I'd say if Geno's popularity can survive until Smash 5, and if SE works on it (which... is kind of random, they don't really have as much fighting game experience as Namco or Capcom), I'd say that Geno would be at a point where his inclusion was actually more likely than unlikely. Again, only if he can stay at a noticeable amount of popularity. Of course, just the announcement alone of SE working on the game would cause Geno's (and alot of other SE characters') popularity and demand to definitely increase. It would all come down to Sakurai as usual though.I agree with you on this, if in smash 5 squeenix worked on the game, would Geno's chances go up majorly or minorly? As a whole squeenix is my favourite second-party producer, and would love it if they worked on a smash game, if they did, and Geno wasn't in already, would support in numbers go up for him too do you think?
Plus, Square-Enix is a third-party developer and publisher, not a... second-party producer...