So now I've implied that both the decision for more DLC was made early on in the year and that negotiations could have easily already been completed for some character by the middle of this year. Now, why is specifically the middle of this year important? Well, it's in regards to a certain blue puppet boi...


likely had both of their gameplay breakdowns recorded sometime in late May to early July. We would know this because they were essentially 100% complete in their reveals as well as Sakurai stating that the longer

breakdown took about a month to prep for us. This means that the teaser footage of Terry was at that level of completion around the same time, and Terry's reveal didn't have any gameplay. Right after that announcement of Terry, we got the announcement of more DLC characters. This to me is more proof that the decision for more DLC and the negotiations for more characters happened very early on, but what I find interesting is what this means about Hero.
So, as we all know, Geno's costume didn't come with

. We all worried it easily could, but it didn't. Now, knowing that Hero was recorded only a mere couple days before

and that

's sneak preview footage and his reveal before that ties him into that time-frame while also suggesting possible changes to the process to make room for more negotiations...what if Geno was intended to come with Hero originally, but these early negotiations came into play and one of the characters Sakurai managed to nab was Geno? What if one of the reasons everything got so breakneck pace was that Sakurai went back to Square to get Geno and dealing with Square tends to have it's issues (though apparently, not nearly as bad as we thought, according to information about how the development process went with Hero) and it was a rush to see if Sakurai could get him or not because Hero was #2 and Geno's Mii costume was going to return with him, so it was a race to see if Sakurai could get him or not before Hero's gameplay breakdown? This would also match up with there being more than one character negotiated for by E3 and therefore matching up with that website glitch.
Here is some more interesting timing for you.

had their gameplay breakdown in July and was recorded around the time-frame of May through July. What else happened in roughly in this time period? Apparently, the copyright claims that took down Beware The Forest's Mushrooms and Fight Against and Armed Boss happened around this time. The whole Starling thing that has yet to amount to anything came out around this time, and remember, this ended up being something we maybe shouldn't had known about just yet. Do you guys remember how insiders and then also us knew about Dragon Quest in Smash for so many months before it was revealed? You remember how

was known for a decent amount of time before their reveal? What about all the information that was said that ended up coming true between both the 'Everyone Is Here' reveal and the August Direct, but that was leaked so many months before hand? When inside information is known, it's often known well in advance before anything official comes out, or at least the trend tends to be for Smash. Either than, or it's known shortly after a leak done by Nintendo themselves. What if the Starling image was actually a hint to Geno like we all hoped in assumed, but the reason we saw nothing for so long and even still about it is because it IS for our boy Geno, but he's not coming until sometime next year, but Sabi's NoA source found out about him being successfully negotiated for shortly after it happened and for the sake of his position and the position of others (because Geno is KINDA a big deal of a reveal for the Smash community and for Sakurai, I'm sure) and thus gave is the vaguest image hint ever with no clarification?
Now, toss in the the CacoMallow video that STILL hasn't been debunked at all. You remember how the Ken debug leak kind just fell away to the wayside until Ken was revealed? How it was lost in the shuffle of other fake leaks but turned out to be the real leak? Suddenly, this is happening to the CacoMallow leak: a ton of people tried to point out why it was fake, couldn't 100% prove it, then gave up and moved to the next big leak. We've been given proof that content is completed well in advance and the Mallow hat also falls in line with another reliable leak...and when was that leak information received? In July, around the same time-frame as everything mentioned before...hmm...
There may have been more on my mind, but I will end this with saying that Geno has never truly left insider circle talk and has gained more steam as we've gone on. On top of that, people like
@Fatmanonice who has been involved with these circles to a certain degree have such amazing confidence in Geno's chances that he's about to drop the biggest bombshell of 2019 around the time of the VGAs. Also, the Mallow hat in that CacoMallow image looks pretty finished, so not only would I tell you to expect Geno unless something much bigger comes out to completely rule him out, but I would expect him sooner rather than later. Not FP#5, but definitely soon after.