L oooOOOOOOoooOOOOOooo L;I'm not sure what this thread is about but my post count needed a +1.
these guys are from chile, right? Well, why don't we let their local ssbm community fund their trip to the U.S. Things used to get done on a local level like that all the time. I remember when Cort wanted to go to OC2, half of CT funded that trip.
If these guys really wana come over to USA and place top 5 (although I sincerely doubt that will happen) Their own local community should champion them. Let the proof be in the pudding.
If he comes in and upsets on hbox/m2k/pp/hax/mango/ who ever/ then maybe we can talk about this. You know? Maybe next year or something @ Rom 5
If any one deserves a "good player" fund I would wager that player would be Armada.