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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
i can't tell if RR is trolling or not. i believe he's done this a few games where he opens up with a ridiculous opening followed by being lynched later that day for pissing off everyone

hey RR

stop wasting our time
I'd like to point out this is a blantant lie.

I was not lynched in the 1 game where i played on being rebecca black. I was lynched for messing up colors and poor play.

Just wanna clear that up for tomarrow.

People need to list their thoughts of me v Omni as well and what they think of it.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
yo sup. **** rvs. can u tell me how long u been playin mafia and who in this game you'd like to have as a scum partner if u could choose manually
I've been playing mafia for probably a good three years now, on and off because of school and activity shenanigans over at AiB. If I were to have a scum partner I could choose manually, I'd choose Ryker.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
8. WashedLaundry - Pretend I'm an arrow. Who would you point me towards? Who would you point me away from?
I dunno who I'd point you towards yet. The only thing with meat has been Red RuyvOmni and there's not enough there to tell if this is Red Ruy being dumb or not. I'd point you away from Omni though, his intentions seem pretty crystalline. That could change but for the moment, he's alright.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

you new gen mafia players got scum picks on the 2nd page? u guys must be amazing.

I have town on Omni atm. I like his posts with his defense against RR and his daycop gambits and wants to get past all the early game bull**** and actually start playing.

I have scum on Bardull. His comment on wanting to lynch him so "he can't get revenge on him" sounds very scummy. Even if it's just some RVS.

RR...meh. I've seen him do this before so it really doesn't say anything. He's playing like RR but in more of a front line manner. Keep him null for now.
I mean I can take your Omni townread and RRmeh read, and I'll probz want more from you on Bardull in the future, but maybe I wasn't totally clear. I meant from THIS POST,

So I have a question for each of you:

2. Chaco - I haven't played a game with you. How experienced are you?
3. Brosuke - If I gave you my vote right now, who would you place it on and why?
4. Gorf - You decide to make a wolf pack. Pick 2 people to join you.
5. Soupamario - Suppose you are a vengeful and you die today. Who do you decide to take with you?
6. felipe_9595 - You're a dayvig. Who would you kill now?
7. Bardull - What PR would you want to out today? You must pick one.
8. WashedLaundry - Pretend I'm an arrow. Who would you point me towards? Who would you point me away from?
9. Red_Ryu - From the games I've played with you, you never have been a front line member but you have seemed to have already chosen Omni as your target. Should I expect a change of style this game?
10. Omni - I have never played a game with you, but I've heard you're good. How should I feel by your presence?
11. Sworddancer - Who here is the towniest town in all of towndom? Don't pick yourself.
12. J - You get to pick one person to kill, one person to protect, and one person to investigate. Who do you pick for each and why?

@Omni - This is my 5th game I believe. As for a scummate of my choice, I'd pick WL. I've seen him play as scum twice and I thought he was very impressive. I didn't know he was scum either time.

and before, what would you say your scumpicks were (your reasoning sans possibly RR is all past that post).

Inferno said:
Gorf - Maybe you don't see my intents and I don't care if you do or don't. And I did ask that. Just in hypothetical situations. I asked Soup who he would kill if he was a vengeful. Obviously, he would pick his top scum pick. So let's say (for all intents and purposes) he chose Omni and very soon after Soup defends him. I would then pursue Soup about inconsistency on his reads and look into him more.
I understand that you're playing the whole "who are your scumpicks/townpicks" questioning game and I GUESS I'm forced to give you the benefit of the doubt by expecting them to give you a why (I mean I know I would so yea), but my point is that I don't see how anybody could see how there CAN be scumpicks from that point in the game. Hell, if I were to ask a question like that and got an player-specific answer from somebody, I'd take it as a joke (unless they were like serious o.o) It's coming off, to me, like fake scumhunting on your part... And no I don't believe the idea of you accidentally asking those questions and intending for them to be asked at a later time.

Idk what to make of RR v Omni and really if you plan to continue this RR it's gonna end up just stalling the game.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i say we just lynch him, chalk up a night of fun, and play handicapped d2

i think that would place us at a more advantageous position then having him around by lylo

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
It's not a gambit, i got a guilty on him.

You can vote him now.

Also for the record, transparent means fake and forced.

I'm struggling immensely to believe such a ****ty gambit and it looks like I'm not the only one to be in this boat.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
i say we just lynch him, chalk up a night of fun, and play handicapped d2

i think that would place us at a more advantageous position then having him around by lylo
i don't agree with this standpoint yet. i'm all for not waiting until deadline but the game literally just started and red ruy's ******* tendencies are not enough to say that there's no one else out there i want to lynch more.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Thoughts on the game thus far:

Soup is being more helpful than I anticipated and while I will almost naturally have my eye on him the rest of the game, I think he's actually alright right now. It certainly beats him being stupid out of the gate and staying that way for a majority of the game.


I refuse to comment on Gorf v Inferno at the moment. Get back to me on this but I think Gorf's not done yet and I want to see him push down the road a little more.

Red Ruy v Omni is strange. I don't think there's enough here to tell if Red Ruy's being dumb or not (albeit the whole "lynch me, lynch Omni" thing is plenty stupid). Omni's playing a town game thus far. We're not lynching yet--I want to hear out of Chaco and more out of Brosuke first before I'd even put a bandwagon at L-2 yet--but I think out of everyone that's posted thus far, I like Red Ruy the least.

vote: Red Ruy

As for the rest of RVS, Swordy is okay, Gorf is surprisingly active for declaring V/LA, and I can't really remember anyone else posting. I think I remember Bardull and Bronar vaguely being here, and Felipe showed up at one point but they haven't done anything of merit. Chaco has yet to post.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yea I expected to be much more dilligent practicing piano... I have competition on Sunday and I thought I was much more unprepared than I really am lol.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Caught up with everything. Relevant to my reads: Omni, what read do you have on RR right now, however minuscule it may be?

Soup lean town already. Open, making judgment calls right out of the gate. Perhaps hastily, but I read good intentions into it.

Also want to see Gorf vs. Inferno a bit more, but for the record I pretty much already have a read on him, just want to be sure of it.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Inferno: As in my most townie read so far? If so, then Soup, as mentioned earlier. He's made a good first impression.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Also, someone earlier said that they thought RR was :just being RR" (sorry, being lazy with quoting). Could you go more into that please? Has RR gambitted like this before as both fractions?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Caught up with everything. Relevant to my reads: Omni, what read do you have on RR right now, however minuscule it may be?

i was also the one that mentioned RR pulling silly stuff like this early game before going into a "aha, was acting dumb on purpose gambit. here's what i learned while portraying myself as a complete ninnyhead". can't remember the game but i know it exist.


anyway, the only thing that has perked my interest is several people who apparently have gained "strong" reads after very early and brief interactions. that includes those who find Inferno/RR scum or me townie. im not exactly sure what about me has been screaming townie but if i was playing with myself (:awesome:) i'd remain neutral

then again

ive come across many of players who kinda toss those terms loosely. so my vision is semi-skewed


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Also, someone earlier said that they thought RR was :just being RR" (sorry, being lazy with quoting). Could you go more into that please? Has RR gambitted like this before as both fractions?
I said this. I can't say he has done this as both factions because I've never played a game with RR when he was scum. I have seen him do a daycop gambit before. Not as extensive as this one though.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I'm well aware Omni that you have been attacking RR since RR attacked"you, but your 89 and 95 were giving me the vibe that you weren't being serious about your vote on RR, and while you've been saying bad things about RR's play, you've never said that he was scummy for it, so I'm not sure if you just thought he was anti-town or scum. Your posts suggest that he's just dumb, but your vote saids otherwise.

Also, was your previous post directed to WL (your 103)? It doesn't really make sense in the context of what you quoted from me.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
dumb = anti-town

my previous 103 was a reply to your 102. the fry picture didnt show up so i reposted with another quote to answer your question.

my 89 and 95 are half serious. id love to off RR now and start D2 anew but its definitely not the most efficient idea. id still do it if somehow everyone wanted to just cuz i dont enjoy playing with people who start the day with confusion. kinda like the 'lynch all liars' rule.

just an fyi on how i play

my lynch list consist of both scum and anti-town. anti-town tells aren't necessarily scum tells and vice versa but im happy with lynching both as equals during the early phases of the game. as of now RR is not someone i'd like to see during lylo


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Yo, i'm here now. About to head to work though, I'll probably have time to read through and post first though. Just as a general notice, this semester and throughout the remainder of this game, Thursday and Fridays will be my busiest days and low, low activity cause I go straight from class to work on both of these days. Sooooo, give me some leniency there.

Reading now.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Back from a lovely day at Work.

Just an instance of looking at things differently and perhaps looking at my perspective, I understood what you meant but I hope that my stance is more clear now.

RR, I'm going to blatant and say that if you're serious you need to start showing that you're serious, your play here doesn't read legitimate and you acting so irrationally bothers me.

I think they way Omni is acting confirms that it's even more of a gambit, mostly because he isn't afraid to call your bluff and that he feels you're wasting time, which in truth, you are.

RR, I'm not going to hesitate to call your bluff either, I'm going to vote you unless you either convince me that you aren't gambiting, or give better stances as to why Omni is scum.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Not sure if i'm incredibly happy with having a bunch of town-reads already, or dissapointed.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
i do this with players idk to get a better feel for them every game. the questions dont change
Confirming this so people will shut up.

So I have a question for each of you:

2. Chaco - I haven't played a game with you. How experienced are you?
I've played a lot of mafia. As far as experience goes, I'd say I'm in the upper ranks here as far as have played through a lot of scenarios and have experience reading different players with their different allignments. As far as skill goes, I'm hit and miss.

curious as to RR's very quick and sudden aggression. i predict him being lynched d1 or d2 if he's kept his same habits from when i use to play with him
You're probably like me and just hate RR's play with every bone in your body, and want to kill him because he comes off as trying to be too townie at times and too aggressive at others.

Omni dont punch me in the d*** if im wrong but i get the impression that youre gonna really rail inactives... Whats the motive behind that, curiously? I mean yea theyre good to look at if theres no real significant lynch/the significant lynch is ********, but thats really seemin to be your main line of thought. Also whats the optical illusion in your avatar i cant see it.
He will rail all inactives. And I support that until he starts railing me. In which case I require extra lube cause my *** is still tender from past Omni railings.

okes aside, i dont vig Day/Night 1, it would stupid.
I like this.

People need to list their thoughts of me v Omni as well and what they think of it.

No they don't. I'm tired of every game I play you demanding people to post thoughts on your interactions with said player. It's been a waste of time very single game it's been played out in, and doesn't help ****. They can read to themselves and not have to provie you feedback so you can adapt your playstyle to their liking.

So I inned this game and didn't get accepted...

I guess I'll in as a replacement if it's allowed.
Major :(

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Anyways, here are my thoughts regarding other instances.

I think Gorf is Town so far, I liked his push on Inferno while not agreeing exactly to the scum-read of it, I feel that the questions he posed were incredibly weird and off-base, but nothing to exactly make me want to vote him; I want to see more of this Inferno v. Gorf though.

Like washed for the most part already, seems more willing to help out instead of hide with ad hom and .gifs.

And that's about all there is to it, I feel RR is stagnating any progress if he isn't going to let up with this gambit of his, and until then I don't feel the need to provide anything else.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
So I inned this game and didn't get accepted...

I guess I'll in as a replacement if it's allowed.
I'm terribly sorry for this. You weren't added in the sign-up thread so I didn't know about this. Of course you are added to the replacement list if you want to.


Voted |
Votes to lynch

Brosuke |
Sworddancer, J​
2 / 7​

felipe_9595 |
1 / 7​

Omni |
1 / 7​

WashedLaundry |
1 / 7​

Red Ryu |
Red Ryu, Omni, WashedLaundry​
3 / 7​

Not voting: Inferno, Chaco, Gorf, felipe_9595;

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So I have a question for each of you:

2. Chaco - I haven't played a game with you. How experienced are you?
3. Brosuke - If I gave you my vote right now, who would you place it on and why?
4. Gorf - You decide to make a wolf pack. Pick 2 people to join you.
5. Soupamario - Suppose you are a vengeful and you die today. Who do you decide to take with you?
6. felipe_9595 - You're a dayvig. Who would you kill now?
7. Bardull - What PR would you want to out today? You must pick one.
8. WashedLaundry - Pretend I'm an arrow. Who would you point me towards? Who would you point me away from?
9. Red_Ryu - From the games I've played with you, you never have been a front line member but you have seemed to have already chosen Omni as your target. Should I expect a change of style this game?
10. Omni - I have never played a game with you, but I've heard you're good. How should I feel by your presence?
11. Sworddancer - Who here is the towniest town in all of towndom? Don't pick yourself.
12. J - You get to pick one person to kill, one person to protect, and one person to investigate. Who do you pick for each and why?

@Omni - This is my 5th game I believe. As for a scummate of my choice, I'd pick WL. I've seen him play as scum twice and I thought he was very impressive. I didn't know he was scum either time.
Most of my questions have to deal with who someone thinks town or who someone thought was scum. It shows connections and gives me some reads to work with. Others are to understand some people I haven't played with before. For example yours is directed at who you think is scummy. Maybe I asked the questions too early for people to really give a good answer. Expect these questions to return later.

@mod - Can you put the deadline in the title?
Could you label your questions with either purpose for me?
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