The news of Disney Infinity's sudden cancellation struck today. Midway through the game's third iteration, this news broke and left the fanbase heartbroken. This announcement came just two months after Disney Infinity released its latest expansion, the Marvel Battlegrounds playset and related characters, and the standalone Baloo figure. It has been confirmed that the final characters to be produced will be Alice, Mad Hatter, and Time from Tim Burton's Through the Looking Glass, and a Finding Dory playset, which has Dory packaged with the playset. Nemo is also getting his own standalone figure compatible with the playset. After that, no more additional content will be produced for Disney Infinity. June is its expiration date.
While it was sudden and upsetting for me and the rest of the fans, I can only imagine how it feels to those who have worked on the game for so long, as they're now out of a job come June. Avalanche Software employs 300 people on its own, and that isn't factoring in other people who held positions on Disney Infinity's staff, such as the marketing team, the production managers, and the community managers. The two sort of figureheads for the game included John Vignocchi, the VP of Production under John Blackburn, and Allison Petrek, the Lead Community Manager. For fans of Disney Infinity, these two were like Reggie or Bill for the audience, with the weekly Toy Box TV episodes being almost like mini Nintendo Directs. Were they scripted commercials made to sell toys and a video game? Yes. But hey, we loved them. They established a sort of connection between the production crew and the fans.
And the team genuinely cared back. It wasn't just some act they put on; they legitimately loved what they did, and always were eager to do community events and other such things. This game was basically JV's baby, and he loved every second of the experience. And to make matters worse, Allison Petrek is pregnant with her first
actual baby, and now she's going to be unemployed as well. I can't express how sorry I feel for everyone who's now out of a job. I do find solace, though, in what one ex-team member said. This was posted on, a fan forum I frequent, by an ex-staff member.
First off let me say that Disney is treating us well. As with many layoffs we are getting severance pay, but they are going the extra mile to give us time to cope with changes. We'll be allowed time and access to our assets so that we can update our portfolios. They're also providing counseling for resume-building and job-hunting. While it may seem like we're being blind-sided, there is no kind or gradual way to tell a group that their job is going away. What Disney is doing is as close to that as possible though, and when I compare it to past layoff stories from my coworkers, I feel that this situation is rather kind.
So in all I'm glad that at least Disney's assisting them with the layoffs as opposed to leaving them on their own. Small victories, I suppose.
Beyond that though, from a consumer
and production standpoint, this announcement came at the worst possible time: midway through the production of 3.0. The team had content planned until the end of 2016 for 3.0 before moving on to 4.0. They had just recently said they not only plan on continuing 3.0 through the aforementioned timespan, but also that there were additional playsets (one for Star Wars, which was assumed to be Rogue One, and one for Disney Animation, which was thought to be Moana), at least six more Disney characters given the empty slots in the Hall of Heroes, and more additional Marvel characters (at least one unannounced female character and Thanos, with Doctor Strange being likely as well).
Disappointingly for a lot of people, one figure that was announced will actually never be made now: Peter Pan, the winner of the Toy Box Artists' Choice contest last summer. He was supposed to enter production around now and be released in late August, but now that the game is ceasing production in June, he'll never be in Infinity.
Me personally? I'm lucky in the sense that most of the characters I really wanted are in the game already. And really, there were only six characters that I actively wanted to be added to the game, and among them, I at least wasn't
as disappointed about them when I heard the end-of-production news. Those four had the chance of not happening. Quasimodo's more obscure than most of the roster and lacks a sort of relevancy needed to stand a good shot at being made. Dipper Pines? Gravity Falls ended, so they may not want to push the series with figures. Beast? There was always the chance of them doing the live-action version instead, which I wouldn't have wanted. Scarlet Witch? The complicated licensing issue with Fox may have stopped her from getting in anyway, like it did in Marvel Future Fight.
The ones I'm more upset about are the ones that I, and everyone else, saw as
inevitable that now won't be coming to fruition. In addition to the confirmed-for-production-but-will-never-be-made Peter Pan, two other characters fell into this for me: Doctor Strange and Goofy. My collection will forever just now, due to this. They were just incredibly integral characters that were among my favorites, and it's telling that I'm actually more upset at not getting them than I am at not getting my actual favorite, Quasimodo. These two are the tragic victims of timing. Doctor Strange was a lock for release this fall when his film is set to come out. Goofy was a shoo-in for 4.0, given that the team added one of the big classic characters per version (Mickey in 1.0, Donald in 2.0, Minnie in 3.0), and had they been told earlier, I fully believe that Goofy, at the very least, would have entered last-minute production. He even had concept art in the game.
So, now that that's out of the way, what caused this? Now we're getting into my own view of the situation, based on what's been said and recent trends that have been seen. Disney Infinity is, in essence, a victim of its own success. According to a statement from Bob Iger, Disney Infinity started out as, more or less, an experiment. At the time, the concept of a toys-to-life game was virtually unheard of, and in general untested waters. The only other one on the market at the time was Skylanders. Their idea was a solid one: jump on the bandwagon and use the company's vast amount of IP to drive sales.
Disney Infinity's first iteration sold very well, and gave the team confidence to create a second version, 2.0. This time, they'd introduce Marvel's superheroes to the game as a big selling point, as well as fan-favorite Disney characters like Aladdin, Donald, and Stitch. However, the team over-anticipated the demand. They produced way too many starter packs and figures, leading to the 2.0 starter packs, marked at seventy dollars MSRP, selling for fifteen on a regular basis. Stores still have an overstock today. The suits start to get a bit worried. Needless to say, their ace in the hole was seen as Star Wars, the last major pillar yet to be explored. just wasn't enough.
Many, myself included, attribute this entirely to market saturation. During 1.0, toys-to-life games were still a novel idea, and one that hadn't been attempted with pre-existing IP (minus Spyro and Cynder being in Skylanders, the rest were original characters). As such, Disney had a definitive niche. Then came amiibo and, later, Lego Dimensions, which took the concept of toys-to-life mixed with well-known IP even further. There were now four different toys-to-life brands on the market all competing for consumers' wallets and, importantly, shelf space. Many Disney Infinity figures had to be sold at clearance aisle-level prices due to the sheer amount of overstock.
Eventually, I guess, the problem just got too great. It just came at such a surprise, since Disney Infinity was actually the best-selling toys-to-life game in 2015. I always expected it to end eventually, but I thought they'd at least get to 4.0 or 5.0 before it happened. And really, the only thing I can attribute it to is market burnout. Disney Infinity got
really expensive. At the end of this, there will be 104 figures in total, and that's not even getting to the Light FX Star Wars variants or the 1.0 crystal variants, or the power discs. Add in weekly mini-Direct equivalents and actually really high figure quality, and it had a massive production value. According to those who worked for the company on the game, this came as a huge surprise, since they recently had 4.0 budgeted as a
priority for next year. To have it end so suddenly just blindsided a ton of people.
That being said, I don't regret a second of my time spent on playing the game. Hell, there are still a few things I plan on picking up for it, namely the Marvel Battlegrounds playset, and the Elsa and Stitch figures, in addition to some more Marvel figures to bolster the Battlegrounds roster. Plus, I'll likely pick up the Finding Dory playset as a final sendoff. As a huge fan of all things Disney, I loved the game. It was a loveletter to the company and its fans. And amusingly enough? It was the game that came the closest to recreating the joy of a Disney Park in video game form. It was the only game that made it possible to have Baloo throw Lew Zealand's Boomerang Fish at Captain America while riding on Bullseye and getting chased by Stormtroopers. And what's not to love about that?
Plus, I mean, the figures still make great little statuettes of the characters when not in play. And hey, 3.0's still going to exist, so I can still make and share things up until the servers shut down. At that point I can still make things in the game for my own enjoyment, just without sharing them.
So in essence, consider this my send off to Disney Infinity. It served as a fantastic game and creation tool, and man am I sad it's all going to be over come June. Take care, DI. You took us to Infinity, but now it's time to go Beyond.