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Official General Post-DLC Discussion [Closed]

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Apr 19, 2015
Before everyone gets to insane with predictions and expectations read this article http://www.sourcegaming.info/2015/12/10/hype-responsibly/#more-4276. I think it applies here so we don't all go haywire then end up disappointed.
They/ their audience are far more interested in what character is the center of the spotlight this week. Over the past few months it’s been: Rayman, Shovel Knight, King K. Rool, Wolf, Inklings, Tabuu and now Banjo and Kazooie who are seen as the “shoo-ins”, characters that were most likely to get in, or just the current fan favorite.
Wait, when was Tabuu seen as shoo-in or fan favorite?
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Anyone who actually played Golden Sun would know how unique Isaac would be in Smash. Like, it's not even worth a discussion. Isaac has so many different moves at his disposal, the main challenge of Sakurai would actually be trying to fit all these moves into a moveset fit for Smash Bros.

I don't give a damn people dismiss him as 'just another generic JRPG blonde spikey haired anime-looking magic dude with a sword'. Their loss. Golden Sun on GBA was amazing. And again if you didn't play it: your loss. There are extremely good reasons for Isaac to be this popular, and if you chose not to investigate why I won't make you.

King K.Rool and Isaac are still my most wanted and I think that having them in Smash would be an enrichment for the series. Am finally hoping to see at least one of them making it in. And if it's gonna be Isaac, am hoping Dixie Kong will get in to to fill up the void for a DKC newcomer.

Am still thinking Dixie Kong and Impa are quite likely btw.

Also, Diddy having NO personality? :facepalm: He has more than most characters on the roster.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2014
Wait, when was Tabuu seen as shoo-in or fan favorite?
Since people saw the colours in the direct announcement. People started talking about tabuu. That would be my guess anyways.
Edit: also the brawl music with it.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Things happen while I sleep...

For the record I have never played a Golden Sun game in my life and could really care less if Isaac makes it in or not...and even I know Isaac would be more than 'just another swordsman'....WE NEED TO STOP taking these sort of things at face value and being so damn close-minded!!...if you really have a problem with a character that wields a sword when other characters wield swords, then you should have a problem with EVERY character that primarily punches and kicks :4mario::4luigi::4drmario::4littlemac::4falcon::4samus::4dk::4greninja::4miibrawl::4ryu::4sonic::4jigglypuff::4wario::4zss::4kirby::4fox::4bowser::4pacman::4ganondorf::4diddy::4falco::4yoshi::4ness::4lucas:...that makes even more characters 'boring' and 'generic' according to that logic...

His problem isn't his moveset potential...that actually one of his greatest strengths and why he has so much support to begin with...but his main problem is his franchise laying dormant while being somewhat obscure of a character in the grand scheme of things in comparison to other DLC candidates...


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Pretty sure I made this post about 3-4 weeks ago though i'll post it again. Basically it's my wishlist for what I want to see in the Presentation.

- Start
Cloud details
Smash Ballot details
Mii Costumes
DLC Music (Free mind you)
Custom Moves for DLC Characters/Palutena's Guidance for DLC Characters
All DLC Character's trailers in the Movie section in the vault
King K. Rool
Saffron City, Poke Floats, and Rainbow Cruise
3DS getting it's own unique 1-P mode
Adventure Mode on Wii U
Another "Cloud" type of character that we really like though we would never expect
All Content shown off is immediately available
DLC is officially over
- End

Maybe after the Presentation we have a tease for another character? I know I brought up Snake though this can be done with pretty much any potential DLC character. Would be really hype to have a tease after the Presentation ends.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
people are desperate because they can't handle being told no. remember when the rainbow hue of the impact text confirmed k.rool? lolololololol


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Basically just a weekend away now. I am still very confident that the last character they show is going to trump Cloud either by being someone so out of left field that no body would have seen them coming (Lara Croft, for example) or someone who's really popular but most people have quietly ruled them out. I know there's going to be at least two more announced but I could see them doing up to four because I'm still confident that at least one more veteran is coming back.
My vote for character that is really popular but mostly ruled out is definitely Banjo and Kazooie. :)
Sorry for getting your hopes up if I'm wrong everyone...

Deleted member

I know some of us want news but it's only four days away. Let's hang on just a while longer wait's almost over.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Don't take offense to this Kupa but that's a horrible HORRIBLE and very biased way to determine why a character is wanted. It sounds to me like your're grouping him in that category because you simply don't like the character. Not that I disagree with Roy being popular among casuals, it's just that your logic is biased and flawed. Especially considering you're judging a character who's game never saw an international release and yet his game is one of the best selling FE games of all time in Japan and helped revitalize the series from obscurity.

What your're saying is almost akin to someone saying this...

:4mewtwo:: "He only got in because he's a Melee vet and butthurt Genwunner's threw a hissy fit because he wasn't in the game."
No offense taken. I think Mewtwo and Roy were in different situations in that Mewtwo had a clear massive fanbase outside of Smash, whereas Roy's stems in large part due to Smash, regardless of his source material (at least in the West). Also, with how the Smash fanbase is, Mewtwo being from Gen. 1 would be a strike against him if anything..."Durr, too many Gen. 1 Reps so ignore the single biggest request for the game!"

Maybe I'm getting an incomplete picture of the Roy support because his actual supporters other than Chronobound were generally more quiet than his vocal detractors (kind of like how one could mistake the attitude toward Ridley as a 50/50 split vs. mostly supportive or apathetic against a few vocal trolls), but that's just from what I saw. From that perspective, Roy had more casual support in the West than equivalent Smash veterans people wanted for DLC. The hardcore Roy support may very well have come from Japan, given 1) his game's success over there and 2) Sakurai adding him before Wolf or a handful of others.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Isaac isn't generic compared to who we have in Smash. That's quite literally not true.

Sure, he'd have magic. Yeah, he has a sword. would he play like Robin, Link, Shulk, Marth or Ike? Probably not. THAT'S what matters.

Saying that he wouldn't be interesting is surely an opinion but at the same time, have a little imagination. All of his attacks would be earth based (which Robin doesn't have anyway) and that would be the majority of his moveset I would think.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
No offense taken. I think Mewtwo and Roy were in different situations in that Mewtwo had a clear massive fanbase outside of Smash, whereas Roy's stems in large part due to Smash, regardless of his source material (at least in the West). Also, with how the Smash fanbase is, Mewtwo being from Gen. 1 would be a strike against him if anything..."Durr, too many Gen. 1 Reps so ignore the single biggest request for the game!"

Maybe I'm getting an incomplete picture of the Roy support because his actual supporters other than Chronobound were generally more quiet than his vocal detractors (kind of like how one could mistake the attitude toward Ridley as a 50/50 split vs. mostly supportive or apathetic against a few vocal trolls), but that's just from what I saw. From that perspective, Roy had more casual support in the West than equivalent Smash veterans people wanted for DLC. The hardcore Roy support may very well have come from Japan, given 1) his game's success over there and 2) Sakurai adding him before Wolf or a handful of others.
It's fairly clear that Japanese popularity took priority with the veteran DLC. Otherwise Wolf would have probably been selected over Lucas.

It would appear that it was never a case of "Roy or Wolf". Roy was chosen to represent Melee.
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Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Well, there's always a chance of Sakurai noticing the non-Japanese demands.

After all, if he never did, we wouldn't have gotten :4littlemac:
Yeah that is true. Japan would appear to take priority though. At the time of their inclusions, Marth, Roy and Lucas were all from Japan-only games. We've never had a US or Europe only character.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
If people don't want Issac because he's blonde then the obvious answer is to use Felix instead
A BROWN-HAIRED Anime Sword-User amrite


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Yeah that is true. Japan would appear to take priority though. At the time of their inclusions, Marth, Roy and Lucas were all from Japan-only games. We've never had a US or Europe only character.
Diddy Kong is British.

Though considering Nintendo is based in Japan, if a western developed game is good, it will definitely be released in Japan. It's pretty hard to have a Western only character.

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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Yeah that is true. Japan would appear to take priority though. At the time of their inclusions, Marth, Roy and Lucas were all from Japan-only games. We've never had a US or Europe only character.
There's a reason behind why there are no US-only or EU-only character in Smash; it's because such character doesn't exist.
Actually, Mike Jones from Startropics has never seen a Japanese release. Only US and (maybe?) Europe.

Also this guy


featuring Cool Robot Character "Ben Laserlove"
Jul 8, 2014
Södertälje, Sweden
Oh no, what's this talk about Tabuu?!

Tabuu as a playable fighter is as likely to me as Ridley somehow becoming a playable fighter.
As in, not very much at all.

I associate Tabuu with why I don't particular like Subspace Emissary. I won't go into the details but my opinion on Subspace Emissary is that, while being neat and not that bad in your first play-through, it's pretty disappointing in the grand scheme of things.

Sorry to any fans.
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Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
It's fairly clear that Japanese popularity took priority with the veteran DLC. Otherwise Wolf would have probably been selected over Lucas.

It would appear that it was never a case of "Roy or Wolf". Roy was chosen to represent Melee.
Indeed. It was never a two-way race between Roy and Wolf, it's just interesting to me that Roy came first when part of the reason why Wolf got into Brawl was his support across the world (as opposed to Krystal, whose Brawl-era support was largely vocal Western fans who scattered between then and now).

Where Isaac is concerned, I don't take objection to him at all, and would prefer him to a lot of other newcomer candidates. I see two flaws where his odds are concerned...one, Sakurai's comment about Shulk way back in the day..."He's not the sort of character who would usually appear in Smash." If that language refers to lowish-key RPG hero-type characters that one would generally not associate with Nintendo, Isaac could be in trouble.

The other item is the one-two punch of hailing from a new series that's on a hiatus. While I don't see much problem in characters who have had hiatuses or who hail from new series, the fact that Isaac deals with both makes me wary. New series generally require a new stage, new music, new trophies, maybe even new costumes for them to be "fleshed out," at least based on what we've seen with DLC so far. I'm skeptical whether they'd invest that sort of energy into a series that's been gone awhile and was never MASSIVE to begin with.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Indeed. It was never a two-way race between Roy and Wolf, it's just interesting to me that Roy came first when part of the reason why Wolf got into Brawl was his support across the world (as opposed to Krystal, whose Brawl-era support was largely vocal Western fans who scattered between then and now).

Where Isaac is concerned, I don't take objection to him at all, and would prefer him to a lot of other newcomer candidates. I see two flaws where his odds are concerned...one, Sakurai's comment about Shulk way back in the day..."He's not the sort of character who would usually appear in Smash." If that language refers to lowish-key RPG hero-type characters that one would generally not associate with Nintendo, Isaac could be in trouble.

The other item is the one-two punch of hailing from a new series that's on a hiatus. While I don't see much problem in characters who have had hiatuses or who hail from new series, the fact that Isaac deals with both makes me wary. New series generally require a new stage, new music, new trophies, maybe even new costumes for them to be "fleshed out," at least based on what we've seen with DLC so far. I'm skeptical whether they'd invest that sort of energy into a series that's been gone awhile and was never MASSIVE to begin with.
I think no matter how you slice it, Isaac is less likely than K. Rool. K. Rool boasts far stronger support than Isaac, K. Rool has popularity in Japan (which Isaac lacks), K. Rool has every chance to be reintroduced into his series whereas Isaac's is both dead and would possibly continue without him even if it were to continue. And, as I've previously said, we've already had a bunch of similar characters to Isaac, even as DLC.

Diddy Kong is British.

Though considering Nintendo is based in Japan, if a western developed game is good, it will definitely be released in Japan. It's pretty hard to have a Western only character.

Diddy was created by a British company, but he was always owned by a Japanese one.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I predicted Robin and Lucina would both get in before Chrom did and was totally right.
Seriously, like, I want that on my tombstone.
I predicted Rosalina with Luma use to be revealed in December. And also that Mii, Palutena and Pacman would be revealed in that order at E3. :p


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
No offense taken. I think Mewtwo and Roy were in different situations in that Mewtwo had a clear massive fanbase outside of Smash, whereas Roy's stems in large part due to Smash, regardless of his source material (at least in the West). Also, with how the Smash fanbase is, Mewtwo being from Gen. 1 would be a strike against him if anything..."Durr, too many Gen. 1 Reps so ignore the single biggest request for the game!"

Maybe I'm getting an incomplete picture of the Roy support because his actual supporters other than Chronobound were generally more quiet than his vocal detractors (kind of like how one could mistake the attitude toward Ridley as a 50/50 split vs. mostly supportive or apathetic against a few vocal trolls), but that's just from what I saw. From that perspective, Roy had more casual support in the West than equivalent Smash veterans people wanted for DLC. The hardcore Roy support may very well have come from Japan, given 1) his game's success over there and 2) Sakurai adding him before Wolf or a handful of others.
Sorry if I sounded a bit too aggressive in my other post.

Yeah, there's no doubt that on a international level, Roy's support stems greatly from Smash Bros. That's only to be expected given the situation. Apparently, FE6 was planned for an international release at one point but it never happened. It's just a pity that people look at the character and say he was a cheap advertisement in Melee for FE6. While he was in Melee partially to promote FE6, Sakurai still thought that he would appeal to Smash Bros fans and hence he did. One person at Intelligent Systems even had interest in remaking FE6 though I need to find that source again.

Chronobound has been at this much longer than I have lol. I respect him supporting the character since the pre-Brawl days. The detractors are loud, like really really loud. In some ways it's even worse than Ridley detractors because at least the debate with Ridley is 50-50 as you said with both sides having an equal voice in the community. With Roy, it's mostly the detractors that have the loudest voice with their sheer amount of salt and hate even though their outnumbered by the fans. I mean hey, if you don't like the character, that's fine and all. It's no secret that i'm not a fan of the Inklings in Smash 4 and I made that perfectly clear in this thread. Just don't make up false claims about the character and try to prove said character is unworthy to be in the game (speaking in a general sense here).

Also, I used M2 as an example to show that you can point to many different characters and say they got in because of "casuals". Casuals is sort of a dirty word IMO. It's used disparagingly in the community and is often a way to help support a specific viewpoint that one person may have.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I believe it's probably just going to be Cloud and the ballot reps.
I don't see much of a reason to try to top an already large reveal (nor if they can unless they really want to stretch). So I just see it being business as usual.

Oh how I missed these. It's all poorly written text leaks nowadays, and not even good ones. They get tiring after a while too.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Y'know, the fact that Diddy is the only western-developed character in Smash so far makes me even more proud of my main character.:cool:


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Y'know, the fact that Diddy is the only western-developed character in Smash so far makes me even more proud of my main character.:cool:
I don't think it matters much, really. It just so happens that the majority of great characters are Japanese made. :p
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