I'm not a regular, that's for sure, and I may never be until my mom gives me trust to go off somewhere. (OoS for example)
I go at uncontrolled intervals, and for this reason, I get too hype when I get the chance to go someplace. Events are all I have besides leveling up my Pikachu, playing Melee against CPUs(or a friend on occasion), and occasionally small get-togethers for friendlies with friends (so few offline that I have).
I'm not trying to sound misleading to people that happen to show, if that's what you're thinking, but I'm really not intereested in near zero count offlines. Sorry.
I'm supposed to be leaving to St.Lois for Thanksgiving, so I was mainly looking through tourneys in MO. I wanted to get out to something on the Friday before I go, and I wanted to make the tourney in Augusta a possibility by asking for who can carpool.
I guess I'm much. *Shrugs*