Smash Rookie
The LiSa rendition of This Illusion was by far the best thing to come out of the Ufo adaptation. Ur stronk Bah-sah-car best scene.
This got me so pumped last night when I watched it. Can't wait for the second half!
Read JoJo up until part 5. Decide if you want to continue since the translations for part 5 make it pretty uninteresting (or it could just be the characters).Gotta read the Jojo Manga sometime... the first anime was decent (and fabulous) once I got over the characters talking so much.
For Psychological/Supernatural stuff Ghost Hound is a pretty nice, underrated anime.
So far I haven't seen it getting any attention at all, which is kinda sad.
After I don't want to know how many Chapters of meh story/fanservice Fairy Tail actually managed to make a pretty nice twist in the story.
I'm pleasantly surprised. So it wasn't completly for naught to pick it up again.
Eh, AoT has always been really bad in my opinion. Pretty okay concept of "oh hey, we're humanities survivors and we're probably gonna die" but executed ridiculously poorly. The characters have really only become characters during this terrible story arc. And not to mention it's trying to be 2deep4u in saying things like "the real enemy is us humans not the titans"... Which is just dreadful.Attack on Titan is quickly losing all of my interest. It feels like the focus of the series has completely changed. I always feel that in recent chapters, it's trying to be something it isn't. I hate to say it, but I'm only giving the series 3 more chapters, after that I drop it.
What you all hype for next season? Saenai Heroine no Sodate-kata seem like it'll be AotS for me.