I actually don't like to believe in any theory whether it be creationism, evolution, intelligent design or whatever because I do know, and no one can deny this except for maybe the dead, that none of the theories presented are accurate all the way. This is common sense because we obviously do not know everything in our universe and discoveries are being made every day but what I really dislike is how, if I may, a LOT of people will take a theory like the big bang theory or evolution or intelligent design or whatever and say that THAT is the truth and the answer and that there are so many people who will call themselves the "experts" on something and SIMPLY because of that, a vast lot of people will suddenly take what the "experts" have to say on something as truth without doing any research themselves or making any judgements for themselves.
This doesn't just apply to life theories but even politics, global warming, technology (like perhaps the Terminator might actually happen someday or I,Robot), etc etc...
Also what I dislike, gosh this is becoming some kind of rant, is how people, SO MANY people, will associate God or Allah or whatever with a Religion! GOD IS NOT PART OF A RELIGION God does not associate itself with a religion. Sure in the Bible or Koran or some holy document may show stories how God has helped certain peoples in the past or it seems God has supported only certain peoples, but really if you think about it, how can God be associated to ONLY Christianity (I'm only using this as an example) when GOD IS PRESENT IN JUDAISM OR ISLAM. How can people say God is only a thing in Catholism when God is obviously-gah you all get the point.
And this leads me back to the topic of intelligent design and evolution: Because of all these generalizations, stereotypes, and twisted judgements, people will complety shut out a conflicting and contradicting view when it is presented to them.
Just recently I was asking some friends of mine if both evolution AND intelligent design should be taught about in public and/or private and/or religious schools. If both the big bang and creationism should be taught. Now, anyone could say that intelligent design AND creationism are religious related and thus that's why they shouldn't be taught. IS that really a good reason? Should we really only introduce one side of the arguement to everyone. Being open minded to every theory, even if it is religious, should be taught so that everyone can know how to argue accordingly to both sides. It's like standing in someone else's point of view. I know some very good homeless people who used to have good jobs and make good livings and then a single disaster made them homeless and poor. Now, to someone who doesn't know them, typically, will judge a homeless and/or poor person as dangerous and perhaps a theif. I am aware that recently, or maybe it's just where I live, that there are people dressing up as hobos and going around for free money and food. But regardless, people should face other people with open minds.
You can't just say creationism is the answer and totally deny the big bang or evolution when there is evidence that is contradicting to creationism and stuff. I am so amazed at the closed mindedness of people ONLY because a theory may be related to something they don't like or believe in. Now I know that it is very unlikely creationism is the answer and I myself don't lean towards that view but again, no one knows the real answer.
In terms of what makes more sense, evolution or intelligent design, I don't know because I KNOW and everyone SHOULD KNOW that BOTH have LOOPHOLES and DEAD ENDS where we, the people, just cannot explain something.
For example, if we all, from the beginning, started and evolved from one single thing and that just somehow sprouted to many other organisms, why didn't we get wings? Why did birds get wings but we didn't? Or why did fish get gills instead of evolving to get legs or something? If we all started out from the same thing why is everything so different. I know location has to do a lot with how things adapt but seriously. And also for intelligent design, no one really knows if there is some supreme designer, some architect that has just created all that we see.
1500 years ago, everybody "knew" that the earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody "knew" that the earth was flat. Just imagine what you will "know" tomorrow. We just come up with a theory and just say it's true and whoever doesn't believe in it is totally wrong. I know this is a big generalization in itself but there are many people who are part of this generalization.
We don't know if our world was created maybe 2 minutes ago. It's possible! Everything could just be planted instantly and we could just be where we are just instantly. You can't prove it wrong but you can't prove it right, right? The end of the world could have been 7 minutes ago, but wait! Wasn't the world created 2 minutes ago? Well WE DON'T KNOW AND WE NEVER WILL.
And now, I am getting to the point where I will just blatantly repeat stuff. So just to summarize:
1) I don't believe that any theory is really true because we will never really know until, perhaps, we are dead. Even then we may not know.
2) We shouldn't allow stereotypes, generalizations, and twisted judgements, and hate or love for something to keep a closed mind on things. KEEP AN OPEN MIND.
3) We shouldn't associate God with a single religion because how can we when he is in so many religions!
4) When I say theory, for the most part, I am using it in terms of a general theory, something unproven, not a scientific theory, something that has been researched and proven...like the cell theory.
I would also like to say a lot of people have very interesting opinions *is reading through all the responses