Cutie Gwen
Lovely warrior
>Implying ever person who has the newest Smash Bros is an adult who knows what MK is12 year old detected
Nintendo usually prefers catering to younger audiences, meaning there's a high possibility there a lots of people who own Smash who are kids who haven't heard of Mortal Kombat, and that's an issue MK characters gave. Risk of alienating the people who own Smash
Hence why I said 99/100. It's been 4 games, over 10 years and when western fans ask for sooo many things, Little Mac being the only character getting in due to western demand doesn't really help, especially as Japan didn't know who he was, and doing that trick with DLC risks alienating Japanese players, not everyone's going to buy the characters because 'ooooh, characters...'I think an issue here would come from Scorpion showing his skull face.