Master Fox
Smash Journeyman
Heh...shows how much you know. I didn't just say "hey, this consept of dark matter and dark matter is interesting, I think I'll make stuff up about it and use it in a debate". No, I read all the stuff I put up here, dating from the year 2001 to recently up to last week. Your comparing what I stated to your sources and books you have read that are 5 years old and older and you call them recent and your saying "its not in the sources I've read, this Master Fox must not understand anything and is just obviously BSing to me". The main thing your sorce lacks is 'what is making these galaxies have this accelerating behavior?'snex said:you clearly do not understand dark matter, dark energy, or any of the concepts behind the accelerating expanding universe.
dark matter has absolutely nothing to do with the expansion. dark matter was proposed to solve the spiral galaxy spinning arms problem. dark matter exists within galaxies.
dark energy was proposed to solve the accelerating expansion problem, but there is no "dark energy rim" at the "edge of the universe." there is no such thing as the "edge of the universe." dark energy is a fundamental part of spacetime itself, as shown by inflationary cosmology.
you should really stop pontificating on matters over which you have no knowledge whatsoever. read "the fabric of the cosmos" by brian greene.
I've been reading and reading before I typed up my last post...and most of these discoveries were made last week and earlier this year and guess what? Dark Matter has been added to the hypothises of the accelerating expansion of the universe as an antigravity that is pushing it outward.
Another source says that dark matter was never found within a galaxy except if the galaxy passes it. They found a Super Nova that was slowing down because it got close to a small bit of Dark Matter but its tragectory (spl?) and speed got the supernova passed the Dark Matter, which cause it to accelerate away from the Dark Matter (yes, they did say "Dark Matter"). Another article, a 2002 article, stated that they haven't found Dark Matter nearby but have found dark matter for beyond the galaxies.
The only thing I did think of was this:
And that's because the universe has a process of a life but all the matter was there forever. To say otherwise will bring up too many questions and all the scientific discoveries would have been for nothing, because it would bring the question, how did matter come into existance and the creationist will be saying that God created it. To make the claim that its impossible for the Universe to collapse on itself is just ignorant. No where in your own nor my sources say it was impossible, yours said it was just unlikely for now. I'd say your the one being an ignorant kid here, acting as though your sources are law...your closed minded.Master Fox said:1. The Big Bang occurs
2. The Expansion of the universe occurs because of big bang
3. Matter forms into bodies such as planets, stars, black holes, moons, astroids, comets, etc.
4. Smaller Bodies begin orbiting around larger bodies, forming systems and galaxies
5. Faster moving galaxies bang reach outer Dark Matter barrier
6. Galaxies on return collide with other Galaxies that haven't reached the Dark Matter barrier
7. last 2 galaxies collide, the gravity of the Black hole will be so emmense that the new galaxy will fall into the black hole.
8. Inner universal Dark Matter is pulled into the Black Hole and the outer dark matter pushes the body into the origin point
9. Big Bang occurs again when when 30% of the matter in Black hole are gravity based matter and 70% is Inner Dark Matter
10. steps 2 - 9 are forever repeated again in a never ending, never starting process.
There is no start point and no end point, the universe was never has existed forever
I challenged your source, which had many holes in it I might add, I found articles that filled in those holes so now I admit that it is possible for the Galaxies to be accelerating away, the fill being antigravity, which they said was Dark Energy, emiting from Dark Matter. I checked your source twice and they claimed they were didn't know the cause. The closest article said it was Dark Matter, and that Dark Matter is a key element in the Accelerating, though it also deccelerates them as well. How about you go check out my sources and do research on Dark Matter and the Expanding Universe on that very site.
And you have yet to comment on Galaxies Colliding and the Galaxy heading towards our own Galaxy.
And lets also get back on topic as Crimson King said!
...This researcher believes that the accelerating Expansion of the universe disproves the Big Bang Theory and has come up with another theory (scientific theory, not religious).
Also, I don't believe that Space Time are in the universe. I believe that universe is inside space-time...and technically, space is infinite and time is just a word and the universe ends with the outer most bits of matter.
Well I've done a lot of research on Albert Einstien and shockingly found out that he strongly believed in God and any scientific discover he found that disproves God's existance (or at least the Bible), he has discarded, save for one on which he accidentally released. Same goes for Isaac Newton, who withheld all his discoveries until one of his friends found them all in a big thick book and coaxed him to release it...which he eventually did obviously, though he said he believes the Bible over his own research. Wiki is only one source I have found this information...some of them being TV documentaries like the History Channel and Discovery Channel. I don't know if some of the internet sources still exist however. BTW, even the greatest of minds make mistakes.blazedaces said:Please stop insulting those you understand so little about. Albert Einstien made so many amazing discoveries in his time it's quite remarkable. Everything from the way space time exists to the principles of relativity to new states of matter was achieved by this man and I'm not even scratching the surface. If you understood the article Snex posted you would have seen that if anything what Albertien Einstien had proposed, "Dark Energy", which he considered his biggest blunder, may be in fact completely true. Before telescopes of the caliber of the Hubble were made there was no reason to believe the universe was expanding at all, so the scientific community assumed it wasn't. If it wasn't, then some force created by some existing energy had to be stopping the gravitational force from all mass to bring everything together. When it was discovered that galaxies are moving away from each other "dark energy" was shut down because there was no need for it to exist anymore. That is why Einstien called it his biggest blunder. Then when examples of acceleration of galaxies away from each other started to emerge dark energy came back to play.
As for the Dark Matter bit, this Idea of its use was theorized by someone else instead... for this situation anyway. The 2 groups that found about the expansion's acceleration came up for its use here.
I guess the both of you need to be updated because the both of you are claiming I'm disrespective scientific geniuses by saying all this but I'm actually repeating one was stated from 4 years ago to now. Infact, The Hubble is now equipped to track Dark Matter. etc. etc.Robert Roy Britt said:Theorists have known since the 1920s that the universe was expanding. They wondered if that expansion would go on forever, or if common gravity might eventually win out and pull everything back together in a sort of Big Crunch.
Then in 1998 two separate groups hunting faraway supernovae found several that were dimmer than they should have been, indicating that the universe is not just expanding, but accelerating.
The supernovae are of a particular variety, known as Type IA, that all shine with the same intrinsic brightness. Astronomers use them as "standard candles," their observed brightness revealing their distance. Light from the objects is analyzed to determine how much the waves have stretched, which bears an exact relationship to how much the universe has expanded since the light left its source -- the exploded star.
The 1998 finding of an accelerating universe was initially met with disbelief by its discoverers. Once digested -- in some cases only in the last couple of years by skeptics -- its profound implications for the composition and fate of the cosmos brought the term dark energy into common use.
Meanwhile, theorists had already figured out that an accelerating universe would necessarily be preceded by a period of deceleration, which would have followed an initial phase of rapid inflation associated with the Big Bang.
Here is why things must have slowed down:
"Early on the universe had lots of mass in a small volume," explains John Blakeslee of Johns Hopkins University. "The pull from gravity must have been enormous." As the universe expanded, gravity would have become less effective over the larger distances, and dark energy would have taken over.
One previously detected supernova, at about 10 billion light years away, supported this idea when reported in 2001, but the object proved difficult to study. The Hubble observations presented today also support the switch, said Blakeslee, lead author of a paper on the findings that will be published in the June Astrophysical Journal.
Had the universe always been accelerating, the supernova that's 8 billion light-years distant would have been dimmer, Blakeslee said in a telephone interview.
"It's not conclusive at all," Blakeslee said of his work. Another 20 or so very distant supernova are needed to make a strong case, he added.
Those 20, and then some, will not take long.
Hubble's new eyesight "should allow astronomers to discover roughly 10 times as many of these cosmic beacons as was possible with Hubble's previous main imaging camera," Blakeslee said.