I get that Kevin's likely to do this as town or scum and it's typical of Kevin's play, that's not the part that really set my flags off. It's how he responded to the pressure.
Kevin's immediate reaction was to start ****talking Ryker and Swiss, saying how they'll throw the game again. To most players, that's just ****talking. To me, seeing a skilled and intelligent player, like Kevin, resort to baseless mudslinging like that reeks of defensiveness. Calling someone out for the Miller crumb is hard to come back to, but I agree with Swiss' response that it comes off as salvaging town points. Worse yet, a simple explanation without the namecalling might've been the right choice. Had he posted this first and foremost:
Two reasons
Everytime I outright claim miller I'm scum just trying to outplay town from D1 and think it fun.
And two had it not been pointed out I could bait a fake cop or track claim later if scum tried to get cute and use my crumb from earlier as a point.
More so reason one, in fact Ryker can attest to reason one because he's been scum with me and the first question I asked him on the phone (after dropping hella money baller swag style) was if I should just claim miller. There are also I believe two games where I've just claimed miller in my first post TMNT being one of them I'm sure.
Without referencing ****ty self-meta reliant upon another player who happens to be
calling him scum at he time, things would be totally different. Instead, we get this:
Hey look it's going to be the Swiss/Ryker continue to throw games show.
I didn't want to have to ignore both of you, I really thought better of you this game Swiss.. thought you could be somebody.. thought you could be a contender. BUT you're a nobody.
And it just looks terrible, because it's not directly dealing with the argument, but insulting the members on it simply because they're opposing him.
Which is why I find lines like these ironic:
Flipping at Swiss? Hardly, I don't flip in a mafia game, I don't react out of emotion, it's a shame he's on a wrong path but I'm not going to flip at him for it.
because his response comes off as very emotional and aggressive, even if he doesn't ultimately vote Swiss