Someone please, give me any advice at all about these ridiculous waveshining Fox's. Whenever I play one, I get beaten, even if it is only 1 or 2 or even 3 stocks...I just can't seem to win. His stupid (any aerial) followed by an L cancelled shine causes huge problems for me. If the shine hits, he waveshines me as far as possible on the stage, and then upsmashes me. If I have 50 or more percentage at the first shine, I die, because his whole waveshine process does about 40%, and his Upsmash kills at 90%. I can't think of what to do. Nairing is outprioritized, no Shieldgrab because shieldgrab = instant death, turnips bounce off attacks, and I can't seem to find ANY videos that involve a waveshining Fox and Peach. Mostly just Foxes who don't waveshine, but are still pro level, which is not my problem right now. Please, someone give me any advice at all that could POSSIBLY help IN ANY WAY at all. Thanks.