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Global Gaming Tournament - Birmingham 29th November

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Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2007
Btw is it possible for another tournament in Birmingham? From what I have heard it seems that hosting a tournament there before Eds would be ideal.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
I spoke a bit with the owner. He's very happy to host more and may consider investing some money if we can do regular tournaments there. What do people think?


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Brum is an ideal location to be honest. Just housing issues tho? or did 5am work out for all? would lack of housing prevent a, as lagrge as u can, turnout? (wouldnt affect me ive got family there ^_^)

Phil - you up for pipin round for some smash anytime soon?


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
staying up worked out ok for most people. Its tiring but everyone got on fine and went home on time.


Smash Cadet
Nov 22, 2008
Banter Banter, just for the Banter
I wouldnt have complained had I brought a deck of cards and some chips tbh, just didnt want to see that stupid smash game again lol!

I had loads of banter at this tournament, primarily for the banter and so much so that shoutouts might be a waste of time lol too much to do, and if I do them I'll probably end up saying the same thing over and over, not sure what that thing would be(if someone wants to help me out please do lol have a short memory) but it wouldnt make for great reading!

So I'll just say the essentials- Ant great job having the banter, you managed to host a tournament and have loads of banter at the same time you did well and the funny thing is it was all for the banter.
To all the new players like Jet(sorry you had to play my Pichu lolololololol but you have to admit he had some banter!?), Pops, Yeniths, Hao, Mac D, Blinky, that Peach player I played(Clockmire?!) keep it up, this game has loads of banter honestly you just have to hope Im not at an event giving people bad beats is all!

To the Londoners you all have f*cking loads and loads of banter, you came bringing your finest in vintage banter and it resulted in some huge banter!

To Joe and Will- my most humble apologies for going to your dorms and gutting you both and all your friends but you have to understand it was all for the banter!

To Phil- F*ck you! You're a knob but check your PM box just for the banter.

This is Zeppo btw, lololololololololololololol


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
aye, if you show up fresh and clear, housing isnt an issue, by the time your tired the tourneys pretty much finished. That said i wasnt happy with brackets being held off for soooo bloody long. I know i was starting to pipe down by the time it came to my first match.

If we had another at that location (and i think we blates should), i think a much shorter break between pools and brackets is the best option. Maybe run pools before the doubles finals then finish of the doubles, have a lunch break and start brackets.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2007
Fuzzyness: Didn't get to play you much, the only time you was able to play me was when you had that broken controller lol. I hope you can teach me some more stuff next time.

VA: We had some good games lol, but can you play properly next time?

Blinky: NTSC was too much fun.

Zeppo: You have too much banter.

J03: It was fun playing against your Fox. I'm gonna train to beat you and not SD off the edge next time lol.

Aiko: I loved your triple paper combo - bang bang bang! 4 Ganondorfs on Yoshi's Story was too much fun - "I'm blue Ganon lol". It's funny how you kept switching to new characters and beating me, but when I played you again, I learnt your style and I was able to beat you. Next time I'm gonna practise Sheik dittos, as I don't know how to play against Sheiks :/.

Swizzy: I only got to play you once. Our doubles games had too much banter when you b-aired me off the stage by accident lol.

TC: You love my powershielding don't you?

Prof: Great games lol. I'm gonna learn how to gimp and hopefully gimp you next time we play. Didn't you end up spending like 10 pound at KFC lol? You could've bought food from Nando's for cheaper :).

Yeniths: You and your stupid u-air with Fox lol. I hate getting hit by that :/. Marth and DK dittos had too much banter.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
Blinky - Cheers man... You gave me my favourite kill of ALL TIME! before GO had disappeared. Still makes me lol remembering that one.

RoyBoy08 - Ha, I made you change from Roy! I'm working on the dittos seeing as everyone good seemed to want one. Loved watching your finals game vs Fuzz... Moonwalk to knee was too sexy.

Hao - Yeah Cookie MM was quality. You got your revenge for the 3-0 beating in crews though. Very close games, enjoyed them a lot.

TailsChao - Dont think I really got to play you, next time man

J03 - All falcon? Looking forward to it man, then I can put you out as revenge for you putting me out this time. Seriously though looking forward to playing you again, interesting games.

Fuzzyness - One day soon I'll ganon ditto you for best ganon in the UK :)

VA - Always a pleasure... cheers for hyping me up, seems like i lived up to it judging from the shout outs. Xmas + New years gonna be awesome.

Aiko - Cheers for the organising. loving your falco, his combos are ****.

Hugo - Nice tech skill, just get some more practice against good players and youll improve majorly quickly.

Frostbyte - Enjoyed the games. You seemed like good banter

P.Pro - You also seem like good banter. I want a few more games next time.

Jet - Our games were seriously close, good fun. Disciple wars will have to wait for next time though. Gutted about the doubles, I made some ****ty mistakes but we teamed pretty well (1 game off VA & Z)

Anyone I havent named, maybe next time you'll get to feel the Swizzy fist :p


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
yeah, i think we should deffo do this again in january, which gives us plenty of time to save up for Edster 2. How about Late january? How does that tie in with school/college/uni for everyone?


Charles - Congratz on winning again. Proving you're definitely better than anyone else in the UK. Nice mg's on 8 rocks in a row >.>

Zeppo - For the Ban'er. Nice job on completely screwing over half of the losers brackets.

Frosty - Nice to see you again. I apologise for the massive johns but I was absolutely knackered and didn't want to play smash during our friendlies. Next time i'll play you first so i'm nice and fresh :)

Chrisboi - You have so much banter! Try calming down a little bit. Its cool to be yappy like you are but I don't think you can hold a real conversation with anyone >.> Fish eat tip.

Prof - Love you man =D Nice friendlies. Don't get screwed by chrisboi >.>

VA - Love you too. Really enjoyed our games. I can really tell your fox is americanised.

Aiko - You are the Rock Paper Scissors King!

JO3 - More love for you. Thanks for teaming with me and being a cool buddy :)

Jet - Nice games. Bowser free for alll on flatzone!!! Nice sheik. I think you need to work out how to handle people quicker because you spend 2 games learning everything about them and then destroying them, but you only get 2 games in tournament >.>

LJ and Mac D - Guys, you were awesome, especially for being complete newcomers to the scene. Its really rare that people play outside of the community and get to your standard. Please get involved more because you guys have loads of potential. I will look for people in or near bristol!

Swizzy - Awesome. Loved your ganon, definitely gave me a good run for the money.

Blinky - Well done on getting out of pools :) Definitely have a lot of potential. Lets make sure you beat swizzy and jet next time =D

Clockmire - Nice to meet you. Pretty decent, just gotta get more experience.

HaoTwo - Nice to see you again Hao, definitely a massive improvement since last time. Your fox is pretty technical, really surprised me. Play jet more and get even better :)

Yeniths - Good Job getting out of pools. Hope you get more practice :)

Pops - Really technical fox. You just gotta get more experience. Well done on taking out frosty in crews XD

Tails Chao - Don't see why you didn't get out of pools >.> You're marth wasn't all that bad. Better luck next time.

Hugo - Nice 2 vs 1 mm with you and clock. ***** me >.>

Zeki - Nice to see you again :) Don't get disheartened, you're definitely improving.

don't think i've missed anyone, but if I have i apologise. remind me and i will give you a shout.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
In regards to Uni the second semester doesnt start till the last week of jan. Before that it depends on how many exams or assignments people ahve in during the first three weeks. Also, uni students get there loans so potentially its a decent time (altho touch and go aswell). Im not sure its great for those at school, alot may have exams end of jan.

When is SvB meant to be anyway? i heard its potentially jan or feb. If so that should go ahead over another repeat in Brum just because of the potential of showing melee of and maybe getting some more interest?? maybe charles should find info out for us lol


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2008
I'm really busy wit uni work in Jan, but I can easily make anything in Feb. 7th Feb suits me, anyone else?


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Well i can't do 14th of feb i can tell you that now. I'm sure quite a few other ppl will also be unavailable that day too.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Prof: Great games lol. I'm gonna learn how to gimp and hopefully gimp you next time we play. Didn't you end up spending like 10 pound at KFC lol? You could've bought food from Nando's for cheaper :).
I spent like £6 something for two meals lol. You cant get that in Nandos, all of the main fast food restuarants are cheaper then Nandos.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Me and Fuzz spent like £16 and got 1/2 a chicken each and a huge plate of chips, I think that's about as good as a £4-5 KFC meal..


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
14th of feb lol i cant, shows some peoples social lives lol. When is SvB i think that needs to be sorted.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
if its commentating for SvB hell no. Your both two similar. You need a colour commentator in there (Me, joe etc LOL) think non mash games. Theres always the one that knows the technical stuff and the loud one. We dont wanna bore the rest of SvB crowd ^^


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
Look at everyone having the banter for the banter.

I agree with the commentary stuff lol, put one colour and one technical but still it could be mixed about a little(like they do in Nor-cal vids which have LOADS of banter).
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