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Fusion 0.5 Results! South Jersey ~ 2/20/10

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007

1: Sunshine (Y) (dmbrandon + Shadow) ($108.00)
2: We Love Lolis (Izumi + Vinnie) ($54.00)
3: Bang Bros. (Blackanese + Will) ($18.00)
4: Pound 4 status: Lion Puncher and the witness (Inui + Atomsk)
5: Keitaro and Doom (Keitaro + Doom)
5: I Hate Toon Link (ChiboSempai + Eazy)
7: Old Mandorf (Justin + Man)
7: Doodoo Paper (Punishment Divine + Problem)
9: East Beasts (Aff3 + IAN)

Bracket: http://allisbrawl.com/brackets/bracket7676.gif

Singles Pools: http://allisbrawl.com/event.aspx?id=7677

Singles Bracket

1: Shadow ($85) :metaknight:
2: Atomsk ($42.50) :metaknight::falco::dedede:
3: dmbrandon ($17) :metaknight:
4: Will ($8.50) :dk2:
5: Vinnie :gw:
5: Zucco :lucario:
7: Keitaro :falco:
7: Eazy :marth:
9: ChiboSempai :rob:
9: Izumi :metaknight:
9: Problem :snake:
9: Doom :metaknight:
13: Punishment Divine
13: Chris
13: Aff3
13: Dealth

Bracket: http://allisbrawl.com/brackets/bracket7678.gif

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
really fun tournament! very well ran, especially for a last minute thing. good stuff chibo :D.
ggs to everyone i played.
atomsk- it was fun hanging out with you. welcome to juice! really intense grand finals.
diem- winners finals was meh, but oh well. good stuff on third and we did really well in doubles!
zucco- we had to play AGAIN :(. good stuff with the comeback on game 2. sorry game 3 was gay =/.
Vinnie/PGN- good **** man. you're really improving. i just learned the gnw matchup really well recently. step it up, our sets could've been closer. also, work on that DI! good stuff in doubles.
Dave- good **** in doubles man.
Blacka- good seeing you again man, always fun. you and Will were a great team.
Will- congrats on doing really well man, good to see DK ****** XD.
Doom- could be doing better! was lame that you had to play atomsk in losers so early. very close set against PGN. you got this next time man.
good seeing all the NY attendance!


Smash Lord
May 23, 2008
Planking the ledge 185 times over.
So driving 3 hours out to South NJ seemed like a crazy *** idea, and it was lol. Obviously we all would have liked a larger turnout but given it was so last minute and in replacement to Wiegraf, a lot of good players showed and I ended up having a really good time =)

1: Shadow - Every time I watch your matches, I just think how much more beast you have gotten since last we played. We should get some friendlies again in sometime!

2: Atomsk - Sorry for being so inconsistent, that SD in our second set makes me disappoint. Great games, it was a pleasure being able to play you in brackets finally, last time was GT like over a year ago xD

3: dmbrandon - This guy is sooooo crazy aggro lolol always mad fun playing you. I need to learn how to plank more against
aggro MK. lol

4: Will - Did this for Cable and the others, but there is no WAY I plan on stopping here...

5: Vinnie - Sorry for ****** you. We train all the time, so I am just way too good at the Game and Watch matchup now. You should have went Zelda against me you would have had a much better chance LOL

5: Zucco - Lol you ***** me in pools. Sometimes I think I should just go MK against Falco and take my chances. I need to play your Falco more =P

7: Keitaro - Great set in pools man, we always have a ridiculously fun bout when we play. Always a pleasure =)

7: Eazy - This dude is too cool. After talking with you and PD for just those several moments, I have become even more confident in myself and that I should never limit myself from improving. You are an inspiration bro, and we should definitely chill and play a lot more friendlies sometime soon- I have a feeling I would develop crazy mind games in order to keep up xD

9: ChiboSempai - Thanks for hosting! Too bad we didn't play in brackets, I wanted my revenge from Pound 4 MM's lol.

9: Izumi - You are getting too good. Stop it. And stop ****** doubles haha seriously like, you amplify a team to an absurd level. Good **** Dave ^_^

9: Problem - As soon as we brought you in the carpool, we knew it would be a hilarious and amazing adventure. Even though that drive was mad far for no reason, I hope you had as much fun as I did. Keep coming to tournaments with us, bc we are gonna train you to be more of a beast than you already are. =)

9: Doom - Ahh we didn't get to play too much at this. I have a feeling that the key to overcoming MK is playing 100 friendlies vs you at every tournament. xD Next time I want to get at that MK son.

13: Punishment Divine - Sup Ally. Lol you trolled those poor souls so ****ing hard. I couldn't stand how much you and Vinnie were messing with them, I had to walk away lolol. Take that confidence boost from Eazy and ****ing go beast it son.

13: Chris - Kirby player right? I was surprised at how good you were considering I hadn't heard of you before. As soon as our set started I knew I wouldn't be able to sandbag against you. Fun matches but Rainbow Cruise vs Kirby is gay!

13: Aff3 - Ricky? Nice to meet you bro, you were a pretty cool dude.

Lol Ricky: "What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?"
Me and Blacka: "...."
Problem while randomly walking by: "I just swam into a ****ing wall!"
Ricky: " 'Dam' " @_@ Work on your jokes though guy.

13: Dealth _ I don't recall who you were, but thanks for coming? lol


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
1: Shadow
2: Atomsk
3: dmbrandon

100% juice YEAHHH!!!

i wish i was there <3 i would of ***** yall :D


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
I guess ill do shoutouts since there were not too many people here

1: Shadow- I cant enjoy our tourney sets anymore. they happen too often and too soon in the bracket, dooming me to place lower than I could have if I just played somebody else at the time.

2: Atomsk- you're a nice guy, always trying to cheer me up. Sorry if you thought I wasnt taking our set seriously, I was just upset about how brackets ended up being for me. Better player won here of course, even if that matchup for me is so ****ing hard it makes me want to kill babies.

3: dmbrandon- lucky son of a *****! nah just kidding little kid. good job making juice look good unlike some of the other members.

4: Will- It was fun playing you in pools. I took doom's advice on how he plays against DKs and just applied it to my falco and it seemed to work for the most part. Good job getting 4th.

5: Vinnie- This ***** taking 2nd in teams. too good. 5th place buddies!

5: Zucco-............salty. train that falco.

7: Keitaro-our sets are always so close and I always seem to win with some kind of gay move or something. You are getting really good at the matchup though, thats for sure.

7: Eazy- I lol'd so hard at your reaction to DBZ on the TV. nice seeing you again, wish we played a bit.

9: ChiboSempai- nicely run tournament, though I wish you payed out to top 5 like you said you were going to(even if it was going to be lke 2 dollars.

9: Izumi- Lolis carried you to 2nd place in teams it seems. nicely done.

9: Problem- Hardly saw you/talked to you, but you seemed like a cool guy. Come to more tournaments.

9: Doom- Shared the same fate as I did in losers, just earlier which made it worse. Mortons knight+doom is a good team.

13: Punishment Divine-nice seeing you again as well. Didnt interact enough though =(

13: Chris-good stuff in pools. your kirby is actually pretty good.

Blackanese- Funniest dude ever! I watch your sets just because I know im going to laugh alot. Enter singles man!

Inui- enter singles next time scroob!

Weird black girl creepin on dudes- Go away, now.


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
Gratz to all the NY talent taking top spots. This is why NYC's hot and everywhere's not <333

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
This is why pools is a good idea, even at small tournaments. More people get to play eachother in serious sets. People get more value out of their entry fee.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Shadow - Another day, another victory for Juice. We need to play more *****!

Atomsk - Welcome to 100% Juice. Initiation process was almost losing to my Jigglypuff. :D!

dmbrandon - Hanging out with you all weekend was fun. Thanks a lot for housing me and bringing me to/from the train station. As you would say, it was a good time.

Will - Stop dodging me in brackets! Good **** beating Atomsk. Broccoli Kong vs. Honky Kong needs to happen.

PGN - Should've had you. I need to stop choking. Up B is such an unsafe way to do so, especially when you can just blow me upwards and **** me.

Zucco - I agree, Mortons Knight + Doom = pretty solid. Don't get so salty after tournaments and you'll do better. Cinnamon sugar pretzels ma d00, not the salty ones.

Keitaro - Most ridiculous teams sets ever this weekend. G&W ***** Falco in doubles way too hard. I think we need an alternate solution for MK + G&W teams.

Eazy - Nice seeing you after so long. I'd hide that debit card next time some creep is around. ;)

Chibo - Good stuff hosting this. I wish the mall wasn't such a shady place...

Izumi - Good job in teams.

Problem - This guy is so ****ing talented. If he went to more than like, 5 tournaments ever, he'd be ****** some ****. BRING HIM EVERYWHERE, WILL! (funny as ***** btw)

Punishment Divine - Fun pools set. Stop trying to preemptively edgeguard. Wait and react, I hit you way too much for that. You have potential.

Blackanese - Thanks for the tips vs. G&W. I already knew what to do, I just got too nervous to do it in practice. Enter singles. Even if it's boring, you're really good at this game.

Random girl creeping on Keitaro/Eazy/Problem/any black dudes there - gtfo

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
1: Shadow - Dude, ily. Good **** winning, you earned it.
2: Atomsk - <3 Trevor
3: dmbrandon - THIS MAN! You're still the best
4: Will - LI ALL DAY! Good ****, I just wish you had played as well against Trevor in the second set =( Ah well, get 'em next time. Best DK!
5: Vinnie - You having to play Will = lame. You're definitely a great player, you'll do well at Viridian. STOP TALKING ABOUT THAT ZELDA, DOODOO PAPER
5: Zucco - I agree, not enough interaction! I'll talk with you a lot at VC to make up for it!
7: Keitaro - This guy is always smiling! Good stuff Keitaro, you had some legit losses but that loss against Zucco was o.o
7: Eazy - Dude, thank you so much for having that talk with me. It totally changed my outlook on the game and showed me what has been holding me back. I'm going to be the best Marth, and I'm going to tell every other Marth why I'm better =)
9: ChiboSempai - You camped me so hard =( Oh well, I'll get you next time
9: Izumi - Pedo stepping it up! Good stuff in doubles
9: Problem - Dude, you're so funny and awesome to have around. You're also very good, just come to more tournaments and you will do great.
9: Doom - Max! Good stuff in pools lol See you soon my dude
13: Punishment Divine - I will no longer place this low. Today marks the first day of my intense training, no johns anymore
13: Aff3 - lol if you manage to read this, sorry PGN and I trolled your friends and you so hard. Come to more stuff to get better
13: Dealth - ggs in pools and friendlies, lawd I hate Kirby -_- lol

Inui - My dudeeee. Se you soon I hope, you'll come back in doubles
Blackanese - mad fun car trip, enter singles! You're a legit good friend, too, thanks for talking with me. lol We'll be laughing at Problem's **** till we die
Little kid I made a dollar off of - sorry I hustled you rofl
Kid who kept complaining about gay things in the game - Get better, then we'll talk

I am stepping it up big time. LI all day, doodoo butter, doodoo paper, and YA'LL IS CREH


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
LMFAOOO at that random black girl coming in (yo i'd probably wouldve tap that though, but that was all zucco's ya dig :D lol jk)


Wasn't alot of people but always fun to see old / new faces and just to talk with everyone x]. and thanks for the car ride papa will and good shiz to everyone in the car ride x]


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
PGN - Should've had you. I need to stop choking. Up B is such an unsafe way to do so, especially when you can just blow me upwards and **** me.
Oh come on Doom -_- I missed like at least 100 easy damage each match yesterday from easy punishes that I missed like me up airing your up b and other stuff too.

But yeah our sets are always so close, they're so intense. Up b is very tricky vs gnw b/c gnw can bait it -> uair or nair.

I think I missed so many punishes yesterday b/c of me not sleeping the night before. I also need to work on my DI.


Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Yes, you missed 100 damage that you shouldn't have had to begin with because I shouldn't have been doing the up Bs.

Also, I can cancel early to avoid the up air, which I was too nervous to do consistently.


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
I saved game 3 against Keitaro just because of the ending.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2007
Flaming Europe.
Doom, I play Vinnies gaw with friendlies w/ Meta, if you cancel early he can still U-air before the cancel on reaction

I wish marths up-b was more like MKs :(
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