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Forward teaches Falco

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Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
London - UK
1) lol, what's pillaring?

2) after you land on the ground do u tilts, when they start DIing towards the side f smash 'em

Edit: there is a lot to teach about falco
im sorry but i heard you claimed to be best falco atm and you dont know what pillering is :/

1) Shine combos on fox, i cant perfect the shine, wd, wd,sffl ,dair repeat?

Viperboy my here :o


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
lol sean im glad you re-opened this thread... best way to learn is to teach (for some reason im stuck with teaching people how to beat jiggs out here lolz)

cant wait to come back... i need to catch up on my falco dittos so i can challenge pc lol

forward= america's bombsoldier? ...think about it...

Edit: ... wow that was about the noobiest thing ive ever said but oh well...


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
lol sean im glad you re-opened this thread... best way to learn is to teach (for some reason im stuck with teaching people how to beat jiggs out here lolz)

      ___           ___           ___           ___     
     /\__\         /\  \         /\__\         /|  |    
    /:/ _/_        \:\  \       /:/  /        |:|  |    
   /:/ /\__\        \:\  \     /:/  /         |:|  |    
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   \:\  \        \:\/:/  /     \:\/:/  /     \:\~~\     
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      ___       /::\  \        \:\  \   
     /|  |     /:/\:\  \        \:\  \  
    |:|  |    /:/  \:\  \   ___  \:\  \ 
    |:|  |   /:/__/ \:\__\ /\  \  \:\__\
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 /::::\  \    \:\  /:/  /   \:\  /:/  / 
 ~~~~\:\  \    \:\/:/  /     \:\/:/  /  
      \:\__\    \::/  /       \::/  /   
       \/__/     \/__/         \/__/
I mean that south paw...Oh wait, you said "Beat Jiggs", nevermind.


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
Killing/Edgeguarding Sheik? Are there any reliable high% combos to kill? Any decent edgeguarding ideas?


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2006
South Hill, Washinton
Hey,Forward,being teh uberness and all,do you have any vids of a ztd combo that is pretty much gauranteed?I'm a visual learner.(since you don't come herte much,ztd=zero-to-death)


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Killing/Edgeguarding Sheik? Are there any reliable high% combos to kill? Any decent edgeguarding ideas?
I think most often I kill Sheiks with a d smash to ledge guard. Instead of trying to be fancy and go for a long combo I end it earlier with a d smash or f smash if I can. I try to force them to tech by using spikes in the combo and if they miss they tech is when I most often land a d smash.

As far as ledge guarding if you can get rid of her second jump she's pretty much gone. Wait on the ledge and stand on when she explodes from the up b. She's vulnerable afterwards so hit her wherever she goes. B air, d smash, and f smash are your best moves at this point.

At low percent when she has her jump be patient, there isn't much you can do and she will most likely be able to grab the ledge. If you want to keep pressure at the ledge use f tilts, cc d smash and d tilt, and grab to keep her off.

Hey,Forward,being teh uberness and all,do you have any vids of a ztd combo that is pretty much gauranteed?I'm a visual learner.(since you don't come herte much,ztd=zero-to-death)
I don't have many vids, but I have a kill combo on one. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=574554401

No combos are guarenteed, but the best ones involve moves they wouldn't expect. It would cause them to panic and screw up their di. Unexpected moves like d tilt, up smash, up throw, jabs, shuffle spikes. Mix up it from the usual, d air, shine, wd stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2006
shine = reflector :/ (down + b) =_=

Stolen From Borns Falco Guide,
I - Technical Stuff I
There are some terms you need to understand, in order to comprehend what the heck I'm talking about. If this is your first time with 'em, I suggest you copy/paste into notepad, or whatever, for referral.

Aerial: aerial attacks are written as nair, fair, dair, bair, and uair - that would be neutral aerial, forward aerial, downwards, backwards, and upwards. Performed by pressing a+direction on the control stick while airborne.
(N)(F)(B)(U)(D)air Dash: Basically dashing to any shffld aerial. Chaining these pack some serious damage in some situations. If you dash to shffld nair to dash to shffld nair, you are nairdashing. If you chain dashed shffld dairs, you're dairdashing etc.
Air Dodge: When airborne, press either L or R to airdodge. You dive into the third dimension for a short while, allowing anything - attacks, projectiles - to get past you without getting hit. After using this, you'll be unable to do anything until you reach the floor. Use wisely. Note: You can airdodge in all directions by using the control stick.
Chain Throwing: some characters are able to throw their opponent, and catch it again, and throw it again, and so on. Falco can't, so I'll let it be.
CC or Crouch Cancel: If you crouch while getting hit, you'll receive way less knockback, allowing you to counterattack. Don't use it against Peach, her downsmash will kill you.
Dash Cancel: If you dash, and press down on the control stick, you'll stop dashing. Because you're crouching, if you did it right, you can even do perform a downtilt. Neat, eh?
Dash-dance: by tapping the control stick back and forth, you can continuously turn on the spot. What's actually happening: You keep performing a dash to the other side. the startup animation of the dash allows you to turn. Used mainly as a fakeout tactic; some people taunt with it.
DI: Let's say you're up against Bowser. You hop in there with a shffld nair, and an upsmash, and another upsmash.. If done correctly you will have done a lot of damage. That is, if you're fighting a n00b (his chin would be on the floor and he would be all like ''dude you r teh pownz0rs' and stuff like that). But if you were fighting a pro, you'd be dead by now. Because of DI (directional influence). By pressing either left or right on the control stick, you drift that way while airborne. If you get hit by an attack, DI from the moment you get hit, that way, the DI is the strongest. Great way to escape combos (we'll get to shffling, don't worry).
Dodge: There are two sorts of dodges, the sidestep (spotdodge) and the roll. The sidestep is performed by shielding and pressing down on the control stick. For a moment, you'll dodge into the third dimension. It's kinda like airdodging, but on the ground.
To do a rolling dodge, you should shield (L/R) and press either left or right on the control stick.Note that when performing a rolling dodge, you're still vulnerable to attacks at some points.
Edgeguarding: When you've succeeded in getting your opponent off the edge of the stage, you want to keep him there. Any attempt to do so falls under edgeguarding.
Edgehogging: A form of edgeguarding. Only one character is allowed to hang on an edge at the same time. Thus, if your opponent is off the edge, and he's pretty far from it, you could shorthop backwards, of wavedash backwards (both will be handled later..) in order to grab the ledge. When the opponent comes, and tries to grab the ledge, he'll fall to his doom. Note, that when your opponent's third jump is an offensive one - which is most likely - they can hit you while you're hanging on the edge, and they'll still be able to grab it. To prevent this, press L or R just when you are about to get hit. You'll roll back on the stage, while your enemy still won't grab on to the ledge. Neat!
Fast Falling: When you are at the peak of your jump, pressing downwards will result in falling to the ground faster. WIth Falco, it's rather important to master this - as it is with most chars - because it really packs some speed in his play.
Grab: If you press Z while standing, or dashing, you will attempt to grab your opponent (I'm pretty confident you have done this before). When grabbed, you can throw your opponent away. Note, that while shielding (holding L or R) you can press A to grab your opponents out of the shield. This is extremely handy, for example against people who like to attack you with an aerial. Just shield it, and press A. You have just turned his attack into one of yours.
Juggling: If you keep attacking your opponent, in such way that he doesn't hit the ground, you're juggling him. Pretty obvious, innit?
Lag: The startup or windup time of an attack. The Falcon punch is an obvious example of startup lag, Link's dair is one of windup lag. 'Lag' refers to the windup lag most of the time.
L-Cancelling: If you perform an aerial, and hit the ground while the animation of the attack isn't done yet (with Falco, that's really often going to happen!) you'll experience a lot of lag (depending on what move you used). By pressing L when you hit the ground, you'll reduce the lag by 1/2. I'll cover this more indepth at Technical Stuff 2.
Powershielding: If you shield exactly when a projectile (or attack) is within the range of your shield, but not yet hitting you, regular shielding will result in a powershield. The projectile will be reflected and sent back where it came from (especially nice on Samus' charged shots!). It's one of the most difficult things to do in the game - if you're able to master it, congrats, you're probably the first one.
Priority: When two attacks hit each other the same time, two things can happen. Either you hear a 'clank' noise, or one of the attacks overpowers the other. In the first case, the priority of the attacks is the same, in the second case, the overpowering attack has higher priority than the other one. Consider the Warlock Punch to have higher priority than a normal A attack.
Sex kick: A sex kick is an attack that lasts for some time, hitting the opponent for as long as it's out. Most characters' nair is one (Falco's is).
Shielding: Pressing L or R while on the ground. Z is also possible, but no recommended.
Shine: The reflector Falco's and Fox's downB holds, is often referred to as the Shine.
Short Hop (SH): If you tap X or Y lightly, you'll jump significantly less high. With some chars this is extremely difficult, Falco's isn't, though. More in the Technical Stuff 2 section.
Short Hopped Laser (SHL): With Falco, you can short hop, fire your blaster, and fastfall - the fastfall eliminates the lag of the blaster animation when hitting the ground. More in TSII section..
Shffl: A Short hopped, Fast Falled, L-Cancel Aerial attack. Shffling (or shuffling) is a tricky technique, that requires practice. It's basically a way to perform aerial attacks just above the ground and with few lag. More in the TSII section.
Spamming: Using an attack repeatedly, in most cases the attack would an annoying one. Falco for instance, could really spam his blaster on Final Destination ^_^
Spike: an attack that sends the opponent downwards, basically. Falco's dair is an obvious example of a spike.
Teching: Pressing L or R when you hit the ground for instant recovery. If you got hit by an attack, and you're tumbling through the air, unable to do anything (except for DI), press L or R right as you hit the ground. You'll jump to you feet instantly. Holding either left or right on the control stick while doing so, will result in a techroll in that direction.
You can also do this on a wall (wallteching): if you're tumbling through the air, and you hit a wall, press L or R.
Walljumping: Not all characters can do it, but Falco can. Jump towards the wall, and upon contact, hit the control stick away from the wall. You'll jump away without using up a jump. It's neat for recovery (Fourside, anyone?) and mindgames (consider on Peach's Castle, your opponent is between you and the wall - you jump over him, walljump back to where you were, and punish him for attacking the spot where you just walljumped).
Wavedashing: One of the less easily performed tactics, wavedashing is sidewards airdodging into the ground, resulting in a slide over the ground, with no lag - meaning you could attack whenever you want (except for the first 17 frames, the initial WDing animation). I'll see to this in TSII section.

Just so your up to date with the lingo ¬_¬


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2005
Towson, MD
and just so your up to date with info, he is kidding n00b.
he is one of the best falcos out there, and i do believe he is the first one to use SHDL in a tournament?
so dont be stupid.
and think your smart.
ontopic:im having problems with a tech chasey shiek
how do i get out of a tech chase? besides mindgaming, are there any strategies?


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2004
In the COK
Prime's Falco is too good! Everyone should be listening to him. Perhaps a Prime teaches Falco thread. :)

And I believe Dav3 was the first to use SHL in a tourny, he's the father of the SHL.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2005
Towson, MD
thanks Kishprime.
another thing:
When using a jab during pillaring, does it sometimes stop the other character from grabbing you?
Does Nair have alot of priority, and does Utlit have a lot of priority?


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
Actually Mathos, I think it goes back further than that to Justin and Sultan of Samitude from California back in the VERY early days.

EDIT: Everyone should note that Mathos is being sarcastic. It's great to have friends like Mathos...


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
I think there were a few people who were using SHL on their own and it doesn't go back to any one player. Dave, Justin, and Sam all probably fall into that. The whole reason I started using Falco was because I saw a Falco player uisng SHL. It was a looooong time ago, before vids were, just someone from AZ... too bad he quit.

I was the first one however to use double lasers in tourney. I started around Moast 3, it really caught on at FC3 tho.

Nurok: One of the best way to avoid a tech chasing Sheik is not to tech, like Prime said. As far as N air, yes it has a lot of priority, and comes out fast. Up tilt I think is Falco's highest priority move, and one of his best. Sometimes when I play I will keep my back to the opponent, and space with wd's trying to land an up tilt, it cuts through a lot of moves, and sets up for sick combos.

Jabs during pillars are good, it works a lot like a shine, however it is possible to be sheild grabbed after your jab if they predict it. One combination I like to use when they block is n air, shine, wd back jab. Try it out.


Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2006
Schaumburg, IL

I always seem to get caught in marth's up-tilt repeatedly, leading to chaingrabs. I've tried DI'ing different directions but none seem to work all the time. I was wondering which way you are supposed to properly DI the up-tilt to get out of range of marth.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2006
thanks Kishprime.
another thing:
When using a jab during pillaring, does it sometimes stop the other character from grabbing you?
Does Nair have alot of priority, and does Utlit have a lot of priority?

Lol he does not know what shine was or pillering so please stfu already


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2006
Forward: One of my freinds mains doc, and no matter what I do, he nairs me out of ALL my aerial combos. I SHFFL everything, I do it as fast as possible, but he just hits A and it basically outprioritizes all my aerials except my dair, which I can't pull off on him much anyway.


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Forward, I know you're here to teach falco, but honestly i have a lot more problems facing him. could you still help me out?

As peach i generally get overwhelmed by falco. So far my strategy is to float above the lasers, but that still takes away a lot of options. I can never use my ground game because of teh laz0rz. any ideas on how to approach? I also find it difficult to get many grabs in. Shines ruin my grab game.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska
i'd also like to know what an SHL is.

"One of my freinds mains doc, and no matter what I do, he nairs me out of ALL my aerial combos. I SHFFL everything, I do it as fast as possible, but he just hits A and it basically outprioritizes all my aerials except my dair, which I can't pull off on him much anyway."

sorry if my input is unwanted, but it might help if you give us some example aerial combos that you're typically being knocked out of. unless the combos you're doing are just plain faulty, or your movement is too slow, this shouldn't be a problem(speaking of chaining aerial attacks, anyways).

part of comboing doc, and a great deal of other characters, is just knowing not to attack from the bottom if you aren't going to be able to get off an attack before he recovers from your last hit(although technically if they've recovered from your last hit it isnt a combo in the truest sense). chances are your movement is too slow or your combos aren't workable. shffling is half of the requirement(most of the time), approaching for the next attack quickly can be just as difficult and important. since medium+light characters recover from hits fairly fast, the timing for linking moves together is often very strict as compared to characters like link and falco.

below me, forward posted

"After a shine I full or double jump and hit with a sex kick instead of a d air. Afterwards I try to wait for him to land above me and hit with an up tilt, up smash, or shuffle up air. All which have strict timing to land (not terribly tho). Very good options to get started on Doc."

one thing i'd like to add to this that applies to a multitude of characters is that you can safely hit someone who is doing a falling nair from behind[them], whereas if you had hit them from their front their nair would be equally prioritized with your uptilt. it may seem like common sense but i don't think it hits most people. so, if you plan to catch a falling, nairing doc(and i repeat, many other characters) with an uptilt, try to walk/wavedash behind him before doing your uptilt, or else you'll get hit(although he will too). there are many other options(as forward said this is just a start), but i'll leave it at this for now.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Lol he does not know what shine was or pillering so please stfu already
I want to punch whoever came up with that term.... pillaring, lol.

Forward: One of my freinds mains doc, and no matter what I do, he nairs me out of ALL my aerial combos. I SHFFL everything, I do it as fast as possible, but he just hits A and it basically outprioritizes all my aerials except my dair, which I can't pull off on him much anyway.
Against Doc, you will have to develop an entire different set of attacks and approaches than other characters, it's just the way he is. From his cape to his floatiness, he can give Falco so many problems.

After a shine I full or double jump and hit with a sex kick instead of a d air. Afterwards I try to wait for him to land above me and hit with an up tilt, up smash, or shuffle up air. All which have strict timing to land (not terribly tho). Very good options to get started on Doc.

You have to start controlling yourself, and resist your instinct to keep hitting him, because YOU KNOW he is going to sex kick. Try dash dancing and wave dashing to stall your attacks and bait it out. Cross him up and hit with a b air if you have time to do so. Use dash attacks in your combos if he's still low to the ground.

Forward, I know you're here to teach falco, but honestly i have a lot more problems facing him. could you still help me out?

As peach i generally get overwhelmed by falco. So far my strategy is to float above the lasers, but that still takes away a lot of options. I can never use my ground game because of teh laz0rz. any ideas on how to approach? I also find it difficult to get many grabs in. Shines ruin my grab game.
Learn to powersheild. My guess is that if you would beat falcos you play, or lat least make them step their game up. Try attacking from platforms, and use those times to pull out turnips. Throwing a turnip from floating above lasers will open up some opportunities.


I always seem to get caught in marth's up-tilt repeatedly, leading to chaingrabs. I've tried DI'ing different directions but none seem to work all the time. I was wondering which way you are supposed to properly DI the up-tilt to get out of range of marth.

Marth's up tilt naturally hits you behind him. If you are holding the direction Marth is facing you will be launched straight in the air. If you hold to his back you will be hit towards it fairly fast. At different percents you need to DI different ways. Some percents tho it is a guarenteed combo, sorry.


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
I just realized this is the topic that I have been referencing since last year to make fun of how isolated some of these forums are from reality. All these people come up with names for techniques and then Forward comes in and is all cool. But they all diss him because he doesn't know what "pillaring" is (?!?!?!), not realizing he is one of the proven best in the country at Falco.

Then Forward just has to be like, "$50 money match. I pity the fool!" because he is so awesome, and puts all forum n00bs to shame.

It's like when I go into the Jigglypuff forums and some people are like, "rest is so easy I land 2-3 per match at least on all my friends lawl roffle!"

Oh yeah, I actually had a Falco question. Does he actually have ANY throw combos? If there are too many to list, just consider me a n00b and don't answer.

"black mamba"

Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2004
LOL this is forward i totally forgot where i was

The only real combos from his throws would be from an up throw. Usually in the 75% area you can combo into almost any aerial, if they di towards off the stage sometimes you can hit them with a spike. But, my favorite combo above all else, is on Fox at around 40-50%. Up throw > f smash, it's just.... so cool.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2006
Oh yeah, I actually had a Falco question. Does he actually have ANY throw combos? If there are too many to list, just consider me a n00b and don't answer.
Up-throw to something (uair, JC shine to dair, etc.) on fastfallers is usually what I see. There's also d-throw on Fox to d-smash or something. There really aren't that many...

Speaking of KishPrime... how do I deal with Jigglypuff? I haven't really played any good puffs, so I want to know what to expect.


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
No one tell him anything!

EDIT: I keep thinking of Falco questions. I've noticed several times that when I drop through a platform and immediately bair, I sometimes land back on the same platform. I haven't frame tested it yet, but does the bair actually raise you above the platform if it comes out frame perfect? I don't know how this would affect things, but I believe I hit someone immediately after I dropped through as well.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Up-throw to something (uair, JC shine to dair, etc.) on fastfallers is usually what I see. There's also d-throw on Fox to d-smash or something. There really aren't that many...

Speaking of KishPrime... how do I deal with Jigglypuff? I haven't really played any good puffs, so I want to know what to expect.
Expect 80% of your combos not to work, and expect to feel rushed down if she ever gets in close. The key is to never let jiggs in close to you, just keep shooting lasers. Be patient with your lasers b/c it is possible for jiggs to avoid them, but just keep shooting. You can combo from a b air off of low % with suffle n airs, and d tilt can kill at around 90% I believe.

If jiggs gets the advantage on you there isn't really any fail proof method to save yourself. It's just mind games, so try your best.

No one tell him anything!

EDIT: I keep thinking of Falco questions. I've noticed several times that when I drop through a platform and immediately bair, I sometimes land back on the same platform. I haven't frame tested it yet, but does the bair actually raise you above the platform if it comes out frame perfect? I don't know how this would affect things, but I believe I hit someone immediately after I dropped through as well.
Falco's b air and n air will both do this. Sheik can also do this with n airs and f airs. Link with n air, a lot of characters can do this. Sometimes I try to purposely do this, see how many I can get in a row. Or I do that, followed by a shine, interesting stuff, but hard to pull off.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
I've been having trouble with platforms a lot as of late and I've been wondering whats the best way to manuever off of them without getting ***** horribly. I know how to waveland on them but I just never feel like I am doing the safest thing to get off them and back on to sweet sweet earth where I can SHL to my heart's content.

Please help forward
Your's truley,
(I.. I'm sorry I just had to do that)


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
Falco's b air and n air will both do this. Sheik can also do this with n airs and f airs. Link with n air, a lot of characters can do this. Sometimes I try to purposely do this, see how many I can get in a row. Or I do that, followed by a shine, interesting stuff, but hard to pull off.
Wow...that beings up interesting combo questions. It's also a free poke, and consistently being able to do that to a shine to pillar would be a very dramatic way to attack someone on the same platform as you. Rare, but very useful if you could do it consistently. Anyone know the frame count you have to get the attack off and still remain on the platform?

Forward basically nailed it on how to fight Jigglypuff, but you also pretty much have to play mistake free. I think it is a very difficult match for both players, because the Jigglypuff has to duck and weave through lasers and be very persistent, while the Falco player has to stay mentally strong because a single mistake can be fatal. In my experience, aggressive play with Falco against Jigglypuff will kill you. It's a very fun mental matchup, if you like those kinds of things. Just don't fall apart if you get space animal slayed early.


Smash Hero
Jan 25, 2004
i have a question, im new to this "falco" character and wanted to know what is pillaring :D?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
How to deal with Jiggz WoP? (wall of pain)

Mid-air jump and phantasma over it?
lower the edge I will only have the gay burnless firebird.

If you are going to give me thos tips then save it.

I normally use Fox vs. it but it stilll gives lots of trouble.


Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2006
new falco with upcoming tourny in md, i still havent mastered wavedashing, i can do it, but i dont know how to implement it in battle... some advice or should i wait until the next tourny. but i think this experience will also help me as a player, so let me know somethin


King of the Ship of Fools
Jun 22, 2003
Yep! Doing everything to improve my Falco except practice!

What I really need to learn is how to switch between Falco and Jiggly and not miss a beat...so hard.
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