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Gigabots Manfia - GAME [JUMB]OVER. Who got the Gigatron?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yea I'd go DoggyDetective > John > Dietz in order of likeliness of being scum. DramaLlamaDingDong, BushyBrows how you feelin on the three?

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Gord, what are your thoughts on what I said about John?

Did anything that John said recently change your read on him? Positively or negatively?

What did Dietz say specifically that made you view him as scummy?

@Super Vegito: I made 318 o_O'. I would like Gord to look at it and kind of explain why he thinks John is so scummy given his restraints and the obvious facts aside. I would also like for him to explain if John's recent posts have changed his read at all.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Nah, not gonna take the bait.

But still wanting you to go into it.
Derp derp.
Like I said... Idgaf hoe. I'll go into it if still needed when I get more beef- don't worry the reasoning for this post prior will be there babe.

Dooms opinion on #318?

Gorf, am I bushy brows?

MurderBush = BushyBrows. When I want to talk to your hydra about weighing in I will specifically ask for Zen, and when I wanna know about the why's for something you posted I will specifically ask for the person who posted that, if that causes less confusion. But either way you seem pre' fine atm.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Doggy Style said:
Gord, what are your thoughts on what I said about John?
Either didn't read, or just don't know what you're talking about. Quote it/cite the post #?

I Hope Not Joey said:
Did anything that John said recently change your read on him? Positively or negatively
Yes. Yes.

Man I gotta take a crap said:
What did Dietz say specifically that made you view him as scummy?
Answered by my previous post.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
You talkin bout me or somthin

zen side here. cba to read what you guys have been talking about. seems a little boring. ill just be listening to Ran Kuz and Ryu
You could fill a slot if I fire someone from my group.


You realize who you're talking to, right, Red Ruy?
Aaaawwww :troll:

Sup, SV?
Got back and re-read everything to get my notes rolling.

@RR - This is why I generally dislike mafia via phone - it's too hard to type things out and whatnot. :|
Orbo spent some time early discussing mafia roles, got quiet about traitor thing once RR chimed in. He casually stated that "Jupiter may be town" [#233], and has an RVS on MB.
Orbo, you thinking Jupiter town based on his posts already, or was it a D1/RVS statement?


Back to RR - Your partners thing is odd to me, but I'll be your Watson.
Your still not looking at something.

The read on him, that is the also important. I'm ok with the phone issues. Even here your not taking stances much on what has been posted. It is early, but I do want to know your thoughts.

Like Orbo read on what he posted thus far?
Gorf's reads and his reluntance to elaborate on them?

Watson, I need to know your thoughts and stances on even the small things that have happened.

RR, talk to me about your new Watson. I want to know everything about him.
Somethings I need to keep to myself, but not liking the lack of stances. Summaries aren't doing it too well atm, but I do know of what I'm looking for.

Content to my questions, which I am working on asking my new Watson

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
It means exactly what I said. Clarification will come after you've answered my question in regards to John.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
The detective stuff is also the only stuff that has had anything to do with John so far (so far meaning up to John's most recent post before 7 PM EST). Nothing else out of the ordinary has happened, so he shouldn't really have to comment on anything else going on in the game so early, given his situation at the time. John has also stated that he would throw stuff out here before midnight(which he has started to do as of late). I don't like the fact that you're putting John off as scummy so early when he hasn't really gotten a chance to get into the game yet.
People that only comment on things that strictly involve themselves are either terrible at mafia or scum. And I was looking out for John's first post(s) from when he got onto a computer to completely be cool with my feel for his alignment, and now that he has, I am.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
People that only comment on things that strictly involve themselves are either terrible at mafia or scum. And I was looking out for John's first post(s) from when he got onto a computer to completely be cool with my feel for his alignment, and now that he has, I am.
Disagree when given mobile status, but okay. I see where you're coming from.

Okay lol.

#331. The first part.
I'll hold you to it, sir!


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
To be quite honest, Ruy, I did not have any reads formed what with the game being around 12 hours into D1.

As for the fine details, I have the following.
Gorf's the only one who's voted twice. Is he out of RVS already?
Orbo's suggesting town for Cliff/his bicep partner already. I still want to hear more on that from him.

His answer'll help that read you're looking for.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
I expect people to get their joke vote out of the way when the game starts. By that statement last post I meant that he is now going after those he sees as scum.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Okay, RR, do me a favor and compare and contrast John's play here to that of his play in Moderator Mafia.

Ran I never joke.
In moderator mafia he sidelined, but posted nothing of value. When he is town, he has content and reads even while sidelining. He'll drop things randomly insteads of viewing it in succession. He'll be incredibly reluntant too post reasoning for his posts, which is why I keep proding him.

In Moderator, John made a lot of mosts that didn't line up with his thougts, many posts that were rather jarring in reasoning. Is it the same here, too early for me because A lot of it stems from what a lot of people take as a scum tell from him that really isn't something that is for John. Him sidelining, is it bad he does it? Yes, well sometimes, is it a scum tell? No, at least not in itself.

I've seen his town games, his scum games, and hydra'd with him. He's not going to step up and make the content himself a lot of the time, you gotta keep asking him for his thoughts.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Because I was using it to back up the "he's voted twice" statement.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
In moderator mafia he sidelined, but posted nothing of value. When he is town, he has content and reads even while sidelining. He'll drop things randomly insteads of viewing it in succession. He'll be incredibly reluntant too post reasoning for his posts, which is why I keep proding him.

In Moderator, John made a lot of mosts that didn't line up with his thougts, many posts that were rather jarring in reasoning. Is it the same here, too early for me because A lot of it stems from what a lot of people take as a scum tell from him that really isn't something that is for John. Him sidelining, is it bad he does it? Yes, well sometimes, is it a scum tell? No, at least not in itself.

I've seen his town games, his scum games, and hydra'd with him. He's not going to step up and make the content himself a lot of the time, you gotta keep asking him for his thoughts.
This is RR btw.

Super Vegito

Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2012
@John: I don't see any reason to ask if he is out of RVS or not. It doesn't really show if you are suspicious of Gord or if you think Gord is innocent. This is why I asked.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
To be quite honest, Ruy, I did not have any reads formed what with the game being around 12 hours into D1.

As for the fine details, I have the following.
Gorf's the only one who's voted twice. Is he out of RVS already?
Orbo's suggesting town for Cliff/his bicep partner already. I still want to hear more on that from him.

His answer'll help that read you're looking for.
What does Gord voting twice have to do with anything at all?

What are your actual thoughts about Gord?
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