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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Deleted member

It’s far, far more complicated than the banner leak ever was.
They're both equally complicated in different ways, imo. Hear me out.

Somehow the Grinch leaker knew the name of an individual who worked at a printing company in France that was doing the promotional material for the new Grinch movie. They also mysteriously had pictures of the workshop, had the items placed with Grinch materials "suspiciously" in the shot, had a blank version of the banner that was later found to have only been used on a screen display at E3, and given how they were able to move the characters around on the banner, they had access to the individual character portraits. That's the big assumptions of that leak and that would have taken a remarkable amount of time and effort to make come together.

With the Mii hats, we once again have a remarkable amount of time and effort, just on a technical front instead of a more traditional one.

They pretty much "leaked" most of the stuff in the September direct last year, including the FF ports and Isabelle as a playable character. They did it in the guise of a "prediction".

They are a VERY Nintendo-centric channel, so it wouldn't be surprising if they have a contact way higher up in Nintendo. This can be seen when they correctly hint at a unrevealed direct coming soon, by tweeting ominous things.

That said, they have also gotten things wrong in the past; but they never "leak" stuff, they only state it as "predictions".

Edit: Before anyone mentions that they got the ESRB leak wrong; It is important to know that this was when they were still a relatively minor channel, and no where near as big as they are today.
No one doubts they have contacts at Nintendo and everyone knows they're in Nintendo's pocket. It was mentioned earlier in the thread, but there were other videos about the Grinch leak in which the presenter basically said "look I know it's fake because my sources tell me it's fake and these guys are right about everything". GameXplain offers no such assurance, just their opinion that we're supposed to take as gospel based on some really shaky evidence. I think it's fair to assume that if they've been given information that it's fake, someone on some level that someone like Sabi is contact with, or VRPlant, should be able to outright state that it's a fake, just like with the Grinch leak.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2007
In case no one's mentioned it, the Japanese pronunciation of Geno is ジーノ (Jii-no). It's the same in all the other languages that use phoenetic alphabets.
So he'll pretty much definitely be pronounced that way, which I think is how everyone pronounces it. Not Gee-no or Geh-no or any of that.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
The Mii costume modding difficulty. I know that we've had a screenshot or two, but no link to any in-depth discussion about it. Does one exist?
When it comes to in-depth discussion, there hasn’t really been all that much I’ve seen, but the main point is simply that no one’s been able to get a clean-looking hat into the game without using the helmet trick which doesn’t emote. People have recreated the models! People have done the helmet trick! People just still haven’t managed to get even a basic, clean-fitting hat into Smash, let alone ones as intricate as these.

They're both equally complicated in different ways, imo. Hear me out.

Somehow the Grinch leaker knew the name of an individual who worked at a printing company in France that was doing the promotional material for the new Grinch movie. They also mysteriously had pictures of the workshop, had the items placed with Grinch materials "suspiciously" in the shot, had a blank version of the banner that was later found to have only been used on a screen display at E3, and given how they were able to move the characters around on the banner, they had access to the individual character portraits. That's the big assumptions of that leak and that would have taken a remarkable amount of time and effort to make come together.
It could also have very well been possible that... y’know, that guy actually printed it at that French marketing place.

The background stuff and the character portraits could easily(not easily as in effort, but easily as in possibility) have been redrawn and edited, which would certainly take effort but would still be 100% possible.
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Deleted member

In case no one's mentioned it, the Japanese pronunciation of Geno is ジーノ (Jii-no). It's the same in all the other languages that use phoenetic alphabets.
So he'll pretty much definitely be pronounced that way, which I think is how everyone pronounces it. Not Gee-no or Geh-no or any of that.
Not that I doubt that he'll be pronounced "Jiino", but if everyone got called what their katakana spells, we'd have "Rihita" for Richter which sounds awful. Still really confuses me that they don't approximate the sound as "Rikuta" but w/e.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
My current guess for the VGAs is a Doom Guy teaser trailer, potentially alongside an announcement for a Smash Direct


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
That’s the thing, as of right now, we have some very talented individuals on the modding side basically in agreement that this isn’t possible with what we currently know. People can get relatively close(you can make the entire head texture a helmet, but then they obviously wouldn’t emote), but no one’s been able to replicate the circumstances exactly.

Basically, to fake this, you’d have to privately make massive strides in Mii Costume modding and be such an expert at it that none of the rest of the community working together can replicate your process, specifically copy the Ken leak right down to the frozen timer and different angle but then randomly leave out the debug code and extra 0, and create two game-quality hats that include an original, ratings-friendly design on one and jigglebones on the other, all in a span of like three weeks if the Mallow/Smithy leak was the intended kicking off point.

It’s far, far more complicated than the banner leak ever was.
This x1000. I really don't get how people can be so quick to dismiss it with all the factors you listed. And as I've said multiple times before, a GAMEPLAY video leak has yet to EVER be successfully faked. EVER. Bowser Jr, Shulk and Ken were the only solid gameplay leaks we've ever had and ALL of them turned out to be true. In retrospect, the only thing that gave the Grinch leak ANY stay power was the seemingly legit decals that were captured in the picture alongside the banner. It was an ingenious combination of randomness and coincidence that made it believable, but c'mon, a blurry still-shot? We should have seen it from a mile away. This, on the other hand, has immense skill, timing, AND a lack of reputable leakers capable of shooting it down (unlike the Grinch leak). The fact that it corroborates the already suspiciously accurate rocket grunt leak gives it even MORE credence.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I think I read on the Pokemon subreddit that Nintendo Lawyers are scrambling with all the Pokemon leaks flying around. Since Pokemon releases next week and Geno/Doomguy is TBA, Pokemon might be the priority to stop right now. It could also be because they don't think simple Mii costumes are worth pursuing since it doesn't confirm any playable characters. Just some .50 cent Mii costumes will appear.
This too. Nintendo's going on a massive tear with concerns to Pokemon and taking a very Shut... Down... EVERYTHING approach to it to the point that there's now credible rumors that Nintendo's going to nuke review copies for this game and any major future Pokemon games. That's big and shows that Nintendo's that pissed about Sword and Shield leaking almost in their entirety. Yeah, in comparison, some Mii costumes that probably won't be announced for another month and half at the earliest are hardly worth it.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
I've been reading comments and all about the mii hats and mods ... it seems like the detractors are not getting the points. Again I am not saying it is 100% proof and it can all be fake since we just don't know for sure. But when it comes up to bringing up points or questions, the answers/responses are in a way not related? It kinda feels like:

"Was the light red or green"

"A person was crossing on the crosswalk street"

"Ok, fine, but was the light red or green"

"There were cars on both sides of the street."

"Yes, there are cars on the street and people on the cross walk, we get it, but was the light red or green?"



Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2019
I think that we should make a poll about if we think that the leak is real or fake.
Also, if, after Pokémon releases, and they take down the mii leaks, it's safe to say that it's real


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2018
Dawn of the Tiberian Future
Switch FC
When it comes to in-depth discussion, there hasn’t really been all that much I’ve seen, but the main point is simply that no one’s been able to get a clean-looking hat into the game without using the helmet trick which doesn’t emote. People have recreated the models! People have done the helmet trick! People just still haven’t managed to get even a basic, clean-fitting hat into Smash, let alone ones as intricate as these.

It could also have very well been possible that... y’know, that guy actually printed it at that French marketing place.

The background stuff and the character portraits could easily(not easily as in effort, but easily as in possibility) have been redrawn and edited, which would certainly take effort but would still be 100% possible.
In hindsight, it could very well have just been a french employee wanting to start ****. Both of the wild narratives for real and fake being untrue would be the ultimate (well deserved) kick in the nads for the smash community after that debacle.

This too. Nintendo's going on a massive tear with concerns to Pokemon and taking a very Shut... Down... EVERYTHING approach to it to the point that there's now credible rumors that Nintendo's going to nuke review copies for this game and any major future Pokemon games. That's big and shows that Nintendo's that pissed about Sword and Shield leaking almost in their entirety. Yeah, in comparison, some Mii costumes that probably won't be announced for another month and half at the earliest are hardly worth it.
Goddammit, I just want someone to say something authoritative at this point. Every time a point gets put forth it gets hounded by a counterpoint ad infinitum.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
And to think, these two characters would never be associated with each other in any circumstances if it wasn’t for all this.



Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
This too. Nintendo's going on a massive tear with concerns to Pokemon and taking a very Shut... Down... EVERYTHING approach to it to the point that there's now credible rumors that Nintendo's going to nuke review copies for this game and any major future Pokemon games. That's big and shows that Nintendo's that pissed about Sword and Shield leaking almost in their entirety. Yeah, in comparison, some Mii costumes that probably won't be announced for another month and half at the earliest are hardly worth it.
Yeah, but there's nothing stopping Nintendo from going after both leaks.

Eh, the Mii costume leak reminds me of the Rayman leak in a lot of ways. People were saying the Rayman leak would be ridiculously hard to fake due to it directly effecting the CSS, yet low and behold someone was dedicated enough to find a way to fake it.

That said, the Mii leak does have the convincing gameplay footage, although it does have some odd cuts here and there.

I'm still on team 50/50, the footage is really convincing; but there are some small details in the footage/background of the leak that don't add up.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Yeah, but there's nothing stopping Nintendo from going after both leaks.

Eh, the Mii costume leak reminds me of the Rayman leak in a lot of ways. People were saying the Rayman leak would be ridiculously hard to fake due to it directly effecting the CSS, yet low and behold someone was dedicated enough to find a way to fake it.

That said, the Mii leak does have the convincing gameplay footage, although it does have some odd cuts here and there.

I'm still on team 50/50, the footage is really convincing; but there are some small details in the footage/background of the leak that don't add up.
I do think it's interesting that the extra zero was missing from the timer. If someone were trying to fake it, they wouldn't have left out such an obvious detail from a previously legit leak. The fact that it ISN'T there means that whoever made it didn't care about matching previous precedents.......ie. the developers.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
It could also be because they don't think simple Mii costumes are worth pursuing since it doesn't confirm any playable characters. Just some .50 cent Mii costumes will appear.
I thought this too. A lot of people would ask "Well, if they have access to the new DLC, why don't they just leak Doomguy and Geno, then? Why only these hats?" but I think that's because first off, just because a leak doesn't show off everything doesn't make it fake, you idiot, and second, it would actually make a bit fo sense to only show those. It's just enough to not piss Nintendo off too much, but it's just enough to tell people who's coming, because leaking information isn't about presentation, it's about sending a message.
When it comes to in-depth discussion, there hasn’t really been all that much I’ve seen, but the main point is simply that no one’s been able to get a clean-looking hat into the game without using the helmet trick which doesn’t emote. People have recreated the models! People have done the helmet trick! People just still haven’t managed to get even a basic, clean-fitting hat into Smash, let alone ones as intricate as these.
And think of how ridiculously unlikely this all sounds: So you're telling me that some random modder working all alone, capable of making high quality 3D hat models by himself, managed to learn how to perfectly mod Mii Fighter hats into Ultimate, a feat that most Smash modders would say is currently near impossible, decided not to tell anyone else how to do it, and withheld knowledge of when Terry was going to drop, which he somehow knew about because why else would this all come out right before Terry dropped, all so he could use these amazing skills and knowledge to make a fake leak to troll DOOMbros and Genobros. Forget chess, this is 4th dimensional underwater backgammon. In order for this to be a fake, the guy responsible would have to be the most dedicated and skilled modder in the history of Smash modding. He'd give the ****ing Sonic fandom a run for their money with his modding prowess.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
I'm predicting a double reveal at The Game Awards
You know i can see DOOM being revealed in TGA but for GENO I dont know he seems more of a Direct thing. idk... Maybe im just nervous on (if he announced) how well he is received by the audience at the TGA to be honest. Me personally ill geek out crying. Saying FINALLY AFTER 20+ YEARS etc... I need to find a good meme or gif to fully capture on how i feel about this. jejjeje


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2018
Dawn of the Tiberian Future
Switch FC
I thought this too. A lot of people would ask "Well, if they have access to the new DLC, why don't they just leak Doomguy and Geno, then? Why only these hats?" but I think that's because first off, just because a leak doesn't show off everything doesn't make it fake, you idiot, and second, it would actually make a bit fo sense to only show those. It's just enough to not piss Nintendo off too much, but it's just enough to tell people who's coming, because leaking information isn't about presentation, it's about sending a message.

And think of how ridiculously unlikely this all sounds: So you're telling me that some random modder working all alone, capable of making high quality 3D hat models by himself, managed to learn how to perfectly mod Mii Fighter hats into Ultimate, a feat that most Smash modders would say is currently near impossible, decided not to tell anyone else how to do it, and withheld knowledge of when Terry was going to drop, which he somehow knew about because why else would this all come out right before Terry dropped, all so he could use these amazing skills and knowledge to make a fake leak to troll DOOMbros and Genobros. Forget chess, this is 4th dimensional underwater backgammon. In order for this to be a fake, the guy responsible would have to be the most dedicated and skilled modder in the history of Smash modding. He'd give the ****ing Sonic fandom a run for their money with his modding prowess.
Yeah nah, tone that **** down.

The moment we start attacking each other's character over a ****ing videogame rumor is the moment I drop out. It's uncalled for and this tribalistic bull**** needs to die.

Plus, dying on a hill makes you look like a big dummy.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
It's just enough to not piss Nintendo off too much, but it's just enough to tell people who's coming, because leaking information isn't about presentation, it's about sending a message.
(Joker voice) "It's not about the money.....it's about sending a message..."


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
I do think it's interesting that the extra zero was missing from the timer. If someone were trying to fake it, they wouldn't have left out such an obvious detail from a previously legit leak. The fact that it ISN'T there means that whoever made it didn't care about matching previous precedents.......ie. the developers.
This could be a consequence of making a replay out of debug footage. The final game (that is to say, the version that isn't in debug mode) doesn't show a preceding 0 in front of the 2 in time mode. They mess around in debug mode, make a replay of it (which is why the Mii BRAWLER and Mii GUNNER show up) and film that. Replay mode, which isn't using debug tools, keeps the timer frozen because there's no data saying the clock is ticking down, but it culls the 0 like the final game does.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Yeah nah, tone that **** down.

The moment we start attacking each other's character over a ****ing videogame rumor is the moment I drop out. It's uncalled for and this tribalistic bull**** needs to die.
What are you talking about?
Plus, dying on a hill makes you look like a big dummy.
I'm not saying it IS confirmed, I'm just saying that, the deeper you look into this, the less likely it is to be fake.

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
You know i can see DOOM being revealed in TGA but for GENO I dont know he seems more of a Direct thing. idk... Maybe im just nervous on (if he announced) how well he is received by the audience at the TGA to be honest. Me personally ill geek out crying. Saying FINALLY AFTER 20+ YEARS etc... I need to find a good meme or gif to fully capture on how i feel about this. jejjeje
If that ends up happening, oh boi i will cry tears of joy!


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
I don't have a problem at all if people think its either real or fake ... since well, we won't get an answer either till A.) The "leaker" shows proof of his work or B.) We get those mii costumes eventually released. Well that, or someone can duplicate the work, or something else that has similar quality and such.

Regardless, what get's tiring is hearing bad reasoning ... not the technical stuff since not all of us are modders and have first hand knowledge on how to do these kinds of things ... Nor will I claim to be knowledgable about it .... but stuff like this is irritating:

"It's fake sense Nintendo takes down leak stuff ... Nintendo would be mandated to take them down regardless"

"*Give examples of leaks Nintendo didn't do anything about it, such as the Galeem battle that was leaked 2 weeks before the game release*"

"Two weeks before is nothing."

"Wait, you said Nintendo takes down all leak stuff but here is one example they did not and now you are saying that doesn't count?"

"I said neither thing."

It's crap like that is tiring ... which is why I am not going to join in anymore. I am more curious about the TECHINICAL side of things regarding this specific matter. Just going to listen and ask questions.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Droodle Droodle But the situation is not the same. Like I said, if Nintendo went full force on that video and it is, in fact, tied into the VGAs, they just spoiled a major announcement at an award ceremony roughly 6 weeks in advance. Perhaps it's a hyperbole but imagine if the Oscars were leaked a month in advance? There's definitely a value in keeping things a surprise.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I don't have a problem at all if people think its either real or fake ... since well, we won't get an answer either till A.) The "leaker" shows proof of his work or B.) We get those mii costumes eventually released. Well that, or someone can duplicate the work, or something else that has similar quality and such.

Regardless, what get's tiring is hearing bad reasoning ... not the technical stuff since not all of us are modders and have first hand knowledge on how to do these kinds of things ... Nor will I claim to be knowledgable about it .... but stuff like this is irritating:

"It's fake sense Nintendo takes down leak stuff ... Nintendo would be mandated to take them down regardless"

"*Give examples of leaks Nintendo didn't do anything about it, such as the Galeem battle that was leaked 2 weeks before the game release*"

"Two weeks before is nothing."

"Wait, you said Nintendo takes down all leak stuff but here is one example they did not and now you are saying that doesn't count?"

"I said neither thing."

It's crap like that is tiring ... which is why I am not going to join in anymore. I am more curious about the TECHINICAL side of things regarding this specific matter. Just going to listen and ask questions.
*pulls up a chair* Come and join me. The technical stuff is really intriguing.

I will say, sucks for Nintendo that this would happen shortly after all the Pokemon stuff happened. What's next?


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I think I read on the Pokemon subreddit that Nintendo Lawyers are scrambling with all the Pokemon leaks flying around. Since Pokemon releases next week and Geno/Doomguy is TBA, Pokemon might be the priority to stop right now. It could also be because they don't think simple Mii costumes are worth pursuing since it doesn't confirm any playable characters. Just some .50 cent Mii costumes will appear.
Hasn¨t they caught the person that leaked it or is that just a rumor?


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Droodle Droodle But the situation is not the same. Like I said, if Nintendo went full force on that video and it is, in fact, tied into the VGAs, they just spoiled a major announcement at an award ceremony roughly 6 weeks in advance. Perhaps it's a hyperbole but imagine if the Oscars were leaked a month in advance? There's definitely a value in keeping things a surprise.
Yeah the Pokemon thing is different because they were leaking an entire game before release continually. They had no choice but to take action in that situation.

These are two DLC mii costumes given to a community that has both fake and real leaks very regularly and fights about everything amongst themselves. Taking no action here is pretty much the only way to leave everyone guessing for the next month or so.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Yeah but you don't need to be calling people idiots or making them out to be unreasonable for thinking the leak is fake.
I didn't call anyone stupid, unless you're talking about me calling a nameless, faceless, non-entity an idiot, in which case I sincerely apologise for hurting their feelings, and I hope in time that they can find it within their hearts to forgive me. No but seriously, are you really getting offended at me using the word idiot?
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Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2018
Dawn of the Tiberian Future
Switch FC
Yeah the Pokemon thing is different because they were leaking an entire game before release continually. They had no choice but to take action in that situation.

These are two DLC mii costumes given to a community that has both fake and real leaks very regularly and fights about everything amongst themselves. Taking no action here is pretty much the only way to leave everyone guessing for the next month or so.
Also keep in mind that this isn't just a matter of PR or keeping things a surprise. Posting this footage is likely against contract and possibly even illegal, so reuploading it to Youtube is a massive violation of its TOS.

Again, the issue lies with whether Nintendo takes action or not. The Galeem video leak shows they don't always bring the hammer down. Do we remember if the Ryu footage was taken down?

I didn't call anyone stupid, unless you're talking about me calling a nameless, faceless, non-entity an idiot, in which case I sincerely apologise for hurting their feelings, and I hope in time that they can find it within their hearts to forgive me. No but seriously, are you really getting offended at me using the word idiot?
No but it sets a tone that could encourage other people to do it to users that aren't imaginary. Beating up strawmen is a massive waste of energy anyhow.
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Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
I still think Namco rep is #5, probably Lloyd. And I feel like the VGA is the perfect venue to show Doom, and further that Geno is paired with Doom if these costumes are real. But is it really that likely we'd get a character reveal before the VGAs? Doom never made sense to me being on the Fighter's Pass, but I don't think revealing Lloyd or Geno at the VGAs would be a very good fit.

I mean if it's a super early showing like Joker was maybe it's fine. Some Direct where we get the last character revealed sometime this month, and then see an announcement at VGAs for Doom. Hard to say without knowing how far ahead of schedule they are, but if there's already Mii costume pieces in that state for those characters, maybe they're further along than I think.
While I agree Bandai Namco definitely looks like they’ll get a 2nd rep. The only way I can see them getting the 5th spot is if The Mii costume leak with Mallow and the Kaokou demon (not sure I spelled that right) is fake. Then I could see Bandai Namco getting the 5th spot, and Geno being also shown as the next fighter to start the next round. That way Bandai Namco still gets their 2nd rep, but fans are still happy because the fighter pass didn’t end anti climatic.

As for Lloyd it’s difficult to say. On one hand if he does get in then all the big three JRPGS will be represented in Smash Ultimate; Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Tales of.

On the other hand if it is a Tekken rep then all the major fighting game franchises will be represented. Street Fighter, King of Fighter, Tekken, Dead or Alive (if Ryu Hayabusa happens)

I know Sakurai wanted Heihachi before, so perhaps he’ll stick with a Tekken rep. If Heihachi’s moves are too hard to make they could go with Jin as he has a more move set potential with Devil Jin.

Either series would be great to have in smash though. And hopefully Bandai Namco takes a cue from SNK and has music from multiple series.
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Deleted member

Also keep in mind that this isn't just a matter of PR or keeping things a surprise. Posting this footage is likely against contract and possibly even illegal, so reuploading it to Youtube is a massive violation of its TOS.

Again, the issue lies with whether Nintendo takes action or not. The Galeem video leak shows they don't always bring the hammer down. Do we remember if the Ryu footage was taken down?

No but it sets a tone that could encourage other people to do it to users that aren't imaginary. Beating up strawmen is a massive waste of energy anyhow.
You can indeed still find mirrors of the leaked Ryu gameplay
Like here for example


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I didn't call anyone stupid, unless you're talking about me calling a nameless, faceless, non-entity an idiot, in which case I sincerely apologise for hurting their feelings, and I hope in time that they can find it within their hearts to forgive me. No but seriously, are you really getting offended at me using the word idiot?
Your tone in that comment is rather aggressive and harsh so I can understand P1ZZ4CHU P1ZZ4CHU reaction too it. Seen far too many comments like yours that has started conflicts even if it was not meant to.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
While I agree Bandai Namco definitely looks like they’ll get a 2nd rep. The only way I can see them getting the 5th spot is if The Mii costume leak with Mallow and the Kaokou demon (not sure I spelled that right) is fake. Then I could see Bandai Namco getting the 5th spot, and Geno being also shown as the next fighter to start the next round. That way Bandai Namco still gets their 2nd rep, but fans are still happy because the fighter pass didn’t end anti climatic.

As for Lloyd it’s difficult to say. On one hand if he does get in then all the big three JRPGS will be represented in Smash Ultimate; Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Tales of.

On the other hand if it is a Tekken rep then all the major fighting game franchises will be represented. Street Fighter, King of Fighter, Tekken, Dead or Alive (if Ryu Hayabusa happens)

I know Sakurai wanted Heihachi before, so perhaps he’ll stick with a Tekken rep. If Heihachi’s moves are too hard to make they could go with Jin as he has a more move set potential with Devil Jin.

Either series would be great to have in smash though. And hopefully Bandai Namco takes a cue from SNK and has music from multiple series.
Why does the leak have to be fake if it does not get the 5th spot? There is nothing there to say that either and next, and as it has been discussed here much before, assuming that sort of thing can cause a lot of problems.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
I am more curious about the TECHINICAL side of things regarding this specific matter.
Amen, Reverend. I'm right there with you. Technical details are the only thing that will yield evidence for or against the leak. Everything else is just opinion and hearsay.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
I thought this too. A lot of people would ask "Well, if they have access to the new DLC, why don't they just leak Doomguy and Geno, then? Why only these hats?" but I think that's because first off, just because a leak doesn't show off everything doesn't make it fake, you idiot, and second, it would actually make a bit fo sense to only show those. It's just enough to not piss Nintendo off too much, but it's just enough to tell people who's coming, because leaking information isn't about presentation, it's about sending a message.

And think of how ridiculously unlikely this all sounds: So you're telling me that some random modder working all alone, capable of making high quality 3D hat models by himself, managed to learn how to perfectly mod Mii Fighter hats into Ultimate, a feat that most Smash modders would say is currently near impossible, decided not to tell anyone else how to do it, and withheld knowledge of when Terry was going to drop, which he somehow knew about because why else would this all come out right before Terry dropped, all so he could use these amazing skills and knowledge to make a fake leak to troll DOOMbros and Genobros. Forget chess, this is 4th dimensional underwater backgammon. In order for this to be a fake, the guy responsible would have to be the most dedicated and skilled modder in the history of Smash modding. He'd give the ****ing Sonic fandom a run for their money with his modding prowess.
That actually makes me think of an interesting point.

Say you’re this ultra-modder with unparalleled skill in both Ultimate modding and costume modeling. You know that what you’re about to do is so ridiculously skilled and intricate to the point where you doubt that even the whole modding community working together could replicate it. This costume “leak” of yours is going to be hotly debated no matter who it implies, just because of the skill and effort that you’ve put into it.

...So of course the logical step is to pick Doomguy and Geno for your leak, two relatively non-controversial picks that many expected anyway.

In other words, if I was behind this and really, really wanted to start ****? I’d do something like Heartless and N. Cortex heads. Geno certainly gets a surprising amount of backlash from some aspects of the fanbase, but he’s overall gotten a neutral/positive reception, and Doomguy’s generally been one of the speculation frontrunners ever since Bethesda wouldn’t stop hinting at something Nintendo being in the works.

Why spend all this effort to create a fake leak specifically to back up two of the blandest predictions(let me be clear: neither Geno or Doomguy are bland, but predicting them basically is at this point with everything else going for them, even the people that don’t want them expect that they’ll get in) currently in the Smash speculation scene? If you found this super-secret costume mod method that nobody else can replicate, why not go ****ing wild?

It’s just another thing to add to the pile of “weirdness that leans towards it being legit”.
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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
No but it sets a tone that could encourage other people to do it to users that aren't imaginary. Beating up strawmen is a massive waste of energy anyhow.
Your tone in that comment is rather aggressive and harsh so I can understand P1ZZ4CHU P1ZZ4CHU reaction too it. Seen far too many comments like yours that has started conflicts even if it was not meant to.
Why should I care what other people do? I'm not their dad, I'm a random guy on the internet. I'm not responsible for what anyone else does, good or bad.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2018
Dawn of the Tiberian Future
Switch FC
You can indeed still find mirrors of the leaked Ryu gameplay
Like here for example
Thanks for that.

Yeah, that sucks some smoke from the no-DMCA gun.

Why should I care what other people do? I'm not their dad, I'm a random guy on the internet. I'm not responsible for what anyone else does, good or bad.
Because caring about how your actions affect others is the basic foundation of being a decent human being.
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