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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Okay so I looked up the Spirits list and yes, there are Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi spirits which are differentiated from the other Super Mario spirits. Mario Kart, Luigi’s Mansion, and Dr. Mario are also treated this way.

I’m pretty sure Super Mario RPG isn’t differentiated because of Square.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Okay Smashboards, tell me why this one was proven fake, if it was already: https://youtu.be/I4e4BtOJ42k

Been out of the loop. Was this post edited at all? Cause if not, this seems super likely right?
I think nobody could find the original post when searching for the number, though someone found a similar post with the same image that was also talking about fighters (not the same ones though), so I guess it was edited.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Based off of evidence of leaked messages from the admins of the website sharing and discussing about their interest in, well, kids. And not in a good way.
I'm unaware of anything on that front and if there were problematic admins on the site, they would not be tolerated. ResetERA, on average, is generally pretty attune to issues in the gaming community and tend to be pretty damn vocal about issues they see in it. I've seen people banned for their opinions on subject matters even approaching anything unsavory with regards to minors and people do not tolerate that sort of thing there. So, I'm definitely going to tell you not to give the entire site that label (at least not any more than you would this site, we've had some issues in the past too, hence the fact the Social thread has been "Temporary" for a few months"). I'd also suggest we not really discuss this further, but that's just not what ResetERA is and the users are conscious enough to ensure that doesn't stay in the community if it is ever found.

Deleted member

Where was it stated Miyamoto has a “distaste” for Mario RPG games? I hadn’t heard of that before.
It's been proven that it was Miyamoto's decision to water down the characters in Paper Mario from the diverse and interesting designs of the first two games to a world filled with cut and paste toads and baddies in Sticker Star and Sticker Star: But Paint This Time. I think he's even outright stated he's against any sort of narrative in Mario games, but my memory is weak on the subject.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
It's been proven that it was Miyamoto's decision to water down the characters in Paper Mario from the diverse and interesting designs of the first two games to a world filled with cut and paste toads and baddies in Sticker Star and Sticker Star: But Paint This Time. I think he's even outright stated he's against any sort of narrative in Mario games, but my memory is weak on the subject.
Super Paper Mario still had different characters and level themes.

Deleted member

Super Paper Mario still had different characters and level themes.
Super Paper Mario is also a 12 year old game at this point. A lot has happened since its level of what I consider peak Paper Mario narrative
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Deleted member

that doesn't matter to me
so the fact that two Paper Mario titles have come out since Super Paper Mario and have both been devoid of the personality that made the first 3 good games invalidates the fact that the latter two are devoid of personality?


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
so the fact that two Paper Mario titles have come out since Super Paper Mario and have both been devoid of the personality that made the first 3 good games invalidates the fact that the latter two are devoid of personality?
i sadly don't understand your word.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
In smash the geno and mallow spirits say they are from SMRPG. While most of the other mario charaters are just labeled as Super Mario.
Lots of Spirits have distinctions like that, though. Karate Kong is listed as being from "Donkey Kong Jungle Beat" rather than from "Donkey Kong Series", for instance. Doesn't suddenly make Jungle Beat a separate series from Donkey Kong. It's like if I asked someone, "is a leopard a cat?" and they responded, "no, it's a leopard!" Yeah, it is, but that doesn't make it not a cat.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
I don't just want a season of upgraded characters regardless of my individual opinions on them. It would be such an anti-climax to the overall picture of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I'm fine with some upgrades happening obviously, but they need to be sprinkled in with new characters and surprises, not the focus.

Also, we have a thread up on ResetERA specifically about Geno in Smash... Some of it's not so great... but I do appreciate some of the people coming out to support him properly.
So I only read like the first 2 pages of comments. The OP actually seemed really genuine and well-written. Sure there were some expected bad comments, but overall I was pleasantly surprised by support even by those who felt indifferent towards the character. Honestly, I can understand being indifferent. As some others have said, Geno actually doesn't have a whole lot fleshed out about his personality but has a really cool aesthetic and way of fighting which I think lends itself to people with more imagination really taking to him because they begin to fill in the enigmatic pockets of his personality with things that seem to make sense to them for Geno to be like based on what we do know. Not saying people that don't like Geno have no imagination just that I think Geno appeals more to people who are more creative by nature.

But what do I know? Maybe there are just people out there who would prefer human males and anime sword fighters over really different and bizarre choices for a fighting game. I think it's fair for people who even have played SMRPG to not have the same kind of nostalgia and appreciation that most of us have for the game and it's characters. Not everybody gets the same experience out of playing the same game. I am very appreciative for all the support Geno does have whether it's from passionate fans or indifferent Smash fans who want to see others happy and get a character they've been asking for. I think it's really encouraging actually to see that people with no connection to Geno still would put their personal character desires aside to see others be rewarded for their persistence. I wish we could all have more of an outlook like that.

Sidenote: I worked with a new client last night for the first time who was a really big fan of Brawl. As we talked about video games, he said something like "you know who would be a really cool character in Smash?" And I was like "who?" And he was all like "Geno" then I knew we were going to get along well especially since some of his other choices were Crash, Spyro, Doomguy, and Porky.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
It's been proven that it was Miyamoto's decision to water down the characters in Paper Mario from the diverse and interesting designs of the first two games to a world filled with cut and paste toads and baddies in Sticker Star and Sticker Star: But Paint This Time. I think he's even outright stated he's against any sort of narrative in Mario games, but my memory is weak on the subject.
To play Devil's Advocate:

Miyamoto's heavily a "New ways to play" guy. That's been his development strategy since forever, and he identifies himself heavily with that mindset. It's clear in a number of interviews he's done, and it's clear from what the games he makes attempts to do.

To qoute from No Strings Prd's F-Zero video (at the 20 minute mark): "They [Nintendo] put play first. They start with some new idea or mechanic - something different in the way you interact with or experience the game. And then they pair an IP to it, or make something fresh." Sure Miyamoto has a number of relative failures around him (Sticker Star included, not gonna argue about that). But if you're working for Nintendo, would you really argue against the guy who's EAD's face? Who created Mario and Zelda, and contributed to the Wii and the Switch? Who's been massively important to Nintendo since the original Donkey Kong game?

Chances are, that's really difficult to do. And Miyamoto's aversion to having narratives in Mario likely comes from Mario's origins as a retooled Popeye game*. Popeye's not exactly known for deep continuity after all. And again, Miyamoto's the kind of guy who treasure stuff he holds dear deeply. Like his childhood memories of exploring forests and caves. Those memories are the basis for Zelda.

*(And Mario's original name as Mr. Video, Miyamoto originally intended for Mario to be used in every game he created apparently.)
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Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2013
They only don't want Geno because they want their "Wife Jerk Off Material".


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
In a perfect world; I think five upgraded characters and five more newcomer third parties/ unrepped Nintendo characters would be the most ideal. Maybe the other pass being a mixture of new third parties and unrepped nintendo characters.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2013
I think it was a Sandbag fan diss.

I mean, look at the way it flushes after you beat it up... :drflip:
Nah clearly he was talking about the Pauline spirit.
I mean, look at the way we flush after she beats us up... :mybodyisreggie:
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Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I hope it was within Nintendo's plan to include only spirits for the next wave of DLC.

Now that WOL is over and all the spirits were freed, I can see most of the fan favorite ones having already been negotiated and implemented into the game. There are way more appealing new comers curre tly as spirits compared to those who represent new franchises.

(Geno, Rayman, Rex, Dee etc)


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
No, it's Mario RPG title, which is never branded like a Mario series game and has no representation in Smash period outside of one move in Piranha Plant's arsenal. Miyamoto's apparent "recent" distaste for the Mario RPGs is what I think may be Geno's biggest obstacle.
Actually, Peach's frying pan and Bowser's claw swipe in their moveset originally came from Mario RPG.

i sadly don't understand your word.
@Serenade01 was basically saying that the newer Paper Mario games like Sticker Star and Color Splash completely lack personality, depth, and good writing to them.
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Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
I hope it was within Nintendo's plan to include only spirits for the next wave of DLC.

Now that WOL is over and all the spirits were freed, I can see most of the fan favorite ones having already been negotiated and implemented into the game. There are way more appealing new comers curre tly as spirits compared to those who represent new franchises.

(Geno, Rayman, Rex, Dee etc)
Yeah it doesn't make sense to lock the most requested characters away as side material and then shuffle in a bunch of random 3rd parties to try and appeal any other demographic than your own. I mean I guess I understand why they might want to but I can't believe it would be more successful then what just giving the people what they want. I can't think of anyone who is a sony or microsoft fanboy who bought both the game and a switch just to play as a character they like in smash bros. Unfortunately the only means of communication in the business consumer relationship is to just either buy or not buy the product offered, and like so many times in the past choosing to skip in protest wouldn't tell Nintendo we want something else they would just think we dont want it at all and would can development entirely. It's just so frustrating that they went out of their way to do the big poll to see what characters people wanted to buy most in ultimate but then just cast it aside after base. I just don't understand and I hope more than anything I'm wrong about their intentions and new dlc is focused again on fan picks no matter who owns them.

here's to that banjo is the future, and not a happy accident.
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Deleted member

Yeah it doesn't make sense to lock the most requested characters away as side material and then shuffle in a bunch of random 3rd parties to try and appeal any other demographic than your own. I mean I guess I understand why they might want to but I can't believe it would be more successful then what just giving the people what they want. I can't think of anyone who is a sony or microsoft fanboy who bought both the game and a switch just to play as a character they like in smash bros. Unfortunately the only means of communication in the business consumer relationship is to just either buy or not buy the product offered, and like so many times in the past choosing to skip in protest wouldn't tell Nintendo we want something else they would just think we dont want it at all and would can development entirely. It's just so frustrating that they went out of their way to do the big poll to see what characters people wanted to buy most in ultimate but then just cast it aside after base. I just don't understand and I hope more than anything I'm wrong about their intentions and new dlc is focused again on fan pics no matter who owns them.

here's to that banjo is the future, and not a happy accident.
I hate it when they don't choose the exact character I want! Why can't they just appeal to me?

You'd be surprised at the amount of people who genuinely wanted the characters who have appeared as DLC so far (besides Plant). There's also the fact that we don't actually know the results of the poll, a lot of the characters could've been highly requested.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I'd personally much rather a 4:1 ratio type thing. For every 4 new characters we get into Smash, we get one promotion. But then again, I only have like two characters I'm invested in for promotions and I'm infinitely more interested in expanding Smash rather just having it stick to its lane with stuff that is already in it in some capacity. If we can only get all these crazy third parties in and at the table this one time, I'd much rather Sakurai seize that opportunity for glory and have a literally unmatched record to leave Smash on before he departs as director.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
I hate it when they don't choose the exact character I want! Why can't they just appeal to me?

You'd be surprised at the amount of people who genuinely wanted the characters who have appeared as DLC so far (besides Plant). There's also the fact that we don't actually know the results of the poll, a lot of the characters could've been highly requested.
well jokes on you because I happen to love both dragon quest and kof so for me personally it's been a decent ride, but that doesn't mean I'd rather they coincidentally fulfill some largely silent requests in their goal to network over the big stuff people have clamored for a decade or more. None of those characters were even in the greater discussion until they were leaked and I would rather see the internet explode in excitement again like at the end of e3, not have to tell people who terry is for the umpteenth time. (or that SNK is a company not a game:upsidedown:)
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Deleted member

well jokes on you because I happen to love both dragon quest and kof so for me personally it's been a decent ride, but that doesn't mean I'd rather they coincidentally fulfill some largely silent requests in their goal to network over the big stuff people have clamored for a decade or more. None of those characters were even in the greater discussion until they were leaked and I would rather see the internet explode in excitement again like at the end of e3, not have to tell people who terry is for the umpteenth time. (or that SNK is a company not a game:upsidedown:)
no, see, since you think there could have been better inclusions you only have eyes for one character and believe every other character is a mistake. You're being entitled!

where's the sarcasm tag


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Actually, Peach's frying pan and Bowser's claw swipe in their moveset originally came from Mario RPG.

@Serenade01 was basically saying that the newer Paper Mario games like Sticker Star and Color Splash completely lack personality, depth, and good writing to them.
i never really played Sticker Star and Color Splash, i only played Super Paper Mario so i don't really need to say anything about the last two games of the series.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
waluigi, dixie kong, BWD, shantae, rayman, sora, I frankly couldn't care less about them if I'm being perfectly honest. In fact I hated on BWD quite a bit a long time ago. But at then end of the day I want to see the people get what they want so if there is enough support behind something I'd be ecstatic to see it get in regardless of how much I want them. Hell if nothing else it would look good for anyone else that would be considered impossible because they're in the game or 1st party.
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Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
Seems some people are really looking at Geno being in the DLC at some point. Confidence is good. Another thing I found on Twitter. Poll that was held over the past week.



Smash Cadet
Feb 20, 2019
Switch FC
Fighter 76 - Geno.png

Fighter 76 - Geno. I made this for you guys to get that much hope for the puppet boy in smash.
For those who are curious who made this Geno Render, It was made by Nibroc-Rock.​
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Seems some people are really looking at Geno being in the DLC at some point. Confidence is good. Another thing I found on Twitter. Poll that was held over the past week.
The layout of the image is a little unclear - is this all the same poll, or are the two sides from separate polls?

I'm assuming they're separate because Crash is on there twice, but I'm not sure what the criteria is between one and the other. I'd think that the one on the right includes assist trophies and Mii costumes while the one on the left excludes them, but Sora, Bandanna Dee, Steve and Shantae don't fall into that category.
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Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
The layout of the image is a little unclear - is this all the same poll, or are the two sides from separate polls?

I'm assuming they're separate because Crash is on there twice, but I'm not sure what the criteria is between one and the other. I'd think that the one on the right includes assist trophies and Mii costumes while the one on the left excludes them, but Sora, Bandanna Dee, Steve and Shantae don't fall into that category.
the left was for who you think the 5th fighter pass character would be, the right is who you want in the future dlc. they did 2 questions in the same poll
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
the left was for who you think the 5th fighter pass character would be, the right is who you want in the future dlc. they did 2 questions in the same poll
Oh, okay. Having the question on top of either side probably would have helped clear that up. I'd honestly be fine with any of those choices for the fifth Fighters Pass character.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2019
same, and you could scoop off the top 10 from the right and I can't imagine anyone would complain either. I might only really want a few of those but if crash finished the pass and issac/geno/waluigi/BWD/sora/shantae/skull kid/rayman/steve/shadow finished out the rest of the dlc I think the internet might have an aneurysm.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2018
Wait, is that art in your signature yours then? You've improved a LOT! This is so cute!!
Oh, yes, that's my old art in the signature! And thank you so very much. I'm messing around and testing with different brushes in Paint Tool Sai, striving to improve! Means a lot, hoping to make a game one day. ^^


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I still support Geno even if my favorite choice for the last pass fighter is Solaire of Astora (very unlikely not many people predicted Terry Bogard). I know more DLC is coming but we don't know how many (hopefully not too many, the roster is massive already). Anyways, Geno would bring some welcomed visual variety to the DLC fighters so far. Sure, we got a joke fighter (Piranha Plant, not Joker) and three anime boys plus Banjo and Kazooie. Visually they are all different , and they are all unique as far as gameplay is concerned, which is great. I am personally fond of Joker's playstyle despite thinking Persona shouldn't be Smash (don't bother calling me a hater - Persona 3 and 4 are awesome games).

But back to Geno, I think we need more cute in Smash. Isabelle and Banjo & Kazooie are not enough (calling Inkling cute feels weird, probably because people love to sexualize the poor thing). The fact Mario RPG is a great game and we would get amazing new music in Smash (if Square doesn't pull the same nonsense they did with the Midgar stage) is merely a bonus. ALSO, the potential for an unique playstyle is there. Since they are fond of DLC fighters having gimmicks, maybe timed hits could be a thing for Geno? How fun and potentially annoying after a while would that be?

I wonder if Terry will have that little bar that stays on the bottom of the screen in KOF games, that allows the use of special moves when charged. That'd be cool. Anyways, I am rambling. I think I am on the supporter's list but if not, put me in, please.

My true favorite choice for the last pass fighter is Agumon, but don't tell anyone - Also, yes, Agumon originated in a game.

Deleted member

Your reaction if Geno got in Smash but it was to promote the new Super Mario movie Illumination is making which turns out to be an adaptation of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars?

Personally I would be very interested in seeing that happen and I think if the movie was good it would be one of the best case scenarios as if it does well Nintendo may want to buy the rights to Super Mario RPG.

Deleted member

Your reaction if Geno got in Smash but it was to promote the new Super Mario movie Illumination is making which turns out to be an adaptation of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars?

Personally I would be very interested in seeing that happen and I think if the movie was good it would be one of the best case scenarios as if it does well Nintendo may want to buy the rights to Super Mario RPG.
I don't care what Geno's promoting by getting in - when he gets in I'm buying multiple copies of whatever he's promoting. Movie? Seeing it twice. Game? Guess I'll have one copy to keep sealed. The DLC itself? Buying it for friends who might not have gotten it.
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