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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
B. Jr.: This is bad, this is very, VERY bad!

(Bowser Jr. Attemps to turn the steering wheel so that the ship would turn right side up.)

B. Jr.: Papa's gonna kill me if he finds out about this...

(Jr. Tries with all his might to turn the wheel. Somehow, it does! The ship slowly turns right side up....
Meanwhile, in the recovery cabin, Mari is flinged to the other side of the wall, knocking her awake.)

Mari: Gah!....Just when I have a headache...(!)

(She suddenly remembers what had transpired not moments ago.)

Mari: Xiro.

(Mari Runs outside, and sees Jr. At the wheel.)

B. Jr: Hey....Little...help?

(Mari Grasps the spokes of the wheel and turns it with Jr. They manage to fully straghten the ship.)


Mari, where's Xiro?!

Mari: Xiro....Xiro was taken by Latias.

QC: What...?

Gliscor: But....She's dead.

Mari: No, She's not. She's under Muhti's control.

Gliscor: Oh, now this is really not good...

Koopa Pirate: Captain! The repairs are almost finished. I think we can let go of the wheel now.

Mari: Wow, that was fast- GAAK!!

(Mari Clutches her chest with Extreame pain, and suddenly starts coughing up blood.)

Gliscor: WHOA!

B. Jr: Get her back to the recovery-

Mari: No........NO.

Gliscor: But-

Mari: Buts are for billy goats. I'm...*cough* I'm gonna go get Xiro back.

B. Jr.: ARE YOU NUTS?!? You're practicly having a heart attack every 5 Minutes! No way.

Mari: ....Yeah....Maybe....I AM nuts.....

Yeah...That Makes sence. I'm nuts.

Unavoidable death can do that to a person.

QC: Mari...Why are you so sure that you'll...?

Mari: Because....You...Can't cheat death twice.
Because you can't avoid the unavoidable.

Because...We're all gonna kick the bucket one of these days....Might as well accept it.

Look, You guys can try to get my necklace back from Muhti. I'll handle Latias. I have a pritty good idea where she took him...

Gliscor: Your going ALONE?!

B. Jr: I take it back. You're not nuts. You're COMPLETELY INSANE!!!!

Mari: Hey...You're starting to sound like your dad, Pipsqueak.

B. Jr: Wha-...I....I do not!

Mari: In fact...I think he's standing right there.

B. Jr: Huh?

QC: What?

Gliscor: OH, SH*T!!

(As All heads turn towards the other direction, Mari used the last of her remaining power to teleport outta there in a flash of light.)

B. Jr.: What the.....AWWWWW!! *Facepalm* Papa warned me about that trick.....

Gliscor: Well...Now what do we do? Go for the necklace or go after Mari?

QC: Mmmmm....




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Sydney Beach"]

-Waking up-
Xiroey: Nnngh...

Latias: Hmph, figured a weakling like you would pass out...

Xiroey: Weakling who...?
Why does my neck hurt so mu--

Latias: Now hurry up and put up your guard. You've got five seconds.

Xiroey: Five...
-The memory of a few moments ago comes flooding back-
Latias! Mari!
You are--!

-Latias comes at Xiroey faster than the eye can follow, and slugs him directly in the face. Xiroey's vision flashes red and white, and then he eats sand-

-Latias walks over and regards Xiroey with a cold look-
Latias: Too slow brother. For all intents and purposes you're officially dead.
-She raises her foot, and then stoms down on Xiroey's head. Hard.
Xiroey gives a muffled *oof*-​

Latias: Frankly I don't know how you did it.
-she stomps down again-​
A weakling like you.
You're a nobody. A spineless coward.
You probably did it when they were asleep!

-Latias looks down in the sand, and Xiroey lies there motionless. His arms lay like noodles by his side. Near his head, a widening circle of red appears in the sand-

Latias: ... Pathetic.
-she spits on his corpse. And then walks away-​

Latias: (Well... In the end, I let my anger get the best of me. I had meant to hold back a bit--Prolong his miserable death for as long as possible.

But in the end. It looks like he got a swift death he didn't deserve.)

-Latias stops walking. A thought suddenly strikes her-
Latias: However... Who's to say it has to end here?
I'm sure those annoying friends of his will make for some good stress relief when I--

-Latias's next sentence is cut off by a loude *Crack*. Before she can properly register the noise, A fat electric bolt comes in and blasts her right in the face-

I demand to know who did that!
Show yourself coward--

(???): So, that's really what you think of me is it...?

-Latias spins around and sees Xiroey standing behind her, pointing a strange gun at her head-
Xiroey: That's honestly how you feel about me...

-Latias regains her composure and turns her head up smugly, despite the gun being aimed at her-
Latias: Hmph.
Figures a spinless wimp like you would pull a trick like this.
What was it then? Double Team--

Xiroey: -inturrupts- A substitute. But you didn't answer my question.
Is that how you really feel?

-Latias holds out her hands in a guesture-
Latias: Frankly, It's amazing just how dull you can be sometimes...

Xiroey: ...

Latias: Is that how I feel?
Are you ****ing me?
Here you go, you murder our Parents in cold blood.
You bring disgrace to our family name
You exsist as a pokemon unfit for the title of legendary...

Yet you have the audacity to ask me such a thing?

-Xiroey says nothing-

Latias: To tell the truth, I'm glad you pulled this little stunt.
Here you are, standing before me. Holding that stupid little toy gun of yours you've messed around with since you were a kid.

And now,

-Latias's hands crackle with white electricity-

I have the pleasure of killing you all over again.


[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]-Latias vanishes, and then appears right in Xiroey's face. She comes in with a swift electrified palm to Xiroey's middle, but Xiroey manages to sidestep the blow at the last second and counter attack with an elbow to her ribs-

-Latias stumbles back, and blue sparks fly from the point of impact-

Latias: *shudder* Heh...
That actually hurt little brother.
Looks like you've been practicing while I was away.

-Xiroey points his gun at her-
Xiroey: I won't miss this next shot.

Latias: Heh...

Get cocky and you're gonna die

-Several illusionary copies of Latias materialize out of nothing and surround the real thing. They each pair off in different directions and rush Xiroey with Arms crackling with energy.

-Xiroey closes his eyes-

-The latias's approach, a few stray sparks fly out from the mob and zap him on the cheek-​

-Xiroey points his gun straight up into the air-

-A circle of latas surround him, blocking off all hope of escape-

-He fires off his gun and all the Latias dissapear. A few seconds later, Latias' charred body falls out of the sky and lands flat int he sand-

Xiroey: I told you.
I wouldn't miss.

Latias: ... *cough* ... Not... bad...

Xiroey: Naturally.
-he points the gun at her head-​
But then again this was bound to happen.

You understimated me...

-Latias chuckles-

Xiroey: Hmm...?

Latias: You're not the only one...
Capable of pulling a few tricks little brother.

Xiroey: {!!)

-The latias lying on the ground vanishes in a puff of smoke. The gas stings Xiroey's eyes, and forces him to blink away tears. Seconds later, a whirling blade comes flying in.-

-Xiroey manages to duck just in time to avoid getting decapitated-

Latias: That reaction time!
I'm impressed. So you haven't been hiding away in some hole all these years.

-The smoke clears and latias stands a few feet away from him, holding a glowing white scythe-

-Xiroey doesn't waste time responding, and fires several shots at her-

-She deflects them all with a wave of her hand-

Latias: -yawn- Those pathetic attacks aren't going to work on me now I'm afraid...

Xiroey: I told you not to underestimate!--

Latias: -inturupts- Did you actually think I was fighting seriously just now.

Xiroey: Y-you mean you weren't--

Latias: Let me share a secret with you little brother.
The only reason you've managed to stay alive this long. Is because I've been playing around with you.

You didn't actually expect I'd allow you to get out of this easy did you?

Xiroey: But I don't--

Latias: Sorry, but you're not going to get away with an easy death this time.

I'll show you what a real legendary is capable of.

-Xiroey swallows down a nervous knot, and then raises his guard. He watches Latias closely, waiting for the slightest indication of her next attack.

It never comes.

No sooner does Xiroey suspect foul play, does he get blasted with an invisible wave of energy powerful enough to level an entire building. He gets sent flying for countless meters before finally coming to a stop in front of a wide harbor. Latias is waiting there for him, on top of one of the boats.

Latias: Do you understand now little brother?

Xiroey: H-how did--
How did you--

Latias: I told you.
I'm through messing around.

-Latias jumps down from the boat and draws her scythe. She spins it around above her head as she falls. Then arks it down at Xiroey's head.

Just barely, Xiroey manages to throw up his Protect in time to block the attack-

Latias: Quit stalling and DIE ALREADY.

-Latias swings her scythe away at the sheild like a mad-womam. With each passing second, Xiroey feels his sheild begining to fade.-

Xiroey: (Only a matter of time...)

-The shield crumbles. Latias' scythe swings though and arcs a path directly at Xiroey's neck.

Theres a loud crash, followed by an explosion of sparks, and the blade is stopped-

Latias: What?

-Xiroey holds his sword out in his defensive block. It acts as the only barrier between the Scythe's point and Xiroey's neck-

Xiroey: I suppose then,
I should start getting serious as well.

-Xiroey opens his palm at Latias, and a blast of ice and cold air flies at her. She ducks away to the side to avoid the blast, but she only ends up leaving her side open, and she takes a side-full of Xiroey's bullets.-

-She gets knocked away, but hits the ground and rolls back to her feet. She points a finger at Xiroey, and a fat lightning bolt arcs it's way directly at Xiroey's chest-

Xiroey: (She's not messing around)

-Xiroey throws up his Protect again, and the lightning is stopped.

Just as the barrier falls, Latias reappears from behind and aims a Roundhouse kick at the back of Xiroey's neck-

Xiroey: *oof*

-The kick connects and he does a 180 spin, then lands flat on his face-

Latias: I've got you.

-The xiroey on the ground vanishes. Latias notices the trick and casts a glance towards the sky-

-A hand reaches out from the sand and grabs her leg-
Xiroey: Nope,
Wrong direction.

-Latias' entire body gets assaulted by blue sparks-

Latias: AHHHHH!!!

-She shoots an energy ball at the ground and the sparks stop-

Latias: (That was too clo-- WHOA!)
-The sand beneath her feet begins to freeze. Her feet find no purchase on the slick surface and she slips-

Latias: Oww....
(Oh crud.)

-The ice benath her gets hot. Then an enormous lightning bolt flies up out of the ground, taking her up into the sky with it-

Latias: (Damn, I should have known he'd try something like this)

-Latias manages to turn around in midair (she's still inside the lightning bolt) and fires another gaint wave of energy down at the ground-

Xiroey: [from beneath the sand] Ohh... That's not good.


[COLLAPSE="Part 3"] Down on the Beath...


-sand flies up into Mari's face-​
Mari: Gotta... hurry...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Back at the Harbor
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-running around in circles-


-Latias lands back on the ground-
Latias: Quit fooling around and get serious.
How long will it take you to realize that this ISN'T A GAME!

-Xiroey stops and calms down-
Xiroey: (R-right... I'm fighting for my life here. She's just as tough as I remember!

Yet still, she hasn't shown me her true power yet...)

Latias: You're thinking the same thing I'm thinking aren't you.

Xiroey: Huh?

Latias: That it's time we both take off the training gloves and treat this as a true fight to the death...

Xiroey: You mean...?

Latias: Enough messing around. Turn back into your true form so we can really have some fun.

Xiroey: (b-but if I do that...)

Latias: What's wrong? Afraid we might mess up the landscape?
Hmph. These pathetic humans aren't worth worrying about anyway.

Now hurry up and transform!

Xiroey: (This sin't right...
I know she's mad, but the Latias I know would never-- *!!*)

-Latias gets right in his face-

Latias: That means now brother.

-Latias swings her scythe at his head, and he retreats back several feet. Latias makes no move to chase him. instead she waits for Xiroey to unleash his transformation-

Latias: I'm not going to wait forever you know. If I'm the only one who transforms, then this fight will basically be over the minute it starts.

Xiroey: (She's right... I have no choice.)

-Latias gets blasted by an intense wave of white energy before she can make another cocky retort-

-The attack catches her completely by surprise, and she goes down into the sand-

Mari: I was really getting tired of hearing your voice...

Xiroey: -overjoyed- MARII!!

Mari: Hey... Xiro-- *cough*
-she falls down on her knees and coughs up more blood-

Xiroey: No! Mari!
-He rushes over and lays a hand on her back. The coughing slowly subsides, and she re-catches her breath-

Mari: Thanks Xiro...

Xiroey: What were you THINKING using your powers like that!
You're already weak enough as it is!

For that matter, how did you manage to do that in the first place?
You don't even have your necklace!!!

Mari: Calm down Xiro...
I just threw a lead flashlight at her.

-Xiroey stops mid rant-
Xiroey: Y-you what?

Mari: Now come on. We need to hurry up and get back to the ship before this ***** wakes up. I've already had bowser Jr. look into the hull to examine the ballancing mechanisms.

Everything should be A OKAY now.

Xiroey: Phew...
That's good to know.

But still,
How did you even get down here?

Mari: Gliscor followed after me and gave me a ride. -.-
Now come on, he's waiting for us back at the children's library.

Xiroey: Why is he--?

Mari: Don't ask.



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*Walking through a dark forest*

Damn its scary out here.....

+nothing but Viel Wind and Loud *** crickets!+

Proly a good time to kill my self.... but how, who does that!..


-A hand raises out of the ground-

*Mars notices*


*A corpse version of Lui Kang riases out of the ground and hold a fighting stance... at mars*

Oh great more dead people....

-The screen goe itno a side scrolling like position





The girl *waking up yawning after sleeping on one of the most comfortable beds ever made by the gods.*

Tv: BLA bla bla.... bla bla noting is on today and there should not be a tv here.....

The girl: Were is my breakfest.....
Loyal Servent: um....

The girl: I said... WERE IS MY F*** BREAKFEST!!!

Loyal servent: Im sorry i forgot, please forgive me!

The girl: *Pulls out a whip* You really expect me to wake up, then be hungry at the same time!!

Loyal servent: Ill go make you some right now, jus not the whip please!

Asora: *Laying in the bed next to the girls* Keep it down its 6 in the f*cking morining!!!



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Xiro: I still can't believe you- LOOK OUT!!!

(Latias suddenly pops up right behind Mari.)

Latias: Much too little...

(Latias hurls her scythe Straight at Mari's head...

Only Mari turned around swifly at caught it by the shaft, the blade just bearly grazing her hair.)

Mari: Much too late?

Latias: H-How...?

Mari: I may be weak, but nothing is gonna slow down my reaction time, you hear me?

Latias:....Wait. You're...That girl. The one that was practiclly half dead.

Mari: Oh, So you remember me? Good.

Because I have a few things to say to you.

(Mari stands up with difficulty, and stares straight at Latias.)

Latias: Pfft. What do you, A HUMAN, have to say to me?

Mari: Who told you about your parents?

Latias: You have no right to ask me that! Now step aside so I can crush my so called Brother's skull.

Mari: I'm not moving untill you answer my question.

Latias: Oh, really?

(Latias raises her scythe right at Mari's neck.)

Latias: I could kill you with just one swift swing.

Mari: And you think I could care less?

Latias: HA! You talk big, But on the inside, You're trembling in fear.

Mari: Wanna find out?

(Latias nerrows her eyes in suspison.)

Latias: Perhaps I will.

(Latias tunes into Mari's emotions, Fully expecting to find fear and terror and maybe even a sence of hopelessness...

What she found instead was something completely diffrent.)

Latias: ....

Mari: I can tell you're suprised.

Latias: ...You're not afraid to die? Even for HIM?

Mari: Let me tell you something, Lati. You wanna know why I feel like this? You want to know why I went through HELL to save everyone? You wanna know why I'm standing right here between you and your brother?

Once apon a time, I felt a pain no one would even begin to comprehend. You have no proof that Xiro killed your parents, save for the lies of a demented clown.

I saw mine. I saw with my own two eyes how they died. I watched them sceam. I watched them die.

And I couldn't do a thing about it.

You think you know that pain? You don't. What you're feeling now? It's a lie. It's all a lie.

Latias: And....How would you know that?

Mari: Because the same person that told you about your parents is the same person that has my life in his dirty hands. And he wouldn't give a Sh*t if you or I died.

Latias: What...?

Mari: You know what I heard? I heard that legendaries wouldn't bow down to anyone, except to Trainers and Humans who were worthy.

Yet you let a CLOWN munipulate you into almost murdering your own brother.


Even if he did do something wrong. Why?

Because he's family. Like it or not, He's the only family you're ever gonna have.

And that go's double for someone like Xiro!

Latias: ....*hangs her head in shame*.

Mari: You. Disgust. Me. I thought Xiro's sister would be kind. I was actually looking forward to meeting you.

I was wrong. Unless you wanna prove to me other wise, Get out of my sight and stay away from my friends!

(Mari rips the Florosprout from Latias's head, then stomps away towards Gliscor to head back to the ship. As she passes Xiro, He notices something...)

Xiro: (Is she....crying?)

Mari: You two....need to talk things out. When your finished, meet us back at the air ship.

I'll be waiting.




Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

"I love listening to Mari rage with this necklace", I said laughing. Everybody was just hanging out as we listened Mari confront Latias with the rusted necklace. "We lost another one....", Gengar said dully. "She was a great part of our team too, shame", Drawcia concluded. I looked at Dimentio who was sitting down looking at the floor daydreaming.



"Hey Dimentio! Ready for your big performance for the king?", a villager gleefully shouted. "Yes I am dear boy, yes I am!", Dimentio smiled and ruffled the boys head. I wasnt always evil, I had feelings as well, it was just that day that ruined it all....

Dimentio walked up to do his performance for the king and queen. "BLEH HE HE HE!", the figure said to the queen and king. "Son! Stop this non sense!", the king yelled. "IM GOING TO DESTROY THIS TIMPANI-LESS WORLD!", the kings son yelled. "Son, listen to your father...", the queen cautioned. There was silence for a moment. "YOU ALL SHALL DIE, BY THE HANDS OF COUNT BLECK!", Count Bleck held up a little bomb and dropped it on the floor. Everything was a blur for Dimentio afterwards....

Dimentio lifted his head light headed. "Wh-where am I?", he said puking blood. The villagers surrounded him, crying, giving their blessings. One villager have Dimentio a mirror. "My face!", Dimentio screamed. Dimentios blue face was now a black crisp, one of his eyes didn't match, and his muscles forced him to smile. "WHO DID THIS?!", Dimentio demanded. The boy who spoke with the jester earlier spoke,"Lord.... Blumiere...". Silence began between everybody.Another civilian gave Dimentio a mask to cover him. Dimentio looked at his friends, who helped him a lot throughout the years, he then declared,"I WILL AVENGE THIS KINGDOM! I WILL KILL LORD BLUMIERE AND CLAIM LAND FOR THIS AMAZING KINGDOM! MARK. MY. WORDS. EITHER BY FORCE OR BY.....", Dimentio started crying, and mumbled his last word to the villagers,"Ciao"


I looked at Muhti stating at a daydreaming Dimentio. "As Inwas saying, Mari,Xiroey, Mars, and Smashfan are going to arrive soon", I looked at Mr.L as he piped up. "I can-a always get-a reinforcement from Peachs castle!" I started eating fear from someone, Dimentio? Wait.... Muhti too?



Muhti wasn't always in his elegant black armor, with friends. He had a major troubles early on his life... He lived on the streets, no help. Until he met him.

Muhti went to the pail to fork out leftovers from an Itailan restaurant in New York City. "Hello stranger. Pick a card!", the figure said. Muhti looked at the purple and yellow dressed man. "Out of all the creeps in New York....", Muhti grunted. "Hey! *Sighs* you're poor as well? I supposedly "died" in front of people, now Im just hiding... The names Dimentio by the way. Would you like to join me on my conquest to victory?", the purple and yellow man said. Muhti analayzed him carefully, "Sure, I suppose. We can help each other right?" Muhti gave a hearty chuckle. "It's strange how the powerful people say they're the protagonists, yet they crumble out nation everyday.", Muhti admitted, "I just want to prove if we were rulers, we can make a nice impact on this world... The good guys..... They'll call us bad guys, but we can do it, we can do it as a team.", Muhti said with a goody smile. Dimentio nodded and smiled for ear to ear," Lets do it, friend...."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Sydney - Children's library"]

Gliscor: ...and that's how McBeth was slain by McDuff. And the people of McBeth's castle lived happily ever after!

Well, the ones that survived anyway.

The end~

-Gliscor closes his book-​
Well, any questions?

-One small kid raises his hand-
Boy: Uhm... You just red the last few sentences of the book and said "The End"

Glicor: Well, sport. That's what dramatic takes are for!

Boy: Dramatic Wha--

Girl: -inturrupts- Teacher Gliscor! I gotta pee!

Gliscor: You're dismissed Rachel.

-Rachel nods her thanks, and stumbles toward the bathrom with her legs crossed-

Gliscor: Any other--

-One small kid in the back raises his hand-
Boy (2): Is it ture that you Gliscor are blood-sucking Carnivores?

Gliscor: Why actually we are as a matter of--

Boy: And are you really afraid of Ice?

Gliscor: Well, that's a little personal Rubert. I don't think--

Girl: Are you going to eat us if we make you mad?

Gliscor: N-no Namine, I would never--

Boy(2): Can you ride us around the shoreline and--


-Gliscor jumps up out of his chair and chases the small kids around the room. Mari walks in and a small screaming young girl runs into her leg-

Girl: Ma'am help! He's going to eat us!

Mari: Having fun with the kids Gliscor?

-Gliscor gets up off the ground, with two young boys still latched on to his ears-
Gliscor: Haha, you kidding?

Mari: Come on, we need to head back to the ship.

Everone: Awwwwwwwwwwwww~

Mari: I'm sorry, we need to hurry before-- *urf*
-the kids scream at the sight of Mari coughing up blood-​

-Gliscor rushes over and helps her out of the room-
Gliscor: Mari, are you alright? You look awful!

Mari: Heh... I've felt worse-- *sputter*
Sorry for... for...

Gliscor: No no no
It's not your fault.

They'll probably just go brag to their friends about it anyway.
You know how kids are. Come on, we need to get you back to the ship...


[COLLAPSE="Sydney Harbor"]

Xiroey: This sure is nice...

-Both Xiroey and Latias sit on the top of a cozy luxury cruiser. Beside them on the roof are two bottles of Moch-Champeigne that Xiroey found laying around the ship. Latias swirls her drink around unhappily-​

Xiroey: What's wrong sis?
Not much of a red wine person?

-Latias remains silent, and instead focuses on the clear red liquid sloshing around in her cup.

Xiroey reclines a bit and grins off toward the sunset-

Xiroey: Ya know~
This kind of reminds me of long ago when we were kids.

Ha! We would get into our parent's nectar supply all the time.

Then we'd stumble across the town plaza as humans, pretending to be drunk!

-Xiroey laughs, wiping away tears-​

Those were the times...

Latias: ...

How can... you be so cheeful about all this?
Dispite what I just tried to do you...?

Xiroey: Huh?
Ah, Latias, you always were one to get caught up in minor details.

That's all in the past! Why don't we just--

Latias: NO!
I'm serious!

I almost killed you back there!
Do you have any idea just what I tried to do just now?

...and those things I said--

-Latias turns away and hides her face-

Xiroey: Dad always said you looked cute when you cried.

-Latias punches him in the arm without looking-
Latias: Stop it!
You're not being serious!

Xiroey: Frankly, it was nice having you try to kill me.
... Just now.

-Latias blinks away tears, then gives him an confused stare-

Xiroey: I mean, don't get me wrong...

But the fact that you were willing to go all out... against me...

-Latias reaches over and grabs him by the shoulders-

Xiroey: (???)

Latias: You always talk about yourself like your puny and weak.
But you've always been so much more than that.

Back when we were kids...
You were always looking out for me. Despite the fact that you were younger. You always tried to cheer me up...

Xiroey: You know sis... You're kinda going off in an entirely different topi--

Latias: And your sword...

-Xiroey's eyebrows go up. He opens out his palm and his beam-sword materializes there. He holds it out, examining it closely-

Latias: Tell me, how does it work?

Xiroey: -uncomfortable- Well... I kinda just adjusted my Luster Purge a bit, and condensed the wavelegnth enough so that-- -

Latias: You SEE!
That's what I'm talking about!

Xiroey: Huh?

Latias: You've never been particularly strong growing up.
But you've always found a way to make up for it in creative ways...

The things you do--

Xiroey: Sis,

Latis: Huh?

Xiroey: I missed you. All this time.

-Latias' face turns red. And then she looks away-
Latias: Your drink is going to fall...

-Xiroey jumps and makes a mad grab for his drink before it teeters over the edge-
Xiroey: Phew... That would have been a pretty big mess just now.

Latias: ... I missed you too, little brother.

-Xiroey looks over towards Latias and grins-

Xiroey: You know you're going to have to help me kill my best friend when we finally find him don't you?

-Latias laughs-
Latias: Heh,
They'll be no need for that.
Dude's already beating himself up enough as it is.

Xiroey: Ahh, that's Gengar for ya.
-Xiroey stares down at his hands-​

Xiroey: (I miss you too... Buddy...)



Charizard: (How did it end up coming to this...?)


Charizard: You know pipsqueaks, I haven't actually gone by that name since Pokemon Red was released in Japan--

Yoshi Mob: HAIL!!

Charizard: ...you're not listening to me, are you?

-Several tremors shake the earth, and a massive Yoshi forces his way in through a thin gap in the trees. Tree trunks and bushes snap under its massive weight-




Yoshi Tribal Boss: FLAMING ONE!

-Charizard stops yelling at the yoshi's and focuses on the massive hunk of meat standing before him-

Charizard: Eh- Y-yes?

Yoshi Tribal Boss: It has come to my attention that a small group of stragglers has lain waste to Dunga and his Tribe...

Charizard: Dunga...?


Yoshi Tribal Boss: Dunga is a close friend of mine. He has informed me that two small outsiders... A bat and a strange horse-- escaped from their custody and made off towards an unknown destination.

Charizard: Bat...

-Charizard's stomach drops-


Yoshi Tribal Boss: So... You're familiar with this small pack?

Charizard: Tch~ Yeah, I know them!
Gliscor's my friend. You have to let me out of here this instant so I--

Yoshi Tribal Boss: And how exactly do you plan on protecting yourself from the Antagonist forces while you are off on you own...?

Charizard: Ooh...
Well I--

Yoshi Tribal Boss: Then It's settled.

Charizard: It's--
Wait, Whats settled?

Yoshi Tribal Boss: SISTERS! BROTHERS!

Charizard: M-mobilize...?
You mean--



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[COLLAPSE="Typhlosion is Psychic..."]

Typhlosion: Uhm, Buizel...?

Buizel: Yeah? What is it?

Typhlosion: How come everyone so far has been given an epic fighting scene except for us...?

Buizel: *grr*
For the LAST time! You're not supposed to KNOW about that stuff!*
How the hell do you even know what's going on in everyone else's story anyway!?!

Typhlosion: Well... It's like, written all over Xiroey's posts.

Buizel: And that's another thing!
How the hell is Xiroey writing posts!?!

He's probably off facing the entirety of Muhti's forces right now. Why would he be off wasting his time writing fanfic's?

Typhlosion: You don't understand they're not fanfics...

Buizel: Well.
Then enlighten me, what exactly are they then?*

Typlosion: Well... the Forum Fight section of Smashboard's doesn't really have any fans so...*

I guess they're just "fics"
...and stuff.

Buizel: Typhlosion...

Typlosion: Oh by the way. I think you have the wrong "Xiroey".
The one I'm talking about isn't a story character like you or I...

-Buizel tosses his paws up in defeat-
Buizel: UUUGH! You're IMPOSSIBLE to deal with!

You're raving mad!

I'm going to go head over to the bar and get drunk.
Let me know if Smashfan ends up needing any help while he's out there.

Typhlosion: -sigh-
...when will he learn?

He makes a terrible drunk.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( What are you guys going to dress up as when Halloween comes around? ( If you guys were younger.....)

I say no one is too old for candy. I can't decide if I'm gonna go as Daisy, A dark angel, or The princess of Solianna, Elice....)))


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009

(the blast fired from shen's cannon disintegrates before it reaches us)


man-die: "what the- ?!"

lord shen: "how the-?! that's impossible!! none of you even moved from- hold on... who are YOU?"

(a white unicorn with a blue mane and purple glasses comes in, rolling a set of speakers... vinyl scratch...)

vinyl scratch: "alright, everyone, take a seat... i got this..."

lord shen: "PAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! and what, praytell, is that?"

vinyl scratch: "oh, nothing special, shen. (hits a button on the speakers, unfolding them) just my BASS CANNON!"

(the bass cannon fires)

lord shen: "oh, shi-"

(the blast hits, slowly vaporizing shen and his cannon)

lord shen: "NNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

vinyl scratch: "and that is how you do it."

thanks, vinyl. what're you doing here?

vinyl scratch: "i heard you guys were in lavender town, trapped in your own past. i decided to come here and fish you out. and i'm ready to offer any help i can, guys."

sweet! let's go, everyone!

vinyl scratch: "on it like a bonnet, smash!"


Vinyl Scratch joined your team!​


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Sidney Harbor Skies..."]

Gliscor: Waaheeooooo!!~

Mari: AHHH!
Gliscor, are you raving mad!?
Slow down!

Gliscor: Bwahahahaha~
You're too much of a level head Mar.

Have a little fun for once.
I'm goin in for another Rock Polish so we can fly even faster!

Mari: You're... In... Sane--


Gliscor: Yeah, I see it.

Gliscor: Looks like a storm...

Mari: I-I think we should go around.

Gliscor: Hey, bet'cha I can fly inbetween the lightning bolts.

Mari: Gliscor,
i will personally sever your head from your body if you don't turn is in the opposite direc--

-Mari's sentence is cut off, as Gliscor makes a mad dash for the in-blowing storm-

Mari: ****!

Gliscor: Wheee!


[COLLAPSE="Bowser's ship"]

Koopa Troopa (1): Hmm... looks like a storm is blowing in.

Koopa Troopa (2): You think Mari and them will be all right?
I mean, they have to fly through that to get back up here don't they?

Koopa Troopa (1): Not necessarily.
The storm isn't too big. Odd's are they'd probably just go around.

Koopa Troopa (2): Haha, Yeah.
I mean, who'd be dumb enough to fly straight through a storm like that?


[COLLAPSE="Sydney Harbot Skies"]

Latios: That man's an idiot...

Latias: He can't seriously be thinking of flying in there?

Latios: From the looks of it, they aren't stopping...

-Latios and Latias watch as Gliscor and Mari dive into the storm cloud-

Latias: Well... You can't ever peg that guy for being a coward...

Latios: ...we should probably follow them.

-Latias sighs-
Latias: Brother,
You have the patience of a saint if this is honestly what you put up with every day...

Latias: You get used to it.

You ready?

Latias: No.

-Latios leaves Latias behind and flies off towards the group-

Latias: (...dear god, why did that girl have to wake me up.)
-Latias follows-



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-The Storm-


*Gliscor weaves and dive bombs between the dark clouds*

Gliscor: Jeez, Mari, Will you stop sceaming and take a look around you for a mom-

Mari: NO!

Gliscor: Come on....open up!

Mari: No! No Freakiing way- GLISCOR, LOOK OUT!

*A thunderbolt wizzes just bearly above Gliscor's face. Gliscor immediantly backs off*

Gliscor: Hey, you were looking!


Gliscor: Why should-

*Another Bolt of lighting arcs over Gliscor and he dive bpmbs*

Gliscor: Whew! That was close, Huh, Mari?

*Mari does not anwser*

Gliscor: Mari?....Uh....Mari?

*Suddenly Gliscor smells the scent of burning hair*

Gliscor:......Mari? Answer me if your still alive and did not get hit by lightning! MARI!


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Glad thats over...... still haven't figured out were I am!!!

Quan Chi: (From another area on the lost Island) Who.. who is this person? never seen or killed him before.

Scorpion: Hmm let me take a look.... I. I now him, I've met him before some where, I forget.

Quan Chi: Hmm, SCORPION, GO CHALLENGE HIM TO mortal kombat...

Scorpion: For what reason?

Quan chi: I want to see how strong he is.. if he is worthy..

Scorpion: I will, but you, dont forget are deal.

Quan chi: I have not forgot..



The girl: Hmm so these are the ummm htings you wnated me to have.

Athena: Yes, there not just things there the blades of exile

The girl: The blades of wa?

Asora: Excuse her she is stupid.

The girl: Im not stupid, just not undrstanding..

Aosra: Why do you want her to fight the cyclopes thing? does she look like she can kill a beast that size to you?

Athena: To be honest was told to give her the blades because she was... chosen... by Zues for some stupid reason... so I had no choice.

Asora: Great she's gonna die a horrible death.......... GREAT!!!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, we land in a cave of some sort, where we meet up with celestia and gilda)

gilda: "smashfan?"

gilda? celestia? thank goodness you all are alright!

excalibur: "if you don't mind my asking, where's discord?"

princess celestia: "hmm... he should be-"

???: "hang on, i'm back!"

(discord exits another cave. he is covered in kiss marks)

discord: "some people have the strangest fetishes..."

elecman.exe: "where are we, anyway?"

discord: "if i remember correctly, this should be meta knight's memory"

typhlosion: "...looks more like that cave where you fight the ghost train in final fantasy 6."

crocker: "meta knight must play a LOOOOOT of final fantasy, then..."

gilda: "then we need to find meta knight and the others and get outta here!"


...what was that?

(we hear a train coming closer)



(pan down, we are standing on rails, this place is only thin enough for trains and anything smaller to pass, no dodging room!)

plankton: "CHOO CHOO, MOTHERF**KER!!"

(light, the ghost train is closing in!)

all: "AAGH!!"

man-die: "how are we gonna outrun THAT?!"

(discord snaps his fingers, making a hand-powered rail cart appear on the track)

discord: "hop on, quick!"

(we get on the cart and discord begins cranking the lever, propelling the cart away from the ghost train)

+runaway music: the chase theme from Thomas and the Magic Railroad+



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

(Standing in the middle of the huge scary forest) Hmm...... I forgot what I was thinking about....

*Scorpion appearing out of a piller of falmes!!!*

What he? who are you?


So..... Im in..... outworld.. is.. is that what you called it?

Scorpion:<Doesn't know were he is.... what da f*** up wit dis kid> Yes this is Outworld, Im sent here to kill you. Prepare to be sent to the hells of THE nNETHERREALM!!!!!




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Sorry it took me so long to post something...
I ended up coming down with a fever, which sucks. :(

[COLLAPSE="Inside the Storm..."]-Gliscor dives to dodge a followup lightning bolt, aiming directly for his head-

Gliscor: -pant- Okay...
Something doesn't seem right here.

These lightning bolts are getting a lot more accurate-- WHOA!!

-Gliscor dodges swiftly to the side. Not one second later, another lightning bolt streaks by, barelly missing him-

Gliscor: ...Okay, remain calm.
Mari's unconsious,
And nature wants to kill me...

...wheres by bud Charizard when you need him?

-As if in answer, Gliscor hears a deep throated roar from behind-
Gliscor: Buddy, is that you?

-Another lightning bolt streaks in from the same direction as the noise-
Gliscor: Waah!~

he does a barrel roll to the side, making sure to hold tightly on to Mari so she doesn't slip off-​

Gliscor: ...Okay, not charizard...

-Gliscor suddenly skids to a halt. A strange wall of blue floats in front of him. Upon looking up, he sees two angry red eyes staring down at him as well-​

Gliscor: eep... H-hi there, don't mind us.
Just passing through, haha~

-The blue newcomer throws a swift punch at Gliscor. He quickly retreats back several feet to dodge-

Gliscor: Obviously not too friendly around this part of the neighborhood...

-The two red eyes glow Maliciously, the blue thing emits a loud Thunder-like roar. Gliscor's eyes shut tight in pain, and he plants both claws firmy over his ears.

Latios and Latias fly in. They immediately rush over to Gliscor's side.
Latias shoots them a look of both concern and relief-​

Latias: Thank goodness we finally caught up to you two!
What were you thinking flying directly into the storm like that?

Latios: Uhm Sis...?

Latias: ...not now brother, I'm trying to chew out this moron. Gimme a sec.

Latios: SIS!!!

-latias pauses mid-rant-
Latias: WHAT!?!

-A lightning bolt flies at her. Just in time, Latias manages to deflect the bolt before it can hit-

Latias: Okay, whats the meaning of--
Oh that's going to be a problem...

Latios: So, any tips on how to defeat an angry lightning God...?

Latias: I think we'd better run brother...

Latios: Yeah, sounds like a good idea.

-The beast roars loudly, and all three are forced to cover their ears-



-it roars again-​

Latios: Thundurus, we didn't mean to tresspass on your territory. We meerely wanted to retrieve our idiot friend so--

Thundurus: SILENCE!
-Lightnihg flashes through the sky-

Latios: (...he's not going to listen to us, is he...?)

Latias: Look out Brother,
here he comes.

Music: Boss Fight - Vs Thundurus.


[COLLAPSE="Part Two..."]-Latios tosses up his Protect, and catches a nasty Thunderbolt across his shield-
Latios: Sis, He's distracted!

Latias: Already on it
-Latias cups her claws together, and summons a ball of white mist.​

Thundurus: PESKY MORTALS!!

Latias: Put a sock in it, you overgrown catfish!
-She launches her Mist Ball at him.

-Thundurus's eyes glow, and a fat lightning bolt scatters the mist before it can connect-

-Gliscor flies in and latches himself onto Thundurus's back-
Gliscor: Let's see how you like this you big jerk!

-He sinks a pair of freezing canines down into Thundurus's flesh.

Thundurus roars out in pain, and tires to bat Gliscor off-​

Latios: Yeah, we've got him now!

Latias: Don't drop your guard just yet.

Latios: Right...

-Thundurus's body crackles with Electricity. Gliscor is forced to let go before Mari takes furhter damage-

Latios: Damn...

-Thundurus opens his palms out, and shoots a white hot beam of energy at the group

Latios darts in front of his sister and uses his protect to block the blast-

Latias: Thanks...

Latios: No prob.

- Without warning, Latios looks up and sees Thundurus looming directly over him-
Latios: W-when did he?

-Thundurus throws a crackling punch at Latios, and he gets sent flying back-

Latios: Brother!!

-He shoots a lightning bolt at Latias while she's distracted, and she gets sent flying as well-

Gliscor: Hey! Hands of my friends!

-Thundurus fixes a murderous eye on Gliscor and he stops in his tracks-​

Gliscor: -trembling- *gulp*

-A high-pitched scream comes from below. Thundurus takes his attention of of Gliscor and looks down toward the noise. Seconds later, he's blasted by a powerful shockwave of energy and recoils back-

Latios: Yeah! Dragon Pulse *****!

Latias: -unamused- ...you're enjoying this a little too much right now.

-Thundurus vanishes from sight, and reapears behind latios while he's still gloating.

Latios has just enough time to register alarm before he gets sent flying by another electrified punch-

-Thundurus feels scratching at his back and looks back to see Latias using her Dragon Claw against him-

Latias: Take this you stupid Giant...
And This!

-Thundurus spins around and swats Latias away-

Gliscor: (This guy's seriously tough)
-Thundurus tooks back toward him again-​


-Thundurus points a finger at Gliscor, and his Hyper Beam flies out from the tip-

-Gliscor dodges and uses his Stone Edge to retaliate​


-Thundurus feels his entire body go numb-
Thundurus: W-whats the meaning of...

-Unable to move, he takes the full assault of Gliscor's Stone Edge

Thundurus winces in pain-

Latias: Nice thinking, paralyzing it with Thunder Wave .

Latios: Yeah, this fight should be a lot easier to deal with now...

-Thundurus tries to attack, but his body goes numb again and doesn't respond-
[Thundurus was Paralyzed - It couldn't move]

Latios: Lets finish this sis.

Latias: Draco Meteor?

Latios: My thoughts exactly.

-The pair's eyes glow pure white, theres a brief moment of pause...

Then a blazing metor comes whizzing by and cracks Thundurus right on the head-

Latios: Boom. Headshot!

Latias: ... I see I'm going to have to restrict your caffiene intake from now on.

Latios: Aww, lighten up sis, we won. Look

-Everyone looks towards Thundurus, and sees him vanishing off into the distance-

Latias: Good riddance...

Gliscor: YAY!

Latios: That was too close...

Latias: So now we head back to the ship to check on Mari?

-Latios' smile melts-
Latios: Yeah...[/COLLAPSE]​


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Hey guys, please don't involve me into your stories for a few days, Hurricane Sandy may destroy my electricity for 7-10 days, thanks for cooperating.



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Cooooool! I'm so envious!)))

-The Lor-

Mordecai: Where the heck is Smashfan, dude? He's been gone for like, hours.

Magolor:...*sigh* I can't wait for them. I have to know if Mari's alright...

Rigby: We can't just leave them there!

Magolor: Rigby, It's Lavender town.

Rigby: EXACTLY!!

Magolor: I'm sorry. I have to go to Mari. You guys can wait there for them if you want to, but I'm leaving. Good luck.

Mordecai: All right ....See ya, little dude.

(With that, Magolor leaves Mordecai and Rigby and takes off on the Lor)

(((LOL, 100 page mark!)))


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
rigby: "...hey! you still got that green lantern ring?!"

mordecai: "rigby, if you're suggesting i call in the rest of the corps, i'm gonna let you know right now that even if it's possible they ARE still alive, they're probably miles, maybe even LIGHTYEARS away..."

*short pause*

mordecai: "let's do this like brutus!"

(mordecai holds one of his fists, with a green lantern ring, up in the air)

mordecai: "yo, guys! if you're still there, we need your help, ASAP!"

(mordecai assumes his appearance from MAD's Rio-A sketch)

mordecai: "alright, they're on their way. but i wouldn't hold your breath, rigby."

(5 green beams port in. before mordecai and rigby appear green lantern versions of Blu, Big Bird, Mumble, Road Runner, and the triangle bird from Angry Birds)

triangle bird: "what now, mordecai? if it's rigby again, i'm gonna be sooo cheesed..."

mordecai: "well, he DID bring up the idea, but that's not impartant right now. it's smashfan."

(the green lanterns gasp)

mordecai: "something wandering lavender town trapped his team into their own memories, himself included."

rigby: "WOAH woah woah woah! WHAT?!"

mordecai: "(holds up a copy of a newspaper with Equestria Daily's header on it) it was in the newspaper this morning."

mumble: "well, blu?"

blu: "hmm... his story seems to check out. i'm sensing something needlessly creepy roaming around..."

triangle bird: "blu, it's Lavender Town. freaky apparitions roam around here all the time."

blu: "alright, let's do this!"

road runner: "MEEP MEEP!"


Blu joined your team!


Big Bird joined your team!


Road Runner joined your team!


Mumble joined your team!


Triangle Bird joined your team!

mordecai: "y'think our rings have enough power to transport all of us into the mental realm?"

big bird: "you're not seriously thinking of going in there to find them, are you?"

blu: "no, big bird, mordecai's right. it may be risky, but it's our only option. (holds up a power cell lamp) so everyone, charge up!"

(the six green lanterns charge their rings)

blu: "if we pool all our ring power togther, we should be able to enter the mental realm for 10 in-game hours."

mordecai: "just enough time to find smashfan!"

blu: "rigby, you stay behind and guard us from here."

(the power rings of the green lanterns light up, opening a portal to the mental realm. next thing know, mordecai, blu, big bird, mumble, triangle bird, and road runner have disappeared)

rigby: "*sigh* now i know what everyone must be going through with all this separation sh** happening..."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Big bird in the house!!!!!ROMNEY EVER EVER END UP ON HIS STREET, Big birds kicken his ***!!!!



Scorpion: (on one nee breathing hard) damn your stronger then you look!!

Quan chi appears!!*****

Quan chi: So you were able to best the great Scorpion... Hmm FINISH HIM!!


Quan chi: You know.... finish him!

Umm. Ok..... How

Quan chi: Never mind his life is ruined any way!

Scorpion: What do you mean Im already dead!!?

Quan Chi: I was using you Scorpion! But now your useless, this here humanoid is much stronger! Humanoind!! side with me and we can rule all realms!!

Hell no, I just wanna go back to my deminsion.

Quan chi: If you work for me, I will get you back to your deminsion!! Were ever you came from.

Hmm, sound like a good deal.

Scorpion: You... YOU STRATER!!! (ATKS)

Quan chi: Before you do that Scorpion, I have an army that has you clan on lock down!! If you attack me, I will give them the order to kill your whole clan!!

Scorpion: Dammit



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Mushroom Kingdom - World 8"]

Charizard: Sorry Bishop, It appears here's where we part ways.

-The yoshi shakes his head-
Bishop: Sorry Pal, but I am not letting you venture in there by yourself.

[Ignore Mario in the picture plz]

Charizard: Don't worry. Tell Heavy Foot and the rest of the tribe I won't be long.

Bishop: And I told you I'm not leaving!
You'll die if you venture in there alone!

Charizard: Pfft,
Please, if a fat plumber can do it...

I was born inside a Volcano.
Don't worry, this is nothing for me.

-A wave of lava shoots up and nearly sear's Bishops leg off. He yelps and jumps back in surprise-

Bishop: Y-you sure you'll be okay?

Charizard: No prob.
Once I get through this cave, I can just fly over the whole thing.

Bishop: You know you're mad crazy for doing this?

Charizard: So I've been told...
See you in a few days.

[COLLAPSE="Bowser's Airship"]

Koopa Troopa: ... So then I was like,
You be trippin' Don't you be hangin' all up in my grill.

Bowser Jr.: You really said that to Kamek's mom?

Koopa Troopa: Pssh, No.
I like my body parts attatched where they are thank you!

Bowser Jr: Must be annoying having your shell knocked off all the time.

Koopa Troopa: Ugh! I know!
Did you know most Green koopa's don't even make it to adulthood?

Bowser Jr: No I didn't why?


Bowser Jr: What the--?

-A blue blur comes rushing in and knocks the Koopa over. He falls backwards and his shell comes flying off-

Koopa Troopa: B****!
**** *******!

Gliscor: We need a medic over here!

Bowser Jr: Oh Gliscor, it's you.
What's wrong, is somebody hurt?

-Gliscor leans down and reveals Mari lying unconscious across his shoulders-

Bowser Jr: Poison Mushrooms!
Niles, we need a healer over here yesterday!

-completely naked save for a pair of boxers-
Niles: Yeah... on it boss. -.-

Bowser Jr: What happened to your shell?

Niles: Frankly, I'm not in the mood right now...
-Niles dissapears into the main cabin, spewing several foul curses to no one in particular-​

Bowser Jr: Hmm...
What's his deal?



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(back with us)

(our hand-powered cart speeds down as the ghost train gains more and more speed)

plankton: "now i'll get'cha, discord!"

discord: "no you won't! because the magic you refuse to believe in, will get the better of you!"

man-die: "...where the hell did that come from?"

discord: "well, with the music that's playing, how could i resist?"

(the chase goes on for a while, leading into a mine with giant diamonds in it)

elecman.exe: "crank harder, discord! plankon's catching up!"

discord: "gotcha! (cranks the cart even faster)"

crocker: "(panicked) guys, we're getting close to the end of the line, here!"

plankton: "how right you are! AAHAHAHAHAHA!"

crocker: "...how can he hear my panicked muttering?"

???: "guys!"

(right next to the track appear the Flim-Flam Brothers on their Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000)

flim: "hop on, plankton's getting closer!"

flam: "and look forward!"


(zoom in to a rusted, insecure set of buffers at the end of the line)

discord: "i think we'll do just fine, there's also some points up ahead!"

flam: "we checked, those things are broken! and think about it; (points to their machine, then our cart) wheels, rails!"

flim: "he'll catch up for sure with you on that rusty piece of crap!"

...alright, i say we go with the cider machine.

(one by one, we hop onto the SSCS6K)

plankton: "BLAST IT!!"

flim: "hey, plankton!"

flam: "prepare to meet Amtrack! IN HELL!!"

(we speed to the empty tunnel while the ghost train continues on the track straight ahead)

plankton: "what was he blathering about? (looks just past the buffers. a large cliff in the mines) AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!"

(the ghost train smashes through the broken buffers and nosedives off the cliff, falls for about 100 feet, and lands in the water, still floating on it's side)

plankton: "(breaks out of the door facing upward) ah well. nice time of the year for a cruise..."

(back with us, again...)

thanks, guys. one thing, though... why are you two here?

flim: "funny story about that..."


flim's narration: "after we left ponyville, we decided we'd set up shop in Lavender Town. little did we know, the place was a GHOST TOWN..."

flam's narration: "literally! a bright light flashed over us, and next thing we know, we were back in ponyville, heading towards sweet apple acres to sell our product."

flim's narration: "once we'd realized what happened, we decided to turn tail and bail and look for a way out."

(flashback over)

flim: "and that's how we came to be in the mental realm..."

crocker: "(claps) (suddenly pulls out a hat and monocle) riveting tale, chaps!"

flim: "you know... getting trapped in our own memories has actually taught us something..."

not to get so cocky about how your invention would revolutionize the cider market?

elecman.exe: "not to split profits with your co-workers in unfair amounts?"

discord: "(putting bologna, chocolate sauce, and whole cheeseburgers on bread) that sometimes the most delicious food items have an unconventional recipe?"

flam: "yes, maybe, and yes, although your example is just disgusting... chocolate sauce on bologna, REALLY?"

flim: "but what we've also learned is that we need to make the most of our careers while we're alive and still have them! so we've decided that we shall re-invent ourselves... (making the "X, X everywhere" pose with flim) as heroes!"

...well, we'd appreciate any help we can get with saving all of smashboards from the Plague Union. (holds out photos of what smashboards has been like since the antagonists took over)

(both flim and flam look at the pictures with shock, flim even throws up in his mouth)

flam: "(holding photos, gazing angrily at them) such cheek! fancy villains doing things such as THAT!"

flim: "and what they did to equestria... (glares at that specific picture) it's VILE..."

actually, Dimmsdale was Vile's doing, along with Roodaka.

flam: "potato-potahto, smashfan. you've got yourselves a pair of allies!"


Flim & Flam joined your team!

man-die: "so this thing is actually faster than a train at top speed?"

flim: "are you kidding, space babe?"

flam: "we did the calculations ourselves, catching up is a lost cause unless you're Sonic the Hedgehog!"

who is defending pop star, according to the Lor, but that can be debated later...

flim: "what was that?"

oh, nothing. anyway, let's get to finding meta knight, shall we?

flam: "then let's kick it, flim!"

flim: "let's kick it, flam!"

(flim & flam use their unicorn magic to speed the SSCS6K's wheels up, leaving a flame trail in our wake as we proceed to the next area)


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((( And Speaking of Sonic...He's gonna come out in Wreck it Ralph! WOOO! Which gives me an Idea...)))

[COLLAPSE="Game Central Station...."]

Sonic:...And If you're gonna be game-jumping, You'll need to remember something: If you die outside your own game, you won't regenerate. EVER! Game Over!

Director: Annnnnd...CUT! That's a wrap, people!

Sonic: Finally....Hey....Can I ask you a question?

Director: Sonic, You can ask me anything! Shoot!

Sonic: Why am I DOING this ad? I mean, I game-jump all the time, look how many crossover titles I've been in!

Don'tcha think I'll be sending the wrong message?

Director: Sonic, baby! That's exactly why we're doing this! People tend to listen to an expert! And You're IT!

Sonic: But I'm CAREFULL about it. Ralph jumped into HERO'S DUTY, for crying out loud! I wouldn't even THINK about doing that!

Director: And that's why for the NEXT ad, we'll use him as an example! Think about It! A first hand experiance in a cold, hardcore First person Shooter! It'll go GLOBAL! Viral, Even!

Sonic: ...But Ralph hasn't come back yet.

Director: Dose he need to?

Sonic:.....yeah....Good Luck with that.

I'm gonna go take a break. See ya.

(Sonic runs off)



Sonic:...Ralph...As an Example? Feh!

I don't even know WHY I do show biz...

-Sonic's cell phone go's off and starts to play Riot, by Three days Grace.-

Sonic: Yello....Oh, hey, Magolor! How are- Whoa! Slow down....Dude, I can't understand you when you're talking like that! You've got a high piched voice, reme-

What? What about Mari?


....Stop. You can tell me the rest when I-Wait, Your...already here?

Alright, I'll meet you at Gate 90....Where is she?

Kanto....Jeez, What the heck is she doing there?

....I'll be there in 5- No, 2 minutes. Which is like....19 seconds for you.

See ya!

-Sonic Runs back to the set-

Director: Hey, you're back! About that ad...

Sonic: Forget it! One of my friends could be in life-threating danger, I don't have time!

Director: What?...But Sonic, You're the star....Can't you put it on hold?

Sonic: Didn't you hear what I just said?! I said A life's in danger! FORGET IT!

Director: BUT SONIC- Wait, why did you come here?

Sonic: Oh, right. You might wanna film this.

Director: Uh...What?

Sonic: Lights...camera...ACTION!

-camera starts rolling-

Director: Hey, I'm supposed to do that!

Sonic: Hey, boss? You might wanna look down.

Director: Wha-

( The Director looks down and finds his pants are down, then looks up and sees Sonic dangleing his belt in the air. The other game characters laugh.)

Sonic: Tightie Whities? Well, that explains everything!

Director: You! You....Why!

Sonic: What you're feeling now? Is exactly what Ralph's gonna feel. Dead or alive.

Just wanted to give you a " First hand experiance."

Director: You"ll PAY for this! PAY!

Sonic: For what? Giveing you what you deserve? Exsqueez me!

At least you went Viral on Youtube!

Director: Viral...!

(Tha Director turns around and sees several kids with camcorders.)

Director: Tr-Turn those off! I'll sue! I'll....

(Sonic isn't there any more.)

Director: SONNNNIIICCC!!!!



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Bowser's Airship - TV Lounge..."]

Xiroey: It's okay Yoshi... Tell her how you feel about her.
Go on... *sniff*

TV: "I'm sorry Yoshi. But I just don't have feelings for you like that. You've always been like a brother to me. It'd just be too wierd"

"--But Sasha! Don't you understand?
I love you--"​


Xiroey: Don't you see he's perfect for you you idiot!
Why won't you take him?

TV: Because I just can't bring myself to think of you in that way...

You're a really great guy Yoshi. I'm sorry.
I have to go...

"--But Sasha!"​

Xiroey: Damn it!
No! It can't end like this!

Why are you women so blind!

-Latias walks in through the automatic doors-
Latias: Why is it so dark in he--
Hey, what exactly are you doing?

Xiroey: *sniffles* Shh...
I'm trying to watch.

TV: "Sasha, don't go!
I-I need you!

"--Goodbye, Yoshi ~"​

-Latias rolls her eyes-
Latias: You're such a girl sometimes brother.

...Anyway, have you seen a green shell lying around anywhere?
It flew of when Gliscor dove in, and now we can't find it.

-Xiroey waves her away-
Xiroey: Not now. Not now~
No I haven't seen it...
Please leave, things are just getting good!

Latias: You're hopeless you know that?
-Latias tosses her head and leaves-

TV: If it takes a million Years, I'll wait for you!

Xiroey: Be strong Yoshi...
Be strong...

[COLLAPSE="Airship Training Quarters..."]

Raise those hooves!

Pony Horde: FOR EQUESTRIA!!!

Chrysalis: RIGHT!
Now on the ground!

-Theres a thunderous roar across the stadium, as 1000+ ponies hit the floor simultaneously-​

Latias: -Walks in- W-what in the world?


-Latias digs at her ears-
Latias: Ow... Loud much?

-Chrysalis notices Latias standing behind her and turns around-​

Chrysalis: Pony Horde! At ease!

-There's a collective sigh from the entire group.-​
-Latias has to cover her ears to block out the thunderous roar-​

Chrysalis: Yes, can I help you?

Latias: W-what is--
-shakes her head-​
That is not why I came here--​

-Chrysalis laughs at Latias getting so flustered-
Chrysalis: Why did you come here then?

Latias: -blinks- I-it's -- Uhm--
Yes, have you shell his seen lying around anywhe--

I mean--

Have you seen his shell lying around anywhere?

*Chrysalis chuckles*
Chrysalis: You're related to Xiroey aren't you?

Latias: How did you--?

Chrysalis: He gets that same goofy look whenever he gets flustered.
I'ts quite charming actually~​

-Latias blushes furiously-​

Chrysalis: Glad you asked.
As a matter of fact, we did happen to find a green shell lying around here when we came in.

-Chrysalis whistles, and one member of her horde steps foraward and places a small koopa shell into Latias' hands-​

Latias: T-thanks...
I'll make sure he gets it immediately.

Chrysalis: I'm sure you will.
Now if you'll excuse me...

Pony Horde!
Back on your feet!


Latias: I'll just... Go then.
-Inches out quietly-​


[COLLAPSE="In the Hallway - 2 hours Later"]

-Latias slumps down against a wall and lets her body go limp-​
Latias: Oww...
So many sore limbs.

Why does this airship have to be so big?​

Intercom: Attention as Smashboards Personel!
Attention all Smashboards Personel!

Latias: Ugh... What now?

Intercom: Please report to the 3rd Deck recovery room immediately


Latias: Mari's Awake!?


[COLLAPSE="Recovery Room"]

Gliscor: Maarriiiii!~
I'm so happy you're okay!

Mari: *choaking* Gliscor... Stop Hugging me...
My body is still sore...

-Latias walks into the room. Followed by Xiroey and Chrysalis soon after-​

Xiroey: What happened? Is Mari going to be alright?

Mari: Not if this idiot doesn't let go of me I won't...

-Chrysalis lays a hoof on his shoulder-
Chrysalis: It's okay Gliscor, We know you were worried.
You can let go now.​

-Gliscor hesitates for a sec. Then lets Mari go.​

Mari: *gasp* Thank You!

Latias: So how you feeling?
Any better?

Mari: ...More or less the same.

That bear hug certainly didn't help.

Gliscor: *groans*

Chrysalis: You had us all worried sick.
You know that right?

Mari: Everyone was... worried about me?

Xiroey: Tch~
Yeah, we were worried.
You nearly gave us a heart attack, pulling a stunt like that!​

Chrysalis: Gliscor here hasn't left your side since they brought you in.

Latias: Yeah,
My Brother on the otherhand!--

Xiroey: What?

Latias: Soap Operas

Mari: (Everyone was really worried?)

Bowser Jr: People!

Back up! Give the girl some room!

-Xiroey and Gliscor scoot over to the side to let Bowser Jr. through.-

Bowser Jr.: How's it goin' Mari?
Our Medic's fix you up okay?

Mari: More or less...
My body feels fine if that's what you mean.

Gliscor: -inturupts- Well that's good isn't it?
Mari's all healed, so there shouldn't be any more problems or suicidal missions.

Latias: Not exactly...

-Gliscor shoots Latias a murderous look-​

Latias: ...Anyway,
The problem with Mari isn't located within her flesh.

The problem is that her soul is continually trying to reject it.​

Gliscor: What?

Latias: I don't know...
I've never seen anything like this before.

Xiroey: I didn't know you could tell these things sis.

Latias: I spent a good amount of time as a Gypsy before entering that coma.

Gliscor: So.
Why is Mari's body rejecting itself?
Or whatever.​

Mari: It's the neckless.
I guess I haven't told some of you yet...

Magolor gave that necklace to me, my life force is linked to it.
If I don't get it back soon I'll...
Eventually die.​

Gliscor: What? No!
You can't!

Mari: It's okay Gliscor.
Everyone's time comes eventually.

Mine just came a litter sooner...

Latias: But surely there's something we can do to help?

Mari: I'm sorry.
That necklace is my life now.

Once it completely crumbles. I'm history.

-Gliscor grinds his teeth in frustration-
Gliscor: No... We can't let that happen.

Latias: That's pretty distubing news Mari.

Mari: It's okay. I've come to terms with my fate--

-A loud crash comes from the right side of the room-​
-Everybody looks around to see Gliscor standing with his claw punched through the wall-​

Gliscor: Mari, I wan't you to come see me immediately once you're well enough to walk.

You got that?

Bowser Jr: Gliscor, are you mad!
My dad's gonna kill me once he sees that hole in the--

Gliscor: You got that!?

-Gliscor fixes Mari with a relentless glare-

*Mari chuckles*
Mari: And you guys said I was the bossy one...

-Gliscor's ears shoot up-
Gliscor: You'll come then?

Mari: I feel about as good as I'm gonna feel.
Lead the way. I'll be right behind you.

Gliscor: Great!
No time, get on my back!

We'll sprint over



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


Quan Chi: Scorpion, If you better hed back to your realm. Your clan may be in need of your accestence.

Scorpion: Damn you Quan chi, something told me not to trust you. (Then disapears in flames)

Quan chi: Now Mars, Let us head towards smash boards realm, that is were Shoa khan is!

Shao Khan!! But I killed him!!

Quan chi: What? really?

Yea he was a piece of cake.

Quan chi: him, did you atleast pick up the amulet!!!

What amulet?

Quan chi: NOOOOOOOOOOO! you left the amulet of dark magic.


Quan chi: We must go to smash boards realm and find the amulet.

<Him, smash boards realm.... wait thats were I came from before I got here....> OK!!!!




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Lower Airship..."]
-Gliscor suddenly stops before a huge set of metal doors-​

Gliscor: Don't move!
The walls have noses...

Mari: What!?
Now you're just being weird. Why did you take me down here?

Gliscor: On the count of three, I want you to close your eyes tight
and cover your ears...
You got that?​

Gliscor: What the hay are you talking about?
I though this was serious--

-Gliscor intakes a huge breath. His chest puffs up to twice it's normal size-​

Mari: Uhm... What are you doing?

-Gliscor unleashes a deafening scream-​
-By instinct, Mari plants her hands over her ears and shuts her eyes tight-​

-Voice code Recognized-

Gliscor: It's okay, you can relax now.

-Mari reluctantly allows her muscles relax-​
Mari: What gives Gliscor?
You nearly blew my eardrums out!

Why would you-- Ooooh...​

Gliscor: Please do not touch anything.
99% percent of the contents in this lab are extremely fatal.​

Mari: Y-you really built all this?

Gliscor: Nah, I didn't have nearly enough time.
I'd need three days, at least, in order to get started.

Mari: What is this stuff?

Gliscor: Mostly untested experiments, developed by several of the Mushroom Kingdom's most prestigious scientists.

-Mari goes speechless-

Gliscor: I know. So many fun and dangerous chemicals in one place!
Reminds me a lot of home...​

Come on. I want you to have a seat over there in the corner.

-Too shocked to argue, Mari climbs off of Gliscor's back, and picks a comfy swivel chair near the computer desk-​

Gliscor: -rummaging though stuff-
Where did i put it...
Where'd I put that box...


-Gliscor produces a small rectangular box made of cloth.
He walks over to Mari and places it on the desk beside her-​

Mari: Okay, what's going on.
What's inside the box?

Gliscor: Mari, listen...

Mari: ???

Gliscor: I believe I may have something that could potentially save your life.

-Mari nearly falls out her chair-
Mari: Gliscor, you know that's impossible.
Without my necklace I--

Gliscor: You won't need your necklace once this treatment is over.

Mari: T-treatment..?

Gliscor: I've been working on this drug for a long time.
You see, you and I are in much the same boat.​

Not too long ago, It was declaired that I only had a few months to live...

Mari: No!
That's awful!

Why aren't you in the hospital reciving medical help?​
You should be--

Gliscor: It's okay now...

-Mari has to pause for a moment to take in all the information trying to hit her at once-

Mari: (Deep Breaths...)
Okay, what exactly is it you wanted to show me?​

Gliscor: This.

-Gliscor opens his the box and reveals a single red crystal-​

Mari: W-what is that?

Gliscor: It's crystalized rat's blood.
Or rather... A chemical derived from rat's blood.​

Mari: Okay...
What's it do?

Gliscor: Mari, I have to warn you.
Taking this drug will clear out every foriegn object in your body.

It's a very painful process, and involves a lot of vommiting.

Mari: Okay... gross.
But how exactly does that help?

Gliscor: It doesn't.

Mari: You lost me...

Gliscor: This on the other hand...
-Gliscor reaches into his procket, and produces a sinister looking black crystal-​

Mari: Okay, what is that?

Gliscor: Instant death.

-Mari gets up out of her chair-
Mari: Alllrighty then!
You're officially crazy!

And so am I for agreeing to follow you down here.​

-Gliscor lays a claw on her shoulder before she can walk out-

Gliscor: It's okay Mari. I promise I won't let you die.

Mari: ...Gliscor, If you don't unhand me this instant...

Gliscor: That connection you have with the necklace goes both ways.
It it crumbles, you die.

If you die. The link is broken.​

-Mari stops trying to escape from his grasp-

Mari: Continue...

Gliscor: As I told Chrysalis before, I'm a scientist.
And i'm also an explorer.

I've been many places, and seen many things. I know of the necklace that you speak of.

Mari: But how could you?
Magolor had it...

Gliscor: Like I said, I've been around.
The concept behind your necklace ties into a lot of Old Magic and junk.​

Mari: ...Stil not exactly sure how you know about all that.
But okay, what's your plan?

Gliscor: It's quite simple actually. Nothing should go wrong, as long as the procedure is done in the right way.

First I give you the black drug.
Your heart will stop. Well... almost. And, by all scientifc means, you'll officially be a dead person! WOOHOO!

-Mari doesn't smile-

Gliscor: Shortly after that drug is given. I'll give it some time to take effect, and then I'll give you the drug that I created to combat my disease.

Mari: I think I see what you're getting at.

Gliscor: Yup. Since the drug works by driving out anything foriegn, it'll also drive out the Instant Death.

After that, I give you a big hearty shot of adrenaline, and you wake up feeling
energized, and sick as a dog!

Mari: Sounds fun...

Gliscor: Iiiit... really isn't.
But after you "die" the link will be broken and you won't have to worry about the necklace any more.

In fact, if you really wish to continue using it. I can work together with your Magolor, and help create an improved "necklace" that won't give you that same problem.

...Althogh I'll need the help of a ghost type to make it work.

Mari: Sounds awfully dangerous.

Gliscor: Typically, but not as long I'm the one treating you.
If you trust me, I'd like to begin the process right away.​

So, your answer then?



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

Gliscor: Well?

Mari:...This world is a very strange place, isn't it?

Listen, Gliscor, Without that necklace, I'm basiclly normal...Untill Magolor teaches me REAL magic, I'm pritty much defenceless.

So why not do Both?

Gliscor: Both...?

Mari: Take another Necklace or staff or whatever and infuse it with the same power. Magolor is sure to have something like that. I've seen him fiddleing with that kind of stuff...

As for The ghost type...we might need Gengar for that...

Gliscor: So...?

Mari: So like Peter Pan said: To die would be a great adventure! Let's do it!

(And...If it doesn't work...Perhaps...

I'll see them again...

-The Lor-

Sonic:....I...Had no idea...Oh, man...

Magolor: That's why I had to leave Smashfan. I need to know if...

She's still alive...

Sonic: If she isn't, I would have heard about it. It's just....

Magolor: What?

Sonic: She never told me about that necklace. I knew it gave her some kind of power...But I never knew.

Magolor: She didn't want you to worry. It's something she would do, alright.

I mean, after you saved her from herself.

Sonic: Yeah...I wonder if she's feeling the same way she did that day....


(Sonic is seen running, as usual, to is favorate spot in Green Hill Zone: A cliff overlooking everything for miles.

Except Someone was already there...)

Sonic: Huh..?

(Cut to Mari sitting down, her legs dangleing over the edge. She's a complete wreck: Her clothes are ripped and tattered, her hair's a mess, and multiple cuts and bruses are all over her body)

Sonic: Hey...You're a new face.


Sonic: ...You're not thinking about jumping off, are you?

Mari: ...Who wants to know?

Sonic: I'm Sonic...Sonic the Hedgehog.

(Mari turns around and gives an angery look.)

Mari: Never heard of you. Go away.

Sonic: Well, that's not very nice.

Mari: Nice? You wouldn't even begin to imagen me angery.

Go away. Leave me alone.

Sonic: Not if you're gonna jump. Believe me, you're not the first.

Mari: Nor am I going to be the last. As long...as there's villans...and evil...and pain in the world. No one's EVER going to be happy. No matter how hard we try to fix it.

Sonic: You don't know how wrong you are.

Mari: You think I care?

Sonic: *Laughs* You remind me a lot of one of my friends. And he isn't very nice sometimes.

Mari: At least you have some. At least you have Family and People you care about.

Enjoy them while it lasts. Because sooner or later, They'll all be gone.

Sonic: I agree.


Sonic: Life's too short. We gotta live it while it lasts. And even if we do lose the ones we love...It's OK. Because we'll join them sooner or later.

That doesn't mean we have to cut our lives even shorter. We can't do a thing about the past...

But there's always the future.

Mari:...You really believe that?

Sonic: What else is there to believe in?

Now why don't we get you somewhere less life threating?


Sonic: I really hope she's OK...

Magolor: Well, We'll find out-Huh?

Sonic: What is it?

Magolor: There's...An airship in the distance.... Should I flag them down?

Sonic: Go ahead. Maybe we'll get some info if we ask...



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Alright I got WiFi at my aunts, Im ready!


Muhti: Dimentio, are we ready? HEY!

*Dimentio snaps back into reality*

Dimentio: Uh yes, I suppose, the good guys stole my life once, Im not letting it happen it again!

*There was a silence within the room, everyone knew what he was thinking*

Mr.L: *Dimentio.... What are you doing?*

*There was still a silence in the room until part of the necklace crumbles finally making a sound*

Muhti: She's about to die, Dimentio

Dimentio: Alright, *heaves in air* shall we start with only 3 major heroes now?

Drawcia: Ooohhhh, I love invasions!

*Everyone walked downstairs in silence, each with their weapon loaded*

Gengar: So where first, jester? *tries to keep up with his stubby legs*

Dimentio: Kanto, my dear Ghost, Kanto....


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Quan chi: Its not working... why is my power to teleport through the realms not working!!?

....Dont ask me, I dont no.

????: Smash boards permitts you, Quan chi! of entrance into the smash boards realm!!!!!!

Quan chi: Who was taht? Show your self!

SB Elder god: I am the Elder god of smashboards!!

Really... then why did you not help us when the war between the good and evil Happened!!

SB Elder god: Because its not my concern.....

Quan chi: Enough!!! stop interfering with my powers. Let me through to the smash boards!!

SB Elder god:....Hmmm whats in it for me?

*Mileena appears*

Mileena: Found you, I thought I smelled something NEEWW!!

ohh SHE'S HOT!!

Quan chi: Take another look..............

What u mean?

Quan chi: God, Why are you here Mileena. Go away.

Mileena: NOOOOoooo im here to take this humanoid!!! Shang tsung neeeeeds, anew soul to devour!

Quan chi: just because he created you does not mean you have to follow his orders. Join me and....

Mileena: Shut up, we all no your back stabber.

Can I please just go home

(Mileena and Quan chi): SHUT UP!!!!




Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Happy Halloween, Everyone!)))

-Bowser Airship-

Magolor:...So Mari's in here? Really?

B. Jr. : Yep. She's with Gliscor at the moment. He told us to wait a few hours, for some reason.

Magolor: Thank the anciants and stars above....I can't wait to see her.

B. Jr.: You must really care about her.

Magolor: We all do. Right, Sonic?....Sonic?

B. Jr.: Hey, Where'd he go?

-Lower airship-

Sonic: Jeez, This ship is NOTHING compared to Egghead's battle armadas....

(Sonic come across the lab door.)

Sonic: What's this?


Sonic: ....Uh...

Voice code unreconized.

Sonic:...Wonder what's behind here?

(Sonic puts his ear on the door...and suddenly hears a voice...)

???: ...World is a strange place, isn't it?


(Sonic raps the door with his knuckles)

Sonic: I Could probablly knock this down...


???:....to die....would be a great...Let's do it!

Sonic: ...Wha..?

(What the heck are they talking about in there?)

(((I think we know where this is going, don't we, Xiro? )))



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
((I've wanted to do this for a while, haha))

[COLLAPSE="Lower Airship"]

Ba Bum...

Gliscor: Rest easy now Mari.
I promise, you're in good hands...​

Ba Bum...

-Mari lies on a pallet on the ground. Her face goes paler by the moment. She gasps desperately for breath-

Mari: *choaking* I cant...

Gliscor: I'm sorry. I wish it weren't so unpleasant.
Relax, It'll all be over soon.​

Ba Bum...

-Mari's eyes start to glaze over-

Gliscor: (No going back now.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I cant..."

"Relax, It'll all be over soon..."

Sonic: Oh hecks naw,
Get your filthy hands off of Mari you psycho!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Gliscor approaches Mari's bedside with a small syrenge. He squirts a bit of the red liquid out to test the needle-

Gliscor: Not yet,
I have to wait until she's fully unconscious--


-The door comes flying off it's henges. Gliscor has to duck to avoid getting decapatated by the deadly projectile-​
-There's a loud metalic crash as the door collides with the far wall-​

Gliscor: What in the world--?

Sonic: WHERE IS SHE!?!

-Gliscor squints through the brightness of the hallway, and sees a small spikey silhouette standing there-

Gliscor: What the flip man?
What buisness do you have barging in here like you own the--*ack*​

-Gliscor feels a firm hand squeeze around his throat. He blinks towards the hallway entrance and notices the silhouette is no longer standing there-​

Gliscor: I-impossible...
Who are-- *aagh*

-Sonic squeezes tighter-​

Sonic: Tell me.
Is that Mari lying on the floor?​

Gliscor: *aagh*


-Gliscor's vision goes splotchy-​

Sonic: So help me, if you don't answer me...

Gliscor: (Not good... Judging by the shape of the silhouette I just saw, and the speed...

This can only be Mari's friend Sonic.
Of all the unwanted...​

-Sonic squeezes until his knuckles turn white-​

Sonic: Speak devil, before I pop your stinkin' head off--

-Sonic notices something coming at him out of the corner of his eye-
-He releases Gliscor and jumps back just in time to avoid Gliscor's tail stinger-

-Gasping for breath-
Gliscor: Sonic... I know this looks bad but...

Sonic: Looks Bad?
Looks Bad?

Gliscor: Okay, very bad
But, if you'll just let me explain--​

-Gliscor gets knocked across the room-​

Sonic: You make me sick...

-The sound of shattering glass fills the room, as Gliscor connects with several untested experiments. He vanishes among a mess of test tubes and beaker fluids-​

-Sonic rushes over to Mari's side and places two fingers on the side of her neck.-​

Sonic: I'm too late...

-Gliscor gets up out of the mess of broken glass-
Gliscor: Listen Sonic, you need to let me finish treating Mari or she'll

-Gliscor's words suddenly get cut off, and he feels Sonic's hand around his throat again.-

-The world whizzes by in a flurry of Whites and blues, and then he's tossed several meters across the outside deck of the ship-

Gliscor: Ow...
What just--

-A powerful force strikes Gliscor in the face, and he goes flying into the main lookout pole-

Gliscor: (Crap, he's moving faster than I can--)

-Sonic grabs Gliscor as he's falling of the pole and starts slugging him in the face. One fist after the next-

Sonic: So you thought you'd make lunch out of my best friend did you?
Eh, Bloodsucker?​
Do you enjoy praying on helpless females? Is that it?​

-Gliscor's vision starts to fade-​

Sonic: Oh, don't you black out yet!
I'm not through with you!

-Sonic tosses Gliscor on the ground-​

Sonic: I'm going to draw this out as long as I can so you can feel exactly how she must've felt.
Slow usually isn't my style. But for you I'll make an exception.​

Gliscor: (It's no good... Unless I do something quick Mari will--)

-Sonic kicks Gliscor in the head. His back collides with the side rail of the ship-

Sonic: I've heard about your kind.
Gliscor, isn't it?​
Vampires, all of ya.​

Gliscor: (Vampire...)

Sonic: I'm tired of looking at that ugly face of yours.
I would say tell Mari I said Hi...​
But frankly I don't think you're going to the same place as she is.​

Gliscor: (Bloodsucker...)

-Sonic prepares to deliver the finishing blow. Right in the head.
But his foot only connects with solid wood-

Sonic: What the--?

-Sonic's back lights up like fireworks in July-​
-The pain only grows worse with each second-​

Gliscor: Bloodsucker am I?
Let me tell you something Sir.
You don't know anything about it!​

Sonic: Finally decided to get serious have ya?

-Gliscor stands a few feet away, fixing sonic with a murderous, almost hungry, gaze-

Gliscor: You wanted a vampire?
Fine. You've got one.​

Sonic: Heheh,
Bring it, Batty.

Blood Match - V.S. Sonic
(Music: "Biolizard - Supporting me")


[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]

-Gliscor launches two glowing claws at sonic. His attack connects with thin air, sending him off ballance-

Sonic: You're too slow!
-Sonic launches a flying spin kick at Gliscor's back and he gets goes reeling-​

Sonic: Not done yet!
-There's a series of loud smacks as Sonic proceeds to Smack Gliscor left and right faster than the eye can see--before he can even hit the ground-​

Gliscor: (Cant... Keep up with this guy!)

-Sonic does a vertical 360 summersault and slams Gliscor right in the head. He gets sent straight down, and hits hard wood-

Gliscor: *oof*

-Gliscor throws up his Protect, already anticipating another painful follow up-

Sonic: Heheh, you can't hide behind that lame shield forever.

Gliscor: Who said anything about hiding?

-Just as his shield drops, Gliscor opens his mouth and spews out a thuck purple cloud.

-Sonic jumps back to avoid the mist-​

Sonic: The h*ll--

-Several sharp rocks fly out of the mist.-
-Quick as a flash, Sonic dives over to the side to evade the attack.
-And takes a pointed stone right in the abdomen-​

Sonic: (He knew where I was gonna--?
Oh no!)

-Gliscor comes flying out of the cloud and slashes makes a wild slash at Sonic.-

-Sonic easily dodges out of the way-​

Sonic: You'll never hit me with obvious attacks like that!

Gliscor: Heheh...

Sonic: ?

-Sonic notices himself starting to sink into the floor of the ship-​

Sonic: What the--?

Gliscor: Sand Tomb.
Now hold still.​

-Sonic stugggles against the hold of the sand, but only manages to make himself sink quicker.

The sand bites into him like a million tiny ants, madly irritating the wound on his back-​

Sonic: I won't go down this easily damn you!

-Gliscor's claws glow an ominous purple-​

Gliscor: One more Cross Poison oughta do the trick...

Sonic: Fat chance!
-Flames shot up out of the pit and engulf Sonic's body. The sand pit surrounding him hardens into glass, and he brakes free-​

Gliscor: Wait a minute. You're not a fire ty--

-Gliscor gets Shoryukened-​

Sonic: You don't know the half of what I'm capable of!

-Glsicor vanishes from out of the sky-​

(Behind Sonic's Back): Neither do you...

-Sonic does a swift spinning kick, but his foot connects with nothing-​

Sonic: Okay, how did you do that you sneaky--

-Sonic feels another powerful sting across his back-​

Sonic: Ahh!

Gliscor: It's my turn now!

-Gliscor launches Sonic into the air--then proceeds to pummel him relentlessly, faster than the eye can see-

Gliscor: You thought you were the only one with speed?

-Gliscor slams Sonic away with a purple claw-​

Gliscor: Well guess again!

-Sonic crashes painfully into a pile of crates-​
-Gliscor floats down on a gentle breeze-​

Gliscor: Forgive me Sonic.
I can't kill you, Mari would never forgive me if i did...

Sonic: You choose now...
To develop a conscience...?​

Gliscor: I always had one.
The simple fact is, I'm the only one who can save your friends life.​

Sonic: LIES!!!

-Sonic launches himself out of the pile of crates, and comes at Gliscor with raging fists-​
-Gliscor dodges them all with relateive ease-​

Gliscor: You've gotten sloppy--

-Sonic nearly surprises him with a sweeping low kick. Gliscor cuts his arrogant remarks short, and retreats back a few paces-​

Gliscor: heh...
Then again, you're not someone I should be underestimating.

Sonic: I promise I'll see you burn for what you've done.

Gliscor: I haven't done anything. Yet.
But If I don't end this fight quick, you may just get what you're asking for.​

Sonic: Quit speaking in Riddles!

-Sonic launches another spinning kick at Gliscor's face. To his surprise, his foot connects with a swirling wall of sand and he gets launched up into the air-​

Gliscor: Like I said. I have no more time to waste.

-Sonic gets shot up on the top of a swirling sand tornado-​

Gliscor: Sandstorm!

Sonic: (Gotta escape fast...)

Gliscor: Stone Edge.
-From his spot in the middle of the tornado, Gliscor launches several pointed stones straight up. The swirling vortex sucks the stones up like a ravenous black hole, sending them rocketing upward at incredible speed.-
-They hit sonic like a ton of bullets.-​
[ Critical Hit! ]

Gliscor: It's over...
-Gliscor lets the sandstorm crumble. Two tons of sand come flooding onto the main deck. Followed shortly by Sonic, completely unconscious-​

-Gliscor disregards Sonic. Instead, he looks up and checks the position of the Moon-
Gliscor: Luckily, I managed to fight you in a blind rage.
With your skill you most likely would have beaten me...​

I need to get back.

-Gliscor chargest up one last Rock Polish, his speed hits maximum levels-
-Then he bullets off toward the lower decks like a man with the devil himself at his shoulders-​



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
???: "STOP! BOTH OF YOU!!"

(suddenly, both sonic and gliscor are restrained by changelings. queen chrysalis enters the room)

queen chrysalis: "what is the matter with you, hedgehog?!"

sonic: "chrysalis, let me explain-"

queen chrysalis: "no, let GLISCOR explain!"

(the changeling restraining sonic chokes him)

sonic: "GHH! damn, these things have a tight grip!"

queen chrysalis: "gliscor, just what was going on when sonic attacked you?"

gliscor: "well, i had a plan to save mari from dying. i gave her the Instant Death drug, intending to give her this after it took effect. (holds up red drug) since it was designed to remove any foreign objects from the body, it would remove the Instant Death from mari before she would completely die."

queen chrysalis: "of course... that way the necklace would crumble and mari could still live without need for it! SONIC!!"

(the changeling flies sonic closer to chrysalis)

queen chrysalis: "what in equestria were you thinking?!"

sonic: "eep..."

queen chrysalis: "word of advice, sonic; GET THE WHOLE STORY before you go attacking your allies. gliscor could very well have been saving YOUR life for all you cared..."

sonic: "got it..."

queen chrysalis: "good... changelings, release them."

(the changelings drop sonic and gliscor on the floor)

gliscor: "thanks for that, chrysalis... (running for mari's flatbed) now, i've gotta evict that instant death from mari before it's too late!"

(gliscor shoves the red drug into mari's mouth)

+SFX: dramatic heartbeat+

(mari sprints up and coughs up the instant death drug. then just vomits for some time)

gliscor: "hmm. the process doesn't usually go so fast..."

sonic: "gliscor... sorry about the whole mix-up before..."

gliscor: "s'alright. these things happen. so long as it's behind us..."


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Aww, That was AWESOME, Xiro! You're really good at fight scenes. I should probably get to writing one too, Later...)))

-Minutes before...-

...............Where...Where am I?

....Maribel. What are you doing here, honey?

...That....voice....It can't be...


Hello, dear. It's nice to see you again.

I missed you.

Ma....it...can't be you...It....

Of course it's me! You don't reconize your own mother?

Now come here and give me a hug.


..Ma...I...missed you too....You have no idea...how much I've-

Yes. I know. I know just how much.

And I'm so proud of you.

You...you are...? But....I've....I'm...

You've done so much for the world. You've saved lives. And you did it all knowing that you would die soon.

That takes courage, bravery, and passion.

Just like your father!

Where is he? Isn't he here?

Oh, he is...And so is your brother.

They are busy right now, But they told me to tell you that They love you. And your father is proud of you as well.

A chip off the old block, he said.

Yeah...that sounds like Pa.

Ma...I...wish...I wish I could stay here...With you.

But I can't.

I know. Your friends need you. The world needs you. I understand.


I love you.

I love you too, dear. Now go on.

Go kick some butt.

And show them what happeneds when you cross a Guardian.

...Guardian? What's that?

Oh...You don't know about that yet, Don't you?

Well, You'll see. In time.

Now go. Help your friends. And don't leave them again, promise?

I promise.

It was nice seeing you again...Ma.

It was nice seeing you too.

I love you.

I love you too....Ma.


Where'd you go?




Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
mari: "uugh... what happened while i was out?"

sonic: "oh, nothing much."

gliscor: "yep, everything went just swimmingly!"

queen chrysalis: "everything's just fine."

(pan out to the wreck scattering the lab)

mari: "...sonic burst in and had a fight with gliscor that nearly endangered my life, didn't he?"

sonic: "*sheepishly* in my defense, i couldn't make out everything you were saying from behind that steel door that's now in the corner."



queen chrysalis: "doglike?"

(the two doglike beings enter the room. two diamond dogs, Fido and Spot.)

sonic: "diamond dogs?"

spot: "you gotta help us!"

fido: "our boss gone ballistic!"

mari: "wait a minute... weren't you the same diamond dogs that kidnapped rarity in that one episode?"

(fido and spot look at eachother)

fido & spot: "maybe..."

(outside, rover is now GIANT and rampaging!)

roverzilla: "RRRRAAAAAGH!!!"

(the team looks out the window)

sonic: "...oh god."


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-The Lor-

Magolor: GAAAAH! Get it away! GO AWAY!!

( Roverzilla is attepting to jump across to the Lor )


-Bowser Airship-

Mari: The fudge? How did Rover get that HUGE!?

Sonic: Does it matter?! That thing will wreck the ship! Let's go!

Mari: I'll try and see if I can't-

Gliscor: NO. You are staying right here.

You don't have any powers for the moment, and You're still sick.

Mari: What do you mean, I haven't barfed for at least-

(Mari suddenly doubles over and Barfs. Again.)

Gliscor: My point. I rest my case.

Mari: Fine....Stay safe.

Sonic: We will....Hey, by the way, Where's Xiro? Weren't you going to pick him up?

Mari: How'd you know that?

Sonic: Magolor told me while we were on our way here.


Sonic: Uh...Yea....OH, MAN!



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
*The group board the extended Brovot with a Dimentio clone guarding Smashboards HQ*

Dimentio (2): Take care you!

Dimentio: You too!

*The ship starts flying upward*


*The clones' voice trails off as the Brobit leaves*

Muhti: What did he say about me?

Gengar: Dunno, we'll find out later.

Drawcia: Hey! Lets play twister!

Dimentio: Yea! and then we can sniff Gengars as* when he goes in the wrong spot. *rolls eyes*

Mr.L: Cheer up Dim'! We are gonna destroy those punks!

Muhti: Err' who's flying the ship?!

Mr.L: My left over hot dog is steering

All except Mr.L: WHAT?!

*The ship takes a turn as Mr.L rushes to the wheel*

Near: Well then, we got the idiot of the group.


*The group finally finds themselves next to an airship fighting a Godzilla like creature*



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Please can I go back to were I came from.

Mileena: NOOO Ill be taking you to Shang tsung and Shoa Khan! After Im done killing Quan chi.

Quan chi oolish *****! Humaniod here, has killed Shoa Khan.

Mileena: .......Reallly?

Yea I murdered that dude. Me and My girl!

Mileena: Im suprised this humanoid was... able to over.......... I... well then ...

I was like *punch* Then I was like..

Quan chi: ENOUGH!!!! So what will you do now Mileena?



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-The Lor-


(Magolor atempts to blast Roverzilla with orbs of dark energy. It dosen't do a thing.)

(Suddenly, Roverzilla grabs Magolor with one of his huge hands, climbs to the top of the mast of the Lor, and Roars, completeing the KING KONG picture of the moment.)

Magolor: *frailing his hands* HEEEELLP MEEEEE!!

-Bowser Airship-


B. Jr: WHOA! What was that?

Sonic: Look! West side of us!

Mari: *sees the Brobot* Muhti.


B. Jr.: I'll go find him! *runs to find Xiro*
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