This isn't legit. Orbo texted him to remind him that a game is going on in #305 (Friday afternoon,) and he got in and posted in #324 (Friday night). That sounds like a viable period of time to read up and form opinions, so I'd say that unless we have an Orbo/Rake scumteam, your point in this section is null.
I liked it because I agreed with the point he made in paragraph 2, quote 2. Your #304 looks very suspicious because you didn't even include me in your lynchpool after you stated that my play looked suspect, and then suddenly made me your primary lynch target after I stopped the push you were complaining about without giving any additional evidence against me. This was something I missed out on the first read through, so I figured that level of analyzation deserves a like. As for why I didn't like all of Rake's stuff note that this is one of 1-3 (I don't wanna check) likes I've given this game; I don't like stuff as liberally as some others, and generally only give likes for something that is possibly game-changing. I agreed with a lot of what Rake was saying, but he didn't provide any solid evidence for most of his accusations.
Let's talk about your accusation of me. It seems like your main complaint is me trying to push Moosy too hard, so I'll talk about that a little bit. Last time we played, he had a fairly serious playstyle and I could take him for what he said and analyze his statements like I could any other player. At the start of the game I didn't know he was trolling. His first non-RVS related post was the whole "Vote for who you trust" thing which I though was complete baloney, so I tried and pressure him so we could get out of RVS. He then posted something about changing reads, greeted you, ignored Vult's question, and didn't acknowledge my counter-point at all. Still not knowing he was trolling, I posted a small case against him in #172. He then posted "darkpit is very town for sure" and I asked why, but I was flat-out ignored again. This made me very peeved. He then started spouting random garbage about how he's scum. I suspected he was trolling at this point, but I wanted to give him a couple of chances to correct his play (#201, #205) before I went ham on him. I thought he decided that the gambit was over, and he would take his play more seriously when he posted #215, but then I scrolled down another post and rageclosed my browser. He decided not to give up his troll posting, and because I DO NOT want a trolling Moosy in endgame, I think that Moosy should die today. I attempted to convince the rest of the thread of that, and went a little overboard (with stuff like the Jester push, which was fueled by my frustrated rage at the slot,) which has gotten me considerable pressure from a certain slot who wasn't present to see the degeneration of Moosy's character and my slow decent into madness.
Since we don't have prior connections to killed/lynched slots to analyze, not everybody is in agreement on a lynch, we've been in this phase for a week with a postless 24-hour period, and Moosy would provide a lot of information, lynching him D1 would be the logical choice. I'd rather that Moosy replace out so we could get a better read on the slot, but he probably wouldn't agree to that even if Generic were willing fill such a heated position.
Am I missing anything you have against me? Why would you personally rather have me lynched over Moosy?