Well, congratulations to...
@Malo Mart
surpise! You ALL win the "ok boomer" pass for all being the only ones to participate in my meaningless profile picture "race" you all probably forgot about...
Anyways, as a young zoomer, I now bestow upon you older folk the power to say "ok boomer;" whether it be to defend yourself, or shrug off someone, you must use it wisely. As I told
@OffBi, with this power comes great responsibility.

P.S.: Double congratulations to Malo Mart, your submission is my new profile picture!
Thank you. I will treasure it always.
So I have a question for you guys, what do you think is the chance we will actually see more than one character revealed tomorrow?
I'm feeling super 50/50 on it myself. On one hand, there is clearly going to be another Nintendo Direct relatively soon, likely February, and they can easily save whoever character 6 is to be revealed there. On the other hand, I feel like it would be very weird for Sakurai not to discuss how future DLC is going to work here, since we've known its happenning since September yet have no concrete details otherwise. And given how Sakurai seemed hesitant to show off the Fighter's Pass without showing what was in it, which I think he only did because they had literally no work on any of the characters done at that point, if he's going to talk about how future DLC is going to work here then it's likely he will say who the first character will be, especially since it's extremely likely they have alot of work done on them already.
I think the chance of a double reveal is around... 65-70%. While my better judgement would dictate that it's much lower, I can't help but think back to the Terry Presentation, where Sakurai went out of his way to specifically mention that no other reveals were happening during it. I think he only did it that time because he just knew we'd come in expecting a reveal for FP5, which is something we wouldn't have thought in all other instances:
With Joker's reveal, we were caught almost completely off guard with his release, so we had no expectations going into it. Also, we knew E3 was coming up, which is typically when we get reveals for stuff like that anyways.
With Hero, we already knew that Banjo was coming in the fall, so we didn't expect any more fighter reveals.
With Banjo, Terry was just revealed to be coming this winter, so we didn't expect any more fighter reveals.
I dunno, maybe I'm just getting my hopes up a bit too high, but I think that we may actually be getting a double reveal. Not a triple reveal, though. That's never gonna happen at something like this. Though I could see them maybe revealing another character during the next Direct coming in November.
I feel, if he talks about future DLC, he is going to show off something. Not sure what, but he likes to do stuff like that. And he did show off how Terry was coming along, so more can be talked about.
I am also wondering if this mystery character is going to be released not too long afterward, considering that has been the case for every Sakurai presentation before this one.
I think the most we'll get in terms of another fighter post FP5 is a reveal and that's it. A double release would be sick, though.
Just had a momentary spark: What if Sakurai talking about the "fun over recognizability" was for the Japanese audience, bracing them for Doomslayer ? Though this applies to Dovakhiin, and also Arle (to the West). I just thought I'd share that.
I thought that as well, since it's typically we in the west who have to brace for relatively obscure character reveals. Though that doesn't really make much sense given that message was in english.
So the artifice theory with the green on the right
is it just because of the image compresed? Because this one said something about it
I don't think this reasoning stands, since
1 - The brown is still there, which can't be waved away as an artifact.
2 - The image is crisp AF, which allows us to tell the difference between basic artifacting and the image's being cut out.
and 3 - We've found this same kind of cropping in the last two Sakurai thumbnails, so it can't really be handwaved away.