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Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
Ganondorf simply cannot be cut, and I really doubt that this is what's going to happen. He's so crucial to the Zelda series, I mean, the list would go on forever. That being said, this fact brings into question who the sixth Zelda representative would be as well. If Ganon is finally changed, for instance, to become a necromantic-sword wielder (like Robin), then I think whoever the newcomer would be (if there even would be one; there has to be) wouldn't become another magical, evil character like the aforementioned type of Ganondorf. This could be interpreted as being a clone by some and I think they would try to get a more “unique” character. Don't get me wrong, Impa (some say would be like sheik) and Vaati for example are both viable newcomers, but aside from the whole controversy over Lucina, It makes me wonder who could fit this kid of bill. But, this is just my opinion...
I would have to say, I would prefer Vaati over Ghirahim if there was another character, he's the only Toon character I wat in this game besides Toonlink and besides that he's a mage.

I totally agree when you say Ganondorf shall not be cut though.

Nintendo Fan

Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2012
The Empire State
I would have to say, I would prefer Vaati over Ghirahim if there was another character, he's the only Toon character I wat in this game besides Toonlink and besides that he's a mage.

I totally agree when you say Ganondorf shall not be cut though.
Yeah, Vaati definitely deserves the spot more than Ghirahim. He's just been more prominent than that creepy lip-licking weirdo. And plus, we'd then have another character from Link's other timeline, and has been the most recurring villain after G-Dorf (pretty sure :confused:).


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
To be honest, I'm having trouble imagining Ganondorf as a unique character among the cast should he get decloned, I'm sad to admit.

If we make him a heavy swordsman, how are we going to differentiate him from Ike to a flavorful and interesting degree?

Similarly, while the most ideal thing would have been to make him a magic-based character, Robin came along last Monday to shatter that, too.

At this point, while you'll never get me to like Clonendorf, I'm not sure exactly how unique he could be among the rest of the cast anymore either.

I might think of a few ideas later, but in the meantime it's something for the thread to think about.
I can totally imagine him as a unique character. I can't see him as a swordsman, but I can definitely see him having at least one attack with his sword. I can see him as a slow ranged character (dark magic) with some melee (sword/hand to hand.) In a sense, most characters are already like that. For example, Mario has the fireballs and does a lot of melee. It's not just Robin. Even so, Robin is almost one of a kind, so that wouldn't be an unwelcomed model to go off of, not that I want him to be a clone of Robin. Aesthetics will also play a big part in differentiating him from everyone else as well. If they made his dark magic attacks look unique and epic, that would set him apart. It's all about the possibilities. They could:

- Give him a sword
- Give him dual swords (like in Wind Waker)
- Give him an Ocarina of Time special where he uses darkness waves to immobilize opponents or slow them down
- Give him an OoT special where he conjures lightning into his hand and unleash it as a giant orb
- Give him an OoT special where he summons an orb that turns into snake-like energy that seeks out the player
- Give him a hovering/levitating ability
- Give him the ability to summon a Phantom Ganon that would come out of a portal and strike the enemies
- Give him the ability to open up portals (absorbs incoming attacks or players and spits it out behind, in front, or above him)
- Give him the ability to transform into Demise
- Give him the ability to summon Ghirahim temporarily or use Ghirahim as an attack
- Give him all sorts of Triforce of Power special attacks (too many possibilities to list, mainly fire/Din related)
- Give him a Shadow Crystal attack that has some type of dark magic effect (because why not)
- Give him the ability to summon Shadow Beasts (maybe even a Luma type or Zelda's Shadow Warrior)
- Give him the ability to possess people and use them as puppets like in Twilight Princess (just for a few seconds)
- Give him the ability to punch the ground and create a shockwave like in OoT
- Give him the ability to teleport people away from him
- Give him the ability to turn into a smaller beast Ganon (non-FS) about the size of Bowser or slightly bigger
- Give him storm summoning abilities (like Endless Night from WW) but in a smaller scale
- Give him the ability to turn into Twilight Ganondorf (not sure what that would do but would be cool)
- Give him the Fused Shadow from TP as a weapon
- Give him new or custom Twilight-based and/or dark magic-based powers (the possibilities are endless)

Then, make sure all of his powers are either colored black/purple or black/green or black/yellow-green or different combiinations of those colors.

See, there's a ton of things they can do with Ganondorf, and I'm sure I missed a ton of possibilities. Sure, some of those might sound odd, but it's not like Smash has to be 100% canon anyway. The only question is, is Sakurai willing to give him his own moveset? If he wanted to, he can.
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Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
as much as I wanted an original ganondorf as the rest, i think that just giving ganondorf a sword is a bad idea, while being a fzero clone sucks, i always have prefered ganondorf playstyle over cap, and frankly i like the bigh whompfh factor Ganondorf have (there is something satisfying in landing hits as ganondorf) Plus, heavy swordsman needs to diferentiate from ike and magic swordsman from robin.

I believe the "Magic brawler", "Tankish warlock" is the best aproach, retaining some of its previous incarnations feel, while being ganondorf in it's whole glory. I don't think his normals need much change, outside of maybe animations anr one or other damagin particle. but hisspecials are probably the most out of place moves he have, outside side B. (everyone loves his side B).

Maybe giving him some spells, but instead of robin like spells, stuff that isn't as flashy, but more reserved. I totally would love if ganondorf gets some zoning options (instead of say, ranged options) from its specials. but unlike other zoner that use it's zoning to keep the enemy away, or away enough to hit them with their sword, it would be neat if they manage to make it's zoning to help keeping the opponent close to him, or interrupting the oponnent so it's easier to land ganondorf beefy punches. but anyways should be something that ganondorf set up while he manages to send far away someone.

this could be done in several ways, but just as ideas i will put some of theideas I had for it's neutral B and down B (I don't really have much ideas for it's up b) while maybe this exact implementation may be horrendous or broken, it could give an idea to where they could take ganondorf specials.

New standar down B, orb of power he places an orb that keeps floating in place until a character goes near it and activates it, unleashing low magical damage and kockback but will have hitsun, can place up to three at the same time. great for limiting how his enemies can aproach him, and while the damage would be laughable, getting hitsun near ganondorf is actually a very bad idea. plus they would cancel momentum if someone sent flying lands on one of them, so ganondorf have an easier time pursuiting.

Custom down B. big orb of power. decent damage and knockback but can place only one. the idea is to have something where ganondorf can send flying people, and if he manages to hit the orb, the orb have ebough knockback to send the poor soul back to him with some decent damage.

Custom down B. Duality of power. sames damage and knockback than the little orbes, but it splits and start slowly traveling both forward and backwards. so ganondorf can use it as a form of aproach. if teh orbs are still on teh stage ganondorf can summon them again.

Standar neutral B. Warlcok Punch, He summons a big orb of darkness and punches it in front of him creating a explosion of similar power to its past warlock punch, but aslo releases some magical homing sparks than do little damage but help him interrupting enemies trying to punish on whiff. better against enemies who need to aproach from predictable angles. still a very unsafe move to do. but it would have a little more uses than it usual warlock punch. (plus, if he have his down b covering his ass, it would be a little safer to use)

Custom neutral B. Warlock destruction. sightly more startup than regular warlock punch, after charging the orb of darkness he punches it but instead of exploding it gets propelledm forward at a good speed. in other words... ranged warlock punch. too slow startup to surprise anyone, but useful for pressure if the opponent only have limited angles to aproach, and could be useful on team matches.

Custom neutral B. Warlock blast. sihtly faster less powerful warlock punch, but isntead of sparks the orb explodes with a big hitbox spreading forward a short distance (like a shotgun)


Smash Cadet
Jul 19, 2014
I think it would be cool if they keep his normal move-set from the previous games, but if you use the one taunt where Ganondorf pulls out his sword you would be able to use it and he would have a completely different move-set, but if you prefer his normal move-set you can just use the taunt again and put the sword away.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
Since I am creating a non-SSB moveset for Ganondorf, I will not read your ideas, ORVO5 and SvartWolf. They are probably awesome, and I have pasted them into a document to read them someday. To criticalhit1992: that was done for DeathStroke in the MK vs DC fighting game, and it was fun! You can imagine that, when a Ganondorf player is on their last stock, they get desperate and unleash their sword for a final battle of merciless dueling. Do you think that would be fun?


Smash Cadet
Jul 19, 2014
Since I am creating a non-SSB moveset for Ganondorf, I will not read your ideas, ORVO5 and SvartWolf. They are probably awesome, and I have pasted them into a document to read them someday. To criticalhit1992: that was done for DeathStroke in the MK vs DC fighting game, and it was fun! You can imagine that, when a Ganondorf player is on their last stock, they get desperate and unleash their sword for a final battle of merciless dueling. Do you think that would be fun?
That would be fun actually. Imagine a tournament where a Ganondorf player is better with the sword and his opponent gets him down to his last stock and he pulls out the sword and makes an epic comeback! It would be so awesome!


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
Since I am creating a non-SSB moveset for Ganondorf, I will not read your ideas, ORVO5 and SvartWolf. They are probably awesome, and I have pasted them into a document to read them someday.
Actually I didn't list a moveset, I listed all the powers Ganondorf has used in all the Zelda games as well as other potential powers they can use. Feel free to use the list as reference for your moveset, save you the trouble of going on a Zelda wiki. :p


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
I'm simply praying that he won't end as a falcon alt costume with different particle effects at this point. Sure, it is unlikely with Lucina also being her own character, but its just as unlikely they will make a new moveset for him, sadly. Not that i play him, but my brother would be sad.
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Electric Tuba

Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2012
Dallas, Texas
I'm simply praying that he won't end as a falcon alt costume with different particle effects at this point. Sure, it is unlikely with Lucina also being her own character, but its just as unlikely they will make a new moveset for him, sadly. Not that i play him, but my brother would be sad.
This would literally be the worst thing

crotch protector

Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
I'm simply praying that he won't end as a falcon alt costume with different particle effects at this point. Sure, it is unlikely with Lucina also being her own character, but its just as unlikely they will make a new moveset for him, sadly. Not that i play him, but my brother would be sad.
The comments from Sakurai recently regarding Robin, Lucina and movesets making sense have given me renewed hope.

EDIT: And since Snake is (probably) gone, some of his moveset could easily be cannibalized for Ganondorf, imo.
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Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
@ORVO5, hey, I only referred to your stuff as ideas! Anyway, I am playing the first half of OoT to obtain ideas for this non-SSB moveset. This moveset is for a pre-Triforce Ganondorf. I want to feel I mostly created it on my own, so that is why I avoid everyone's ideas (mostly). I feel like an investigator as I play OoT specifically to learn about Ganondorf's actions.
@ crotch protector crotch protector I also realized that Ganondorf and Snake could fight similarly. They are both brutal but sneaky. If Ganondorf was not a clone in Melee, he could have almost all of Snake's standards attacks. If you ignore the specials and smashes, use Snake in SSBB and you can imagine one route Mr. Sakurai could have taken if he made a non-clone Melee Ganondorf. Snake even resembles OoT Ganondorf, in some ways, physically.
@Shìkì please be faithful!

I must thank the poster who inadvertently motivated me to use these "at" symbols.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Please forgive my inadequate answer in that last post, crotch protector. First, I should state I only mentioned stuff about Mr. Sakurai for emphasis. I should have known that would disrupt my clarity. My last post probably seemed paradoxical and illogical. So, my point is: I want Ganondorf to have more functions, whether he remains a clone or not. If we must use Ganondorf as a clone again, at least add functions to his moves. If I Warlock Punch a wall, it could break. If I use Wizard's Foot and press up, Ganondorf could start flying upward; if I hold down, Ganondorf could enter a portal. These are examples of complexifying the moves. I compared this desire for complexity to the desire for complete decloning, and they are, in a way, the same thing, but not quite. Anyway, I would have answered you earlier, but I logged off before I saw your post. I hope these ideas are clear now, and I wonder if you, or anyone, would like to share some ideas for adding functions to Ganondorf. Anyway, what do you mean by "tanky mage," Oracle_Summon?
Sorry if I already answered this post. "Tanky Mage" is a term used for Mages that can take a ton of damage. You know how in games that Mages tend to be squishy? Well, with Ganondorf, that term does not appeal. I mean, look at Ganondorf:

He looks like a Line Backer!


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
So, do you think Ganondorf's specials should support this tankiness? Are you thinking of any new, defensive special moves?

crotch protector

Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
Using his fists and throwing out fireballs, along with a high weight would probably do the trick, @ H Hexaped . He doesn't need defensively oriented specials because that doesn't really suit him, imo. Giving him a little bit of super armour would be fine, though.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
Woah! That would be fun, @ Electric Tuba Electric Tuba ! @ crotch protector crotch protector at least one of his specials could involve strategy. His castles in each of his appearances involved barriers. A long time ago, I thought Ganondorf could use magic walls to cage himself with a single opponent, or trap hostages. If Ganondorf could trap hostages, this would be defensive, since it would temporarily remove one foe from the battle!


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
I really hope ganondorf gets a new moveset. That said, I notice that ssb doesn't have any "grappler" characters like most fighting games. Maybe Ganon could be a super strong grappler with specials like a b backbreaking knee bash/grab (think bane from batman, but less graphic.)


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
I really hope ganondorf gets a new moveset. That said, I notice that ssb doesn't have any "grappler" characters like most fighting games. Maybe Ganon could be a super strong grappler with specials like a b backbreaking knee bash/grab (think bane from batman, but less graphic.)
I would love it if Ganondorf did a Tilta Whirl Backbreaker like Katie Burchill, that would be simply Infamous.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
I have also thought of Ganondorf having specifically brutal attacks. I thought of an ability where Ganondorf breaks limbs. This would not be appropriate for SSB, though, and I don't think Ganondorf would be so brutal.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I really hope ganondorf gets a new moveset. That said, I notice that ssb doesn't have any "grappler" characters like most fighting games. Maybe Ganon could be a super strong grappler with specials like a b backbreaking knee bash/grab (think bane from batman, but less graphic.)
Donkey Kong is sorta a grappler with his cargo throws.

But I see what you mean.


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
I have also thought of Ganondorf having specifically brutal attacks. I thought of an ability where Ganondorf breaks limbs. This would not be appropriate for SSB, though, and I don't think Ganondorf would be so brutal.
Didn't you hear anything Nabooru said about Ganondorf's brutality?


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
I know. But there are so many ways to qualify wickedness. Ganondorf murders women and children, as she said, but is he willing to break their limbs and kill them? He had a dagger in OoT, but that's for threats or swift kills. It's a complex topic!


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
I have to say Ganondorf probably will return.

Think about it for a minute, his final smash will always be Ganon, costumes would feature his OoT appearance and TP appearance and maybe even a Yuga Ganon skin.

Ok I just have to say it, I think Ghirahim can be a white color swap for Ganondorf, in which we never seen a white color swap for Ganondorf yet.

I think he might have OoT as his default appearance.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
I think a grapple based moveset could work without being too graphic.

B- Ganon grabs the opponent and smashes them into the ground (or knee), bouncing them up for follow ups. The move has decent range for a grab, and can be charged as a kill move as well.

Side B- Ganons current side b, but updated. Once caught, tilting the stick will throw the opponent in different ways. Back= a kick launch. Up= an uppercut attack. Forward= a shoulder bash. Down= the current choke blast. Defaults to down if nothing is tilted.

Up B- Ganon leaps into the air and lands elsewhere, like dedede. However, he can grab opponents mid air with it, at which point they will fall with him until they hit the ground, causing a shockwave.

Down B- Ganon unleashes his power and dashes forward, like wario. Upon contact with an opponent, he throws them down and tramples over them, dealing damage and throwing them away. Good for recovery and creating some space. Cannot grab in the air, like his other moves.

I don't know about a attacks, but these are done specials I thought of.
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Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
I have to say Ganondorf probably will return.

Think about it for a minute, his final smash will always be Ganon, costumes would feature his OoT appearance and TP appearance and maybe even a Yuga Ganon skin.

Ok I just have to say it, I think Ghirahim can be a white color swap for Ganondorf, in which we never seen a white color swap for Ganondorf yet.

I think he might have OoT as his default appearance.
Uhm, no. Not that i wouldn't like a cool alt costume/pallet swap for Ganondorf, but : The proportions of Ghirahim do not even come close to be similar to Ganondorfs, he has only has one incarnation and has used a lot of projectiles and swordplay, and he was hella fast. There is literally no way he'd be a Ganondorf costume.
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Electric Tuba

Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Uhm, no. Not that i wouldn't like a cool alt costume/pallet swap for Ganondorf, but : The proportions of Ghirahim do not even come close to be similar to Ganondorfs, he has only has one incarnation and has used a lot of projectiles and swordplay, and he was hella fast. There is literally no way he'd be a Ganondorf costume.
They could have a Ghirahim palette, still. A color scheme or whatnot, as most other fighting games use for other character cameos.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
Hello folks. I played Brawl today, and it inspired an activity we can all do. I listened to some of the music in SSBB, and then began playing on the Fire Emblem stage. The atmosphere and music of that stage reminded me of TLoZ, and Ganndorf's next appearance in SSB4. So I started thinking of specific moves for Ganondorf.

So, would anyone like to list specific abilities or animations for Ganondorf? Turokman5896 has! List anything you would like to see.
-an attack which seems specifically copied from the Gerudo warriors in OoT (because Ganondorf is Gerudo)
-a possible up special where Ganondorf rides a ghost horse (this could've been a move in Melee)
-something which references deserts
-a horizontal flight ability
-some kind of strategic attack to emphasize careful play
-some kind of deceit attack
-a new magic attack which is not obvious for Ganondorf, but subtly inspired by one of his abilities
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Smash Rookie
Jul 23, 2014
Behind You
I feel like Ganondorf could be such a better character, there is so much potential for him to have his primary attacks (sword) and his ranged/special (magic similar to what he already uses), I hope to god he comes back, BUT WITH A NEW MOVESET. His taunt has him show off his sword but does he use it.... NO. Plus his snail-like speed and horrendous grab distance make his character very difficult to use. Sakurai please GIVE US GANONDORF, but better... Mkay? That said, I love Ganondorf and playing as him but hate those aspects about his smash character, I am truly hoping for Ganondorf to be announced to SSB4, and I hope you all are too. :ganondorf::ganondorfmelee::ganondorf:


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
I feel like Ganondorf could be such a better character, there is so much potential for him to have his primary attacks (sword) and his ranged/special (magic similar to what he already uses), I hope to god he comes back, BUT WITH A NEW MOVESET. His taunt has him show off his sword but does he use it.... NO. Plus his snail-like speed and horrendous grab distance make his character very difficult to use. Sakurai please GIVE US GANONDORF, but better... Mkay? That said, I love Ganondorf and playing as him but hate those aspects about his smash character, I am truly hoping for Ganondorf to be announced to SSB4, and I hope you all are too. :ganondorf::ganondorfmelee::ganondorf:
I find the idea of a grapple-type character more appealing, mainly because we now already have a Sword+Magic guy - Robin. But dayum a grappler... Heh. I don't know if anyone here knows the fighting game Killer Instinct, but Chief Thunder from that game is how i'd imagine Ganondorf (using the 2 swords from his windwaker incarnation) and the thunder being replaced by his energy-spheres... That'd be pretty cool. Of course he'd need more knockback though.
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Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
That's why I think a grappler would be awesome. There isn't really anyone like that in smash whatsoever, and it could play into how BA and strong ganondorf is.
I find the idea of a grapple-type character more appealing, mainly because we now already have a Sword+Magic guy - Robin. But dayum a grappler... Heh. I don't know if anyone here knows the fighting game Killer Instinct, but Thunder from that game is how i'd imagine Ganondorf (using the 2 swords from his windwaker incarnation) and the thunder being replaced by his energy-spheres... That'D be pretty cool. Of course he'd need more knockback though.


Smash Champion
Apr 15, 2014
the attic I call Magicant
What is Ganon's side B is like the one in Project M with some tweaks? He would travel fast in the air like Little Mac's Jolt Haymaker and smashes the victimto to the ground like when you do its side B in the air. His B would be some kind of Dark magic orb, his Up B could be the same, and for his Down B have the Ghost Horse mowing down people like Wario's Bike. His Foward smash has the Falcon Punch animation with N64's speed, and his FS stays the same. What do u think?


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
I would most appreciate the Ghost Horse idea, and I would hope it is a complex move. I also want his FS and up special to be more fun than it was in SSBB. Imagine if Ganondorf could fly around a little with his up special!
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
What I'd really like to see happen (Because Ganondorf should not be a clone):

Newcomer: Black Shadow. 2nd F-Zero Rep
Takes Ganondorf's old moveset.

Ganondorf gets a new, original moveset.

I honestly think this would satisfy most people. Because there are a lot of people who like how Ganondorf currently plays and would miss that moveset/style... but even they tend to admit that it's BS that he's a clone. Black Shadow (Also BS? Lol) would make a lot more sense to be a Falcon clone but with evil flavoring like Ganondorf has.
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