(girl smashfan gives marie the heimlich maneuver & marie coughs up the grenade at both TAL's)
girl smashfan: "you think they'd be a little more GRATEFUL..."
boy smashfan & marie: "YEAH, what she said!"
????: "hey you!!!"
(lee (pictured) also comes in)
lee: "WHAT the heck in a hamsterball is GOING ON?!?!"
all except lee: "OH S**T!!!"
lee: "marie, what're you doing here?"
marie: "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU! i'm not a part of your whole thing anymore! i'm a member of SMASHFAN'S group now!"
lee: "then i guess we'll have to wreck the place... MAY!!!"
(may (pictured below) also comes in)
may: "yea- O.O"
(may notices everything, the boy & girl versions, slice-n-splice, the grenade, EVERYTHING)
(lee & may continue to trash everything)
boy smashfan: "WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!!"
marie: "couldn't agree more!"
girl smashfan: "YEAH, LET'S CHEESE IT!!!!"
(boy smashfan, girl smashfan, & marie, all dart away trying to get away from lee & may)