Let's be honest with ourselves here.
Is the Smash fandom insatiable or unable to be satisfied?
Or has Smash just not put in enough requests per installment to keep up with the demand?
Remember, Ridley, K. Rool have better wanted additions since the first game came out, not getting in until Ultimate. that's almost two decades before they ever got in. B&K fall under this too, and it actually WAS two decades for them. Now, imagine if they all got in Melee or even Brawl. Where do you think we would be in terms of character demand?
Geno falls into this group as well: he was a character established before the first Smash title and while a bit more niche people still wanted him for the next one, enough of them holding on that when non-SMRPG fans brought him up during Brawl speculation we all kinda flooded in to say 'Allow us to introduce ourselves!'
Krystal falls under what a lot of characters in current speculation do: Not exist prior to the first Smash title, and she actually didn't exist until after Melee. This made her a big request for the Brawl Era. People who want these characters have been asking since between 2001 and 2006/2007, which is now over a decade. Out of all these requests that started here, who have gotten in? Honestly, I think only Little Mac really falls into that, but I don't have the time to do more research to be more accurate.
So, Geno is a pre-Smash request, Krystal and many others are a post-Melee request. Megaman had some Brawl support but he exploded between Brawl and Smash 4 because fans really thought it was the only way for Capcom to give a ****.
Here we are, 2021, and there are still requests that haven't happened since the FIRST GAME RELEASED IN 1999! Now, is this the fan's fault, or Nintendo's fault for not prioritizing these requests so that Sakurai could make them happen? Maybe it's Sakurai's fault, although he always seems to pay attention to fans and trying to do is best in regards to character choices.
Do you understand what I'm saying? When a franchise goes on long enough, it will have evolving requests. The real issue here is that when the owner of a franchise is so slow to grant these requests, they start to pile up high, to the point that even granting a bunch of them at once seems like a drop in the bucket.
Keep in mind, many of the requests are FIRST PARTY CHARACTERS, characters Nintendo can just say yes to and BAM there they are...and yet it took until 2018 to get K. Rool for absolutely no reason other than neglect. Why is Krystal an AT but Byleth is playable? Why was Isaac removed from Smash 4 to only come back as an AT in Ultimate while Min Min gets to be DLC? Fans have wanted more SMRPG since before the N64 existed and Geno in Smash since Smash was announced for the console, so why hasn't he happened yet?
The answer is greed and neglect. Nintendo can choose to put in whoever they want, and the world will clamor for it, because it's Smash. They can force Sakurai to rush the game and then make characters who SHOULD have been base game (and would have been for any other Smash title) DLC instead of big requests, because people will just blindly buy the pass. They can get away with throwing a bone time to time to the fandom that has been around going towards 30 years now because WE BUY IT ALL ANYWAY! I didn't even buy my copy, a friend got it for me. I didn't buy FP1 until I saw all the inclusions and decided that: Persona 5 is dope, DQ has been waiting for 30 years and the Command Menu is silly fun, the bear and bird have finally arrived, RUOKAYBUSTAWOOOF, and Byleth's playstyle is fun to dabble with. I am waiting on FP2 for the final character, and while I support my favorite games getting more content and always try new characters, I have to say I find this pass very lackluster.
I have no attachment to ARMS or Minecraft, Sephy is huge but he was chosen over ma boi just because Cloud lacked content and greedy Square needs money, never touched a Xeno anything in my life, and Tekken is one of my least-played fighting games. If the last character isn't a big deal, I probably won't bother with the pass until I have people around me to play with or we enter a scenario where the content will be gone forever and I have to buy to keep it (like Marvel 2 on PS3), and this is AFTER getting to play the first four characters in the pass at an establishment where people play Smash a lot and thinking they were all mostly fun to play.
If you want your characters to get in, you need to be vocal about it and show your support in times that will make it know to the company, and you need to not hand companies your money hand over fist for everything they do. Some companies (usually smaller ones) listen to social media posts and feedback, but big ones tend to stop caring unless their bottom line gets know what to do.
To finish this post, this is why I REALLY hope that we either get more DLC after this despite EVERYTHING that has gone down, or that we get something a la UMvC3, because Ultimate is SOOOO big that it's going to cause a Melee/Brawl effect where people just will not stick with the next Smash title at all. People aren't really talking about this, but it's been stated multiple times by Sakurai and anyone else with a brain that what Ultimate is doing is not sustainable moving forward in any other way but MAYBE porting the same game over without adding much or anything new at all, and even that is asking for a lot. If the next Smash game cuts out a bunch of stuff (which, let's be honest, is almost guaranteed), who is going to want to play a game that has just less content in every way than the previous one that very nearly brought back everything from every previous title AND added more?
Thus, in a new Smash title, even if Geno or Waluigi or Isaac or Krystal get into that game...who cares other than us fans of them who have been around since the beginning? And honestly, what a hollow victory would that be! Imagine Geno gets into Smash Fighter's Apex or whatever they call it, but only two-thirds of the roster of Ultimate is there and they cut all the big wishes like Banjo and the hype picks like Joker? Did we win? Yeah, we finally got him. Is everyone still playing Ultimate because THEIR favorite character is in that game? You betcha! You wanted to have Waluigi vs Simon matches with your buddy, but that's too bad because Simon and Richter got cut along with Snake, so now no matter whether you guys sit down to play Ultimate or the newest Smash one of you is feeling the pain of not being able to play that character you wanted for years...knowing that if they had just put it all in Ultimate, you wouldn't be here.
This is why Ultimate needs to keep going somehow and in some way because they've only really hit five big names on the Smash Request List out of ALL the characters brought into this game, and this is frankly the only real chance to have them all in the same game within our youth.