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Frisk is Determined to Fight! Frisk Supporter Thread


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
Frisk would start each fight with a neutral mode with an Aggressive/Pacific gauge or "FIGHT/MERCY" gauge, or even a LOVE gauge. This gauge would vary to FIGHT according to the number of attacks made with the A button and the grab. It would vary to MERCY according to the number of shields, dodges and some special attacks. The other special attacks would remain neutral (in neutral mode). , I would be possible to quickly reach the FIGHT mode or the MERCY mode with good combinations until opposite thresholds. So, Frisk would get an Aggressive or Pacific mode, with its advantages and disadvantages.

• Meanwhile, the neutral mode would offer a variety of poor options as a different gadgets to defend herself. The main originality would be to be able to create a SAVE point (which is justified in Undertale), to regain life or to return to the area. In order to encourage the MERCY mode, some abilities may be available depending on the LOVE gauge.

• The FIGHT mode consists of having fast and violent attacks. The mode would be good in damage inflicted, and there will be no more penalty on the repetitiveness of the attacks The repeated attacks would become even stronger by being made in rhythm. But the overall mode would be weak in surprising effects and in ranged attack.

• The MERCY mode would reward the player. It would consist of having special attacks to confuse, push back with soul power, and attack with humor or inadvertently. Frisk would also get the support of his friends from Undertale. The mode would be good in tempo/control/repel both in melee and ranged, but would deal damage with a lower power.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
Hey all,

I finished writing up my moveset for Frisk. I started typing it up but still have a ways to go before I finish typing it up. I think PokefreakofBacon has a moveset that more accurately portrays Frisk and Undertale in the only way I can really see that level of accurate portrayal working in Smash. Mine is more like an ode to Undertale and Deltarune if you will but I still put a lot of effort into trying to make each of their moves something that make sense for Frisk to be able to do. I look forward to your critiques when I finally get around to typing it up and posting it. Until then...stay determined.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
Ok I have finished writing up my moveset concept for Frisk, although I think it still needs some revision. I have been looking over many other moveset concepts recently so I apologize if any of this appears a little redundant. PokefreakofBacon has done an exceptional job in particular representing the actual gameplay style and concepts presented in Undertale in a moveset that could work and make sense in Smash with unique and fun sounding mechanics. I would like to point out that, in this regard, I feel that their moveset is clearly superior to mine. This is mainly because I tried to take a different approach entirely that was more concerned with representing many different aspects of Undertale and even incorporating some Deltarune stuff in a way that is more of an “ode” to the games than it is an accurate representation of them. I do not feel that this is something that is disrespectful to the games or egregious personally as Smash has done this with plenty of other characters. Captain Falcon isn’t even really a nod to F-Zero at all he’s just fast, Duck Hunt uses moves from other retro games, and Ganondorf...what is he doing exactly?, etc. I’ve tried to retain the essence of Toby Fox’s games while also incorporating them into Smash in a way that will be super unique and fitting. I attempted to really only put moves into this Frisk set that make sense for Frisk to actually be able to do in the context of Smash even if these aren’t necessarily things that Frisk actually does in Undertale or characters do in Deltarune. However, some moves still need to be reworked. For example, I had a hard time with Purple soul’s Up B move. At any rate, here it is! Feel free to critique and ammend as you see fit or ignore it all together if you just hate it lol. I did work pretty hard on it though so I hope it at least gives you something to think about.

I have a few general mechanic ideas I’d like to discuss before really delving into the kit I conceptualized. Not all of these are really fleshed out, because some are just ideas I had that I didn’t really feel like expanding on, because honestly this is a lot of work just to come up with one or two movesets.

  1. One concept I had was that maybe Frisk could take more damage closer to their soul and less damage on extremities. This was just an idea I had that references how in the games, Frisk takes damage when their soul is hit and not their body. Obviously, Frisk would still have to take damage anywhere they’re hit in order for it to be fair for opponents, but this could be an interesting mechanic and especially add another layer of strategy to characters like Marth, Lucina, and Roy would have to pay more attention to where they are hitting Frisk.
  2. I have essentially 2 main concepts involving the proposed LOVE (LV) meter brought up in some other movesets. In both of these, Frisk has a LV meter that increases with close proximity to enemies, attacks landed or that hit shields, combos, etc and decreases with distance from opponents, shielding, dodging, rolling, and missing attacks. This allows both Frisk and the opponent to try to affect the LV meter to some degree. No this is not an accurate representation of LV in Undertale, but it makes sense in Smash. LV starts at 0 but does not reset upon death but will go down some since you will at least momentarily be farther from your opponent.
    1. First, LV meter does not affect gameplay in anyway. LV meter’s only effect is cosmetic. With higher LV, Frisk’s appearance becomes more and more like Chara’s until at 100% LV Frisk looks just like Chara. This is the original concept I was trying to explain is that LV wouldn’t necessarily have to do anything other than have a cosmetic effect. This isn’t much of a gimmick, but it would be interesting.
    2. Second, LV does what is mentioned above in addition to also affecting certain moves, but still doesn’t actually change Frisk’s characteristics like movespeed and such. I’m not opposed to characteristic changes via LV meter as is proposed in PokefreakofBacon’s moveset and other proposed movesets with similar concepts but this is a different approach that I wanted to take. I will list any move changes affected by LV separately this way people can imagine what it would be like if LV meter was just option a and was cosmetic only or if LV meter affecting certain moves and can imagine what that kind of moveset would look like.
  3. I am going to explain a lot about this concept in the moveset, because this last gimmick is the main focus of my moveset. This mechanic is the “soul swap” mechanic. Obviously Frisk doesn’t really have the ability to change their soul color in Undertale, but it is such an interesting mechanic that I really wanted to make a moveset based around this concept. The soul colors that Frisk will be able to alternate between are Red (determination), Blue (integrity), Purple (perseverance), Yellow (justice), Green (kindness), Cyan/Light Blue (patience), and Orange (bravery) using their neutral B move. Also, randomly the half-red, half-cyan heart from the Mad Mew Mew fight will be available, but this soul color is not consistently available to the player. Once a player makes a full cycle back to the Red soul, the order is randomized. This way both players really have to pay attention to what soul color shows up. There is no cooldown for this ability nor a duration like Monado arts has. The soul swap does not affect characteristics of Frisk such as movespeed, but does affect all of their other special moves. Also, each time Frisk swaps souls they leave behind a SAVE point. Each time Frisk swaps soul colors they teleport to their previous SAVE points. This can be beneficial or harmful for the player as it potentially gives them another option back onto stage, but they have to be careful about when they swap soul colors and where because they can leave SAVE points off the edge of the map. Whenever Frisk dies, their soul is reset to the default Red soul. Also, getting hit by smash attacks or powerful attacks at higher percentages can reset your soul color to Red. And taunting, like with Kirby, will always reset soul color to Red.


In general, Frisk is a light and floaty character like Ness or Villager. Frisk is rather frail and easy to launch but has plenty of zoning tools and ways to KO and launch opponents.


Up Aerial: Frisk jabs upwards multiple times very swiftly with their knife in a small arch.

Back Aerial: Frisk sticks out a yellow flower behind them dealing a little damage with good knockback.

Forward Aerial: Frisk throws a pie forward dealing a little damage with no knockback but briefly lowers opponent’s movespeed if they are hit.

Down Aerial: Frisk kicks downwards twice with their ballet shoes. Spikes well.

Smash Attacks:

Up Smash: Frisk swings the heart locket upwards in an arch dealing moderate damage with decent launch power.

Forward Smash: Frisk puts their hands around their soul while charging then sticks their hand (with a translucent orb around their hand the color of their current soul) out in direction pressed. This move has good damage and excellent launch power.

Down Smash: Two of the talking flowers from Waterfall appear on either side of Frisk dealing good damage with small knockback then text bubbles also appear if the move was charged long enough. The text bubbles deal little damage but have great knock back. This move leaves Frisk very vulnerable from above and below but has very good horizontal range on either side.

Tilt Moves:

Up Tilt: Frisk throws the empty gun upwards, while it spins, it deals good damage with decent knockback much like Joker’s up tilt.

Side Tilt: Frisk sticks out the burnt pan dealing a little damage with some knockback. This move can combo into itself as well as easily combo into other moves.

Down Tilt: Frisk throws a knife diagonally downwards in front of them very briefly stunning opponents hit like Zero Suit Samus’ down smash but with shorter stun duration and deals less damage.


1, 2, 3 Jab: This move involves the ballet shoes and old tutu. Frisk lunges forward with their arm, then spins with elbows sticking out, and then ends with a backward kick that has good launch power, but otherwise the combo is relatively low damage.

Rapid Jab: Involves many kicks in front of Frisk also using ballet shoes and old tutu.


Grab: When Frisk grabs an opponent, they hold onto to the opponent with one hand. If the player inputs an attack, then Frisk stabs the opponent quickly with a knife.

Up Throw: Frisk throws the opponent upwards and they are then hit by the annoying dog who jumps over Frisk in an arch doing good damage with little knockback allowing for comboing especially when the opponent is at low percentage.

Forward Throw: Frisk throws the opponent forward using the ribbon. This has good launch power, but does little damage.

Backward Throw: Frisk spins the opponent behind them using the ribbon doing good damage and comboing easily.

Down Throw: Frisk shoves the opponent down into a plate of frozen spaghetti and the opponent stumbles forward afterwards.

Special Moves:

Neutral B: Soul Swap: Randomly cycle through soul colors. When you stop hitting the button, then you stay that soul color. Please refer to mechanic #3 above for more information.

Red Soul Specials:

Red Side B: Item: Throw an item (cloudy glasses, worn dagger, glamburger, etc) from the game. The item is random. I am torn as to whether these should all have set damage and travel movement/momentum or if it should be variable depending on the item kind of like how Pacman’s neutral B has different properties depending on what you throw.

Red Down B: Temmie Flakes: This is like Mr Game & Watch’s bucket but with a box of Temmie Flakes instead, of course, and it can only store one charge, therefore, it also is kind of similar to Villager’s pocket in a way. Once charged, you can dump out the box of Temmie Flakes to deal damage knock back while also healing Frisk for 2% but with much less KO potential compared to G&W’s bucket.

Red Up B: Tiny Bird: Frisk holds up their hand and the tiny bird alights on it then carries Frisk up and you are able to control the angle some. Similar to Villager’s up B, but quicker and like balloons, the bird can be knocked from Frisk’s hand if opponents are quick enough.

Blue Soul Specials:

Blue Side B: Snow Poff: Frisk begins to roll a ball of snow forward. The longer B is held the larger the ball of snow and the greater the damage and launch power when launched; also the longer you hold B the farther Frisk moves across the field before releasing the snow poff. The snow poff can be pushed off stage to punish opponents that are trying to recover. Naturally, the final form of a snow poff is a snowman which are known to deal great amounts of damage and have greater launching power than other piles of snow.

Blue Down B: I have 2 options here and am not sure which one I like more.

  1. Gravity: This acts similar to moves like Yoshi’s down B except that there is almost no telegraphing at the cost of dealing very little damage with little knockback. This move combos really well into other moves and is much less likely to cause you to self-destruct like other moves similar to it. This is a reference to the blue heart plopping to the bottom of the screen when Papyrus turns your heart blue in Undertale.
  2. Immobile Invulnerability: This is a nod to how you take no damage from blue attacks if you are still in Undertale. This move has you stand still briefly and dodge incoming attacks. In order to not make this move to abusable by any player using it repetitively increases the end lag making you more vulnerable to being hit, but it starts with very little end lag.

Blue Up B: Served Cold: Frisk throws a meatball straight up then throws a spaghetti noodle up acting just like Joker’s grappling hook but slower and doesn’t grab opponents just damages them.

Purple Soul Specials:

Purple Side B: Teatime: Frisk pulls out a teapot and pours purple liquid on the ground in front of them causing anyone who walks on the liquid before it evaporates to stumble.

Purple Down B: Bribe: Frisk places a coin on the ground in front of them which can be moved by attacks from any player. If the coin hits a player, then that player is attacked by a rather pixelated spider. Kind of like Duck Hunt’s can.

Purple Up B: I have 3 options. For some reason I like the first one but don’t feel that it is the best option due to it not really being something that makes sense for Frisk to be able to do. Option 2 seems too similar to Blue soul’s up B.

  1. Muffet’s Pet: Muffet’s pet shoots out from below stage and lifts Frisk up but has a chance to damage and launch Frisk depending on where Frisk is on the pet when it hits them. This move also damages opponents as the pet rises up and can be used to edge guard.
  2. Webslinger: Frisk throws a spider connected to a thread upwards that acts like Joker’s up B but with shorter range but deals more damage to opponents if it hits them.
  3. Waverunner: A purple wave pushes Frisk up and forward. This move does not push Frisk up very high or forward very far and is one of their weaker recovery options. This is kind of like Squirtle’s up B.

Yellow Soul Specials:

Yellow Side B: Bolt: Frisk fires a slow-moving yellow bolt straight forward that has good damage and knockback for a projectile. Holding B allows you to keep firing while moving at the cost of the bolts no longer having knockback.

Yellow Down B: Bomb: Frisk pulls out their cell phone as if controlling something and sends out one of Mettaton’s robots holding a bomb that moves straight forward and explodes.

Yellow Up B: I have 2 options for this.

  1. Jetpack: Frisk uses their cellphone that turns into a jetpack and races upwards and the player can control the angle slightly.
  2. Robot: Frisk holds onto one of Mettaton’s robots as it flies upwards and the player can control the angle slightly.

Green Soul Specials:

Green Side B: Shield Charge: Frisk charges forward with a projectile-proof shield in front of them. Holding B allows Frisk to charge forward farther and tilting the control stick backwards makes the move shorter.

Green Down B: Shield: Frisk gains a projectile-proof shield above them that can absorb a certain amount of damage before disappearing. The shield moves to protect whichever direction the player last held the movement stick.

Green Up B: Shield Bounce: Frisk gains a projectile-proof shield below them which they can then jump off of straight up and can then angle which direction to go slightly. Think like Pacman’s up B, but not reusable.

Cyan Soul Specials:

Cyan Side B: Giftwrap: Frisk throws out a ribbon. This move is slow and highly telegraphed, but if it lands, the ribbon will wrap around the opponent dealing heavy damage and stunning them momentarily.

Cyan Down B: Bandage: Frisk pulls out a bandage and heals a small amount of damage. This move becomes riskier and less useful if used in succession much like Wii Fit Trainer’s down B.

Cyan Up B: Ribbon Blade: Frisk throws a dagger out with ribbon attached to the handle in a sharp diagonal line grabbing opponents or ledges struck. This is like Joker’s up B, but the diagonal angle is much sharper so the reach is not as long and it is a slower move than Joker’s but it deals more damage and combos well.

Orange Soul Specials:

Orange Side B: Tough Stuff: Frisk charges forward with super armor and damages and knocks up any opponents struck. Striking an opponent with this move ends the move. This move has a set distance and it is possible to SD with it if used too close to the edge of the stage.

Orange Down B: Manly Makeover: Frisk is seen putting on tough gloves and a manly bandana. If this animation is finished, then they have increased damage and defense until they take 30% or more damage or are KO’d. This move can only be used once per soul swap cycle unless it is interrupted before the move is completed.

Orange Up B: Reassurance: a large white hand appears below Frisk and after a short delay the hand gives a thumbs up. The thumb flings opponents hit to the side and flings Frisk straight up.

Half-red Half-cyan Soul Specials:

Half Side B: Soul Splitter: This is a chargeable move. Frisk’s two halves of their soul hover at their sides and start glowing. The more the soul halves glow, the farther they will travel but neither player can actually see how far that will be they just have to gauge it by how long the move is held and how much the soul halves are glowing. When the player releases B, Frisk quickly splits in half and attacks both areas where their soul halves end up (can be off stage and spikes early) then the halves reunite where the moves was originally used with some end lag. This move allows Frisk to safely pressure opponents trying to recover horizontally if the player can learn the timeframe for where the soul halves will end up.

Half Down B: Touch (Tickle): This attack is very close range and is difficult to land and doesn’t do any damage but stuns opponents hit for longer than most moves even at lower percentages and stuns even longer at higher percentages. This move also makes opponents easier to launch.

Half Up B: Shatter & Reunion: This move is similar to the Half-Red Half-Cyan soul side B move except that the soul halves travel above and below Frisk. While charging this move, select either up or down and Frisk will teleport to that spot instead of reuniting where the move was originally used. Also, unlike the side B move, both players can see the soul halves as they move above and below Frisk and the soul halves deal small damage and knockback if they hit an opponent. Also, Frisk only damages opponents where they end up when the move is finished instead of attacking both places the soul is like they do in the side B move. If a direction is not selected, Frisk will not teleport anywhere and will not be able to use this move again until they land or are hit by an opponent so will be move vulnerable.

Alternative moves involving 100% LV: The above specials moveset works regardless of whether LV affects moves or not. The following moves are how the moves would change at 100% LV if that were to be a mechanic. This allows Frisk’s moveset to be even more varied.

Forward Smash: Abandon Vessel: At 100% LV Frisk’s forward smash becomes an ode to Deltarune as Frisk rips out their soul and throws it forward violently. If the move lands, your opponent now has this soul and you can control the color of that soul in order to gain different down special attacks based on what color your opponent’s soul is (this works on other Frisks but the opponent Frisk can still change the color of their own soul as well).

LV 100% Red Down B: Cage Heart: This is a chargeable move. A cage drops down. If it lands on a character, that character becomes stunned and receives damage.

LV 100% Blue Down B: Heart Hurler: This move is highly telegraphed. A nod to Sans’ boss fight. Frisk lifts their arm, then the player inputs a direction and the player with the blue soul is launched in that direction. This move only works if the player with the blue soul is directly horizontal to Frisk but can be used from a distance. This move has a chance to Spike if the opponent is thrown downwards.

LV 100% Purple Down B: Spot of Tea: If this move is used when the opponent with the purple soul is close to the player, the opponent is pushed away and damaged by purple liquid. If the opponent with the purple soul is farther away, then they are pushed closer to Frisk and damaged by purple liquid. Opponents can see the purple liquid coming and can shield or dodge to avoid it leaving Frisk open and vulnerable momentarily.

LV 100% Yellow Down B: Bombfall: A bomb falls from the top of the screen towards where the player with the yellow soul was when this attack was used.

LV 100% Green Down B: Frisk pulls out a spear and pauses and their eyes flash a few times indicating which way they are going to swing the spear then they attack. This move has incredible launch power and moderate damage at the result of being highly telegraphed. A nod to Asgore and Undyne fights.

LV 100% Half Down B: Three white orbs form around Frisk. Frisk can throw these one at a time at enemies by pressing down B again and then inputting the direction to throw. Holding B allows Frisk to throw these orbs more quickly. This is a nod to the white orbs that damage you in the Mad Mew Mew fight.

100% LV also changes Frisk’s side and up B moves, but these moves are the same regardless of opponent soul color:

100% LV Side B: Shank: Frisk stabs forward with a knife after a short delay dealing a lot of damage and causing the opponent to crumble.

100% LV Up B: Glyder: Glyde carries Frisk up diagonally dealing damage. This move has shorter range than Frisk’s other recovery options but deals the most damage.


Up Taunt: Frisk holds an umbrella out over themself and Monster Kid while they both look into the stage’s background.

Side Taunt: Frisk reaches for the legendary artifact which is stolen by the annoying dog who leaves behind some “dog residue”.

Down Taunt: Frisk pulls out a cell phone and talks to someone then puts it away. I like PokefreakofBacon’s idea of having different sound effects play as if Frisk is talking to different characters that are randomly chosen including easter eggs like occasional Gaster sound effects.

Final Smash:

Final Smash Attack: Frisk throws out a save point. If enemies are too close to the save point, then the screen turns to look like a battle in Undertale and characters from Undertale like Toriel, Asgore, Mettaton, Alphys, Undyne, Sans, Papyrus, Annoying Dog, etc show up and all perform an attack relevant to their character/boss fights (Toriel uses fire magic, Sans uses Gaster Blaster, etc.) as a white soul appears in the enemy. Afterwards, the enemy disintegrates into white dust. This launches enemies hit very far if not KOing them.

Alternative Final Smash at 100% LV: Frisk slashes across the screen in front of them. If an enemy is hit, the screen fades to black and the enemy has red 9’s appear all around them before a white soul appears and they disintegrate into white dust. The opponent is launched very far if not KO’d.

FUN Value Final Smash: Frisk throws out a save point that is black for some reason. If enemies are too close to the black save point then the screen turns to look like a battle in Undertale and Gaster appears and laughs then both Gaster and the opponent disintegrate into white dust. The opponent is launched very far if not KO’d.

I realized I dont think I included a dash attack.

Dash attack: I like the idea of Frisk running forward with a pie, tripping, and throwing the pie forward. Maybe the pie could randomly sometimes be Top Chef's cake from Deltarune.

Here's some more options for Purple Up Special:
1. Donut Fall (I like puns): Frisk bounces off of a spider donut that then falls below them hitting any opponents below them. I think I like this one best and it's not just because of the punny name. This can still be used to edgeguard while making some kind of sense at least in terms of Smash for Frisk to be able to do and it differentiates itself from other recovery options. I still like Muffets Pet tho as a recovery too. The idea of a recovery that can hurt you is interesting.
2. Dizzy Disc: Frisk climbs on a croissant which spins upwards at a slight angle and damages opponents hit. This more is better for horizontal recovery rather than vertical.
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Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
Just beat Undertale; only missing genocide run.

Definitely support. Not my most wanted indie but high up there I can assure you.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2018
Put me up in that support list, the chances for Frisk to get in or much stronger now!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
I commented here before, but I don't think I asked to get added to the support list. Add me in, please, a playable Undertale rep seems even more likely than before now, luckily!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2018
alright seems like I've got some work to do with this supporters list. Frisk has an even more chance considering there will be more dlc after the fighter's pass. Cheers everyone for this victory!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2018
Congrats on sans ! frisk may just get in next game ? I mean tobyfox gamed AT sakurai's house it could happen

also enjoy this meme <3


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2017
I'm glad that Sans is a mii costume, and I would also want him to be an assist trophy in Smash 6 along with Frisk. I also want Frisk as a mii costume too! But if either of them is a playable character in the next fighter's pass. I'm going to have another heartbreaker.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2018
I know its just a mii costume but it really feels like sans is in the game himself ! (even got music) its a REALLY good mii costume. online is nothing but banjo-kazooie & sans LOL who ever saw this comming ?


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
I do agree, that with Sans as a costume, Frisk/Chara or someone else from Undertale could appear.

regulus tera

Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2018
Considering how popular Sans as a costume is I have to imagine Frisk has to be in contention for a fighter after the Pass. I doubt Nintendo is going to ignore the impact this is having.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2018
Considering how popular Sans as a costume is I have to imagine Frisk has to be in contention for a fighter after the Pass. I doubt Nintendo is going to ignore the impact this is having.
I'm gonna take that as a "I want to be in the supporter's list" to save time. Welcome to the crew XD


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
One would think if Frisk was getting in, they wouldn't have revealed Sans before then.
It seems to me that the next DLC isn't fully planned out just yet. They might know some of the characters but it doesn’t seem like they know if it’ll be another Pass or if they’ll just be individuals.

With how crazy the fanbase has gone over Sans being a Mii costume, they’re just leaving money & hype on the table if they don’t add an Undertale character.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2017
Although I'm a fan of Undertale, if Frisk or Sans makes it in as a playable character, I will literally burst into tears! I don't need to explain why.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
I'd say Frisk's chances are dead, I doubt Undertale will get any representation outside the Sans Mii outfit, but that it made it into Smash Bros. at all is impressive.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
So, how are yall feeling about Frisk's chances now that we have the Sans costume? Personally, I'm not really counting on it because I feel like they would've saved Sans for that, but that'd all depend on when this next wave of DLC was planned and if it was being negotiated around the same time Toby agreed to Sans. Either way, I'm happy Undertale is in the game at all. The Sans reveal was easily the hardest I laughed at any announcement thus far and the Megalovania remix turned out amazing. Even if we don't end up getting Frisk, I'm still satisfied with the Undertale content we did get


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014
Switch FC
its probably still as possible as ever. i mean frisk themself isnt actually in the game in any capacity, which is more than you can say for a lot of characters people want.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2018
Judging by sakurai's wording regarding DLC saying how he wants to expand representing NEW IP in smash

its safe to say any IP already in smash will not be a DLC fighter & we already have sans so maybe next time for frisk

but given how poular sans is that just a mii costume was trending more then banjo kazooie themselfs on realese day let alone terry, I feel sans would be the pick.

well anyway I was playing as my Undertails mii & has a thought sans gimick if he gets into smash should be like the ballon fighters stage where he can go left & right of the screen just like how he warps around in undertale.

if frisk got in they would need a pacafist gimick


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Judging by sakurai's wording regarding DLC saying how he wants to expand representing NEW IP in smash

its safe to say any IP already in smash will not be a DLC fighter & we already have sans so maybe next time for frisk
I don't think Sakurai mentioned new IPs for DLC, though what he did say was somewhat vague.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2018
So, how are yall feeling about Frisk's chances now that we have the Sans costume? Personally, I'm not really counting on it because I feel like they would've saved Sans for that, but that'd all depend on when this next wave of DLC was planned and if it was being negotiated around the same time Toby agreed to Sans. Either way, I'm happy Undertale is in the game at all. The Sans reveal was easily the hardest I laughed at any announcement thus far and the Megalovania remix turned out amazing. Even if we don't end up getting Frisk, I'm still satisfied with the Undertale content we did get
I am also satisfied with the costume. But I think Frisk's chances have been higher than ever. I can guarantee that Nintendo will notice that the sans costume will be the highest selling Mii costume. So what better way to get more $ than to add an Undertale fighter in smash.


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2018
I am also satisfied with the costume. But I think Frisk's chances have been higher than ever. I can guarantee that Nintendo will notice that the sans costume will be the highest selling Mii costume. So what better way to get more $ than to add an Undertale fighter in smash.
Nintendo HAS to have noticed the immense amount of positive reception sans's Mii costume has generated. Top trending on twitter, garnering thousands upon thousands of views on Youtube, and top post on reddit's /r/smashbros... I would honestly be shocked if the only Undertale rep we get for Smash was the Mii costume + remix.

Whether it be the next set of DLC or Smash 6, I know in my heart a true Undertale rep is coming.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'm rooting for Papyrus myself. He's always been my favorite character and top choice from Undertale

Math Jreeds 1284

Smash Cadet
Jan 23, 2018
Breh. Positive That Sans Mii costume selling like hot cakes, granted it's cheap. Notice how those guys like to work with what they have more than branching out to more 3rd parties (3 Capcom, Konami, & Sega reps along with Mii costumes). The fact that Toby been chillin with Sakurai and he's in Japan (currently iirc), the chance couldn't be less than realistic unless you still have the Cloud can't be in Smash sort of mentality x).


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
LOL, Sans is the only Mii costume I bothered to get


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
I wasn't supporting Undertale content in Smash before, as Toby Fox alluded to not wanting his characters in fighting games, but now that we have a Sans Mii costume, maybe he's making an exception with Smash! I'm not surprised considering how much he loves the series but still.

So now that I have a reason to believe, I'd like to show my support for Frisk. Undertale is a masterpiece and it's already a miracle that we got a Sans Mii costume with a Megalovania remix...but maybe we could keep it going and get the actual playable protagonist as a Smash character too!

regulus tera

Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2018
I'm gonna take that as a "I want to be in the supporter's list" to save time. Welcome to the crew XD
I welcome the enthusiasm, but please don't put me in the supporter's list without my consent. I was just making an observation.
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Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
I supported Frisk because it seemed legitimate to me:
- very high global popularity,
- Nintendo & Nintendo DREAM support,
- Mother's legacy,
- Toby Fox visiting Nintendo Japan,
- Sakurai looking at the recent characters...
and I still think so.

According to Sakurai in 2014, the characters in a series that has no future are rarely chosen. I think that Undertale needs a future. Its current success still leaves possibilities of sequels, remakes or possibly Mother x Undertale crossover ^^. Toby Fox got his first contracts with Game Freak and Sakurai, but the future of Undertale is unclear.

Sans was strongly asked by noisy young players. In France, he was the most requested character with spam: "we want Undertale / I want Sans". 6 day after mentioning the existence of DLC, Sakurai sent a tweet, only to Westerners, he asked to be left alone. I think that Sans's supporters have some responsibility for this reaction. Nevertheless, they were heard. But I don't think that Frisk is part of old or next planning.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
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