See this is why I haven't put any thought into 'Power of Six' Theory and why I haven't connected my theory to either that or the idea of each character bringing two Smash 4 Mii costumes with them because I don't need my theory connected to another to support it. I just find it interesting that Hero is this strange outlier when it was definitely the call to drop Geno/Geno & Chocobo with the other costumes.
Sure, it COULD have been just been a 'This is only for DQ because we love it and it's special!' kind of thing and I honestly wouldn't be surprised. It could just be that easy...but it also could have been just that easy to drop other Square Enix Mii costumes with him and really not have it take away from DQ all that much. On top of that, it REALLY seems like they have been trying to return all of the 3rd party costumes through DLC, and it's weird that each Mii costume line-up has gotten two aside from Hero. Hell, even
who got no Mii costumes from their own series or from Microsoft not only brought new Mii costumes but still only featured two returning costumes. It just seems really odd.
When I was whisking together my timeline theory, I looked at my previous one that talked about how it was just TOO crazy to think that Sakurai and Co. being that far ahead meant absolutely nothing. There was no way they could be that far ahead of schedule and not have something planned, and people back then came to me and said 'Nah man, they could just be ahead of schedule. It doesn't have to mean anything.' Even
hit me with that...but guess who was in the right? This guy right here. Not only was I right, but I was right based off just a couple of small facts and the rest was guesswork.
Thus, I used the same method of grabbing facts and plugging in guesswork, and this is what I have. I took the facts of how long it's taken them to make characters and how they are done well before release and essentially done by their reveal as long as that reveal has gameplay. I took in the fact that Nintendo has a history of kinda just throwing stuff at Sakurai super suddenly and without really taking how he feels or what is going on with his life into consideration. I took in the fact that all the footage used need to be recorded (and possibly re-recorded until they got their desired outcome) and edited and in cases translated which takes a lot of time and I took the fact that the updates to the game that come with the character, the patches for the Amiibo and the Mii costumes have to all be finished and ready to go when that character drops. I mixed that all with guesswork and this is what I got.
It could easily be wrong, and the parts that involve Geno are the parts that come in last and are supported much more by the missing costume, Mii Costume list and the CacoMallow image and videos than by my own theory. I just pieced those in around timeframes of my own theory and they happened to fit in perfectly rather than being a chore or having to force them in. This could all be wrong, but I find it funny how it all just kinda falls into place on it's own.
Speaking of which, I never really talked about the Mii Costume list that has both Mallow and Smithy on it. I never talk about it because I find it to be the weakest evidence personally: it's just what someone who is semi-credible says will happen with no proof yet. However, this info came out in June or July I believe, which once again fits in effortlessly with my theory because the time line of some characters being already negotiated and even worked on by that time being very likely. The lack of Geno's costume being revealed fits in with negotiations resulting in changes that had to be made as well as those negotiations happening very early in the year, the Mii Costume list fits the timing of information being able to be gathered due to characters already being negotiated and being worked on, and CacoMallow not being disproven yet fits in with Mii costumes being easier to make and being done in advance as well as matching the timeline of the previous bits of information.
This also doesn't account for the backlash they received for holding onto those Assist Trophies for so long as well as the Waluigi backlash earlier on, teaching Nintendo that characters the community really loves, should they not be playable, should be announced earlier to let us down easily and much sooner. When you add in that fans were not truly satisfied with the Geno Mii costume in Smash 4 and it just paints a picture of Geno being negotiated for earlier this year.
Still could easily be wrong though, but I expect Geno to be announced early next year. I am that confident! :D