Mura wrote a lot, but he never said a lot, look I'll put it into different words:
There's the mistake I was expecting someone to make. People always like to equate defensive, cautious playing with "smart" playing, and equate rushing with being an idiot, like Pluvia actually did later on, but that's not necessarily true. A player can be a rusher or camper and be smart or stupid.
"I'm implying that rushing, even head first towards a guy with an assault rifle which Pluvia said was idiotic, is smart and that any other style of play is cowardly. "A player can be a rusher or a camper and be smart or stupid" In other words, a neutral statement that means absolutely nothing."
For example, in Gears 2 I often rush several opponents at once in order to distract them from something else my team mates are doing.
Another instance is that if someone ever runs away from me, I'll rush them because I can get the upper hand way more easily when they eventually stop running.
If a person is at mid-range with a boomshot, I'll bait and jump away from the first shot, then rush the second shot and jump toward him when he shoots it, which will cause damage to me, but not kill me, leaving him without ammo (If I succeed the first bait, the rest always works.)
Or, if I notice some enemies going after an important weapon, I'll rush and kill the guy who picks it up and attempt to kill or get away from the others.
"I rush."
On the other hand, there are lots of times when playing defensively is one of the stupidest things I've seen. For example, in Gears 2, if I know that someone is hiding in a spot, I'll go and pick up other weapons because I know that most of the time those people are trying to wait for me to approach so they can have the advantage, but since I know they're not going anywhere, that gives me all the opportunity in the world to prepare.
I've seen other people, so set in defensive, campy ways that they won't help their team-mates who are being killed. And others, since their camp habits are so predictable, can be rushed and killed immediately.
"I think any other style of play other than rushing is stupid, and I rush, in this scenario I created I won because the opponent didn't do anything."
So I completely disagree that playing cautiously and defensively is "smart" there's nothing inherently smart about it. The decisions a player makes are what makes them a smart player, and this is something possible by both offensive and defensive players, and should be manifested in both respects in a good player. That's why, instead of referring to defensive playing as "smart" I refer to it as cowardly, because it lacks the offensive capability that a player needs to have in order to be well rounded, and instead trades it for selfish and menial personal prides of having a high K/D or thinking that they're somehow smarter than other players without the dexterous ability to handle thos eplayers otherwise, and thus, garners no respect from me.
"I think any other style of play other than rushing is stupid, and if you don't rush you're automatically stupid. "The decisions a player makes are what makes them a smart player, and this is something possible by both offensive and defensive players, and should be manifested in both respects in a good player" - In other words, a neutral middle ground that means absolutely nothing."
Furthermore, playing defensively is not smart, but it is safe, and safety is what cowards look for. I have always affirmed that a team of 5 with coordinated hammerbursts/lancers will dominate any warzone or execution match where opponents don't do the same, simply because the combined power of projectile weapons is too great and too easy to set up. That's exactly why I don't play execution or warzone, because a coordinated camping is the best strategy. It doesn't require that a player be well rounded in any way shape or form, and the ideal metagame of it would be one where two teams wait for someone to mess up with their distance weapons. That's what it comes down to. Think about it, why exactly does defensive play work? In order to get a defensive kill, a person needs to attack an offensive player. But if both teams were playing solely defensively because it's safer, then no one would get a kill until someone tries to make a move. This is another reason wht I don't regard defensive play as smart, because it's nothing more than taking advantage of someone else's impatience. This turns the whole thing into a waiting game, and utterly makes the game boring. But those people who do pride themselves on how "smart" they were because they waited longer around a corner than another person fail to realize that the "tactics" they use are fueled solely by the people who want to get something accomplished in the game, and if everyone played like they did, camping would be an ineffective and difficult strategy to pull off.
"I think any other style of player other than rushing is stupid. If everyone played the game exactly the same way I think the game would be boring."
So instead, since rushers are inevitably the ones who make the game playable, I respect their intelligence far more than I can respect a camper's, because a camper's mindset is based solely around fear and uncertainty, whereas a rusher takes the uncertainty without the fear and decides to make something happen.
"I think rushing is smart, and I've deluded myself into think that any other style isn't."
So in short, defensive play doesn't impress me one bit in the realms of "smart play." People who play defensively aren't smart, in fact, I'd argue that they are far less intelligent than rushers because rushers understand and have mastered the game to an extent to which they are comfortable and confident with their own ability to discern and execute scenarios of risk and reward based on knowledge of the game and how it works
"I think any other style of play other than rushing is stupid. I think rushers are smart."
There you have it. My "stupid response" actually answered his entire post, I just never drew it out into a long post because he said the same thing multiple times, and it only needed answering once.
His entire argument boiled down to what I showed you above, and my "stroking my ego" was me pointing out that, if playing defensively was as stupid and ineffective as he was making out, I would have no where near the stats that I do. It shows that his argument is just plain old opinion, and a simple "I disagree, here's my stats to show why" is enough to suffice. And that's exactly what I achieved in my previous post, it was just a hell of a lot shorter than this one.