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G3S #2 - The great famine | Indy wins!

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I have received my role pm. Badwolf, I don't believe we've played before.

Do you have a preference as to which alignment you like to play as and are there are any decisive differences between how you play as each side?

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
We haven't played before because this is actually my third game on a forum. I found it really funny and exciting that I got invited to this. I don't have a preferred faction just yet although being scum always gets my adrenaline running. :phone:

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
there are any decisive differences between how you play as each side?
Um I actually don't know. I've only ever had scum roles so I have no idea how I'm going to play town just yet. I go with the flow, so it'll be interesting to find out.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
For some obscure reason I thought this would be a larger game... I do love a small game. If anyone doesn't confirm ghebbo then PM me!

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Was just informed that I'm being evicted in a month. I will probably be fine. If the situation looks terminal, I will give a heads up.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Every player has received a PM regarding their hunger status. If you didn't receive said PM do not post it in this thread but send me a PM. From now on you may no longer expect to get information updates on your hunger status - you have to keep it in mind for yourself. However, you will be notified if you receive any food.

Day 1 officially starts.
Deadline until last minute of 25th June
Takes 6/11 to lynch


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Was just informed that I'm being evicted in a month. I will probably be fine. If the situation looks terminal, I will give a heads up.
Well that's...awful. Sorry to hear that.

Adum, who are you and Xonar thinking of killing toNight?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Zen Jacked into the wired and came strait to GS3, only to find that just a couple of posts have been made since day start.

Hm now that I think about it, this game is bound to be a bit slower paced based on the player list. As I recall, Gheb mainly invited players that generally play more cool headed and take their time..

Zen then proceeded to take another look at the player list:

1.) X1-12*
2.) Gorf*
3.) Ramen King*
4.) Circus*
5.) July*
6.) adumbrodeus*
7.) Acrostic*
8.) SangfroidWarrior*
9.) Xonar*
10.) -Masquerain-*
11.) BadWolf28738*

Woah I didn't even realize gorf was in this game. I expect him and X1 to have about the same amount of activity. They both seem to have busy lives, but still meet the daily posting requirements. Circus and Acrostic will probably have just a little less than moderate amount of posting. Although with Circus, it may depend on what his alingment is. Sang and July will have a moderate amount of posting, generally making at the very least one post per day. Adum, Xonar, Joey, Badwolf, and myself will generally have multiple posts a day. Although Joey is a wildcard and may just decide to replace out if he feels disconnected from the game after being V/LA.

A nice pretty solid player list overall. This should be fun,
Zen thought to himself. Now then, how should I go about this? I should be able to read X1 withing his first few posts. Adum has already given off an unintentional town tell. Though I should keep that to myself. Xonar is someone I'm going to need to get an early grasp on. Actually no he isn't. It will just be a waste of time. I'll put him aside until about day three. Or until I have a read on everyone else. It might be good just to policy lynch him as well hmm... Nah I'll go with the first plan. Circus, July Sang, and Acro are who I need to get early reads on. The moderate-active category.

And with that, Zen began to speak to the town.

" Vote: Acrostic :smash: :smash: :smash:

Scum is likely between Acro, Circus, July, and Sang. All the women.

Circus: Is avoiding an RVS vote something that you usually do? Or were you just following the trend? It's ok if it was the latter. Sometimes we unintentionally fall in line with the patterns others have unintentionally established.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Um I actually don't know. I've only ever had scum roles so I have no idea how I'm going to play town just yet. I go with the flow, so it'll be interesting to find out.
Now I'm curious.

What thoughts do you think need to be considered when you want to "play town?" What is there to consider?

When you mean "go with the flow," should I interpret that literally to mean that you're considering to sheep and be the hammer guy most of the game?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Why tell him?

We could have used it to see if he would give us some relationship tells on his mafia partners.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
"You just got one. You now know that Badwolf and I aren't scumbuddies since I felt the need to point it out. Wouldn't you say n_n? Though I'd very much like an example on how you would have used it to get such tells."

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I more or less found it interesting that adumb & Xonar claimed hydra with Swiss and then Badwolf inquired if Swiss was in the game or not. However, looking into it is pointless since there is a pit of wifom open that can be opened and it isn't really worth weighing given relationship tells are really the weakest and least informative way to approach the game early on.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Now I'm curious.

What thoughts do you think need to be considered when you want to "play town?" What is there to consider?

When you mean "go with the flow," should I interpret that literally to mean that you're considering to sheep and be the hammer guy most of the game?
1.) Considering that I've never played town before so yes there are new things to consider. I don't want to be NK'ed so I have to be careful on that account.

2.) Not really. I do have a mind of my own and intend fully to follow it. I do not plan on being anyone's sheep. When I said "Go with the flow" I meant in a way that don't instigate too much disagreement. I don't get good reads that way.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
What was his intention there. Why did he question me without even thinking about it himself? Shown by the fact that he couldn't think of an example. I do not like it. I do not like it. I do not like it.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Adum has already given off an unintentional town tell. .

Silly Zen, of course it was intentional, whatever it was.

I'm a scum genius remember, it's all part of xonar, my, and swiss' glorious to make you think we're town and create lynches on other people.

*whispers* So what was the towntell anyway?

Acrostic looks silly, wagons on silly people are fun.

vote: Acrostic

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I like this wagon. People who sheep it should provide a reason when they hop on it. Would be appreciated. Also please do it in a timely manner, I'm going to be V/LA and I don't know if internet is accessible.
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