Smash Ace
Whoa. First, cool image of Geno! Love seeing Geno art.I didn't know at all, where did you find this ? Is this official ? I never heard about it
EDIT: I made a quick research and i found that the 2015 picture (https://smashboards.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2F33.media.tumblr.com%2F65cfa74c2639c997d551978c271d9ff1%2Ftumblr_nslc8w4yWV1s4jsnro1_1280.gif&hash=f713b41e5fd5b7fbf9a885d999bab93c) was first posted here on april 7th 2015 (https://smashboards.com/threads/geno-♪-return-of-the-starsend-savior-geno4smash-everyones-gotta-do-their-part-vote-geno.324253/page-90)
The guy who posted the message said this:
this was posted by an Artist and Animator at Nintendo, she said something on her post:
"Super Mario RPG has been a topic lately at the studio so Geno felt right to draw"
And here's the tumblr of the artist: https://lazuliro.tumblr.com/
Secondly, that quote. In 2015 they are talking about Geno? Maybe it is for the Mii Costume, but could it be more? Dude, I am hoping!
Glad to hear you come around on our most wanted character! It is always nice to see people be open minded enough to actually change their mind. Really cool!I apologize for my previous comments on Smashboards insulting Geno and his fans. I didn't get why people wanted him at first, but now I finally understand. Super Mario RPG was a fun game filled with lots of charm and memorable characters, and Geno was definitely the one who stood out. I first played the game on the Wii VC and liked it. SMRPG is the grandfather of Mario RPGs. Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi wouldn't exist without it. I would be happy with either Geno or Paper Mario getting in, or possibly even both, but I don't think that will happen.