@Dyno: You're going to have to ask Jamaal and Lounis about that one. I stated his attendance as an issue early on and they just ignored me LOL. I was outnumbered 2-1, though, so I didn't really have much say in the matter.
About BoT, I've never met or played this guy before. I have no idea, so my opinion on him was completely void. I've never seen him place, either, so I have no statistical data. We basically came to a general agreement that his attendance was the main reason for him not being on the PR.
Honestly, this PR is dangerously accurate except with 4GOD's placement (like I said, ask them). I could go into detail, and everyone in the 6-10 was determined with a player-by-player analysis (I conducted it, and got opinions paired with statistical data). I'm just going to ask that you guys trust us. If you really want to know, I can try to get the AIM conversation and tell you via AIM. My contact information is public, as is Lounis/Jamaal's