EnigmaticCam said:
You know what? You're absolutely right. It is an ad hominem. But ad hominem or not, it still doesn't change the fact that it's true. You don't see ahteists refuting the entire bible, only the parts they don't like.
But honestly, I can refute everything you said, and you can reply back and refute everything I refuted, and we can keep going back and forth. In addition, since Crimson King is making it difficult for people to come into this board with password protection (which I totally agree with), and since I really have no interest to put forth that effort just to continue this discussion, I'm going to just leave everything as is. But first, I'd like to say one last thing:
When you lose someone you dearly love in the future, whether a spouse, parent, sibling, or friend, I would really doubt that you wouldn't at least wish there were a God, even if just for a few minutes, because as an atheist and evolutionist, you know you are never going to see that person again. And then it'd be interesting to try to rationalize as to why evolution would have even given you the ability to feel that kind of pain and loss in the first place, as it has nothing to do with survival of the fittest. I know this is an emotional argument, so don't take it as an argument, but it's just something to think about. This is where I think God is the most real.
I don't want to leave on a bad note though, so please at least understand why I believe in God. It's definitely not something that would hold in a logical debate, but whether or not God exists, at least I'll live a happy life with some amount of hope. Peace?
When I hear this, it sounds like your just surrendering, admitting defeat in a way that doesn't show it so you can keep your pride. But I usually see through these things mostly.
...And to say that its all true (creation) shows how closed minded YOU are. We show evidence, you ignore them. You show us your so-called evidence straight from the Bible which we have claimed (and have shown evidence at the beginning of this debate) that the Bible is majorly flawed and contradicts itself many times over and over again. Read the first few pages to see what has been discussed. And besides, the Bible isn't physical nor is it scientific evidence and much of its stories are too farfetched anyway to be taken as evidence. Those who think is evidence just seem...brainwashed by fantasy or just want to believe in fairytales much like children. To think about the bible being correct seems like a nice but it's just too imaginative to actually be true...plus, there's little or no evidence to back it up and tons of evidence to prove it wrong. We have provided some of the evidence though the evidence is apparently being ignored. To ignore evidence because it goes against in what you believe in is very, very closed minded and very ignorant. So you can't say that we are closed minded when Christianity has been very closed minded to science for centuries. Example: Heliocentric Universe VS Geocentric Universe. The Church had no way of backing up their claims that the Earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around the universe. The Bible was the Churchs' source...their only source. The scientists who refuted the churchs' claims was the studies of the Greek philociphors (spl) and the invention, the telescope. After over a couple of centuries of debating, the Church admits that they were wrong. This isn't the first time the Bible and the church have been proven wrong by scientist and science. I have never heard of it in reverse in a debate...at a trial yes but not at a debate.
Now I do believe in Gods but their not in control and they are just controlled by the laws of the Universe and nature just like all mortals although they can allude death for billions of years. I don't have a source like the Bible or any sort of anything but experience. No sources, no religion, nothing at all. I once had a dream where I see a man (with dove-like wings on his back, gold, long and spiked up hair on his head, a long tail completely covered with armour with a claw on the tip of the the tail (part of the armour), something resembling a black and red jewel in the shape of a "D", a black sleeveless shirt, grey pants and brown boots, no facial hair), standing on a hill surrounded by shadows that reveal themselves to be barbaric humans with shields and swords, ready to slice up this other man I discribed as detailed as I can. They all attack him at once but he is able to take all the humans out with little effort, using martial arts and powers (resembling Dragon Ball Z powers seemingly and I had this dream long before I knew about DBZ). One of the humans lands a hit with his sword but the sword just shatters when it strikes. With a flick of his tail, the angel smashs that human away along with many others. When the battle was over, the angel had their King in his grasp (along with the King's wife). He does hurt them...he only captures them and takes them away.
Now, I know what your saying, "its just a dream! And your talking about us being imaginative! You shouldn't be talking!" But I'm not the only person who has had this dream. I've spoken to a lot of people who have had this dream with the same exact details...and no, they don't know know each other...live in different areas, even different states, its based on no story, no influences, basically nothing, yet some people with no connection all dream it up separately but usually keep it a secret from others. rhidecule is the reason. The reason I got it out of some of them was they accidentally slipped it out and I dug it out of them basically. Well anyways, I've actually tried finding out more about this dream and as I did, more dreams began to form around the first dream. After almost a decade of pondering on this dream and learning more about it, the more I began to stray away from religion and go towards science (this dream supports the sciences I found out btw). I completely believe whats this dream by at first I thought it was just an interesting plot for a movie or anime tv show but then, something happened...I encountered some of the characters from the dream...I won't go into it. And the previous man in the first dream, I have found out that he's is God and he has no children, no wife either but had a half-brother who was identical to him who had a wife who was killed in the battle in the first dream and a daughter who was killed, painfully, by a demon completely by accident durring a rescue attempt. Want to more? PM me about it...its time to get back on topic. This isn't a place to discuss dreams and belief, this is a place to debate facts, to debate which is right...Creation or Evolution/the Big Bang.
Now, lets see...
EnigmaticCam said:
Wow. What a true and utter shame. Here I brought in some personal touches on why I believe in God, not why you should believe in God, but why I believe in him, and you couldn't even have the least bit of respect for that. That really brings things into perspective. You are a hypocrite. Plain and simple. You talk about how I'm insulting you with my 'ad hominem', yet you have the gaul to insult me with this....crap. Yes, you really had me fooled. This whole time I thought i was having an intelligent, respectful discussion with an intelligent, respectful person. Turns out this person was just a condescending showoff.
You believe in God? Good for you but this is a debate. Who cares as to why you believe in God. We only care about proving that creationist are wrong with the aid of science and our weapons are science, ecidence, facts & logic. As the opposing side, it is your job, your soul purpose in this debate is to prove that the Genesis that happens as the Bible states by using other sources then the Bible with physical, reliable evidence other than the Bible (due to the fact that the Bible isn't reliable), and it is your job to protect your argument as best you can. We want you to see the truth and accept the truth as you should and you want us to believe in what you believe is the truth. That's how debates work. Don't like it!? Tough! That's how a debate works ; that's how life works!
...Pathetic Earthlings!
Now back on topic...
B.T.W.: The brother of God, who lost his wife and lost his daughter...I have found out years ago that this poor soul is none-other-than me. That's right, Me!...but that was a a long, long time ago...