformed piece of ****.
P.S.S. **** you.