I won't argue that. But one frame is game-changing only when in direct contrast to the speed of another move. For example, a frame difference in a command grab in Street Fighter can make all the difference in the world since it can create a frametrap. But in Ganon's case, the mitigating of a little landing lag, while indeed potentially life-saving, I don't feel a change in meta makes.
So, to restate my point, I'm not disagreeing that they're welcome buffs. I just don't think they'll change how Ganon is played, nor do I think a pre-patch Ganon would perform significantly better than a post-patch one, for example. The difference in landing lag isn't easily detectable, which means timing something within 4 frames (much less 2, as we've since discovered) as to not be punishable just isn't practical, unless that difference results in a meaningful change, such as an autocancel or something.
So, most welcome and awesome? Most certainly! Significant and life-saving? In certain situations, yes! But revolutionary to his metagame? I'm definitely skeptical. I'm more comfortable placing his buffs in the "ass-saver" category than the "consciously useable" one (again, with the exception of NAir -- I <do> think that's big)