First off, I have zero connection to Plank. In my 13,000 + posts, I've probably mentioned him twice. And as Roller stated, it was because of Pound 5. I do not associate with crooks.
Moving on, there has been one event since she joined Smashboards. And she never did state.that she would for sure or tentatively attending Get Low's. The only thing she confirmed is that she wants to attend PS5 and that she wants to body Roller.
I mean, I can't 100%guarantee her attendance but it looks promising. And I did chat with her with a camera. She PMed me asking if I could help her get there. I asked for proof that she was real and I got it. So if this is a troll, it's a DAMN good one. And personally, I'm not innovative enough for a troll that big lol.
Also, go ask a mod if I had anything to do with her unbanning. You will find, I have no connection.