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G3s #3: Taste of Vanilla | Town Wins!

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Badwolf I saw you viewing. I want your reasons for your reads.
Jesus, dude V/LA mean nothing to you? I had my phone... and it doesn't do all that well.

Reasonings for everyone when you get back.
I don't like Zen and I don't like Rake.
Soup, Dabuz, and Ran are all good right now.
J/Summoner haven't posted anything so null.
DH is null.
I feel Zen scum because of that long post about you being the traitor. I'm still not sure where you were going with that. Were you actually claiming traitor? And if you were why the hell should we be listening to you?

Rake, he's been rather jumpy. He had like 3 RVS votes and I don't like that all that much. Granted his Q&A's have produced some content I still feel as if he could be doing better.

Soup, Dabuz, and Ran are all (in my eyes) legit looking for scum.

I said stuff about J/Summoner.

DH swings, I love one post then the next I feel like hanging him myself. I don't know what's going on, but he needs to clear his head.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I feel Zen scum because of that long post about you being the traitor. I'm still not sure where you were going with that. Were you actually claiming traitor? And if you were why the hell should we be listening to you?
Ha what that's weak. I made that post before the game started. Ie before I even had my role. How did you not understand that?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Zen, when did you initially get a scumread from Badwolf? (When was the first time you voted him, and had you addressed him at all)

Also tell me your opinion on his Soup vote after he replies to me about it.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
*Zen, disregard the 'addressing question', sorry. Didn't see your posts till now*

1. Ramen King
3. Anomandaris_Rake
4. Dark Horse
7. Ranmaru
8. Soup

2. BadWolf28378

5. Dabuz
6. J/Summoner hydra

1. Ramen King
2. BadWolf28378
3. Anomandaris_Rake
4. Dark Horse
7. Ranmaru
8. Soup

5. Dabuz
6. J/Summoner hydra

@Ran: I just don't get the sense of scum flail from Rake. Being scum with him in Papermario, I know how jumpy he gets. However, during that whole ordeal, he held his ground.
Why did you remove Badwolf from the die pile here? (Also disregard the 'address' question, missed your posts dealing with him)

Rake why did you ask me about my read on Badwulf at the time you did?
What was the point of this

It seemed like you had an opinion of Badwulf's play beyond what you and Ran hit on early Page 1, and i wanted to see you fully go into why his play was "scummy " rather than just anti-town. You had said we were lynching people who were anti-town, so I wanted to see if you were making a distinction of Badwulf's play being "scummy " as opposed to anti-town.
What is your opinion on Zen's and Bad's interactions?

No not yet, I'm going to reread sometime tomorrow. I'll put my vote on my scummiest read at the end of it.
Where is your vote?

It has started.

J is town.
Why is J town here, yet you are voting him now?

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Why did you like the way this was going, answer this please. Very important.
I was joking, Soup is making a case against me on another game at this very moment so I felt the irony.

Ha what that's weak. I made that post before the game started. Ie before I even had my role. How did you not understand that?
I didn't know that you had made that post before game.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Why did you remove Badwolf from the die pile here?
Probably the way he was posting.
What was the point of this
Felt it was a random question to ask me at that time. You pointed it out as well.
Why is J town here, yet you are voting him now?
Seemed like non caring town J. There's only two scum in the game, basically when one of my scum reads goes to null-town, then my other read goes back to scum. You get?

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Why so? As in what is your suspicion for? It's weird that you held on to your stance after being shown that you were wrong.
Your posts have been erratic as well. You've switched your reads several times over and haven't ever really gone too far into detail about them. In one post you switched your vote twice. I'm not saying full scum but rather null-scum at this point.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Your posts have been erratic as well. You've switched your reads several times over and haven't ever really gone too far into detail about them. In one post you switched your vote twice. I'm not saying full scum but rather null-scum at this point.
Whoa what? Why didn't you say this originally?

I feel like you are trying to justify why you are holding your stance on Zen, by adding more reasons and it's wack yo.

Unvote Vote: Badwolf

Also, how is Dabuz hunting scum in your eyes?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
1. Probably the way he was posting.

2. Felt it was a random question to ask me at that time. You pointed it out as well.

3. Seemed like non caring town J. There's only two scum in the game, basically when one of my scum reads goes to null-town, then my other read goes back to scum. You get?
1. Probably? You'll have to go into detail. I don't want a probably. :glare: You asked him a question and didn't really wait for him to explain to then remove him, you just removed him. I have one more question for you to address in the next post and i'm finished.
2. I felt it was odd he didn't ask Soup about it but was interested in asking you. His reasoning afterward in context, comes up as fine to me when looking back and seeing he didn't really believe Soup was being serious. (This is a fuzzy issue but I'm letting him go off of it because I don't know how he handles pre-game usually)
3. Doesn't really matter. I still see it as a 'scum with a traitor who knows who they are' kinda thing. I'm still looking for scum as if there was two, yet with only connections going one way. I'm only considering in lynching them later on if they don't do anything because I'm afraid they are trying to use the hydra to coast in such a small game. I still have a null on them.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Still mad fos on Soup. None of his reasonings for voting people this game are logical...

I feel the two scum are between Soup, badwolf, Jummoner, and dabuz.

@badwolf: I've given reasoning for each of my stances/votes by the way when asked. That's how I always play. And those two votes were the two people that were just flat out lurking to me.

@Ran: Finally we are in agreement


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Still mad fos on Soup. None of his reasonings for voting people this game are logical...
badwolf gets all snippy and tries pointing the finger back at you by saying 'did you just omgus me' for no reason when he's been fiddling with his read on you too long for him to solidly say he had you as scum at all, merely trying to make you look worse in the process


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I already like where this is going
Vote: SouP

This was on the last page before your quote. (You posted at the same time)

Why was this?
So, I'm sure you may not have noticed it at the time since you posted nearly at the same time, but why did you bring it up in the next page? Just wondering. (I don't know how much time has passed in between those posts I just want to know why you remembered to go back to that)

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
1. Probably? You'll have to go into detail. I don't want a probably. You asked him a question and didn't really wait for him to explain to then remove him, you just removed him. I have one more question for you to address in the next post and i'm finished.
I'll look again. One sec.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Yeah his post before that. His response seemed townie to me and as I said I had decided to only have two people in the die pile.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
No not yet, I'm going to reread sometime tomorrow. I'll put my vote on my scummiest read at the end of it.
I don't like Zen and I don't like Rake.
Soup, Dabuz, and Ran are all good right now.
J/Summoner haven't posted anything so null.
DH is null.
Jesus, dude V/LA mean nothing to you? I had my phone... and it doesn't do all that well.

I feel Zen scum because of that long post about you being the traitor. I'm still not sure where you were going with that. Were you actually claiming traitor? And if you were why the hell should we be listening to you?

Rake, he's been rather jumpy. He had like 3 RVS votes and I don't like that all that much. Granted his Q&A's have produced some content I still feel as if he could be doing better.

Soup, Dabuz, and Ran are all (in my eyes) legit looking for scum.

I said stuff about J/Summoner.

DH swings, I love one post then the next I feel like hanging him myself. I don't know what's going on, but he needs to clear his head.
where's the vote

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
If wolf flips goon, still look at Soup. If he flips traitor, Soup can have a day while we lynch Jummoner. Feel like I'm going to die tonight though. Ran is 100% town. No need to go that route ever. Trust him for the rest of the game.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Zen I still am interested in this answer:


For the record. I think Dabuz is a good route to go in after today if Badwolf doesn't flip goon/traitor. I also think it's good that we try to PoE people. But problem is, people aren't doing ****. Seriously guys, pick up the pace. Rather, do some ****ing work. We won't be able to win this game if we don't. If J/Summoner don't do a thing they should be replaced/get lynched.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Rake, why did you act this way? I can understand you joke voting in pre-game, but not you acting anti-town.

Also, why did you follow Zen when he was a "null, will come back to" sort of read?

Because I keep replying to these things

Vote Soup
if you say so
As if you didn't know it was coming Soup >.>//
Knock Knock
What's There ?
My Vote on Badwulf

*badum tsst*
You tell me.
Why is badwulf specifically slimy for his vote on Soup and what makes it any slimier than the posts that Zen pointed out for you ?
I also want to know why you respond to DarkHorse's vote on Badwolf, yet you don't address his reasoning for voting you right before it. Can you go into that?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Voted |
Votes to lynch

Badwolf |
Dark Horse, Ramen King, Soup, Ranmaru​
4 / 5​

Dark Horse |
1 / 5​


Not voting: Badwolf, Dabuz, J/Summoner;
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