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G6 monthlies! Round 1:e (NC/VA/AL/GA/NY/SC) BRING SETUPS!!


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
I guess when the Pats are up by 3 with 2-3 mins left on the clock it's bad sportsmanship when the run out the play clock :laugh:

It's not gay Duo besides they have to actually have a lead over you in the first place, it's not their fault that you lost a stock or two or you have a massive percentage difference. There are a lot of ways to stop that as well, they have to land for one and if you're taking some serious damage for trying to hit them then you need to reevaluate what you're doing. Even Mk's Dair camping is very punishable because he's constantly whiffing moves which leads you to be able to punish the cooldown time (Omg Shocking isn't it?)

lol I kinda understand where you're coming from Duo but honestly you're looking at it on the wrong side of the scope
Duo quit *****ing about how your game is played

honor doesn't win you **** other than fanboys

<3 you Duo
Complaining is what losers do Dark Hart. It seems that you two are under the impression that I lose to these g@y tricks. I've never been timed out (people have attempted... but like I said earlier, only fools don't prepare for that sort of thing), and I play on those dumb stages more than I care to. I love it when someone tries to take me to Rainbow or norfair, its all the more satisfying when I beat them while they were trying to be homo. But don't you get disgusted in the the least kadaj when you see someone doing that crap? Isn't it annoying to you like they are honor-less? Maybe its a pet peeve of mine but I dislike it, not because I can't beat it, it just leaves a terrible taste in the mouths of all parties involved yet no one cares. Quite annoying...

and yes, Ppl are very g@y for doing that, even if they had a large lead while timing out. Makes the victory look like crap to me.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2010
The Smang House in Trollingwood, NC
Complaining is what losers do Dark Hart. It seems that you two are under the impression that I lose to these g@y tricks. I've never been timed out (people have attempted... but like I said earlier, only fools don't prepare for that sort of thing), and I play on those dumb stages more than I care to. I love it when someone tries to take me to Rainbow or norfair, its all the more satisfying when I beat them while they were trying to be homo. But don't you get disgusted in the the least kadaj when you see someone doing that crap? Isn't it annoying to you like they are honor-less? Maybe its a pet peeve of mine but I dislike it, not because I can't beat it, it just leaves a terrible taste in the mouths of all parties involved yet no one cares. Quite annoying...
i would like to get some friendlies in at this I think your like the on NC player i havnt played yet. Im not sure tho.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
great attitude, smithy

Normally we're bad at time because no one really enforces anything. Maybe now that we have a large hyped tourney we can try to do things right and on time instead of just assuming that NC is gonna screw this over because of our past timing issues.

btw I hope you have your bowl at this... ;)

Also Duo <3

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
great attitude, smithy

Normally we're bad at time because no one really enforces anything. Maybe now that we have a large hyped tourney we can try to do things right and on time instead of just assuming that NC is gonna screw this over because of our past timing issues.

btw I hope you have your bowl at this... ;)

Also Duo <3
yeah I have my bowl
but not the greens
Awww sheit...


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
WTF are you guys talking about!!!!!!!!

My dad is a cop and he's been reading this whole thread, but he can't find anything on you guys!!!!!

TOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
foxy bring some merry christmas with you

i've got some happy easter

waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait..... where we gonna have the after party?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Pretty much. He's lazy as ****. Irony though is that I'm terrible compared to him but I'm the one with more heart and dedication.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
We have our own little facebook group and he's much more active on that then the boards. From what I know from about an hour ago he won't know if he can come until tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
I'm throwing out a bunch of random options right now and I would like to ask:

1) If I stay at Smith's house Friday night, who would kindly take me to the venue?
2) BlackChris (Hopefully you can read this before 9pm tonight): Would you be able to pick me up from the bus station and take me to the venue? I remember you said you had me on housing too. I can pay.
3) If anyone in Greensboro wanna scoop me from Smith's house and take me to the venue that would be greatly appreciated. I'm not cheap when it comes to gas fare.

Thanks for your time.
if you dont mind squeezing in between 2 other dudes you could ride with all of us, i cannot promise comfort but it'll be free/ you might end up with a tv at your feet for a footrest

for reference, its an 07 yukon, Blackchris Sneak Behr Dr.Yogi and Jaurice so far are ridin


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
My last hope is Doug.

Cuz I just got back from the bus station and there was NOBODY there to sell me my ticket. >_>

So I'll just pretty much be with Doug.

IF he decided to go.
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