Top six third-party characters, hmm? Six is weird number for a "top-" list, but whatever.
1. Banjo-Kazooie. These guys are a WIDE margin above the rest because I personally think there might be a bit too many third-party characters, but I (and a lot of others) still treat Banjo as a Nintendo character. With the exception of a few Nintendo classics, Rare carried the N64 era and Banjo is the best representation of that time period.
2. Conker. Second verse, same as the first. I don't actually think this has any bearing on the reality of what could happen, but I'd personally be pretty into it. If having Conker makes having Banjo any less likely, however, screw it.
3. Shovel Knight. I don't think it's happening, guys. I still want it to happen, though. As a console maker, Nintendo has an obligation to pay as much respect and attention to indies as they do to AAA companies. They've don a pretty great job so far, but an indie character in Smash Bros. would be the ultimate validation. Yacht Club Games has done eveything right as far as befriending Nintendo and Shovel Knight is a fantastic character.
4. Rayman. Ubisoft messed up their friendship with Nintendo for the Wii U era, but I'd like to see them try again going forward. Rayman is iconic, well designed, and lends himself well to fighting games because of his myriad of different moves and techniques.
5. Spyro. I'd love to see Nintendo try to collect on that sweet, sweet Skylanders success story while still choosing a character that older gamers can connect to. I personally don't have too much love for the guy, but he'd be a welcome addition to a game with so many aesthetically similar characters. With Ivysaur gone, we need a steed. #weneedasteed. Get that trending.
6. Shrek. Because six is a dumb number for a "top-" list and if you wanted me to be serious the whole way through, you should have said "top-five."