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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
Has anyone tried to recreate this image in Smash Wii U? Obviously you wouldn't be able to include Rathalos but everything else in that image is available in the Wii U version.

I know Ultimate is a new game but I'd figure some things like the camera might not change a whole lot. It might be interesting to try it.
Going to try it now. Be back soon!


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
Hey guys, figured I'd share this since it's Golden Sun related - When picking my characters for today's Rate Their Chances, the randomizer selected Matthew! Was a right treat getting to gush about Golden Sun on the channel for the 15th time :p



Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2014
You know if you look at a lot of the official art of Isaac he seems to wield his sword with his left hand (even though Matthew holds it with his right hand on the cover of Dark Dawn). Even Isaac's trophy from Brawl shows him with his left hand on the sword. I thought I would point this out as many fan drawings of Isaac (including Smashified) have him holding it in his right hand.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
You know if you look at a lot of the official art of Isaac he seems to wield his sword with his left hand (even though Matthew holds it with his right hand on the cover of Dark Dawn). Even Isaac's trophy from Brawl shows him with his left hand on the sword. I thought I would point this out as many fan drawings of Isaac (including Smashified) have him holding it in his right hand.
I didn't even notice that.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
I did the best I could. Pretty sure someone could do better. I couldn't really replicate the same feel that Sakurai's tweet did. Very interesting.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6766 2698 9475
Someone posted this on Reddit about the Rathalos tweet: https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/9cm1ph/that_image_is_now_for_certain_a_golden_sun/

I don't feel like there was anything new that the person pointed out but one of the comments was interesting to me.

"It has been pointed out already that apparently you can't get characters to line up in game like they are doing in the picture unless you're a developer and edit them that way, which supports this was a deliberate Golden Sun reference."

Is there any truth to this? If the image was deliberately manufactured to the point where they had to use developer tools it could add extra weight to it being an Isaac hint.
I believe that the picture doesn't assures that Isaac is a playable character, but one must be blind to not see the GS reference.

And all of the pictures are manufactured by Sakurai's team, it's odd to make a picture look like something just by accident when there's must be a lot of people working on the game. I mean it still can be just a coincidence, but it would be a really weird one
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Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
Do you guys think Skull Kid and Isaac are neck to neck with popularity?
No. Isaac is a stronger contender than Skull Kid for sure.

For evidence, just look at the exit polls and the Skull Kid thread's messages/views. They aren't even in the same ballpark.

That said, they seem to be part of the same sort of discussions at this time, due to the speculation going on for both based on leaks and possible clues from Sakurai. That said, IMO, the "clues" for Skull Kid are even more far-fetched than Isaac's.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
Hey guys, figured I'd share this since it's Golden Sun related - When picking my characters for today's Rate Their Chances, the randomizer selected Matthew! Was a right treat getting to gush about Golden Sun on the channel for the 15th time :p

Now do Felix


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
He's just trolling hahahah

This is exactly what I mean by not paying attention to him or any leaker lol, they know the current state and they are trolling us for falling for it. We're better than that guys. :p
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Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
He's just trolling hahahah
Quite done with this character.

From now on, I'll just ignore any discussion regarding his "leaks" or any of this outside GameFaqs/Discord drama. Everyone else here should do the same and not let the thread be derailed by outside sources. :upsidedown:


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
I did the best I could. Pretty sure someone could do better. I couldn't really replicate the same feel that Sakurai's tweet did. Very interesting.
The Rathalos pic again, for reference.

It still looks as if Marth is closer to the camera just as Shulk is, but there's very clear editing in the Ultimate models' positions seeing as how far they are from Link in your Smash 4 pic. They don't even seem to be looking in the normal direction the game would have at this "behind the back" angle. I'm sure that when you return to the normal game, they'd probably be looking more towards the background in this Rathalos picture.

Perhaps the camera functions in Ultimate have new features that allow you to edit elements of a screenshot like in 4's trophy gallery, but I find it strange that they wouldn't announce that before showing this picture. This always felt like something the devs modified with their own tools to be able to create, but now I'm more convinced of it. They're too close together and their angle doesn't seem to align with the stage like characters normally would.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
You know if you look at a lot of the official art of Isaac he seems to wield his sword with his left hand (even though Matthew holds it with his right hand on the cover of Dark Dawn). Even Isaac's trophy from Brawl shows him with his left hand on the sword. I thought I would point this out as many fan drawings of Isaac (including Smashified) have him holding it in his right hand.
Could be a good way to spot any fake leaks if they show off a render or model with Isaac wielding a sword with his right hand.

That's the kind of thing Sakurai would make sure to get right.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
He's just trolling hahahah

Yeah, he's just being an asshole and a huge waste of time for us.

Yeah. Sorry Burb Burb . But it's things like this that makes me believe that this Loz18 is not the real Loz18. Because i don't think he was EVER this much of tease.
And also, the way the twitter account was confirmed is just strange. So guy just confirmed it by "sharing" a message of a DM Loz18 made back to someone. It wasn't the original Loz confirming the twitter account but someone else. For me, the evidence you provided just doesn't really change my opinion on both this loz and the ORIGINAL loz.

But i will say, i don't think anyone banning you was the right call. I don't agree with banning people on a whim like that.

And yeah, i don't think SmashInsider is you. I just think SmashInsider is an idiot.
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Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
Long Island NY
Yeah, he's just being an ******* and a huge waste of time for us.

Yeah. Sorry Burb Burb . But it's things like this that makes me believe that this Loz18 is not the real Loz18. Because i don't think he was EVER this much of tease.
And also, the way the twitter account was confirmed is just strange. So guy just confirmed it by "sharing" a message of a DM Loz18 made back to someone. It wasn't the original Loz confirming the twitter account but someone else. For me, the evidence you provided just doesn't really change my opinion on both this loz and the ORIGINAL loz.

But i will say, i don't think anyone banning you was the right call. I don't agree with banning people on a whim like that.

And yeah, i don't think SmashInsider is you. I just think SmashInsider is an idiot.
Who cares about Burb or Loz18 at this point

This is an Isaac thread not a Burb thread.

Let's drop talk about these two and only focus on what is important.

50 Cent

oh yeah and Isaac


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I do think loz is serious about his Skull Kid claims, but when he feels like ruffling some feathers, he just targets the Isaac fanbase. The leaked chat logs indicate as much, where he confesses trolling. That's nice. :rolleyes:

I know that was the general sentiment beforehand, and it seemed increasingly obvious, but it's good to be sure.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
This always felt like something the devs modified with their own tools to be able to create, but now I'm more convinced of it. They're too close together and their angle doesn't seem to align with the stage like characters normally would.

I think the main thing that makes this suspicious is that the characters don't seem to be aligned on the usual way they would on a regular stage. So there's a chance that they had to change this in order to make them look more like in the Golden Sun battle screen / Camelot angle. :p


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Who cares about Burb or Loz18 at this point

This is an Isaac thread not a Burb thread.

Let's drop talk about these two and only focus on what is important.

50 Cent

oh yeah and Isaac

stand name『5 0 C E N T

stand user『I S A A C


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2013
Reason I believe loz about Skull Kid is because it was the first thing he leaked after the E3 direct and K. Rool, and said it a month before he started going crazy with everything else. Plus he still believes he's playable to do this day.

I wouldn't believe loz with anything else, he's clearly trolling with Isaac/Golden Sun, but I do believe him about Skull Kid at least.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
"It has been pointed out already that apparently you can't get characters to line up in game like they are doing in the picture unless you're a developer and edit them that way, which supports this was a deliberate Golden Sun reference."
Sounds like something I said in the past here, wonder if that got spread. Or if someone else on reddit had a similar thought.

I did the best I could. Pretty sure someone could do better. I couldn't really replicate the same feel that Sakurai's tweet did. Very interesting.
For a reference.
View attachment 161601
View attachment 161602
Also, the Ratholos picture is much more zoomed out than a regular Sm4sh shot.
At this point, the ONLY thing I can think to be plausible without outside purposeful editing is for the three characters to be lined up and then moved left or right so they all face the background to make this specific poses. Which would require INSANE timing. So yes, it's a deliberate setup, either via outside influence or by the game having some sorta of gallery mode to make fancy shots. Which I'd think would be less likely. (Got confused about Link's left to right handedness but that's simply me not touching BOTW)

So with that said, this was deliberately done, and if THAT is the case, they could have easily made this look more like the Monster Hunter box art if that was their intention, in which case this is clearly not a reference to Monster Hunter. As such, based on the angle, enemy, location and positioning of the characters, this is 95% a tease to Golden Sun.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Past camera manipulation and dev tools-assisted choreography/item spawn, I'm quite hesitant to believe any of the promotional material depict characters in a way you couldn't theoretically achieve in-game naturally.


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
I do think loz is serious about his Skull Kid claims, but when he feels like ruffling some feathers, he just targets the Isaac fanbase. The leaked chat logs indicate as much, where he confesses trolling. That's nice. :rolleyes:

I know that was the general sentiment beforehand, and it seemed increasingly obvious, but it's good to be sure.

This is him now, literally lol
But yeah… you're right. I do want to believe him when it comes to skull kid because at least that was more seriously shared and taken, unlike this whole recent… charade. At this point I only want to hear or see official or teases by Nintendo themselves again, they ARE the best "leakers" after all :p


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2018
Past camera manipulation and dev tools-assisted choreography/item spawn, I'm quite hesitant to believe any of the promotional material depict characters in a way you couldn't theoretically achieve in-game naturally.
Actually, all the pictures that show Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon have them in their default colors. So when all three are standing next to each other, this would be impossible unless the devs manipulated the game to not have alt colors.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Actually, all the pictures that show Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon have them in their default colors. So when all three are standing next to each other, this would be impossible unless the devs manipulated the game to not have alt colors.
That's true. But that's also a little more important than this.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
For Sakurai to think the screenshot is awesome (developer of the game who spends countless hours with it) there's got to be something about it that made it stand out to him so I am more inclined to believe it was set up in a way that gives a nod to GS. Even if you wanted to argue that manipulation for this one image is a stretch, someone still would have to get all the perfect timing and animation quirks sorted out since the characters are always moving in some form or another.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
Actually, all the pictures that show Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon have them in their default colors. So when all three are standing next to each other, this would be impossible unless the devs manipulated the game to not have alt colors.
Plus I don't think this is the first time they've manipulated a photo in particular.

These characters are taunting while facing the background of 3DS Battlefield. I don't believe this was possible by normal means. Sure, it's an insignificant screenshot, but both examples show that the devs aren't afraid to use pictures that players couldn't create themselves.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2014
That reminds me, during the build up to Smash 4 there was an angle they used when showing Little Mac that was a reference to the Punch Out!! series. (I think it was in the April 2014 direct). The camera was placed right behind Little Mac, something that could not be recreated in the finished game.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
Plus I don't think this is the first time they've manipulated a photo in particular.

These characters are taunting while facing the background of 3DS Battlefield. I don't believe this was possible by normal means. Sure, it's an insignificant screenshot, but both examples show that the devs aren't afraid to use pictures that players couldn't create themselves.
And that would have been a better angle to use if they were trying to reference the MHW box art, with Rathalos above them.

On a side note, any reason I can't do attachments, here or basically anywhere?
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
That reminds me that there was a time during the build up to Smash 4 that there was an angle they used when showing Little Mac that was a reference to the Punch Out!! series. (I think it was in the April 2014 direct). The camera was placed right behind Little Mac, something that could not be recreated in the finished game.
You mean this?


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2014
and people said that is a reference to Monster Hunter World cover... I can't see the resembles

That is why I brought up the Little Mac angle. It is totally possible for them to put the camera directly behind a character/characters. So there is no way this angle was referring to this cover. (Also one takes place in a coliseum while the other is on a cliff).
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