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G3s #3: Taste of Vanilla | Town Wins!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
What DH refers to in his 173 was a response to the king, not a comment at DH, I can see how the wording can be confusing.

It's really annoying to make all my posts poetic and it's not as fun/ easy as I thought, so I'll post normally until a fun idea comes to fruition.

I haven't poked the players enough to make any reads on scum.
then what did you get out of your first posts then and why did you do them

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
why dark horse, why not anyone else

what do you think of zen
Well, to begin, everyone else was posting pretty much (excluding J/Summoner) , and another vote there wasn't really going to help anything( I would think), so really the only person left was Dark Horse, even Dabuz iirc at that time was starting to post( even if it was unhelpful rhyming / asking about games I have played in ) .

As for Zen, some of his "this player is town " stuff is really quite weird, not scummy or anti-town, just odd, like wrt Dark Horse, i agree more with Dabuz that Gheb would not be a mod who would slip a player's alignment by not addressing a players confusion over a role (i.e the traitor in this case) , and J not knowing the game had started is not indicative of alignment IMO. (unless i'm mis-interpreting a joke read by Zen).

Also, within four posts you went from his "live " list , to his die list, so I'm left wondering what changed within those four posts for you to be moved there.

So for Zen i have a : I'm watching what your doing to see if i can figure it out , type of suspicion I guess you could call it.

@Soup: What do you make of Badwulf, is he a convenient target or legitimate scum ?
Also, your post suggests you have an opinion of what you think Zen is doing, so could you enlighten me on that as well ?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
what badwolf (was) doing is more dumb than scum
i know what zen is doing but it shouldn't be a secret to anyone else, why are you concerned besides the fact of his reads list that he keeps posting because that's all i get from you


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ran , did you know i missed being aligned with you in our last game ?
It's because of posts like your last one, justsayin
I'm flattered. :woman:

Yes , but I am saying that is how i read Soups quotes posts followed by vote, if he really wanted to "get " Badwulf as it were, why not post something more along the lines of : look at what Badwulf is doing, here is why it is scummy vs anti-town, now i want him to respond to it with something conclusive and final , more than "I like to **** around in RVS" iirc this is what Badwulf said, followed by his post promising seriousness.

I'm not trying to cover up anything , you asked me a question about why I did something , and I gave you my honest and legitimate response, it seems like no matter how i was going to answer you would have had something to say about it.

Why should i ask for clarification when I am following on a joking whim in the first place ?
Or did you mean clarification from Soup on his vote on me ?

I have already addressed why I asked Zen about his Badwulf read and as for asking Soup i just haven't gotten to it yet.
Underlined, that implies that his intention was vague, not jokey. It also doesn't mean Soup was playing around. I still don't see how you see it as Soup joking around if he didn't fully explain his reasoning at that time. I think you are covering up, I don't think your votehop was a joke. You should ask for clarification (on his votes that don't have reasons) because you want to know why exactly he is voting. This can show you for sure, if his vote is indeed a joke or not. Your vote was also reasonless so you can apply any reasoning to it afterwords when asked. I also don't see how your omgus vote is a joke. Seems more like a reaction vote. Bold, are you getting to it now? If not, what is the hold up?

1. Ramen King
2. BadWolf28378
3. Anomandaris_Rake
4. Dark Horse
7. Ranmaru
8. Soup

5. Dabuz
6. J/Summoner hydra

@Ran: I just don't get the sense of scum flail from Rake. Being scum with him in Papermario, I know how jumpy he gets. However, during that whole ordeal, he held his ground.
I think he was jumpy here, actually. He was being a bit trolly, and was deflecting a bit. Join me man.

5 pages and we haven't even created the hydra plus the game hasn't officially started.

How is the progress with the hydra?

1. Ramen King
2. BadWolf28378
3. Anomandaris_Rake
4. Dark Horse
6. J/Summoner hydra
7. Ranmaru

5. Dabuz
8. Soup
Why was Soup in a 'live' pile and then thrown into the 'die' pile? Sure, you changed a read on J (rather easily, J is still null to me, you should explain that further), but I want to know why Soup went into that for you.

dabuz why did you do that whack *** rhyme thing at first a lot of your posts seems really pointless so far

FoS: Dabuz for making pointless posts
HoS: Zen for not responding yet
I think his [Dabuz] posts have contained game relevant information regardless of his rhyme skillz. I still want you on Rake with me bro.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
what badwolf (was) doing is more dumb than scum
i know what zen is doing but it shouldn't be a secret to anyone else, why are you concerned besides the fact of his reads list that he keeps posting because that's all i get from you
I'm concerned because his read on you changed in exactly 28 posts.

Non of which were yours , so it's not like Zen can say : I really liked / disliked this or that post by Soup, so i moved him, even you agree that some of his later posts are worth an FoS, so I'm left wondering " how serious is that reads list, what are zen's intentions by moving Soup to a die spot , how does he justify putting J down to live so quickly "

(J is a flat null to me)

I know reads can change / evolve, but what makes Zen's suspicion of Dabuz (one of the people on his die list ) legitimate, when he changes his reads on a slot so quickly ?

So like i said before : "for Zen i have a : I'm watching what your doing to see if i can figure it out , type of suspicion I guess you could call it. "

Could i guess what he's doing ? Maybe , but that wouldn't help , so i asked you.

I'm flattered. :woman:

Underlined, that implies that his intention was vague, not jokey. It also doesn't mean Soup was playing around. I still don't see how you see it as Soup joking around if he didn't fully explain his reasoning at that time. I think you are covering up, I don't think your votehop was a joke. You should ask for clarification (on his votes that don't have reasons) because you want to know why exactly he is voting. This can show you for sure, if his vote is indeed a joke or not. Your vote was also reasonless so you can apply any reasoning to it afterwords when asked. I also don't see how your omgus vote is a joke. Seems more like a reaction vote. Bold, are you getting to it now? If not, what is the hold up?

Your misunderstanding Ran, i believed he was making a joke with how he quoted badwulf and voted on him, because previous to that, I know I (and I believe Zen was too) were jokingly getting on Badwulf for his early "anti-town" posting , Zen was more serious than I was about the situation(and may have been completely serious the entire time) and I agreed with Zen that anti-town posting would have to be dealt with once the game started as I stated in my #40.

The timing of Soups post and his quotes, plus the fact the game hadn't started made me feel it was a joke.

I can't change the fact you think I'm covering up but that's pretty weak considering you asked me a WIFOM'Y type question and then went on to slam me about giving you an answer which could be considered WIFOm'esque (i.e i only know i was joking , others may not see that).

And again, why should i be asking for clarification at a stage were not only : the game hadn't started, but also when I believed Soup wasn't making a serious vote on Badwulf ?
You say then i could be sure that he wasn't , but the fact is , asking Soup a question like "was that vote on Badwulf serious" plain out didn't occur to me because of the way i read what was happening.

My vote on Soup was a joke because of the fact that OMGUSing him and countervoting achieves nothing when the game hasn't started, it was a pointless , joking pre-game OMGUS vote on Soup .

The fact that it "seems" reactionary , is in fact not what it was, as I just stated.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
i just wanted to play like marshy because it would be fun

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
With regards to my live/die list, I had decided to keep but two players in the die list. Remember these aren't exactly 100% town/scum. Players in the live list can still be very much scummy or suspicious. By keeping having only two players in the die and the rest in the live, it keeps my genuine town reads intermingled with people I find to be suspicious as well. The die however are my top two suspicions. As for Soup, as I said my neurons can change paths at any time. I simply reconsidered. Again, the way he is playing is off. What triggered the reconsideration was his unvote on Rake. It seemed to be very much baseless. I had stated that I felt Rake to be town at that point for my own reasons in which I had not even given. Yet Soup who seemed so gun ho on Rake suddenly unvoted as well. I was a total sheep unvote. He has no reasoning for his sudden change on Rake, and there was no coherent mental process behind it. I believe that Soup unvoted simply because he felt that he wasn't going to have the support anymore. But he played it off as having a sudden town read on Rake. A

And now wtf with his vote on dabuz. His reasoning there is mad horrible and weak. "why were you posting in peoms?" wth? This looks mad opportunistic and I don't like it one bit. Soup has jumped to my number one scum pick.

@Ran: Dude trust me, Rake's reasoning holds up and that's basically how you have to read him. If he is providing statements that just don't make any logical sense, that is how you know he is scum. When his statements do make logical sense (even if you don't think they are his real reasons) that is how you know he is town. Join me on Soup baybee.

Vote: Soup

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
With regards to my live/die list, I had decided to keep but two players in the die list. Remember these aren't exactly 100% town/scum. Players in the live list can still be very much scummy or suspicious. By keeping having only two players in the die and the rest in the live, it keeps my genuine town reads intermingled with people I find to be suspicious as well. The die however are my top two suspicions. As for Soup, as I said my neurons can change paths at any time. I simply reconsidered. Again, the way he is playing is off. What triggered the reconsideration was his unvote on Rake. It seemed to be very much baseless. I had stated that I felt Rake to be town at that point for my own reasons in which I had not even given. Yet Soup who seemed so gun ho on Rake suddenly unvoted as well. I was a total sheep unvote. He has no reasoning for his sudden change on Rake, and there was no coherent mental process behind it. I believe that Soup unvoted simply because he felt that he wasn't going to have the support anymore. But he played it off as having a sudden town read on Rake. A
no i unvoted because dabuz had whack responses and was more priority than rake

And now wtf with his vote on dabuz. His reasoning there is mad horrible and weak. "why were you posting in peoms?" wth? This looks mad opportunistic and I don't like it one bit. Soup has jumped to my number one scum pick.
dabuz why did you do that whack *** rhyme thing at first a lot of your posts seems really pointless so far

FoS: Dabuz for making pointless posts
how the hell is my vote even opportunistic when you were the only player voting dabuz at that time and nobody seemed willing to vote him either, yeah i sure was being opportunistic with just one vote on him

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
no i unvoted because dabuz had whack responses and was more priority than rake
If that were the case, you would have voted dabuz, not just unvote Rake. You didn't vote dabuz until much later

This is the whole situation:
He was making comments as if he was attempting to purposefully play scummy such as the "oh you caught me" and the "who should I night kill".

I don't think Rake is scum anymore. I like his recent responses. Moving on to an inactive. IE, J.

Vote: J/Summoner
yes i agree with the first part, the attitude was bad

maybe, and yes on the J vote
Now it is more serious, because I decided to follow Zen and put a vote on you once the game had actually started.
okay, zen isn't voting me anymore

where does it stem now
I take it to mean you support Zen's inactive forced to be active path or are you only supporting the vote on J/Summoner ?
the vote on J/Summoner

You made no such concern over dabuz. The way you unvoted implies that you got something you liked from Rake and maybe even would have been moving towards J. So you're defense here is completely made up.

btw what is it that you agreed with about J/Summoner?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If that were the case, you would have voted dabuz, not just unvote Rake. You didn't vote dabuz until much later
my qualms persisted in pre-game play by rake, as he shaped up and stated that he was only jokingly posting towards me, there was no reason to pursue it any longer, i unvoted for that reason being

i don't really care for rake that much right now if you want an honest answer, i feel like he's trying too hard to justify his own actions but dabuz is beyond worse

vote on j/summoner i approved of but i don't get why he's town now

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
because it's a good vote for the sake of j not doing anything but aware that the game could technically played, not even mentioning how he just went 'oh 5 pages already not gonna read lol hydra johns'

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
If that were the case, you would have voted dabuz, not just unvote Rake. You didn't vote dabuz until much later
This is the whole situation:
You made no such concern over dabuz. The way you unvoted implies that you got something you liked from Rake and maybe even would have been moving towards J. So you're defense here is completely made up.

btw what is it that you agreed with about J/Summoner?
Do you believe that Soup saying maybe to your "i do not believe Rake is scum " quote , a back door then ? Like he said maybe so that if more suspicion or more firm suspicion came against me that he could resume on me ?

Because when i read it the first time , it seemed like he was following up on his maybe statement of my town-ness, and unvoted due to that.

my qualms persisted in pre-game play by rake, as he shaped up and stated that he was only jokingly posting towards me, there was no reason to pursue it any longer, i unvoted for that reason being

i don't really care for rake that much right now if you want an honest answer, i feel like he's trying too hard to justify his own actions but dabuz is beyond worse

vote on j/summoner i approved of but i don't get why he's town now
Why is dabuz more of a priority to you than me if you believe i am over-defending myself ?

I'm confused as to the line of trying to hard to justify myself what do you mean by this specifically ?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008

gunna be out for another 24 hours, but the hydra is sorted now

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Badwolf I've seen you viewing the thread for a while today, multiple times. And posting elsewhere.

Let me know your scum reads.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Voted |
Votes to lynch

Soup |
Ramen King​
1 / 5​

Rake |
1 / 5​

dabuz |
1 / 5​

Badwolf |
Dark Horse​
1 / 5​

Dark Horse |
1 / 5​


Not voting: Badwolf, Dabuz, J/Summoner;

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
zen why do you still vote me and completely ignore what i said

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Why is dabuz more of a priority to you than me if you believe i am over-defending myself ?

I'm confused as to the line of trying to hard to justify myself what do you mean by this specifically ?
You go on and on about your previous actions for no reason, it's just a lot of cautiousness i am slightly reminded of

also dabuz is more priority simply because he's done more to incriminate, his posts are useless, yours, aren't

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
dabuz why did you do that whack *** rhyme thing at first a lot of your posts seems really pointless so far

FoS: Dabuz for making pointless posts
HoS: Zen for not responding yet
FoS: Zen for being a ****** these last couple of posts
the vote on J/Summoner

vote dabu z
FoS: Rake because ranmaru is a bro
FoS: Zen for still playing like a ******
for what reason
Some of your FoS's are serious , but then you throw out one's against Zen for being ******** so it's hard to tell how serious those FoS's / HoS's are when you throw them around so lightly.

And then also you keep calling Zen ******** (which isn't scummy i suppose, i just can't see the town intent behind it ) , so it's like : what did that FoS really achieve and how can we know he's serious when he throws another FoS on in a non-serious manner.

And why do you feel the need to call out Zen like that for not responding and not elaborate on why what Zen is doing is ******** , and you even agree with some of it (like his Jummoner vote) when your still FoSing him for being ********, so it's like you agree with his ***********. I don't know if that makes sense , but it's how it looks.

I also don't understand why (not in a scummy sense but in a the timing seems off sense ) if you had those pre-game feelings about my slot why you came in so un-seriously (the whole suicide bomb thing ) , even if it was RVS stage or whatever.

And then after pressure and Q&A on me and other people unvoting, you unvote on me , and then go off to the next popular target (being Dabuz). So when Zen brings up that sudden jump and your response (i liked Zen's points and your response to them ). It kind of makes me go "i can see how Soups been voting so far could be opportunistic, but i could also see that he did find Dabuz scummier / more worth attention.

Another thing is you call Dabuz's posts useless, but you don't go into why that makes him scum vs anti-town or anything, you just kind of leave it as his posts are useless, so i'm wondering how much you believe him to be scummy or if Zen was right and you were indeed trying to be opportunistic, and now you've had to justify it.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
You go on and on about your previous actions for no reason, it's just a lot of cautiousness i am slightly reminded of

also dabuz is more priority simply because he's done more to incriminate, his posts are useless, yours, aren't
I'm confused how i'm supposed to defend myself against Ran's points without doing that though, Ran is going on and on about them, so i have to keep going back over them.

Also could you elaborate on what Dabuz has done that incriminates him ?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
[quote="Rake'} Some of your FoS's are serious , but then you throw out one's against Zen for being ******** so it's hard to tell how serious those FoS's / HoS's are when you throw them around so lightly. [/quote]

you can tell,i don't see how it's a true issue, i wouldn't fos zen blatantly for *********** and i fos'd you because of ranmaru, why is this sudden priority to you

And then also you keep calling Zen ******** (which isn't scummy i suppose, i just can't see the town intent behind it ) , so it's like : what did that FoS really achieve and how can we know he's serious when he throws another FoS on in a non-serious manner.
you're looking too far into things for one, i said i wanted to play like marshy so i'm keeping that persona for this game

And why do you feel the need to call out Zen like that for not responding and not elaborate on why what Zen is doing is ******** , and you even agree with some of it (like his Jummoner vote) when your still FoSing him for being ********, so it's like you agree with his ***********. I don't know if that makes sense , but it's how it looks.
you are still once again looking too far into things, i was prodding zen as a joke most of the time and i don't have any issues with his play, did you see me create one out of my foses? i don't get why you've latched onto this idea that some of them are important and some aren't, if you read closely you'll see that dabuz fos had merit and i was just screwing with zen with the fos/hos on him

I also don't understand why (not in a scummy sense but in a the timing seems off sense ) if you had those pre-game feelings about my slot why you came in so un-seriously (the whole suicide bomb thing ) , even if it was RVS stage or whatever.
i read your intentions related to the game, you said 'no, i wasn't being serious at all haha just pre-game and stuff' that completely voids the part i was getting at but the fact is i still have things i want to look at, mostly the fact this huge wall you're presenting me here and the fact you have dabuz as town


And then after pressure and Q&A on me and other people unvoting, you unvote on me , and then go off to the next popular target (being Dabuz). So when Zen brings up that sudden jump and your response (i liked Zen's points and your response to them ). It kind of makes me go "i can see how Soups been voting so far could be opportunistic, but i could also see that he did find Dabuz scummier / more worth attention.
this paragraph is bull****, you realize the only person pushing dabuz was zen right? how can you say that dabuz was a popular vote there when there was only one pesron pusuing it, this is the kind of **** that bothers me here rake, you create things that aren't issues and you drive the point to where it's completely off-base and you're only trying to justify things, now bear with me when i explain this:

there is a difference between explaining your actions and justifying yourself, while this not may be about you in certain, you got on about one point made that already should have gotten the jist of what you were trying to say in the first place

you dislike what i did with dabuz, you feel it was opportunistic

that's all you had to say, why do you prattle on about it and force me to make walls like this?

Another thing is you call Dabuz's posts useless, but you don't go into why that makes him scum vs anti-town or anything, you just kind of leave it as his posts are useless, so i'm wondering how much you believe him to be scummy or if Zen was right and you were indeed trying to be opportunistic, and now you've had to justify it
what is a town's intention to make completely useless posts that have no merit or incentive to hunt scum

there's your answer


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Badwolf I saw you viewing. I want your reasons for your reads.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm concerned because his read on you changed in exactly 28 posts.

1. Your misunderstanding Ran, i believed he was making a joke with how he quoted badwulf and voted on him, because previous to that, I know I (and I believe Zen was too) were jokingly getting on Badwulf for his early "anti-town" posting , Zen was more serious than I was about the situation(and may have been completely serious the entire time) and I agreed with Zen that anti-town posting would have to be dealt with once the game started as I stated in my #40.

2. The timing of Soups post and his quotes, plus the fact the game hadn't started made me feel it was a joke.

3. I can't change the fact you think I'm covering up but that's pretty weak considering you asked me a WIFOM'Y type question and then went on to slam me about giving you an answer which could be considered WIFOm'esque (i.e i only know i was joking , others may not see that).

4. And again, why should i be asking for clarification at a stage were not only : the game hadn't started, but also when I believed Soup wasn't making a serious vote on Badwulf ?
You say then i could be sure that he wasn't , but the fact is , asking Soup a question like "was that vote on Badwulf serious" plain out didn't occur to me because of the way i read what was happening.

5. My vote on Soup was a joke because of the fact that OMGUSing him and countervoting achieves nothing when the game hasn't started, it was a pointless , joking pre-game OMGUS vote on Soup .

The fact that it "seems" reactionary , is in fact not what it was, as I just stated.
1. I took Badwulf's posts seriously. Why didn't you mention my comments towards him? (When you said you felt it was jokey because of your and Zen's comments towards him)
2. Timing? Go a little more into that. And I don't see 'game hasn't started' as a reason not to take things seriously. I think of pre-game as pre-rvs, or more like a headstart.
3. You'll need to provide quotes because I don't understand what you mean in that paragraph. (The question and answer that don't go hand in hand [wifomy])
4. You should ask for clarification because then you can know for sure, that his vote is either serious or a joke. Then, your reactions towards it can be a little bit more transparent and this **** doesn't have to happen. Basically, you adding a reasonless vote to a reasonless wagon hides your intentions for joining. Don't you see how anti-town that is? You believed his vote was a joke, sure, but you don't KNOW. You are only assuming, and it's better to poke people with reasonless vote to out their reasons.
5. Sigh. I am thinking we are having a misunderstanding because we have different opinions on the pre-game. I want to ask, is this your first game where you have played (and voted) in pre-game?
6. Please, try to use less lines in your posts man. I have the urge to seperate posts into lines so it's easier for people to pick the information out, but it looks ugly. I just don't like quoting it and it makes my posts so BLEH. BLEH BLHEHEHEHE. :cool: I'm just going to reply to your posts with bulletpoints or numbers.

I'm demoting you to an IGMEOU. I want you to give your reads, and to follow me onto my next lead. (I am re-reading) If you won't, I will want you to tell me why.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

I already like where this is going
Vote: SouP


lol need i not mention this jump on badwolf

also gheb said game could be played legit regardless if dabuz confirmed
Soup what is your current read on Badwolf? How serious were you when you voted him? (Meaning, how strongly did you feel Bad was scum at that time)

My neurons can switch paths at anytime. Rake's omgus vote was such a scum jerk reaction. And he seems to be playing cautiously like asking me if it had to be in that order to vote Soup. Why on earth would there need to be a specific order, Rake?
Underlined, did that give you an alignment tell? I mean, does that mean he is being more awkward then his townself?

What DH refers to in his 173 was a response to the king, not a comment at DH, I can see how the wording can be confusing.

It's really annoying to make all my posts poetic and it's not as fun/ easy as I thought, so I'll post normally until a fun idea comes to fruition.

I haven't poked the players enough to make any reads on scum.
Why haven't you poked them yet? I feel that you were posting to show that you were present, yet you don't even show up after this post.


gunna be out for another 24 hours, but the hydra is sorted now
I want content. :glare: Guys please try to get into the game and stop dragging us down. I know, hydra johns, but also look at it from our perspectice. 8 man game. We are not letting anyone coast because of hydra johns, in an 8 man game. I will consider lynching you guys if you continue to dissapoint. :mad::mad::mad:

And now wtf with his vote on dabuz. His reasoning there is mad horrible and weak. "why were you posting in peoms?" wth? This looks mad opportunistic and I don't like it one bit. Soup has jumped to my number one scum pick.

@Ran: Dude trust me, Rake's reasoning holds up and that's basically how you have to read him. If he is providing statements that just don't make any logical sense, that is how you know he is scum. When his statements do make logical sense (even if you don't think they are his real reasons) that is how you know he is town. Join me on Soup baybee.

Vote: Soup
Your reasoning does not convince me. I'm more interested in Dabuz. It feels like Dabuz is trying to 'be present' in thread yet doesn't actually point out anything of value. More like active lurking.

Unvote Vote: Dabuz

What is your read on Badwolf?
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