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Official General Post-DLC Discussion [Closed]

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Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
  • Snake
  • Ice Climbers
  • Maxwell
  • Bandana Waddle Dee
  • Daitoryo
  • Isaac
  • Dynal
  • Urban Champion
  • King K. Rool
  • Black Mage
  • Midna
  • Ninten
  • Daisy
  • Black Shadow
Returning Stages
  • Spear Pillar
  • New Pork City
New Stages
  • Stonecarving City
  • Venus Lighthouse
  • Megaton Punch
  • Another Dimension
Palette Swaps
  • :rosalina: Ultra Smash outfit
  • :4kirby: Fire Kirby
  • :4kirby: Magic Kirby
  • :4kirby: Jet Kirby
  • :4dedede: Masked Dedede
  • :4pikachu: Raichu
  • :4jigglypuff: Igglybuff
  • :4charizard: Dragonite
  • :4greninja: Frogadier
  • :4mewtwo: Shadow Mewtwo
Mii Costumes
Don't care.
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Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
Bad comparisons as
Shadow's always secretly wanted to be a dancer 100% canon
Wario does anything to get money
Bowser and Eggman are idiotic goods
Daisy is feminine
Fine then
0:50 seconds onwards

1:00 onwards

The way Peach and Daisy are portrayed in the games are very clearly different
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Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
Except that there are some things about Smash. Non canon. Alph never went into the Dolphin and he has a different personality than Olimar. Alt. Why is Daisy too good for an alt?
Olimar and Alph's personalities are not portrayed in their smash incarnations, they're both very generic in smash

The best way I can put it is that Peach is a lot more graceful than Daisy and this is reflected in Smash by her joyous skipping animations, her floating, her heart magic, it just wouldn't work imo
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Except that there are some things about Smash. Non canon. Alph never went into the Dolphin and he has a different personality than Olimar. Alt. Why is Daisy too good for an alt?
Neither Olimar nor Alph showcase any personality in Smash. They're just there, period.

The main focus of their moveset is actually the Pikmin, hence why in Japanese versions, they're called Pikmin & Olimar/Alph.

Not giving personality to either of them just puts even more emphasis on that.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Neither Olimar nor Alph showcase any personality in Smash. They're just there, period.

The main focus of their moveset is actually the Pikmin, hence why in Japanese versions, they're called Pikmin & Olimar/Alph.
My point is, Daisy rarely shows personality just like Peach, and Daisy being an alt is somehow bad for no apparent reason despite Alph being just fine


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
My point is, Daisy rarely shows personality just like Peach, and Daisy being an alt is somehow bad for no apparent reason despite Alph being just fine
But the personality she does show while very little is still quite a bit different from Peach while Olimar doesn't show any personality in Smash. Even in the Pikmin games he has a lot less than Daisy anyway, Olimar as a character is very blank slate like, he doesn't really have any defining features anyway.
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
My point is, Daisy rarely shows personality just like Peach, and Daisy being an alt is somehow bad for no apparent reason despite Alph being just fine
But when she does, it's radically different than Peach and, unlike Olimar, Peach actually shows her personality, so Daisy as an alt would make little to no sense in Smash because the two have completely different personalities.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
But when she does, it's radically different than Peach and, unlike Olimar, Peach actually shows her personality, so Daisy as an alt would make little to no sense in Smash because the two have completely different personalities.
One wears a pink dress, the other wears a floral dress. There's literally nothing wrong here outside the Final Smash which only has Daisy not being there. Hell, Sakurai called Daisy 'the other Peach' iirc so that probably explains something

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
One wears a pink dress, the other wears a floral dress. There's literally nothing wrong here outside the Final Smash which only has Daisy not being there. Hell, Sakurai called Daisy 'the other Peach' iirc so that probably explains something
Calling Daisy "the other Peach" is like calling Luigi "Green Mario"

They share many similarities, but personality isn't one of them.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
One wears a pink dress, the other wears a floral dress. There's literally nothing wrong here outside the Final Smash which only has Daisy not being there. Hell, Sakurai called Daisy 'the other Peach' iirc so that probably explains something
And the turnips and the parasol and the rainbows and the ribbons and the toad and the skipping and the floating and the hearts etc
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Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
You're never alone in an opinion. I'd certainly take Master Chief over any other MS character because I'm absolutely invested in the Halo universe.
I agree completely. They'd be pretty limited with his moveset though, because I doubt the Assault Rifle would make it in, haha. What design do you think they'd go with? Mk. V from Halo: CE, Mk. VII from 2 & 3, or his new 4 & 5 design?

Also, first Locus, now Qrow? You're consistently picking my 2nd favorites.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
I don't see the big deal. Hell, I don't even get why people want Daisy to begin with personally, especially as Rosalina got chosen over her despite the age gap or whatever you call it
Because Sakurai makes a big deal about staying true to character

I don't really see why either honestly
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I agree completely. They'd be pretty limited with his moveset though, because I doubt the Assault Rifle would make it in, haha. What design do you think they'd go with? Mk. V from Halo: CE, Mk. VII from 2 & 3, or his new 4 & 5 design?

Also, first Locus, now Qrow? You're consistently picking my 2nd favorites.
Oh Chief would have the Assault Rifle alright. Halo 5 introduced the attachment stuff in Warzone and with it is Kinetic Bolts so the Assault Rifle would shoot Hardlight instead. Everyone seems to forget that.

They'd have Scarred Mark VI and Mark V armour for sure. Mark VI is his current armour whilst Mark V is the one that kicked the series off and it lives on through Caboose (for now).


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Oh Chief would have the Assault Rifle alright. Halo 5 introduced the attachment stuff in Warzone and with it is Kinetic Bolts so the Assault Rifle would shoot Hardlight instead. Everyone seems to forget that.
This is true, but it still feels like a stretch that they'd pull something like that from one game. I always thought they'd make him like how Nicole was in Dead or Alive IV, being a moveset that didn't really rely on weapons. Here's a video for reference:
I'd still love to see him use some weaponry though. Maybe an Energy Sword, some Plasma Grenades, etc.
They'd have Scarred Mark VI and Mark V armour for sure. Mark VI is his current armour whilst Mark V is the one that kicked the series off and it lives on through Caboose (for now).
Very true, just like how Little Mac and supposedly Cloud are.


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2015
Well if we don't get Goku...

I hope we get a Kid Goku!
He can ride on Nimbus and be a Bowser Jr. Clone...

Neutral B Clown Cannon, eff that, turn that into Kamehameha!

Up+B Abondon Ship, nah fam, just make that Abort Nimbus!

Down+B Mechakoopa, hell with that, create that into Bulmas Explosive Capsules!

Side+B Koopa Cart Dash, ha! Make that into Nimbus Cloud Dash!

Final Smash: Shadow Mario Paint, forget that, make that Great Ape Slash having Great Ape Goku slash the the screen twice making an X hurting all opponents.

And for Standard attacks it would just be Goku punching and kicking oponents on his nimbus cloud.

I'll take my money now pls


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
This is true, but it still feels like a stretch that they'd pull something like that from one game. I always thought they'd make him like how Nicole was in Dead or Alive IV, being a moveset that didn't really rely on weapons. Here's a video for reference:
I'd still love to see him use some weaponry though. Maybe an Energy Sword, some Plasma Grenades, etc.
Very true, just like how Little Mac and supposedly Cloud are.
The Assault Rifle is pretty much Chief's weapon (Every game but Halo 2) and given the success of Warzone I can see that mode returning in future Halo games. I can see him drawing more from Halo 5 purely because it provides a whole lot of new moves actually seen in the games as opposed to the books and animated shorts than from DOA. Chief is proficient with fist fighting but I see Sakurai drawing more from the bread and butter of what makes Halo, Halo whilst staying true to the Chief. The Kinetic Bolts would just be a workaround to the "muh bullets!" issue whilst still being a part of Halo. It's really just a cosmetic thing in this case.

I don't see Chief using Covenant weaponry. That's Thel 'Vadam's Domain should he ever get in. If Chief's using anything that doesn't fire bullets it's Frags, Rocket Launchers, Hail Hydra Launchers and Spartan Lasers. That would actually play more into the idea of him being an absolute tank in Halo 5 with how bulky his armour is and his bonus trait being more melee damage plus faster health/shield regeneration. But I feel a heavy weaponry moveset would be far too similar to Snake which is why I favour the Assault Rifle being used.

Chief really doesn't have as much of a moveset problem as some people like to think when you get down to it. The issue is on what he would use.


Smash Ace
Jun 16, 2015
So what are your guys top 6 third-party characters (from video games). My list includes the following...
  1. Sub-Zero
  2. Scorpion
  3. Simon Belmont
  4. Master Chief
  5. Rayman
  6. Shantae


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
Well, I've already given my thoughts on what I would like for DLC, so I'll post this video for more speculation. Keep in mind this is just for fun and I don't necessarily agree with everything being said:

Apparently, this guy thinks that either Shantae or Shovel Knight are guaranteed, and he actually believes that Goku has a chance of getting in. I... don't agree with this... at all. Maybe the hype is just making him overreact and act irrationally. I don't know... Shantae and Shovel Knight have very low chances in my opinion, and Goku... no. There's absolutely NO way I could see Goku in Smash AT ALL. Those are just my thoughts though. Feel free to disagree.
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Smash Ace
Jun 16, 2015
I laughed out loud when Etika said that Goku has a chance. If Goku gets in then why not add Spongebob, Cory in the house, and Shrek? The ballot clearly states for voters to vote for video game characters. Plus Etika literally made a video about how Sakurai laughed at the idea of Goku and Spongebob appearing game. I mean come on dude.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
I laughed out loud when Etika said that Goku has a chance. If Goku gets in then why not add Spongebob, Cory in the house, and Shrek? The ballot clearly states for voters to vote for video game characters. Plus Etika literally made a video about how Sakurai laughed at the idea of Goku and Spongebob appearing game. I mean come on dude.
Yeah. Like I said. I don't agree with everything he said. There's no way Goku as a chance. Pigs would fly before that ever happened.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
Well, I've already given my thoughts on what I would like for DLC, so I'll post this video for more speculation. Keep in mind this is just for fun and I don't necessarily agree with everything being said:

Apparently, this guy thinks that either Shantae or Shovel Knight are guaranteed, and he actually believes that Goku has a chance of getting in. I... don't agree with this... at all. Maybe the hype is just making him overreact and act irrationally. I don't know... Shantae and Shovel Knight have very low chances in my opinion, and Goku... no. There's absolutely NO way I could see Goku in Smash AT ALL. Those are just my thoughts though. Feel free to disagree.
ew, etika


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
So what are your guys top 6 third-party characters (from video games). My list includes the following...
  1. Sub-Zero
  2. Scorpion
  3. Simon Belmont
  4. Master Chief
  5. Rayman
  6. Shantae
As of now my top third parties...
1. Banjo & Kazooie
2. Tifa Lockhart
3. Crash Bandicoot
4. Tails
5. Snake
6. Lara Croft


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2012
I honestly think goku in smash could work right now , and I think if he was to be released people would actually get super hype.

Cloud showed us that anyone is possible ,a lot of people who laugh at the idea of goku being in smash are the same people who would say things like that to characters like ryu pac man and cloud. Before we thought third party characters were impossible.The cloud release showed us that sakurai is in control of everything that goes on in this game and there really aren't any rules or limits. With this being the final smash direct ever, it would be pretty sick if they ended it by breaking the biggest rule in all of smash bros which is that the character has to come from a video game. This is why although I don't predict it to happen I think it is possible and could actually be very hype if they ended the direct by revealing son goku and then saying good bye.


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
The Assault Rifle is pretty much Chief's weapon (Every game but Halo 2) and given the success of Warzone I can see that mode returning in future Halo games. I can see him drawing more from Halo 5 purely because it provides a whole lot of new moves actually seen in the games as opposed to the books and animated shorts than from DOA. Chief is proficient with fist fighting but I see Sakurai drawing more from the bread and butter of what makes Halo, Halo whilst staying true to the Chief. The Kinetic Bolts would just be a workaround to the "muh bullets!" issue whilst still being a part of Halo. It's really just a cosmetic thing in this case.
I agree completely with him drawing more from Halo 5. The Thruster Pack, Spartan Charge, Ground Pound (With even the mid-air stall/charge), and even sliding would help out tremendously with his moveset. Sakurai does like to draw inspiration from a character's home series, after all.

I don't see Chief using Covenant weaponry. That's Thel 'Vadam's Domain should he ever get in. If Chief's using anything that doesn't fire bullets it's Frags, Rocket Launchers, Hail Hydra Launchers and Spartan Lasers. That would actually play more into the idea of him being an absolute tank in Halo 5 with how bulky his armour is and his bonus trait being more melee damage plus faster health/shield regeneration. But I feel a heavy weaponry moveset would be far too similar to Snake which is why I favour the Assault Rifle being used.

Chief really doesn't have as much of a moveset problem as some people like to think when you get down to it. The issue is on what he would use.
I don't see anything wrong with him using a mix of both the UNSC and Covenant arsenals, as long as the Covenant side is no more than half of what is used. Plasma Grenades and Energy Swords would be fine, whereas Carbines and Fuel Rod Cannons would be stretching it. The reason why I'd be alright with a mix is because it'd help differenciate himself from Snake whilst also being true to his series. Not to mention it'd probably be considered more "visually appealing".

But, hey, to each their own, right? In the end, it doesn't really matter how he's implemented. As long as he gets in in the first place, haha.
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