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Golden Sun: The Lost Age (of) Mafia -Game Over! Indy Alex wins!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Yes I am an annoying *******.

But I am not losing because someone decided to QL when we just learned all the claims, calm down and work with me if you are town.

I want to figure out TCat and Furio because I do not believe both claims are in this game.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You mean like the Inferno lynch? Oh man I'm glad you strongmanned us out of that one. So glad you made us wait and not quicklynch him.

oh wait
**** no this si different, there is a potential indy and if it is Alex he will ****ing win when all the lighthouses are lit because he gets the power of the Golden Sun if that happens, ignore Wise One giving it to Issac from the Mars Star.

Raziek is the mid if Alex is in this game I want to shut him down hard if he is here.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Screw your wild indy hunt. You're so scared of a lighthouse win condition that I think DOESN'T EXIST. You're going to **** yourself through setup spec. I don't want to lynch tcat or Furio before Ryker after a reread.

If the game is still going after we lynch another blue mafia member, THEN I will join your indy hunt.

Besides, we have more than 3 types of adepts in this game and only 2 lighthouses are lit. The indy CAN'T win yet from one more Day going on.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Both Furio and tcat have claimed their roles have some restrictions on them that they haven't claimed. I think it's plausible both roles exist.

Ryker's, however, I am dead-set on. I'll respect your wishes and keep him away from L-1 for now, but he is our lynch toDay.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wrong, TCat had not clarified what that is.

I'm not lynch Ryker before TCat til she explains.

I want TCat because she is wise between get an Furio.

I'm not trying to be a dochue, but I don't want this rushed when I want to figure put what the actives should be doing.

Aka Furio and Ryket need to our what they got promoted too in clarity so we can figure that out.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
Stop bickering, you two. Neither of you is in charge here, so knock it off, or so help me I will turn this car around!

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
**** you, bro.

I answered that question in-depth because I was specifically asked about WL and he had a large post that was worth dissecting at that point in the game.

No **** I started posting when my slot was in trouble. I was prodded and I don't want to get lynched. That's universal. Welcome to why you pressure inactives, regardless of alignment.

I had no reasons because I wanted people to bite in the early game when I was still involved. People did bite on Kevin and that's where we started moving forward. Further pressing Adum didn't help me at all since I liked Swiss at the time. Your play was abysmal, but pushing you over Kevin at that point was a divide in focus that hurt me rather than helped me. Then I stopped paying attention.

My reads have stayed near constant all game because they've been based on the same information all game.

My claim is NOT super scummy in comparison to everything else out there at the moment. Taking the player out of it, town bus driver is a scummy claim in any game and BP remains the single most common scum claim ever because it explains why you don't die. Me being scum does not clear you of these surpluses because you still have an incredibly overprotected game as I have pointed out multiple times already.

Now, I am going to sleep. It's 5AM. I will take Ruy on his offer and catch up tomorrow.

If I'm slated to die anyway, don't lynch me without me pointing out Lighthouse shenaniganry.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Ninja'd by Ruy and Riddick. **** you was directed at Kantrip.

@Ruy - Explaining every facet of my role could very well end up throwing this game for town and I will not be claiming it all without being certain that I am a dead man. I will go ahead and say that after the light house was lit, I was told my BP could stop any night kill rather than only some. It is still one shot and it did not affect my other ability.

If I'm slated for death, I will claim the last bit, but I doubt it will help anyone. I will clarify that the light house did not grant any new abilities or anything else that you should see me doing in the night phase.

traveling cat

Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2011
Wrong, TCat had not clarified what that is.

I'm not lynch Ryker before TCat til she explains.

I want TCat because she is wise between get an Furio.

I'm not trying to be a dochue, but I don't want this rushed when I want to figure put what the actives should be doing.

Aka Furio and Ryket need to our what they got promoted too in clarity so we can figure that out.
If I get roleblocked and can't reach the draught at Night, I'm vote blocked the next Day. This was another reason why I think there's a roleblocker over a strongman.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Wait a sec, wait a sec, wait a sec. I may not have to continue to guess at whether or not Swiss is my double or if there's a strongman.

Rake, did Swiss claim to you? If he did and he isn't BP of some sort, then there probably is a strongman and I'm not factionally bulletproof.
Swiss told me they had 4 actions: Becoming Immune to NA's for one night, preventing someone from voting fer a day, increasing the number of votes to lynch someone (this played into why i voted gheb), and making someone a double voter.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Ryker is probably the indy.

But w/e.

And wtf I'm like one of two town roles apparently that isn't a protective and can die> Dafuq. Not cool man. Not cool

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
False. A commuter is a role that leaves the NAR. It can either be automatic or activated. In LoL UPick, for example, I was Singed, Town Commuter and I passively commuted every Night, being always immune to Night actions. Some commuters are even/odd Night, and some are activated with a 1-shot, 2-shot, or what have you restriction.
You're not the mod. Paraphrased, we are invulnerable to all night actions, that doesn't necessarily mean we have been completely removed from NAR (it's possible that commuter could be roleblocked.)

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
I'm fine going Tcat/Ryker/Kantrip in any particular order. I suspect that Ryker's connection to the BSL/WL slot makes him the most likely to be blue scum, but the general play of Kantrip stinks and TCat is null/deadweight. In terms of flavor/roles, Ryker's slot is fine, whereas Kantrip's and TCat's roles/flavor don't fit.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
You could try and argue that Ryker's role/flavor don't fit, but the fact remains that without his claim, N2 doesn't make sense, ergo he must have that ability.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
You're not the mod. Paraphrased, we are invulnerable to all night actions, that doesn't necessarily mean we have been completely removed from NAR (it's possible that commuter could be roleblocked.)
I wasn't talking about your role, I was just talking about how Commuters can be seen with different variations.

I'm fine going Tcat/Ryker/Kantrip in any particular order. I suspect that Ryker's connection to the BSL/WL slot makes him the most likely to be blue scum, but the general play of Kantrip stinks and TCat is null/deadweight. In terms of flavor/roles, Ryker's slot is fine, whereas Kantrip's and TCat's roles/flavor don't fit.
Wait since when do mine and tcat's roles not fit flavour? I'll admit I don't know the flavour too well but I'm pretty sure Red Ryu said tcat was fine flavour-wise and from what I know of my own character it fits.

You could try and argue that Ryker's role/flavor don't fit, but the fact remains that without his claim, N2 doesn't make sense, ergo he must have that ability.
Wait what? What did he do N2 that makes the Night make sense?

Also, you missed the part of my case where I said he DOES have the abilities he claimed:

1-shot redirector
1-shot bulletproof

How does that look like a townie role?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Inferno targeted me N1 and was scum.

Anyone have any theories what Infernoscum would target me with? I'm thinking he could have been the roleblocker and chose me because I made a deal out of "my role isn't good anyways"


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
So we're looking for Saturos, who is apparently recognized as the strongest antagonist?

Maybe one team had a strongman, and one team had a roleblocker?

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Oh wait, for some reason I thought Ryker's Move ability was verified as a result of claims, but it wasn't. Welp.

Your role is sheisty and pretty useless. That, and scum claiming self-watcher isn't uncommon. Looking back at the set up, everyone seems to have some kind of active ability except yourself and TCat. Apparently Inferno, whom is confirmed scum, targeted you with something, which is why you asserted that he was Town upon your flip, but nothing happened as a result? Seems like a greasy backpedal. That's what I mean by "it's a hard fit."

TCat feels weird because in a set up with a plethora of protectives and the like, she is virtually unkillable with the exception of possibly our theoretical Strongman (seemingly becoming more than just a theory at this point though?).

I'm wondering if there's a way for us to prove whether or not your self-watch works.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The way to prove if my self watch works is just to have someone target me without announcing that they're going to in thread. If I see them visit me and know who was on me it means my role was legit.

I think that's a waste, personally.

So wait you think mine and tcat's roles don't fit because we don't have an active? Uhhh.... Okay?

And yeah Ryker's role has not been proven at all. I think 1-shot redirector is more useless than permanent self-watcher (as a town role) but hey, to each their own. But wait, why are you worrying about usefulness of a role? We're hunting scum, not town's weakest link.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
If we're arguing flavor not making sense or being obscure,

Bunza is the really out there one since it's a smuggler from a side quest, it is significant to Ivan's story but the character is really out there. Still I like Rid's play this far and don't think his actions line up with scum.

Hama makes sense but Kantrip's play is really not there for me.

Piers being a commuter is kinda odd, doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't get why they wouldn't even try to use their actions during the nights.

Rake is town and his role matches fine with flavor.

Ryker has been inactive and I want him to post more, his role is kinda confirmed, Rid and Ryker together kinda confirm each other? I know Rid is but I'm think how Ryker is with putting Swiss/Adumb behind FF it doesn't really confirm him, though I don't think his info with what he put forward and his reads make him scum.

TCats roleclaim and flavor match, even the con she has but I don't think she is in danger of a roleblock. Her reads and play are really off.


I'm thinking two things here.

Scum has possible full Role PM safe claims.

The protective nature of this game makes me think certain people are only protected from certain factions kills that might be a faction thing and not a PR, it is possible the last scum is a role blocker or they have faction info that lets them know they can get through certain characters protective natures.

Ryker is numero uno for IndyAlex or an Indy based on the lighthouses, but in every instance he can't end game us, if he does, at least until the end of tomorrow if that is our theory here.What he doesn't fit is Blue mafia imo. I don't see it, some people are saying his actions match up with Washed Laundry but I don't see it, a lot of his play doesn't seem to scream scum to me, Indy yes but not really blue mafia.

I do want to figure out NAR, if Ryker is telling the truth that means my role might be first in NAR because it is a roleblock, though a protect still it roleblocks, so I might go before Rid and Ryker, I'm not sure if that would have redirected me to Rake or if I was on Swiss/Adumb/FF.

Concerning Kantrips case on Ryker

Point #1 is pretty irrelevant to me at this stage, there are a number of reason why he might not have been posting outside of the game.

#2 Ryker can read WL and vice verse very well off little info. I don't see how this would incriminate him because he dedicated to WashedLaundry. Note though Ryker did put effort into pregame and KevinM before he "vanish" This is really a cherry pick here.

The distance point is a little more legitmate though, I agree on that one being kinda off.

#3 Timing doesn't matter til today on this honestly, D3 and D2 I don't see this.

#4 I agree here but this is why I want him to post more before we think about offing him.

#5 With all the roles present, I agree someone is lying among these using powers they do have to cook up a fake claim. Still I want Ryker to anti up more on #4, I'd rather if he lynch him or anyone in this group. It's because of #4, there reads and play.

Yes I was a **** about this, sorry Kantrip, but I want to set this up and get a plan going before we do this. If we do lynch Ryker, I want his reads to look back on at the very least.

I don't think he fits Blue mafia, but I do think he would fit the bill for Indy over anyone else, but in this case that would make lynching him wait til tomorrow me thinks.


First things first,

Furio why was it more important for you to not use your action each night?

TCat I want you to explain more about your D1 readlist and how they changed more.

Kantrip I want to talk to you about other reads than Ryker, aka Furio/TCat/Rid.

Ryker will post today.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Inferno targeted me N1 and was scum.

Anyone have any theories what Infernoscum would target me with? I'm thinking he could have been the roleblocker and chose me because I made a deal out of "my role isn't good anyways"
I don't wanna delve into this and I don't want people to waste time on it we know names and not role names so I'm not gonna sit and think about this one.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The way to prove if my self watch works is just to have someone target me without announcing that they're going to in thread. If I see them visit me and know who was on me it means my role was legit.

I think that's a waste, personally.

So wait you think mine and tcat's roles don't fit because we don't have an active? Uhhh.... Okay?

And yeah Ryker's role has not been proven at all. I think 1-shot redirector is more useless than permanent self-watcher (as a town role) but hey, to each their own. But wait, why are you worrying about usefulness of a role? We're hunting scum, not town's weakest link.
Nah I''d say it's more useful.

He turns one player into a bodyguard for another.

Where as Rid just flips people around.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Kantrip is so scummy it hurts.

The way to prove if my self watch works is just to have someone target me without announcing that they're going to in thread. If I see them visit me and know who was on me it means my role was legit.

I think that's a waste, personally.
Verifying your ability is a waste? You realize it would confirm the legitimacy of your role, right? It boggles my mind that you would try to change course on this issue and gives me all the more reason to want to see you get plowed.

So wait you think mine and tcat's roles don't fit because we don't have an active? Uhhh.... Okay?
Trying to make someone look stupid only works when you actually read and understand their argument.

And yeah Ryker's role has not been proven at all. I think 1-shot redirector is more useless than permanent self-watcher (as a town role) but hey, to each their own. But wait, why are you worrying about usefulness of a role? We're hunting scum, not town's weakest link.
Who says I'm not hunting scum? And speak for yourself, you haven't been doing anything all game.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Why doesn't he fit blue mafia? What about his play doesn't fit? That he was inactive? It wasn't intentional lurking. Ryker wouldn't do that on purpose as a strategy. Any inactivity by Ryker was unintentional, regardless of alignment.

I don't have good reads on the three you mentioned there. I have a scumread on Ryker and a townread on you and Rake. Everything else would go by PoE. Furio has confused me with their stances all game so they'd probably be the scummiest of those 3 nulls. Then tcat, who is basically a dead null. I still feel like my argument with ridic early in the game was TvT.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kantrip is so scummy it hurts.

Verifying your ability is a waste? You realize it would confirm the legitimacy of your role, right? It boggles my mind that you would try to change course on this issue and gives me all the more reason to want to see you get plowed.

Trying to make someone look stupid only works when you actually read and understand their argument.

Who says I'm not hunting scum? And speak for yourself, you haven't been doing anything all game.
Look at the abilities we have left. Not much. If you want to use one of them on me go for it, but it's on you when someone dies because we wasted our jailer/bus driver to verify a self watcher.

So what is your argument? You said mine and tcat's roles don't fit. Tell me why.

Your assertion that I haven't been doing anything all game is entirely false.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't see it as being a strong bus really outside of that one post where he kinda pushes away from Laundry.

Still I'm gonna wait and see what he posts.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
It's not a strong bus. As a 2-man team, you wouldn't want to strong bus D1. It was just distancing with no intent to get Laundry lynched (hence putting me and Kev above him)

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Look at the abilities we have left. Not much. If you want to use one of them on me go for it, but it's on you when someone dies because we wasted our jailer/bus driver to verify a self watcher.
It's as if you don't realize the position you're in. There is literally no debate that you've been OMGUS'ing and playing defensive without ever taking action this game. It's only now that the noose is near that you frantically pursue a lynch for Ryker. You're essentially null/scum, and you're trying to convince everyone here that you don't need your role verified? w-t-f?

So what is your argument? You said mine and tcat's roles don't fit. Tell me why.
I never said it doesn't fit. I said it's a HARD FIT. That means that while it could work, the puzzle piece is seemingly being forced in bit.

Your assertion that I haven't been doing anything all game is entirely false.
No, it really isn't.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
It's not a strong bus. As a 2-man team, you wouldn't want to strong bus D1. It was just distancing with no intent to get Laundry lynched (hence putting me and Kev above him)
What was the timing of his post there in reguardless to others with their current scum picks at the time?

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Furio why was it more important for you to not use your action each night?

We had no reason to use it. When Kevin claimed Miller, we began operating on the presumption that there was a Cop/Investigative in this game (except there have been no cop claims so far, and considering that we have a lot of the main characters alive right now, it's making me wonder if Kevin was lying.) We had no reason to try and block investigatives, and we also didn't feel that we would be targeted by night kills because Rake/S&C looked pretty good after a flip from WL/BSL. There was no point in risking blocking an investigative if it subsequently would have cleared our name, and with a low likelihood of being targeted by a NK, it was worth the risk.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Additionally, a lot of players had us at null going either way, so we seemed like a good pick. I know I would have investigated the Furio slot if I were in an Investigative's shoes.

On another note, we have no qualms with confirming our ability use if it's necessary.
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