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GA Challenge and Discussion thread: OMEGA VS THE WORLD.....Shawty.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
im 30 minutes away from Savannah right now LOL im in south carolina hittin up the beaches for the weekend.

also, i can play falco


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
lol @ u thinking GA died....

lol @ Brawl.

lol @ Tom. Such a white kid.

lol @ Tom probably getting hot beach babes :(


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
im 30 minutes away from Savannah right now LOL im in south carolina hittin up the beaches for the weekend.

also, i can play falco
we're actually having a small smashfest this weekend if ur up for it. probably early sunday morining or something.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
we're actually having a small smashfest this weekend if ur up for it. probably early sunday morining or something.

needs more details! =O i do have a microbiology exam on monday but im sure falco will help me with gram stains and stuff =)


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
wats the point...?
none tbh. I have to pray for people to come to our tourneys(usually not) or have people luckily close enough(Tom/ Carter) to be able to get any experience. What I lack in experience I have technical skill and offensive prowness, so don't count me completely out(or in >.>' Savannah sux ballz).


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
GA Died.... wheres the brawl!!!!! omg...

im appauled
Haha. I get it. You're talking about us not playing Brawl like you're upset about it, but in reality you know that Brawl is a ****ty game and not comboing is for pansies. Wait, that was a joke, right?

none tbh. I have to pray for people to come to our tourneys(usually not) or have people luckily close enough(Tom/ Carter) to be able to get any experience. What I lack in experience I have technical skill and offensive prowness, so don't count me completely out(or in >.>' Savannah sux ballz).
Let me explain something. 'Technical Skillz' or 'Offensive prowNess' as you so eloquently put it, are not developed on your own. You can practice in training mode all day to waveshine and pillar, but nothing you can do will factor in: my ability to DI, my ability to respond better than a computer, my counter attacks for what you call offensive prowess, or any reaction at all that I could have to your playstyle.

Like once, back in the day, I was playing against this other Ganon on Corneria, and he spent the majority of the first 30 seconds of the match just wavedashing and wavelanding everywhere, while I just sat there. Then immediately upon him approaching me with a waveland, I proceeded to space myself back and then forward air him 4 times for the first stock. Technical ability is completely pointless when you lack experience. Exactly why Masashi refused to wavedash and still beat the trash out of people.

i'll beat all of you in falco dittos.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2006
none tbh. I have to pray for people to come to our tourneys(usually not) or have people luckily close enough(Tom/ Carter) to be able to get any experience. What I lack in experience I have technical skill and offensive prowness, so don't count me completely out(or in >.>' Savannah sux ballz).
$15 MM?
i'll beat all of you in falco dittos.
$10 MM?
I'll beat you in a falco ditto XIF.

wzup Ali *moonwalks*


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
**** straight!

Next Saturday I'll be posting the official topic for the Savannah tourney(I've put up 2 previously) that'll be up on the 26th of July. If you could be there, I'd gladly let you(and apparently Chaddd) take my money. This goes for anyone else wanting a MM too(MENTHOL!).

Don't think of me as cocky: I simply want to see where I stand against the rest of GA, and I have the devotion to actually put a LOT of money on it to get my chance.

Chaddd, 30$ MM? 3/5, no character limitations(so I won't get stuck in Falco dittos all day long lol).


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2006
**** straight!

Next Saturday I'll be posting the official topic for the Savannah tourney(I've put up 2 previously) that'll be up on the 26th of July. If you could be there, I'd gladly let you(and apparently Chaddd) take my money. This goes for anyone else wanting a MM too(MENTHOL!).

Don't think of me as cocky: I simply want to see where I stand against the rest of GA, and I have the devotion to actually put a LOT of money on it to get my chance.

Chaddd, 30$ MM? 3/5, no character limitations(so I won't get stuck in Falco dittos all day long lol).
are u gonna be at waba on sunday?
if so we can do the mm there, cuz i seriously doubt that i'll make it to savannah


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
no johns. Jman often has to make up stories to go to smash tournies...
and he banks like mad. that guy is too good.

hbox is also under 16. so is mango.

also, thanks for excluding me. I main Falco, too.
Cornel has 3 mains, really. Fox, Falco, and Falcon, so he counts as a falco main.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Let me explain something. 'Technical Skillz' or 'Offensive prowNess' as you so eloquently put it, are not developed on your own. You can practice in training mode all day to waveshine and pillar, but nothing you can do will factor in: my ability to DI, my ability to respond better than a computer, my counter attacks for what you call offensive prowess, or any reaction at all that I could have to your playstyle.

Like once, back in the day, I was playing against this other Ganon on Corneria, and he spent the majority of the first 30 seconds of the match just wavedashing and wavelanding everywhere, while I just sat there. Then immediately upon him approaching me with a waveland, I proceeded to space myself back and then forward air him 4 times for the first stock. Technical ability is completely pointless when you lack experience. Exactly why Masashi refused to wavedash and still beat the trash out of people.
Excellent example, chaddd. I remember something a long time ago when someone said that Linguini was better than you, and you defended yourself by basically doing everything that Linguini does in a fight: Be really fast and go crazy on people. I defended you to my WI buddies last year, their defense was that Linguini beat M2K in crews or something (3 stock to 4).

But yes, I agree completely with what you said.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Excellent example, chaddd. I remember something a long time ago when someone said that Linguini was better than you, and you defended yourself by basically doing everything that Linguini does in a fight: Be really fast and go crazy on people. I defended you to my WI buddies last year, their defense was that Linguini beat M2K in crews or something (3 stock to 4).

But yes, I agree completely with what you said.
That is completely true, but I think there's a slight justification needed here:

While all the tech skill in the world wont get you anywhere if you dont have the brains to utilize it, all the intelligence in the world isnt going to help you either if you cannot execute it properly. I remember vividly a story forward told me when I was fighting his fox last year. We were playing like 20 or 30 matches in a row and I could only win about 30-40% of them on a good day. After I won one of those matches on yoshi's story, the conversation went like this:

XIF: "Man... even though I won I felt like I shouldnt have won at all, you were outsmarting me almost the entire game, I just kinda lucked out and was able to catch and combo you a couple of times."

Forward: "...well... whats wrong with that?"

XIF: "I wanna be smarter and be able to beat you with intelligence, not fall back on my tech"

Forward: "But thats the point. Look XIF, the fact that you're able to max your punishments on me the second you get a hold of me means that you're doing something right. Who cares if I was outsmarting you most of the time? You made your moments of intelligence count the most, and the fact you used that to beat me shouldnt take away from the victory. Being able to follow up with your tech skill for the win isnt any better or worse than reading your opponent for the win."

XIF: *stunned silence*

its a conversation I havent forgotten because of the impact of the way I approach smash. People are very quick to jump on any technical player as "all tech no brain scrub", but how is that any different than someone who uses simply their reading game as a crutch, but cant make anything out of it? This is exactly why you see players like mew2king and koreanDJ at the top. Prime examples of incredible tech skill coupled with an incredible intelligence for the game. You'd be fooling yourself if you said that taking away their ability to perfectly execute their intended maneuvers wouldnt effectively neuter their game.

The only thing that can be said about tech vs mindgames is that tech skill is something you can just learn. Go into training mode for a couple of hours, practice against someone for a couple weeks. GG. Mindgames you cant learn though, you just gotta get it, and some people just dont get it.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
**** straight!

Next Saturday I'll be posting the official topic for the Savannah tourney(I've put up 2 previously) that'll be up on the 26th of July. If you could be there, I'd gladly let you(and apparently Chaddd) take my money. This goes for anyone else wanting a MM too(MENTHOL!).

Don't think of me as cocky: I simply want to see where I stand against the rest of GA, and I have the devotion to actually put a LOT of money on it to get my chance.

Chaddd, 30$ MM? 3/5, no character limitations(so I won't get stuck in Falco dittos all day long lol).
Really? I think i was going to that tournament with GaWesley anyway...something about free chicken. I don't know. Point is, I accept. As long as you have all $30. lol.

Excellent example, chaddd. I remember something a long time ago when someone said that Linguini was better than you, and you defended yourself by basically doing everything that Linguini does in a fight: Be really fast and go crazy on people. I defended you to my WI buddies last year, their defense was that Linguini beat M2K in crews or something (3 stock to 4).

But yes, I agree completely with what you said.
Man, we really shouldn't get started on Linguini. The fact of the matter is, I pretty much had his spot for the South Team Ganondorf before FC, and had I gone I doubt seriously he would have made the crew. He has never placed higher than me at the same tournament, and the only set I played with him was a friendly set 2 out of 3 that went to 3 games, but I won, immediately after smoking a few bowls outside. So needless to say I wasn't exactly focused, either. Kage is a real Ganondorf. He has defensive tactics as well as intelligence while playing, without overusing the 'tech'. He's outplaced me at every tournament we've ever been at at the same time, even though I four stocked him at Pound 3 and 3 stocked him at TGMTSBCO. I'm not trying to say I'm better than others, I'm simply trying to say it's much more complex than just 'oh this guy's better than chaddd because I've heard more about him, or he wavedashes more, he places slightly higher'.

The fact is, in all the matches I've ever seen played, friendly, tournament, money matches, I'm the only Ganondorf, other than Kage of course, that is able to beat higher level players. And I can bet you money that neither of us would lose a 20 dollar money match to Chillin's Marth. (linguini)

See, I got rambling and it just took off. I've beaten every Ganondorf I've ever played, and pretty badly, at that. That's all that matters, really. Mutual respect is much better than widespread trash talk.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
we're actually having a small smashfest this weekend if ur up for it. probably early sunday morining or something.
seriously, I need more information if I'm going to come tomorrow. AIM me or something.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
actually, PM me or something whether or not its actually going down. If its happening, give me a time and an address, and promise me that it will be worth driving 1.5 hours. =)


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
it's nice seeing chaddd and xif somewhat agreeing.

Also, Hax is younger than Jman, iirc.
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