yeah, the game is really rough right now... Shotgun does a little TOO much damage, lancer/burst is too good... it's just annoying, i kind of stopped playing because of that reason. They made all the starting weapons stronger, then they made the title update for client side hit detection, and changed the spread of the shotty... if they would have just done the update, and ditched the starting weapon buff i think it would be a little better. Shotgun was fine before, just a little inconsistent, which I think client side hit detection fixed. But the strength of the gun is WAY too high right now. Not to mention I hate having 16 bullets... they need to bring it back to 24 bullets in a shotty.
wall-bouncing is a little over used imo, ppl have to remember that strafe is also important, just like in any shooter.
edit: with all this gow talk i kinda wanna play it again D:< After i finish these papers for the week, i'll probably turn on my xbox again. It'll probably be next week, if anyone is down to play<3