This cancel works on the middle two platforms of Norfair, as long as you space yourself properly and the roll occurs over the opposite platform.
The section where the middle area is ground covered by water with a canoe in the background - to the left is solid ground with a platform over it, and further left is deep water. Just past that is more solid ground. You can Wizkick Cancel from that ground to the area separating to the two water regions.
The area where there are three pillars of rock with grass on top of them, all surrounded by water - you can Wizkick Cancel between any two adjacent platforms. o_o; Didn't expect that, since one is raised higher.
When fighting atop the building that faces the giant Shine Sprite, you can DownB off of the center rise and Cancel into an's a little higher than the norm, but it could prove useful.
When travelling between battle areas, one of the platform configurations is somewhat like that of Battlefield, except that the two outer platforms are tilted inward - you can Wizkick between these two platforms and get the cancel effect.
There are a lot of different areas, so if someone sees something Deity missed, do point it out~
Frigate Orpheon
You can Wizkick Cancel from the rising/lowering platform to the right over to the stationary platform on the left, but you can't do it from the stationary platform over to the moving one. =/ At least, Deity couldn't...Ganon fell through it each time, and only landed on the platform because he used his jump.
Pokemon Stadium 1
The cancel works twixt the two normal platforms, and on both ledges~
It works on the right ledge with the Rocky formation setting...not the left, obviously.
Same goes for the Water setting - right ledge only.
The cancel doesn't work on the ledges of the Plant setting, but you can do the traditional Edge Wizkick Cancel between the lower middle platform and the tree branch. =O Ganon's animation ends and instantly lets him do an aerial as he lands. Not much room, though...
Pokemon Stadium 2
The cancel works twixt the two normal platforms.
On the Earth/Rock/whatever stage, you can Wizkick between the left passable platform and the lower of the two on the right, and you can do the same back the other way. Furthermore, Wizkicking up the left side of that mound of dirt automatically cancels the Wizkick on the lower of the two right platforms.
When using DownB on the right platform, Ganon will follow the contour of the dirt mound instead of passing over it unless you use the move on the slanted edge of the platform, so the spacing is a little strict.
That's all Deity checked for now...not sure how useful it'll be, but there it is.