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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I'd love to see an interesting stage entrance like his true form descending upon the Geno doll and coming to life.
I have never thought of that, but it sounds absolutely amazing and now I'll be somewhat disappointed if that *isn't* his stage entrance.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
Hey dudes, never knew who Geno was before but I just recently got a SNES Classic and started playing though SMRPG 99% blind. I haven't finished it yet (I've just reached the volcano) but I would like to voice support for Geno. Though the reasons for it are a bit oddball.

So far Geno himself hasn't really resonated with me. Don't get me wrong, I like him well enough, and he has a cool design for sure (his arm guns and cloak are the ****), but he doesn't have much of a personality. He's just this random dude that popped outta the sky, spouted plot exposition and then joined the party. Honestly of the two SMRPG OCs in the party I actually like Mallow better for having a more defined personality beyond "I'm mysterious and cool" with an actual arc and character development (I haven't finished the game though so I'm praying that Geno will have more character moments later on).

However, the game itself I really adore. It has this wonder sense of charm and whimsy, and the combat is really fun despite some of the jankiness that comes with early RPGs. This is gonna sound really weird to you guys but it actually fills me with a nostalgia for all the old flash RPG games I would play as a kid. Newgrounds and ArmorGames were my **** as a kid, and it's actually a funky but great experience playing SMRPG itself and seeing how its influence worked its way into a lot of these old flash RPG games I used to play. That's one reason I want some sort SMRPG representation in this game.

Another is that it would make a great statement of how Nintendo and Square have finally buried the hatchet after all the years of frosty feelings between the two when the N64 arrived. Cloud appearing in Smash and the critical success of Octopath Traveler have already made it clear that the big N and Square are warming up to each other again, allowing Geno back into the Nintendo family would be a wonderful way to make it definitive that yes, there's no more harsh feelings between Square and Nintendo.

And finally, I want him in because, well, you guys want him in so bad. I never really got the appeal of why so many people wanted a side character that only appeared in one game in Smash so bad, but lurking this board, watching PapaGenos explanation on YouTube and SkyWilliams twitter post about why Genos is so important to them, I think I'm starting to get it. You guys have been waiting for far too long, and I think now is the right time for Geno to make his return to the spotlight.

So yeah, I'd like to sign up as a supporter if y'all don't mind having me.
Nice post; I didn't now Sky was a Geno supporter to the point of changing his twitter handle to the symbol name.

Geno does have the cool, mysterious Boba Fett thing going on (as does Skull Kid), but he also is borderline a father figure looking out for everyone's interest, so I don't really thinking he's intentionally trying to be mysterious.

I have never thought of that, but it sounds absolutely amazing and now I'll be somewhat disappointed if that *isn't* his stage entrance.
He's also the only character that makes sense as a toy-to-life amiibo.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'm personally hoping that a lot of SMRPG's original sounds are used because that game had incredible sound design and some of the most iconic in the SNES era outside Super Mario World, Earthbound, and Kirby Superstar. Geno himself had different sounds for every single one of his weapons and special attacks so I hope these are incorporated if and when he gets in.

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Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
I'm personally hoping that a lot of SMRPG's original sounds are used because that game had incredible sound design and some of the most iconic in the SNES era outside Super Mario World, Earthbound, and Kirby Superstar. Geno himself had different sounds for every single one of his weapons and special attacks so I hope these are incorporated if and when he gets in.

Shoot, if they have that charge up sound for geno beam, I'll be happy.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2018
Would y'all agree that the major remaining highly requested characters are Geno, Isaac, Banjo, Dixie, and Skull Kid?


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Is it rude to believe shantae has zero chance of appearing? I think she'd be a cool fighter but I just don't see it happening.
Let's just say that there is a reason the Shantae thread directly under this one when it comes to amount of replies. Trust me, since the direct the thread has been very busy when it comes to her evidence.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2018
Let's just say that there is a reason the Shantae thread directly under this one when it comes to amount of replies. Trust me, since the direct the thread has been very busy when it comes to her evidence.
I'm an Isaac fan and I still can't fathom how we have such an absurdly active thread. I hope everyone gets their character at some point in this game, though. I don't know of Shantae's request history but if she's been as vocally demanded as Geno, Banjo, or Isaac for as long ad those characters, I'd say she deserves a spot.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Banjo could also still get in

I'm personally hoping that a lot of SMRPG's original sounds are used because that game had incredible sound design and some of the most iconic in the SNES era outside Super Mario World, Earthbound, and Kirby Superstar. Geno himself had different sounds for every single one of his weapons and special attacks so I hope these are incorporated if and when he gets in.

LOL, for some reason the weapon with timed hits I like the most is Peach's parasol.

There is just something satisfying about it opening up at the end

Dragon lord

Lord of all Dragons
Nov 12, 2014
The Dragon tower
I'm an Isaac fan and I still can't fathom how we have such an absurdly active thread. I hope everyone gets their character at some point in this game, though. I don't know of Shantae's request history but if she's been as vocally demanded as Geno, Banjo, or Isaac for as long ad those characters, I'd say she deserves a spot.
she's pretty big, but what makes me wonder about her inclusion is the Shovel knight Assist trophy, from all i've seen shovel knight was more heavily requested so why would shantae be chosen over him?, personally i think smash ultimate may have only had time for one western third party character, and in that case Banjo/another microsoft character is 100% the better choice then shovel knight or shantae


needs hugs~<3
Oct 27, 2008
Ashley's Haunted Mansion!
Glad to see that Agnes leak is fake. Got that outta the way. lol
Of course the Agnes leak was fake lol
Anyone who's really played the Bravely Default games can tell you Agnes was only directly playable in the 1st game, so they would only pick a BD character that was playable in both to be in Smash. It only makes sense~


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Let's just say that there is a reason the Shantae thread directly under this one when it comes to amount of replies. Trust me, since the direct the thread has been very busy when it comes to her evidence.
They can gather all the evidence they want, Shovel Knight was way more popular and look where that got him.

Shantain't happening


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
she's pretty big, but what makes me wonder about her inclusion is the Shovel knight Assist trophy, from all i've seen shovel knight was more heavily requested so why would shantae be chosen over him?, personally i think smash ultimate may have only had time for one western third party character, and in that case Banjo/another microsoft character is 100% the better choice then shovel knight or shantae
Shantae does have the Nintendo history advantage, as well as being pretty much the oldest character considered an indie. Heck, Yachtclub is made up of former Wayforward developers, the company that makes the Shantae games. And that is not even going into the massive amount of evidence that the thread has discussed. I would just recommend checking the thread out and possibly asking questions if you are curious.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Shantae's request history isn't that old. She really wasn't a blip on the Smash fandom radar until the Smash Ballot. She's my choice for an Indie pick but it's really hard to determine where her chances stand. The main things going for her is that she has an unusually long history with Nintendo for an indie character (2002), there's photographic evidence that Matt Bozon (her creator) and Sakurai have met, Nintendo has helped localize the series in Japan, and her moveset practically writes itself if you've played any of the games, especially Pirates' Curse. An awesome character choice but right now there is not a whole lot of evidence for or against her.

Dragon lord

Lord of all Dragons
Nov 12, 2014
The Dragon tower
Shantae does have the Nintendo history advantage, as well as being pretty much the oldest character considered an indie. Heck, Yachtclub is made up of former Wayforward developers, the company that makes the Shantae games. And that is not even going into the massive amount of evidence that the thread has discussed. I would just recommend checking the thread out and possibly asking questions if you are curious.
Considering that bomberman has a game where he literally crossovers with wario (that was also referenced in brawl mind you), yet is still a assist trophy I don't think Nintendo history with third parties matters much now

Plus shovel knight was published by Nintendo in Japan :/

Anyway, Geno's pretty cool huh?
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2018
I'd be pretty shocked if Geno weren't playable this time. His entire existence in 2018 is as a Smash speculation character, which is really fascinating honestly


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Considering that bomberman has a game where he literally crossovers with wario (that was also referenced in brawl mind you), yet is still a assist trophy I don't think Nintendo history with third parties matters much

Plus shovel knight was published by Nintendo in Japan :/

Anyway, Geno's pretty cool huh?
Fun fact actually, Shantae made an appearance in Warioware DIY in a microgame made by Matt Bozon as a part of some Big Name Games download.

Dragon lord

Lord of all Dragons
Nov 12, 2014
The Dragon tower
Interesting note on bomberman though, if ya believe Verg's leaks i remember him once saying that Simon was chosen out of his popularity on the ballot, yet looking at the data he didn't seem to be getting that popular and was even beat by bomberman, but it also seems that him and bomberman were close enough to where simon could be the most voted Konami character (or perhaps Sakurai counted Simon and ritchers votes as one?), but even in that case he's still not that high on the ballot

unless, now going a bit reachy here, sakurai was already planning on giving a bunch of third parties there second rep and went on the ballot to see which was the most voted one from that company, in this case Geno absolutely destroys the competition for the second square choice


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Interesting note on bomberman though, if ya believe Verg's leaks i remember him once saying that Simon was chosen out of his popularity on the ballot, yet looking at the data he didn't seem to be getting that popular and was even beat by bomberman, but it also seems that him and bomberman were close enough to where simon could be the most voted Konami character (or perhaps Sakurai counted Simon and ritchers votes as one?), but even in that case he's still not that high on the ballot

unless, now going a bit reachy here, sakurai was already planning on giving a bunch of third parties there second rep and went on the ballot to see which was the most voted one from that company, in this case Geno absolutely destroys the competition for the second square choice
It's possible a "Castlevania rep" got high on the polls but was divided too much between the heroes so that none of them showed up on fan polls. But sakurai combined them and thought adding Richter and Simon would satisfy all fans

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Sakurai is also potentially biased when it comes to Castlevania as he's stated before that it was one of the series that inspired him to get into game development.

They can gather all the evidence they want, Shovel Knight was way more popular and look where that got him.

Shantain't happening
Way more is an overstatement. Shovel Knight was a modicum higher than Shantae in all of the online polling. This isn't the difference between #1 and #232, it's the difference between like... #15 and #18. (Arbitrary numbers for the example.)

Shantae also ticks the "expressive" box that Shovel Knight doesn't, according to Sakurai's design philosophy.

Dragon lord

Lord of all Dragons
Nov 12, 2014
The Dragon tower
Sakurai is also potentially biased when it comes to Castlevania as he's stated before that it was one of the series that inspired him to get into game development.

Way more is an overstatement. Shovel Knight was a modicum higher than Shantae in all of the online polling. This isn't the difference between #1 and #232, it's the difference between like... #15 and #18. (Arbitrary numbers for the example.)

Shantae also ticks the "expressive" box that Shovel Knight doesn't, according to Sakurai's design philosophy.
....i mean to me shovel knight seems about as expressive as ROB and ROB still got through and hell in subspace he even has a fair amount of good moments

plus i mean i'd argue that shovel knights way of expressiveness is Unique among the cast too, while shantae is basically just the same kinda expression as a lot of other characters, main one that comes to mind is Pit seeing as they have the similar ways of "text overlayed on artwork" thing in there recent games
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Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
....i mean to me shovel knight seems about as expressive as ROB and ROB still got through and hell in subspace he even has a fair amount of good moments

plus i mean i'd argue that shovel knights way of expressiveness is Unique among the cast too, while shantae is basically just the same kinda expression as a lot of other characters, main one that comes to mind is Pit seeing as they have the similar ways of "text overlayed on artwork" thing in there recent games
I certainly wouldn't want to make this into a Shantae vs Shovel Knight thing. I was just postulating as to a reason she may have been chosen over him. From what I could gather, expressiveness was the only requisite, not necessarily unique expressiveness. Though I would posit her expressions are unique in that she's very over the top. She also has a longer working relationship with Nintendo.

I'm still not thoroughly convinced that Shantae is safe from being AT'd yet but I do think she deserves to be considered a contender since she did score well in online polling. And while I don't agree it confirms her, I do find it odd they didn't just de-confirm her alongside Shovel Knight.

Dragon lord

Lord of all Dragons
Nov 12, 2014
The Dragon tower
I certainly wouldn't want to make this into a Shantae vs Shovel Knight thing. I was just postulating as to a reason she may have been chosen over him. From what I could gather, expressiveness was the only requisite, not necessarily unique expressiveness. Though I would posit her expressions are unique in that she's very over the top. She also has a longer working relationship with Nintendo.

I'm still not thoroughly convinced that Shantae is safe from being AT'd yet but I do think she deserves to be considered a contender since she did score well in online polling. And while I don't agree it confirms her, I do find it odd they didn't just de-confirm her alongside Shovel Knight.
Over the top?, i mean i 100 precented Half genie hero and neither her portraits nor her sprites really convinced me she was that over the top, especially comparing her to Pit's portraits from uprising

also this does make me wonder how expressive geno could be...


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
Would y'all agree that the major remaining highly requested characters are Geno, Isaac, Banjo, Dixie, and Skull Kid?
Yes, but replace Skull Kid with Bandana Dee; the only reason his popularity spiked is because of the Direct.

I probably have personal bias towards Banjo's popularity, but he deserves it more than others.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Over the top?, i mean i 100 precented Half genie hero and neither her portraits nor her sprites really convinced me she was that over the top, especially comparing her to Pit's portraits from uprising
You have high standards then. xD

Combined with Pirate's Curse, I'd call her expressions over the top.~

Though this point is subjective so it's not like I can convince you.

also this does make me wonder how expressive geno could be...
I always felt as if Geno had a healthier range of expressions than people criticized him for. The "silent stoic" cliche gets lobbied against him pretty often but in the game itself he laughs and face-faults and such. He certainly isn't 100% stoic.
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RSF-Blue bomber

Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014
Hey dudes, never knew who Geno was before but I just recently got a SNES Classic and started playing though SMRPG 99% blind. I haven't finished it yet (I've just reached the volcano) but I would like to voice support for Geno. Though the reasons for it are a bit oddball.

So far Geno himself hasn't really resonated with me. Don't get me wrong, I like him well enough, and he has a cool design for sure (his arm guns and cloak are the ****), but he doesn't have much of a personality. He's just this random dude that popped outta the sky, spouted plot exposition and then joined the party. Honestly of the two SMRPG OCs in the party I actually like Mallow better for having a more defined personality beyond "I'm mysterious and cool" with an actual arc and character development (I haven't finished the game though so I'm praying that Geno will have more character moments later on).

However, the game itself I really adore. It has this wonderful sense of charm and whimsy, and the combat is really fun despite some of the jankiness that comes with early RPGs. This is gonna sound really weird to you guys but it actually fills me with a nostalgia for all the old flash RPG games I would play as a kid. Newgrounds and ArmorGames were my **** as a kid, and it's actually a funky but great experience playing SMRPG itself and seeing how its influence worked its way into a lot of these old flash RPG games I used to play. That's one reason I want some sort SMRPG representation in this game.

Another is that it would make a great statement of how Nintendo and Square have finally buried the hatchet after all the years of frosty feelings between the two when the N64 arrived. Cloud appearing in Smash and the critical success of Octopath Traveler have already made it clear that the big N and Square are warming up to each other again, allowing Geno back into the Nintendo family would be a wonderful way to make it definitive that yes, there's no more harsh feelings between Square and Nintendo.

And finally, I want him in because, well, you guys want him in so bad. I never really got the appeal of why so many people wanted a side character that only appeared in one game in Smash so bad, but lurking this board, watching PapaGenos' explanation on YouTube and SkyWilliams twitter post about why Genos is so important to them, I think I'm starting to get it. You guys have been waiting for far too long, and I think now is the right time for Geno to make his return to the spotlight.

So yeah, I'd like to sign up as a supporter if y'all don't mind having me.
i understand when you say that you like mallow more but the rebuttal i will say is that geno never needed an arc because the whole game after the forest maze is Geno's arc. technically it's his mission to get all the stars. everyone else is just along for the ride. the fact he has so much going for him is why we love him so much


Smash Cadet
Apr 2, 2015
Hey dudes, never knew who Geno was before but I just recently got a SNES Classic and started playing though SMRPG 99% blind. I haven't finished it yet (I've just reached the volcano) but I would like to voice support for Geno. Though the reasons for it are a bit oddball.

So far Geno himself hasn't really resonated with me. Don't get me wrong, I like him well enough, and he has a cool design for sure (his arm guns and cloak are the ****), but he doesn't have much of a personality. He's just this random dude that popped outta the sky, spouted plot exposition and then joined the party. Honestly of the two SMRPG OCs in the party I actually like Mallow better for having a more defined personality beyond "I'm mysterious and cool" with an actual arc and character development (I haven't finished the game though so I'm praying that Geno will have more character moments later on).

However, the game itself I really adore. It has this wonderful sense of charm and whimsy, and the combat is really fun despite some of the jankiness that comes with early RPGs. This is gonna sound really weird to you guys but it actually fills me with a nostalgia for all the old flash RPG games I would play as a kid. Newgrounds and ArmorGames were my **** as a kid, and it's actually a funky but great experience playing SMRPG itself and seeing how its influence worked its way into a lot of these old flash RPG games I used to play. That's one reason I want some sort SMRPG representation in this game.

Another is that it would make a great statement of how Nintendo and Square have finally buried the hatchet after all the years of frosty feelings between the two when the N64 arrived. Cloud appearing in Smash and the critical success of Octopath Traveler have already made it clear that the big N and Square are warming up to each other again, allowing Geno back into the Nintendo family would be a wonderful way to make it definitive that yes, there's no more harsh feelings between Square and Nintendo.

And finally, I want him in because, well, you guys want him in so bad. I never really got the appeal of why so many people wanted a side character that only appeared in one game in Smash so bad, but lurking this board, watching PapaGenos' explanation on YouTube and SkyWilliams twitter post about why Genos is so important to them, I think I'm starting to get it. You guys have been waiting for far too long, and I think now is the right time for Geno to make his return to the spotlight.

So yeah, I'd like to sign up as a supporter if y'all don't mind having me.
Just glad to have another Mario RPG fan! It's a hugely influential game, and it's actually aged well unlike a lot of other old RPGs. And if you're looking for a tad more from Geno, wait until the end of the game. The emotions of Geno's arc hit me way harder than Mallow's (which, although nicely put together, is entirely a filler arc). Overall, the game is so briskly paced that it doesn't leave a lot of room for character development, but I think Geno and Mallow both shine brighter than the Mario mainstays.

Xevious 1

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
Is it rude to believe shantae has zero chance of appearing? I think she'd be a cool fighter but I just don't see it happening.
She was neck and neck with Shovel Knight in the ballot, and was one of the most popular third party characters. The character also has a lot of history with Nintendo and has great moveset potential. She has Japanese appeal. Wayforward has also been very quiet about Smash related stuff since the ballot. In the new Shantae DLC there has been subtle hints about her being in Ultimate.

Honestly I think she is the second most likely character , only behind Geno. She wouldn't be very difficult to get as far as third parties go and would be a great way to represent indie games.

They can gather all the evidence they want, Shovel Knight was way more popular and look where that got him.

Shantain't happening
They were very close in popularity. And as said Shantae is a franchise with 4 games and a 16 year history with Nintendo
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Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
I'm actually decently sure Shantae is more popular than Shovel Knight overall. Shovel Knight isn't very popular in Japan while Shantae definately is. She has physical releases and even some figures over there. Shantae isn't far behind Shovel Knight in the west either, so I can see Shantae coming out on top. There's also all the evidence pointing towards her like her lack of appearances in Indie fighting games and the uncharacteristic silence of Wayforward about Shantae in Smash. I wouldn't say she's a lock or anything, but I wouldn't sleep on her chances. The one thing that sticks about her is that she will most likely force Dixie to become an echo with her hair and all.

Oh right, this is the Geno support thread. Go Geno!

Red Dead Redeemed

Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2018
'Murica-land Baybeee!
i understand when you say that you like mallow more but the rebuttal i will say is that geno never needed an arc because the whole game after the forest maze is Geno's arc. technically it's his mission to get all the stars. everyone else is just along for the ride. the fact he has so much going for him is why we love him so much
Just glad to have another Mario RPG fan! It's a hugely influential game, and it's actually aged well unlike a lot of other old RPGs. And if you're looking for a tad more from Geno, wait until the end of the game. The emotions of Geno's arc hit me way harder than Mallow's (which, although nicely put together, is entirely a filler arc). Overall, the game is so briskly paced that it doesn't leave a lot of room for character development, but I think Geno and Mallow both shine brighter than the Mario mainstays.
First thing I'd like to say is thank y'all for understanding my perspective. I was a little worried saying something not fully positive about Geno in his own thread for fear of coming across as rude, but I felt I needed to clarify the exact reasons for why I'm supporting Geno in Smash. Everyone here has been nothing but nice though and that's awesome!

Another thing I'll say is that I do appreciate the angle that the whole game is Geno's arc, and I am very excited for when his moments will come. I still can't help but feel just a tad bit disappointed that he's been weirdly quiet for much of the adventure so far because finding out what Geno is and his role in the Mario-verse mind-blown me and I wish that he would state his opinions and observations on the world a bit more to truly see things from his perspective.

Like, there's no way around it, the dude is an bonafide angel, or at least the Mario-verse equivalent of one. He's a benevolent incorporeal entity that is a servant to the Mario-verse equivalent of the Divine. He even flat out states that he serves a higher power, which is just one step away from saying "I'm on a mission from God" with wishes being basically the Mario version of prayers just without the worship of a specific being. The implicit suggestion that there is actually some form of higher power or possibly even Gods in the Mario-verse blew my mind. I've played Mario games my whole life and never learned this. It makes me wish we got way more world-building for the Mario-verse like this.

Which makes the lack of Geno interaction with the rest of the world stick out to me. This is a friggin angel that landed from the heavens. What does he think of the world he was sent to protect? How does it feel to have a physical body? What would it be like to eat earth food for the first time or feel raindrops on his face? How is it to interact with regular mortal people? There are so many things I want to learn about him that it's a bit frustrating that he focuses on his mission only when I want to know so much more.

But I guess that if I'm interested in a character to this extent, than the writers must be doing something right because if he was genuinely boring or poorly written, I wouldn't be thinking about these things at all. I dunno, it's largely just nitpicks in the larger scheme of things. While Bowser is surprising me with how many great moments he's been having that really flesh him out and give him depth, Mario and Peach are, well, Mario and Peach so it's not like a lack of character moments are a Geno problem only. The game itself is great and that's the important part.

EDIT: If a a SMRPG 2 ever happens, I really hope that the higher power, or one of them at least, that Geno serves turns out to be Rosalina. With Rosalina being the closest thing to a Divine entity in the mainline games, as well as explicitly taking on the duty of raising and nurturing little stars. With Geno's real form being an incorporeal star thingy, it makes perfect sense to me. Plus I think Rosalina and Geno interaction has the potential to be really cute, with Geno acting like a knight serving his lord to her while Rosalina takes on a motherly or mentor role for him. Or if they do it right even a funky "Lady and her Knight" chivalric romance could work with good enough writing.
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Dragon lord

Lord of all Dragons
Nov 12, 2014
The Dragon tower
First thing I'd like to say is thank y'all for understanding my perspective. I was a little worried saying something not fully positive about Geno in his own thread for fear of coming across as rude, but I felt I needed to clarify the exact reasons for why I'm supporting Geno in Smash. Everyone here has been nothing but nice though and that's awesome!

Another thing I'll say is that I do appreciate the angle that the whole game is Geno's arc, and I am very excited for when his moments will come. I still can't help but feel just a tad bit disappointed that he's been weirdly quiet for much of the adventure so far because finding out what Geno is and his role in the Mario-verse mind-blown me and I wish that he would state his opinions and observations on the world a bit more to truly see things from his perspective.

Like, there's no way around it, the dude is an bonafide angel, or at least the Mario-verse equivalent of one. He's a benevolent incorporeal entity that is a servant to the Mario-verse equivalent of the Divine. He even flat out states that he serves a higher power, which is just one step away from saying "I'm on a mission from God" with wishes being basically the Mario version of prayers just without the worship of a specific being. The implicit suggestion that there is actually some form of higher power or possibly even Gods in the Mario-verse blew my mind. I've played Mario games my whole life and never learned this. It makes me wish we got way more world-building for the Mario-verse like this.

Which makes the lack of Geno interaction with the rest of the world stick out to me. This is a friggin angel that landed from the heavens. What does he think of the world he was sent to protect? How does it feel to have a physical body? What would it be like to eat earth food for the first time or feel raindrops on his face? How is it to interact with regular mortal people? There are so many things I want to learn about him that it's a bit frustrating that he focuses on his mission only when I want to know so much more.

But I guess that if I'm interested in a character to this extent, than the writers must be doing something right because if he was genuinely boring or poorly written, I wouldn't be thinking about these things at all. I dunno, it's largely just nitpicks in the larger scheme of things. While Bowser is surprising me with how many great moments he's been having that really flesh him out and give him depth, Mario and Peach are, well, Mario and Peach so it's not like a lack of character moments are a Geno problem only. The game itself is great and that's the important part.
Thinking about Bowser in Mario RPG always makes me surprised about how much Mario RPG basically started Story wise, it seemed like the first game to start things like bowser being more of a lovable dork or Mario and the kingdom framing peach'es kidnappings as a formality or peach being more indepenented and smarter, or having stars being a more mystical and godly icon in the Mario verse rather then just a random power up, I think al of that alone shows how important Mario RPG is to Mario and why it feels worthy enough to get represented with Geno rather then a more obvious choice like toad or Waluigi using spinoff moves etc

also, Bowser just has the best lines, like Usual :p
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Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
First thing I'd like to say is thank y'all for understanding my perspective. I was a little worried saying something not fully positive about Geno in his own thread for fear of coming across as rude, but I felt I needed to clarify the exact reasons for why I'm supporting Geno in Smash. Everyone here has been nothing but nice though and that's awesome!

Another thing I'll say is that I do appreciate the angle that the whole game is Geno's arc, and I am very excited for when his moments will come. I still can't help but feel just a tad bit disappointed that he's been weirdly quiet for much of the adventure so far because finding out what Geno is and his role in the Mario-verse mind-blown me and I wish that he would state his opinions and observations on the world a bit more to truly see things from his perspective.

Like, there's no way around it, the dude is an bonafide angel, or at least the Mario-verse equivalent of one. He's a benevolent incorporeal entity that is a servant to the Mario-verse equivalent of the Divine. He even flat out states that he serves a higher power, which is just one step away from saying "I'm on a mission from God" with wishes being basically the Mario version of prayers just without the worship of a specific being. The implicit suggestion that there is actually some form of higher power or possibly even Gods in the Mario-verse blew my mind. I've played Mario games my whole life and never learned this. It makes me wish we got way more world-building for the Mario-verse like this.

Which makes the lack of Geno interaction with the rest of the world stick out to me. This is a friggin angel that landed from the heavens. What does he think of the world he was sent to protect? How does it feel to have a physical body? What would it be like to eat earth food for the first time or feel raindrops on his face? How is it to interact with regular mortal people? There are so many things I want to learn about him that it's a bit frustrating that he focuses on his mission only when I want to know so much more.

But I guess that if I'm interested in a character to this extent, than the writers must be doing something right because if he was genuinely boring or poorly written, I wouldn't be thinking about these things at all. I dunno, it's largely just nitpicks in the larger scheme of things. While Bowser is surprising me with how many great moments he's been having that really flesh him out and give him depth, Mario and Peach are, well, Mario and Peach so it's not like a lack of character moments are a Geno problem only. The game itself is great and that's the important part.

EDIT: If a a SMRPG 2 ever happens, I really hope that the higher power, or one of them at least, that Geno serves turns out to be Rosalina. With Rosalina being the closest thing to a Divine entity in the mainline games, as well as explicitly taking on the duty of raising and nurturing little stars. With Geno's real form being an incorporeal star thingy, it makes perfect sense to me. Plus I think Rosalina and Geno interaction has the potential to be really cute, with Geno acting like a knight serving his lord to her while Rosalina takes on a motherly or mentor role for him. Or if they do it right even a funky "Lady and her Knight" chivalric romance could work with good enough writing.
You're making me want to write an in-depth story based on SMRPG, shown from Geno's perspective...I was already thinking of doing it, but these ideas are tickling my writer senses. Too bad I'm terribly inconsistent and procrastinating with my writing, lol.

Hasn't stopped me from dreaming up scenarios, though. I see a neat look into life in Star Road to start, where Geno is an accomplished wish handler, having seen all manner of wishes and really feeling like he knows the people living down below, but never being able to meet them. He may even have a bad memory he keeps with him, where he accidently shattered a child's wish, making him extra-careful and serious with his task, yet still lighthearted. This leads him to form a mentor relationship with a young, clumsy wish handler named Starlow, who he sees himself in. I see fun scenes with them interacting, Starlow commenting on someone's weird wish and Geno setting her straight...

And then the Star Road gets shattered in a dramatic scene, and Geno, being so accomplished and trusted, is selected to go down to the world below, much to Starlow's disappointment ("I wish I could go..." "Well, if I can get our road repaired, that may come true someday...")

...and stuff like that. Might make a good short story.

Thinking about Bowser in Mario RPG always makes me surprised about how much Mario RPG basically started Story wise, it seemed like the first game to start things like bowser being more of a lovable dork or Mario and the kingdom framing peach'es kidnappings as a formality or peach being more indepenented and smarter, or having stars being a more mystical and godly icon in the Mario verse rather then just a random power up, I think al of that alone shows how important Mario RPG is to Mario and why it feels worthy enough to get represented with Geno rather then a more obvious choice like toad or Waluigi using spinoff moves etc

also, Bowser just has the best lines, like Usual :p
The Mario RPGs in general are pretty great at giving Bowser personality. Too bad Miyamoto decided Bowser had to be more "respectable" as a villain...at least he seems to be letting up from that with Odyssey. I wonder if we will ever really get the return of true "dorky" Bowser...I sure hope so. I love that guy, lol.

Dragon lord

Lord of all Dragons
Nov 12, 2014
The Dragon tower
You're making me want to write an in-depth story based on SMRPG, shown from Geno's perspective...I was already thinking of doing it, but these ideas are tickling my writer senses. Too bad I'm terribly inconsistent and procrastinating with my writing, lol.

Hasn't stopped me from dreaming up scenarios, though. I see a neat look into life in Star Road to start, where Geno is an accomplished wish handler, having seen all manner of wishes and really feeling like he knows the people living down below, but never being able to meet them. He may even have a bad memory he keeps with him, where he accidently shattered a child's wish, making him extra-careful and serious with his task, yet still lighthearted. This leads him to form a mentor relationship with a young, clumsy wish handler named Starlow, who he sees himself in. I see fun scenes with them interacting, Starlow commenting on someone's weird wish and Geno setting her straight...

And then the Star Road gets shattered in a dramatic scene, and Geno, being so accomplished and trusted, is selected to go down to the world below, much to Starlow's disappointment ("I wish I could go..." "Well, if I can get our road repaired, that may come true someday...")

...and stuff like that. Might make a good short story.

The Mario RPGs in general are pretty great at giving Bowser personality. Too bad Miyamoto decided Bowser had to be more "respectable" as a villain...at least he seems to be letting up from that with Odyssey. I wonder if we will ever really get the return of true "dorky" Bowser...I sure hope so. I love that guy, lol.
Main line games always ignores all the progress that spin offs make, part of the reason i feel Paper Mario even became what it did was because Miyamoto wanted to make things more consistent

if the mario and luigi games mean anything, it could be changing a bit on bowsers front at least


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2018
I kinda wish the mainline Mario games had more continuity, especially considering the large amount of Nintendo fans who constantly try to organize everything into a perfect timeline anyway. Nintendo would probably make more money from it too, since they could have characters or events that span over/are connected over several games.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2013
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Everytime i think of how they’d reveal geno, I keep thinking it’d have to be in some form with the n64 original intro. Complete with the blocky polygons of it. Thing is, it wouldn’t be too exciting if it just started with master hand grabbing geno from the toy box right from the start...so I’m not sure the best way sakurai could do it...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
I’d say it’s in the unknown territory, can’t prove it or debunk it. It just exists it’s in its awesomeness
Pretty sure it still hasn’t been debunked.

Either someone quickly snapped the best photo they could of legit in-game Smash Ultimate Geno, or they’re an amazing artist that’s messing with a lot of people’s emotions. What leads me to believe it’s real is that it’s a really nice render but a fairly poor photo.

If the leaker had created that artwork themselves independently, why not showcase the full HD file rather than a crappy photo of it?

Again, they could just be an amazing artist (and one also smart enough to fool me) but I’ll be danged if that isn’t the best new Geno art I’ve seen in awhile in a format that suggests we aren’t supposed to see it yet.
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