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Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Wohoo! Let's hope this thread stays open (and Pluvia, way to plagiarize off of me, man).
Oh sorry Jammer. I only wanted to re-open the old thread, that's why I posted your rules from it, and quoted them. Didn't mean to offend.

And Zook, I think it's great that you actually took the chance, rather than doing nothing and regretting it later.

And for Online Dating? I don't see why not. It'll be the norm in about a decade, and it can't be more weird than speed dating, or putting an ad in a newspaper.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Well, there ya go! Go get er' email adress, you can talk to her that way!

And no problem ^^
I'll definately do that!

@Zook: I assume you know you gave a link to your poems...I read a couple...you have it bad, dontcha, dude? I feel for ya, mah brudda! I've only written poems for one girl, and they were "did I do something wrong?" poems about a friend of mine...but still, I know how brutal love can be...

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
ALRIGHT! Debater gear activated. Long wall of text commencing.

Online Dating: I guess you couldn't say I was a supporter of it but I'm definitely not against it and I don't view it as a bad idea or immoral or anything. Basically, given you know the person well enough then you could be in love. Love isn't something that can be defined, it simply happens. And when it happens it might be true regardless of how that love came to be. I know a lot of people on here because I've browsed this site for more than a year and someone like common is a person I trust simply because I've known him for that long without meeting him face to face.

I've known him long enough to deduce that he is far from being a serial killer. Unless you're a d*** good actor, it's going to be nearly impossible to hide ALL of your information from someone for so long especially if a bond builds between you two. When I first met common I probably wouldn't have thought much of him but now I would be willing to exchange information with him (not that I'm gay, I'm just using an example; most of you know that me and common are allies).

So yeah, I do believe you should take all the neccessary steps towards securing yourself before senselessly going out with someone online. E-Harmony? Are you freaking serious? THAT is stupid. Sure, sometimes they get it right and people fall in love but that place just screams pedophile and rapist city. You might as well walk up to someone in a back alley and ask them out in real life to save you the trouble of typing.

Maybe on a forum like this or whatever where you can get to know people on here just like real life (you have to meet people first) then yeah. Give it a few good months and you should be able to deduce whether or not someone is alright. Then the information commences. Then the meeting commences. Who knows? You could fall in love. Real life hardly raises your chances anymore. Probably by a slim margin but hey, given the conditions they aren't really too much higher. Online dating is becoming more popular it seems. It opens up doors that weren't previously available to you and gives you a bigger play ground to help you find the "one".

Zook: You have my respect. Me and you normally joke around with each other but I'll be serious with you for once and I'll tell you that what you did makes me proud to call you another ally of mine. You had the guts to tell her how you felt instead of keeping it inside. Sure, you did it in an e-mail but that hardly changes anything. You admitted your love to this girl and that's the point of all of it. If someone was in love with me and sent me an e-mail then I wouldn't be like, "Oh, if he told me in real life then I would have fallen in love back but he did it in an e-mail! Never going to happen!" That's just ********.

Plus, you can get more said in an e-mail without her interrupting you and asking you questions. It's essentially the same as a love letter and I've seen those work before. I would take the previous advice mentioned above and keep trying. Maybe tell her in real life so she can confirm that that e-mail is legit. She may be waiting for you to say something so just gather up your balls and do it. What do you have to lose? I doubt your friendship will be hurt over this. Trust me. I've done this sort of thing before.

But still, I would expect the worst just to lighten the impact in case the worst does happen. I'm not saying you shouldn't have faith but it's never too safe to have TOO much faith. That's how you end up becoming severely depressed and suicidal. But I'm sure it'll all turn out fine in the end, young Zook. I believe in you.

Soren: I'm sorry but I don't care how polite you are, placing such a wide label on football players in general is a bit inconsiderate. Maybe you live in a generic school like the kinds they show on t.v. but at my school, not all football players are a**holes, not all cheerleaders are b****es, and not all nerds are innocent. I was never a fan of putting labels on any particular group because of what you've seen by a few people. But I will tell you something positive.

There is ALWAYS someone for somebody. You just haven't found that person yet. Hell, I thought I would never find the "one" and I think I have. Unfortunately, I can't be with her but the point is, I did find her and that in and of itself is something that gives me hope for the future. I believe you will find somebody. Don't bother searching for that person. It just sort of happens.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Oh sorry Jammer. I only wanted to re-open the old thread, that's why I posted your rules from it, and quoted them. Didn't mean to offend.
Aww... I can't stay mad at you, Pluvia (actually, I never was in the first place). You're forgiven. Now make me a sandwich or I'll sue.

Zook: I just read your poems, and... wow.

I guess most people have felt similarly to you, but very few can put those feelings in writing.

I've definitely felt like you before, but I wanted to keep it a secret, and not tell the whole world.

P.S.: I liked your refrigerator haiku.

P.P.S.: Refrigerator is spelled "refrigerator", not "refridgerator".

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
Aww... I can't stay mad at you, Pluvia (actually, I never was in the first place). You're forgiven.

And I'm not to good with poetry. When I told Vikki, I just kinda blurted it out without thinking, rather than being all poetic like Zook. But if I had the choice, I would have done it his way. :laugh:

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Hmm, yeah. She doesn't seem to dislike me, but... She hasn't really treated me any different. I was atleast expecting her to be creeped out by me. But no, nothing changed.

Anyways, tell me what you think of my e-mail. Too mushy?

All right, there’s something I need to tell you, even though you probably already know, and that this will sound lame coming over the internet.

Well, when we first met, I didn’t care much for you. You were just one of Gagnon’s friends, and I didn’t consider you to be one of my own. Yeah, I was pretty indifferent. But, eventually, you entered my inner-friend circle, up there with John and Tuttle. I even consider you to be one of my best friends. Yet overtime… I did start to feel different towards you. I began to notice how beautiful you were, how much I enjoyed your company, how great I felt when you smiled at me.

You’re all I’ve been able to think about since last January. I’ve been constantly preoccupied with you during school, at home, in bed awake at night. I’ve tried getting over you, try to find someone else, but I can’t.

I have even written poetry about you. If you’d like, you can read most of them here: http://www.your-poetry.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Dimes. Some of them are halfway decent, some pathetic, and others downright cheesy, but… whatever.

And, I’ve always been jealous when you talked to some other guy and not me. At one time or another, I’ve hated Markus, Joe, Steve (Ugh, the only reason he hung out with us in the morning was so he could flirt with you), and several others. It wasn’t so much the fact that I felt you were ignoring me that made me hate them as much as it was that I knew they all were better than me. Markus (It is with a ’k,’ right?) and Joe were more your age and knew you better than I, whilst Steve was funnier and more socially adept. And what do I have? I know very well that I’m not very attractive, funny or cool, and I’m 2 years younger than you. So I convinced myself that you would never like me.

…I was going to ask you to homecoming this year, but I didn’t. Same goes for every other dance that went on from now to last year. And why? Well… I didn’t want to put our friendship in jeopardy. I’ve always treasured our friendship dearly, and the last think I wanted was to throw it all away by trying to romance you. (Not to mention that mornings and rides home would be incredibly awkward…)

Kristina… If you skipped most of the above, at least read this: I just want to continue being friends with you. And I’d like it if you don’t go around telling everybody about this. I could just be our secret… Although, I guess I have no control over you.

… I think I’m in love with you, Kristina…
the NUMBER ONE RULE: you NEVER tell a girl you like her, unless shes some radical conservative. go read The Game by Neil Strauss. or download Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo. theyre both amazing members of the seduction community. i'll help you some more later. once you read the books and apply the skills and she STILL doesnt want to bang you, then move on. its better to start a new relationship then to try and mend a fractured one.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
I've never won a girl over by poeticism.

Sure, I've written sappy love poems for Valentine's Day, but those were mostly tongue-in-cheek affairs that both the girl and I knew were just a traditional formality that must be observed before the commencement of a sweet Valentine's Day partnership.

Sometimes I get cheesy and lovey-dovey with girls, but it's only when I'm either already their official boyfriend, or we both had our eyes on each other. I've never used it on a girl who doesn't like me back.

I guess I'm too scared. That's why I'm still so impressed with Zook for going all out.

i'll help you some more later. once you read the books and apply the skills and she STILL doesnt want to bang you, then move on. its better to start a new relationship then to try and mend a fractured one.
I don't think the point of Zook going after this girl is to get banged. It's because he actually loves her. He's not trying to seduce her--he's trying to get close to her emotionally and physically, not sexually.

Well, I'm sure in his day-dreaming, the two of them have passionate kisses, but that's not the point.

Those relationship books are for adults in the dating scene. It's a totally different story in high school. Zook, you're in high school, right?

I don't completely disagree with you, Black Waltz. I'm sure you know just how to seduce a woman. But I'm not sure if that's what Zook needs.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
I disagree with Black Waltz.

Even some people here have said they've regretted not asking someone out, or telling them they like them.

Why like someone, and not tell them, only to regret it later when you think about what could have happened if you'd told them?


Smash Rookie
Jun 6, 2007
Soren: I'm sorry but I don't care how polite you are, placing such a wide label on football players in general is a bit inconsiderate. Maybe you live in a generic school like the kinds they show on t.v. but at my school, not all football players are a**holes, not all cheerleaders are b****es, and not all nerds are innocent. I was never a fan of putting labels on any particular group because of what you've seen by a few people. But I will tell you something positive.

There is ALWAYS someone for somebody. You just haven't found that person yet. Hell, I thought I would never find the "one" and I think I have. Unfortunately, I can't be with her but the point is, I did find her and that in and of itself is something that gives me hope for the future. I believe you will find somebody. Don't bother searching for that person. It just sort of happens.
Well, the ones here are pretty much like the kinds you see on television. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if one spat in my face one day.:evil: *sigh* And I wasn't saying that all of them where if that's what it sounded like. I tend to say the wrong things from time to time, sorry. I'm pretty much an idiot like that -_o

Heh, everyone around here knows me, as well as everyone at school. I'm picked on nearly everyday at school, and I don't have a lot of friends. I'm a nice person, I really am, it's just that people look at me and then judge me. Heh, btw, I'm not really fat, I'm just mildly squishy >.< Why do people treat me like crap? Well, probably due to my odd behavior in the past. Oh well. New people that come into the school actually think I'm a cool person, but then others just judge me again. meh, whatever. :p

Anyway, we're getting off topic, aren't we? I think I'll just shut up now....

Edit: @Blackwalts: OKAY, WTF?!?!? No, just...just no. If you expect to get a girl and have a serious relationship, that's not the way to do it. That's the way to get STD's and many hearts broken >>;;;

Also, if she doesn't know how he feels, that could lead to many problems. One, she could fall in love with someone else, and he would be hurt, and second, she could move away and then he never tell her how he feels, still being hurt. Pah.
No...No offence....but...but I think you need a lesson in girls ._.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
I doubt poetry was Zook's high point of the conversation. He basically disregarded them in his letter to her and showed that those poems weren't an attempt at winning her over. They were merely his thoughts of her eternalized in artistry. Kind of like, emptying your thoughts or whatever.

He was mainly stressing how much he loved her and I can't help but be proud of him for doing so.

@Soren: You shouldn't put yourself down like that. If people talk (and they will talk) then let them. But the second you start putting yourself down you just gave them control over you. Never think lesser of yourself. True beuty comes from within (and I don't care if that's cheesy because it's also true). I was never one to judge someone based on their looks alone. But no matter what the situation, NEVER put yourself down.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
once you read the books and apply the skills and she STILL doesnt want to bang you, then move on. its better to start a new relationship then to try and mend a fractured one.

Why the hell should he move on if she doesn't want to bang him? Maybe she wants to wait till she is getting married or something. You don't have to have sex in every relationship.

Btw, Zook you're my hero and I am proud of you, man.:p


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Wow, guys... I'm pretty close to tears right now. I'm glad I came back to the boards.

PS: Kenny, you're the best. Have a cookie.

PPS: Black Waltz, I'm a ****ing 15-year-old.


Smash Rookie
Jun 6, 2007
@Soren: You shouldn't put yourself down like that. If people talk (and they will talk) then let them. But the second you start putting yourself down you just gave them control over you. Never think lesser of yourself. True beuty comes from within (and I don't care if that's cheesy because it's also true). I was never one to judge someone based on their looks alone. But no matter what the situation, NEVER put yourself down.
Everyone tells me that, it's a habit I guess. I always find flaws in myself. I dunno what my problem is. And nah, that doesn't sound cheesy. ^^ And during school I don't put myself down to much......I'm...very shy, I don't talk at all, which gets me wondering why people make fun of me if I say nothing -_- We're sixteen year olds people, grow up! Seriously! D:

Er, I really do need to stop though. My other online friends keep telling me not to. I'm a bit better about it now than I was, but I still need to stop.....Just doing so....Not going too great for me XPP

@Zook: Well, you're pretty much the center of attention right now hun ;P From what I've heard, your a sweet and nice guy. I think a girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend quite honestly. Don't worry, you'll find someone. ^^


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
this ****ing girl that calls herself my girlfriend shows absoluty no affection what so ever.


and i know that shes crazy about me

it gets old always making the first move every single time


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
^Kinda like what I've been though...my last girlfriend dumped me because I was too "clingy"...thankfully, we're still close friends...just don't be clingy, and you're fine...she'll come around...


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Yep, I'd say I totally agree with Cinder. If she's not being affectionate with you, when you're trying, either she's angry, or she just feels too physically close to you.

It sounds like she's isn't angry with you, so you might just try stop being so close all the time.

It's weird: I'm usually the one who thinks the girl is being too "affectionate" with me.

But MASAHIROX, talk to her about it. Don't just wonder why it's happening: figure it out. Maybe she doesn't even notice that's you're always the one making the moves.

Deleted member

this ****ing girl that calls herself my girlfriend shows absoluty no affection what so ever.


and i know that shes crazy about me

it gets old always making the first move every single time
eh, dump her.. if it's getting old, it's a bad sign and you shouldn't waste your time

plus it's a win win, if you attempt to dump her and she begs you back, she's gonna know what's up and you'll have officially pimp smacked her back in line


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
this ****ing girl that calls herself my girlfriend shows absoluty no affection what so ever.


and i know that shes crazy about me

it gets old always making the first move every single time
Wow, I have a friend who had the same exact relationship. His girl friend appeared as a very shy person who would rarely say a word, even to her own boyfriend. My friend got frustrated over the fact he had to always start every single conversation since she wouldn't say anything. He eventually decided that he should eventually dump her, but soon after that thought arised, she dumped him a couple of days later.

He never took the time to actually talk to her about it, rather, left it out there and deal with it until he could no longer. I think you should talk to this girl and see wth is going on if you want to stay in this relationship instead of biding time (like my friend).


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
eh, dump her.. if it's getting old, it's a bad sign and you shouldn't waste your time

plus it's a win win, if you attempt to dump her and she begs you back, she's gonna know what's up and you'll have officially pimp smacked her back in line
>_>...yeeeaaahh...that's fool-proof...

Just talk to the girl...find out why she's acting that way...if she's really crazy about you, she'll listen...don't make the mistakes I have...you gotta talk to her...if she realizes that you noticed and that you care, she'll come around...

Deleted member

>_>...yeeeaaahh...that's fool-proof...

Just talk to the girl...find out why she's acting that way...if she's really crazy about you, she'll listen...don't make the mistakes I have...you gotta talk to her...if she realizes that you noticed and that you care, she'll come around...
I really hate having to explain but here

The impression I got from his post was that she's really into him, but he's pissed that she's not doing anything. When it's only 1 way, it's boring, so if you're bored in a relationship, something's wrong.

I'm going to assume that Masahiro isn't too old, younger than 20 maybe? Doesn't matter. Say the relationship isn't that old, it doesn't seem like it is. Point is, you shouldn't be dwelling on relationships going nowhere when you're young..you have your whole life to do that.

His post was clear though, he's not really into the relationship. Am I right Masahiro?

Marth, Marth, Marth

wow...sum heated debate doing on right here....
might as well throw in my two cents.

I really like what BlackWaltz said, but my opinion differs a little. Obivously there is a dispution about whether or not it is ok to want sex out of a relationship? Regardless, BlackWaltz has the right idea. Although DYD and The Game take place in an adult world where everyone wants to do it, it is very similar to high school (trust me, I'm in high school and I use these skills almost every day). Although the desired outcomes are completely different, the path to get there is the same.

Anyway heres my view on things. I'm sure the girl you love is intelligent, fun, good looking, charismatic, and an over all fun person to be around. Let me just give you a quick lesson in girls. These ones are by far the HARDEST girls to get.

Why is that?

Because EVERYONE wants a girl like that so there is obviously going to be a lot of competition for them.

Now, what do you think this girl wants?

She wants someone that is going to be manly. Thats basically all it comes down to. Women want CONFIDENT men. I totally disagree with everyone saying, "You should tell her how you feel," because you basically accomplish nothing. In fact, your being counter productive because you want reciprication (in other words her to say "I love you too.") Instead, you should "lead" her. She absolutly wants you to "lead" her. IM NOT TALKING ABOUT **** THO.
Eaxmples of leading:

"Lets go over to my house for dinner."

"Im going to kiss you."

"Im going to an exibit at xyz museum on friday and i want you to come."

No one, I dont care if your the most conservative lesbian on the planet, can disagree with this statment.

"A Woman's greatest dream is to be swept off her feet."

There is no way your going to be able to sweep a woman off her feet if you sit there and sheepishly say, "i uh....like you" and certainly not if you dont lead.

I think a misconception alot of you have is that girls are 100% good and the acquiring of a girlfriend will somehow make your life better. Girls want to look to you to lead and if you cannot lead they are immediatly going to feel unattracted to you.

I'd like to move onto my next point. Can anyone really say they dont have sexually fantasies with girl they like? Human beings are sexual creatures and its totally ok to admit sexual feelings.

and thats basically it...

however i would like to take a look at one post from Soren:

Edit: @Blackwalts: OKAY, WTF?!?!? No, just...just no. If you expect to get a girl and have a serious relationship, that's not the way to do it. That's the way to get STD's and many hearts broken >>;;;

My comment:
the whole thing about STDs is only used as a tool to scare people into thinking sex is bad. The risk for STD is very very low if u use protection.

Not nessiarly sex, but physical touch (kissing, hugging, caressing, etc) is really the only way a relationship can last. No sexual pleasure=failing realtionship.

Also, if she doesn't know how he feels, that could lead to many problems. One, she could fall in love with someone else, and he would be hurt,

My comment:
I'm not really sure what your getting at here, but i think your saying that if a guy likes a girl, then she cant like someone else becuase it will hurt him?? not sure

and second, she could move away and then he never tell her how he feels, still being hurt. Pah.
No...No offence....but...but I think you need a lesson in girls ._.

My comment:
She obviously isnt going anywhere...

*men figurativly


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Okay, thank you Marth, Marth, Marth.

I just want to warn people that debating about what he just said is what got the last thread called Girls/Guys/Relationships closed.

Please, please don't get into a heated argument over this, people. Thanks.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
see the thing is, this is the first relationship i've been in for a while.

Im so ****ing used to the single life and i loved it. Its great to pick and choose who you talk to and when. No constraints, no guilt. Very few of my friends could say the same and i watched them limp through their ****ed up relationships. i dont want that. i want something special and fun.

i just thought i would try this out because i liked her and she was deff sweating me.

but this is just a ****ing chore. i mean i still like her i guess. i would still get jealous if i saw her with another man. but this is just boring. shes either shy or perud or both (even though she says shes not a virgin). Theres no excitement. and i deff don't get that amazing feeling of butterflies and helium combo in your stomach that you get when you see someone that you really care about. Maybe she was just too easy. i have no ****ing clue.

maybe im just horny for all i kno.

oh yea DELORT - im 19 and its been 2 months...

another weird thing: two girls that ive been trying to get a hold of for months walked into my work the day after i became official...and they asked for MY number...weird...

i don't cheat and don't want to start. every close friend of mine has and nothing but pain has been a result.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
^Sooo...Blackwaltz was right O_o...

My advice...if you enjoy her company, stay with her, and talk it out...but if you're not happy, don't stay with her...if you're not getting that "butterfly/helium combo", she's not the one...but at your age, it's not about finding your soulmate...it's about finding someone who you enjoy being around, and spending time with until you do find your soulmate...all I can really say is do what you feel would make you happy...that's all anyone can do...best of luck, my friend;)

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
I've never won a girl over by poeticism.

Sure, I've written sappy love poems for Valentine's Day, but those were mostly tongue-in-cheek affairs that both the girl and I knew were just a traditional formality that must be observed before the commencement of a sweet Valentine's Day partnership.

Sometimes I get cheesy and lovey-dovey with girls, but it's only when I'm either already their official boyfriend, or we both had our eyes on each other. I've never used it on a girl who doesn't like me back.

I guess I'm too scared. That's why I'm still so impressed with Zook for going all out.


I don't think the point of Zook going after this girl is to get banged. It's because he actually loves her. He's not trying to seduce her--he's trying to get close to her emotionally and physically, not sexually.

Well, I'm sure in his day-dreaming, the two of them have passionate kisses, but that's not the point.

Those relationship books are for adults in the dating scene. It's a totally different story in high school. Zook, you're in high school, right?

I don't completely disagree with you, Black Waltz. I'm sure you know just how to seduce a woman. But I'm not sure if that's what Zook needs.
thanks for respecting my ideals jammer. :)

I disagree with Black Waltz.

Even some people here have said they've regretted not asking someone out, or telling them they like them.

Why like someone, and not tell them, only to regret it later when you think about what could have happened if you'd told them?
well, ive been in this situation before last year. i confessed to girl that i liked her and our friendship pretty much fell apart after that. since around february, i read DYD and used C&F on her all summer. i asked her out, but she keeps giving me excuses. soon after, my friend introduced me to the mystery method. however, she acts fairly indifferent to me so i started using another technique called active disinterest; you basically ignore her until she realizes she wants you and initiates conversation on her own. it worked for a while, but then a kiss-*** guy who smothers her with active love and mushiness started going out with her. despite my hard work in seducting her, i still failed. why? because i descredited myself by telling her that i had feelings for her. confessing feelings may work on some girls, but on HB 7+ it wont work at all.

Well, the ones here are pretty much like the kinds you see on television. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if one spat in my face one day.:evil: *sigh* And I wasn't saying that all of them where if that's what it sounded like. I tend to say the wrong things from time to time, sorry. I'm pretty much an idiot like that -_o

Heh, everyone around here knows me, as well as everyone at school. I'm picked on nearly everyday at school, and I don't have a lot of friends. I'm a nice person, I really am, it's just that people look at me and then judge me. Heh, btw, I'm not really fat, I'm just mildly squishy >.< Why do people treat me like crap? Well, probably due to my odd behavior in the past. Oh well. New people that come into the school actually think I'm a cool person, but then others just judge me again. meh, whatever. :p

Anyway, we're getting off topic, aren't we? I think I'll just shut up now....

Edit: @Blackwalts: OKAY, WTF?!?!? No, just...just no. If you expect to get a girl and have a serious relationship, that's not the way to do it. That's the way to get STD's and many hearts broken >>;;;

Also, if she doesn't know how he feels, that could lead to many problems. One, she could fall in love with someone else, and he would be hurt, and second, she could move away and then he never tell her how he feels, still being hurt. Pah.
No...No offence....but...but I think you need a lesson in girls ._.
ok, maybe i went a little overboard when i said "bang" her. but nonetheless, some passionate making out could be an equivalent to banging a girl when youre too young. like i said before, the girl that i liked got a boyfriend, and im really indifferent to her right now. i could be trying to steal her but that would be too much trouble, so i moved on. now im focusing on a senior girl thats about an HB 7.4.

Wow, guys... I'm pretty close to tears right now. I'm glad I came back to the boards.

PS: Kenny, you're the best. Have a cookie.

PPS: Black Waltz, I'm a ****ing 15-year-old.
and im 16 years old. :)

Deleted member

K then I was right. Break up with her. 2 Months probably is nothing serious.

You're bored man, she's dragging you down. Break up with her if she's depressing you. Happened to me, I was so happy the day after.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Crap Black Waltz, you really have this down to a science.

"...Then I tried active indifference..."

What does HB stand for, anyway? If it's something to do with that person's worth, or attractiveness, then I think it's not really a good thing to think of people as numbers, where you try to maximize the HB of the person you're dating.

Deleted member

...er yeah guys, the thing you gotta realize is that girls aren't predictable. I don't care who the hell you are, you're not gonna figure them out.

Getting a girl is not a science, I dunno what HB or DYD or whatever that is, sounds pointless though

Marth, Marth, Marth

MASHIROx I kinda understand what your getting at so i would like to offer a remedy for your situation.

The reason those girls probably asked for your number is because they heard you had a girlfriend and want you (dont ask me why, thats just how girls work.) So I'm thinking you could work this situation for a little. Get as many girls phone numbers as you can, dump your old girfriend, and then pick the one you like the most.


delorted, you sound like a natural so dont worry about it. :)

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Crap Black Waltz, you really have this down to a science.

"...Then I tried active indifference..."

What does HB stand for, anyway? If it's something to do with that person's worth, or attractiveness, then I think it's not really a good thing to think of people as numbers, where you try to maximize the HB of the person you're dating.
:laugh: thanks. i try hard.
HB stand for "hot babe (or ***** if youre a masochist..)" there is a scale that we use people such as me and Marth, Marth, Marth use for first impressions. it is 1-10: 10 being jessica alba, and 1 being rosie o'donell. its essentially a scale for beauty and how we decide if we are going to attempt to seduct her. later on, if you know her really well, you can start judging using the 25 point scale, but i'll get into that later.

...er yeah guys, the thing you gotta realize is that girls aren't predictable. I don't care who the hell you are, you're not gonna figure them out.

Getting a girl is not a science, I dunno what HB or DYD or whatever that is, sounds pointless though
dude, you seem to be a natural at this. DYD is a book, Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo. you probably don't need to read it since youve got the right idea down.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
First of all, this has got to be one of the fastest-moving discussions in the Pool Room, like ever. And it's not spam or heated discussion. Congratulations.

Second of all, the way us guys are starting to sound, I hope no humans of the female persuasion come and see what we've written.

You guys seem to have a very pragmatic approach to girlfriends: "If that one doesn't work, find another. But use your current one to get the phone numbers of new girls before you dump her."

I mean, come on. That just sounds a little like being a player to me.

What happened to the love, the connection, the affection, the not hooking up with the best girl you can find, only to run away with a better one if you can?

Well, that sounded soupy. Sorry.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
marth ,

you basically just outlined what ive been doing for the past 2 weeks.


is that cheating though?

im don't want to lead her on for to long though. shes a good girl.

and there still that whole possession thing thats kind of hard for me to let go of. and a part of me still likes her. Im deff gonna talk to her first. give her an ultimatum.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
@Jammer: Agreed, though...except for me and Jammer, y'all have sounded a little shallow...Hot Babe scale? C'mon...since when was that the deciding factor? Using a girl to get phone numbers? *facepalm*...
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