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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ- connecting hallway."]Mari: Jeez, this place is HUGE!

-several hours later....-

Mari: I think I'm lost....

???: Looking for something?

(Mari whirls around and finds Dementio sitting on a slate of metal. She instantly takes up a fighting stance, Her hands glowing with white light energy.)

Dementio: Oooh...feeling hostle today?

Mari: Just give me one good reason to slice your hat in half, along with the rest of your body.

Dementio: Aw, come on. I only want to talk.

Mari: No. Way. Get out of here.

Dementio: Well...Let me put it this way...Come with me quietly, or the last thing you'll hear is your friends screaming in pain.

Mari: Exactly what I wanted to hear.

Dementio: (?) What-

(Mari springs forward and sends three beams of light at Dementio. Unluckly, He teleports out of the way and insane laughter can be heard.)

Dementio: Oh, That's it! That's just the kind of power I want in my army!

Mari: Your army? What happened to Kefka?

Dementio: I got rid of him. He wasn't fit for the throne.

Mari: And you are?

Dementio: Of course! I'll live a long and wealthy life....Ruleing Smashboards, that is...

(Dementio then suddenly appears behind Mari)

Dementio: You, on the other hand....will Not.

(Before Mari can react, Dementio snaps his fingers and Mari's shoulder is impaled with a giant spike. Mari cries out in pain and falls to her knees.)

Dementio: And voila! Instant Bloodbath! So....before I endyou, I want to make a deal....

Join me. Or Everyone pays the price.


Dementio: What's that? Speak louder.


Dementio: What?

Mari: Go...to...Hell...Clown....

Dementio: Been there, done that. Ah, well.

I was hoping you'd say otherwise.

Mari: (Can't believe I'm gonna say this...)

Dementio: I"m just gonna put you in another demention untill I figure out what to do with-

Mari: DISCORD!!!

Dementio: Whoops.

(Dementio snaps his fingers once more and Mari disappears from sight...)[/COLLAPSE]


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
*Dimentio sighed in relief*

Dimentio: That was too close.

*Dimentio sees a shadow approaching fast*

Marx: Mari? I'd everything alright?

*Dimentio fades out and teleports behind marx*

Dimentio: Hello Marx, wonderful weather isn't it?

*Marx turns and jumps back*

Marx: What do you want two-timing dirty traitor!

Dimentio: An offer for you

Marx: What are you talking about?

Dimentio: I overheard Magalor talking behind your back

Marx: Liar!

*Dimentio poofs in a tape recorder*

Magalor(?): Marx is such an idiot when it comes to plot twists, Dimentios too! His was too scripted. Back onto Marx..... He is just a little ****** on a ball. Pfft anybody could be that.


Dimentio: *Heaves in air* Yes, some team, that's why Im here, would you like to join me? The Leader of the SmashBoards Antagonist Army?

Marx: Urgh.... I suppose.

Dimentio: Good! At least your not a screaming little bi*** like Mari

*Before Marx could argue Dimentio teleported him elsewhere, and himself to the Final Destination......*


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*Still on the ledge, thinking of what happend today, (NOTHING HE'S BEEN ON THE LEDGE ALL DAY) and wondering whats going to happen tommarrow... and is still siiting on that ledge till this very moment!!!*


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ - East Landing Sector"]

Rigby: I gotta say, If this is how you guys normally tackle your chores, I need to get one of you for a boss.

Gengar: You wouldn't want me for a boss.

Rigby: Pssh, Why not~
This seems like a pretty good gig to me.

Gengar: Oh it is!~
Except that--

-A loud crash comes from the Lor and cuts Gengar off-
Magolor: What was that?

-Gengar gets up and rushes over towards the ship-
Gengar: Good God man,
Are you alright?

How the heck did you fall?

Latios: {Mumbling incomprehensively} Nnngh...

Gengar: -sighs- Leave it to you Xiro to find a way to trip and fall in the air.

-Latios clutches his left shoulder as if in pain. No visible signs of damage can be seen however-
Latios: S-stab...

Gengar: "Stab?"
...have you been eating that chocolate stuff the monkeys have been flinging around?

Latios: S-stab wound...

Genagr: Wait, you were keeping track of Mari's emotions just now?

Latios: Go check...!

Gengar: Oh **** Right!
-Rushes off in the direction of the main building-

Magolor: Where are you off to in such a rush? Did Xiroey hurt himself badly?

Gengar: Gotta go! Mari's in trouble!

Magolor: Mari's in--
-Jumps up from his message-

Keep an eye on the ship you two. Don't let those monkeys tear it up!

Rigby: Wait, what?

-from some distance away-
Magolor: Watch the ship!

Rigby: Gawww~

I knew this gig was too good to be true.

Mordecai: ... It gets worse.

Rigby: What? Why?

-Without Gengar around, the animals slowly begin to stop what they're doing and regain consiousness-

Rigby: Oh...



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(we enter the west runway, where the lor is docked)

is everyone alright?!

princess celestia: "we head an explosion from over here!"

mordecai: "...smashfan?"

mordecai & rigby?

rigby: "ah, dude! sweet!"

haven't seen you two since treasure island. how's it been?

mordecai: "pretty sh***y..."

elecman.exe: "you don't know the meaning of the word 'sh***y'..."

rigby: "trust me, we've seen some pretty sh***y sh**, so we know just the sh** we're talking about."

mordecai: "and we aren't sh***ing you, there."

discord: "so, what's happening?"

(pan out to all the monkeys ravaging the lor)

mordecai: "we're getting sh** upon..."

all: "...sh**."

well, let's get rid of these pre-humans, then we can find mari.

rigby: "right! i think i have something in the ship that'll help... (runs into the lor) hopefully it's still in one piece..."

(rigby comes back out, covered in chairs)

rigby: "ready for battle!"

+music: the decisive battle - final fantasy 6+


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio



-at Kino der untoten-


Nikolai: We have to start all over, and its all Takeo's fault.

Takeo: Me your the one who slipped in his on puddle of piss, you drunk idiot.

Nikolai: Dont make me shoot you.

Takeo: It wont hurt anyway.


Tank: Bs Richtofen, maybe if you didn't open up that back stage door we'd still be on round 19!!

*Meanwhile* or not*


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
*Another guy rushes to Mars when he is on the ledge and tells him where Smashfan and others are*


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
-Pan to Latios still on the ground-

Latios: I'm surprised they forgot me that quickly...
-Nightmare Moon and Naoi appear out of nowhere-

Nightmare Moon: Join the club
-both vanish-

Latios: Da ****?


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Damn this ledge was getting comfortable.... thats no ordinary ledge!!! Wait Smash fan is still alive!! I thought he got killed by one of the evil dudes... hmm.. stronger then I thought. I guess I ll head that way then.

*Follows the other another guy*


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-Final Destination...-

Marx: Dude. This is so predictable.

Dimentio: Sadly, yes. Oh, Look, here she is!

(Cut to Mari laying on the ground in a pool of blood)

Marx: MARI!

(Marx runs to her and rolls her over, her soaked hair covering her face. She also has a new wound on her leg.)

Marx: Dude! What did you do to her?!?

Dimentio: *shrugs* I got bored.

Marx: BORED?!! You know what? Me joining you? You can forget it!

Dimentio: Who said it was a choice?


(Marx flings himself at Dimentio, but he swats him back with a backhand.)

Dimentio: *yawn* I think I'll go get your little witch friend now...What's her name? Drawcy?

Marx: No! Don't you dare lay a finger on Drawcia!

Dimentio: Ah, there we go! Drawcia. She'll be useful...In the meantime, you both wait here.

(Dimentio leaves.)

Marx: Aw, no...Mari, Mari, Wake up!

(Mari is still out cold.)

Marx: Come on! Think, Marx, Think! Think or Mari will....



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

*Mars starts walking to whats left of Muhtis, Xiroeys, Smahfans, and Maris group*


???: Mars you bore us to death. Please, leave this to me

*A box went around the groups*

Discord: Dimentio..... What are you DOING?! Me? Im eating my Grandmas Strawberry Cheescake. Jealous?

Dimentio: Discord you're not the true master of chaos. My heart WAS CHAOS!!! Because Discord, I am you father

Rigby: Doesnt this remind us of something?

Rigby and Mordecai: Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm

Dimentio: Anybody that joins my a-


Dimentio: Oh my deluded ****** I am the new leader of the Antagonist army. Kefka was just dust that fjust floated making foolish moves. So, who wants to join me? I offer immortality for those who do. As well as riches beyond my behalf.


Dimentio: You shouldn't say that with one of your leaders in my grasp. I already gave her a scare on her leg due to boredom. Guess what I could do if I did it purposely, to torture her.

Light: You took Mari?!

Dimentio: Yes Mr.ImSoSmart. So, who would like to join me?

*An awkward moment arises as everyone stays still, with a confused group on one side, and very calm and precatious Lord/Jester on the other*

Muhti: I will...

Xiroey: MUHTI!

Muhti: Xiroey.... Dimentio and I made a promise to keep each other safe. My friends abandoned me when we went out to a far out place. I met Dimentio there on the street.... Theres more to it.....

*Everyone watches with pain as another leader join Dimentio*

Dimentio: *sniff* That was *takes our hanky* beautiful *Starts laughing again hysterically*

*Another eerie silence is held and then Drawcia stepped out*

Drawcia: I experienced one side. Heck, I guess I'll try the other one out.

Dimentio: Smart decision Drawcia. Any more takers? *darts at Gengar*

Gengar: *Starts becoming uncomfortable* I suppose I might join the Antagonist side once more.


Dimentio: And before I forget *Makes florosprout pop out of Luigi again*

Mr.L: Im back baby!!

Dimentio: Well I want to make this scene dramatic

*Dimentio and his new group start walking towards the sunset and ignore the group*

Dimentio: Oh! Before I forget!!

*Dimentio makes the box he made for the group earlier explode on everone*


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
What I never got left behind!!! I was just doing different stuff, and I thought they were dead!!


Plus I only Really know discord, smash fan, out of that group.

and I will do my talking


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
What I never got left behind!!! I was just doing different stuff, and I thought they were dead!!


Plus I only Really now discord, out of that group.

and I will do my talking
Well you were waiting on a ledge waiting for something. Plus in my earlier post I said that some Random Guy told you where we were.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
yea but thought smashfan and Discord was dead.

I never got left behind becauase I got called to skyworld. then came back, seen what was going on iwth all the bad guys! I figured they killed all the good guys.

I never meet muhti or Mari77 or any one in this group besides smash fan, Xiro and Discord.

And I was sitting on the ledge, because it was comfortable.....

But rnough continue the story.

I love reading u guys post.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ - East landing sector"]

-The smoke from the explosion fades leaving behind nothing but a bright green himi-sphere of glowing energy-​

Rigby: Wow, thanks Xiroey. We were nearly toast just now.

-The green sphere disipates, and Latios's Protect fades-
Latios: Yeah, don't mention it.

Magolor: Did that really just happen?

Celestia: As much as it pains me to say it. It looks like two of our allies have turned traitor.

Buizel: Yeah, and two more have gone missing.

Discord: ...I must say,
That Star Wars reference Dementio used was perfectly executed.

Excalibur: Indeed, the timing was very well planed.

Latios: Will you guys just shut up?

-the people nearest to him back up-
Mordecai: Yeesh man, what are you getting mad at us for?

-Licking "chocolate" stuff off his paws-
Typhlosion: Gotta learn to control that temper of yours bro.

...God, this stuff tastes awful.

Buizel: ...Typlosion, go rinse your mouth out please.

Latios: Ugh! How can you guys be so nonchalant about this!?

Buizel: Chillax dude, we're not going to gain anything by getting frustrated with each other--

Latios: Hah, what would you know. I'ts not like you ever cared about anyone other than yourself anyway.

Buizel: Hey, now wait just a cotton picking--

Latios: You know what? Screw this place! Screw you guys!

I'm through!

-Latios dissapears and then flies off-​

Smashfan: Well, there goes another one.

Typhlosion: Latios, by nature, don't deal with betrayal too well...
He's probably just upset because Gengar turned tail on him.

Man-die: When did you turn into such an expert?

Typhlosion: I read books--

A random dinging sound cuts typhlosion off. Everyone looks over toward discorn and sees him banging a wine glass against a fork.​

Discord: ...Good, now that I have everyone's attention--
I believe our leader has something he wants to tell everyone.

Smashfan: Nice to see you taking matters seriously for once Discord.
-Sees Discord sitting at table playing poker for bananas with one of the monkeys-

... Anyway,
As you all just saw, Dementio has re-converted back to his villianous ways, and has managed to take two of our comrades with him.

Not only that, but Mari and Marx's location still remain a mystery to us, and Xiroey appears to have gone off on his own.

Rigby: Okay, stating things we already saw...
Your point?

Smashfan: My point is that we've been far too complacent in our dealings with the antagonists. While the antagonist has been mobilizing and working towards filling their many agendas--We've been off dillydalying in our own personal affairs.

The consequences of such careless shows in what transpired here today.

Mordecai: Don't look at us... we just got here.

Smashfan: But you're both a part of this group now, which means you're equally responsible in dealing with what just went on.

Mordecai: Gaaaw!~

Buizel: That's a very nice speech Smashfan, but what do you propose we do?

Smashfan: It's about time we took action in our own efforts.

Buizel: liiiiike...?

Smashfan: The antagonist army posseses much greater stregnth than us. Which is why I believe it is time we enlisted the aid of the Impact HQ.

Typhlosion: But, you've technically already done that. Me and Buizel are Impact.

Smashfan: My plan is simple.
Generally in war, what is the tactic normally used by smaller armies to take on a much larger attack force?

Magolor: I'd imagine gurrilla tactics might be of use while we work towards whatever goal you're trying to set.

Smashfan: Yes that, but what else?

-blank looks-

Smashfan: Well, I'll tell you what we're all going to do...

[cliff hanger... Dun dun dun! >:3]



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Dimentio: Already heard that, the person who said that died horribly

*Marx finally shut up as Dimentio placed a floro sprout on him*

Muhti: I have a question: Why?

Dimentio: Its always why? isnt it Muhti? Everyday we go through our lives asking why? Ill tell you why. Ive been in that protagonist group and they've done nothing about their attitude. And they always dilly-dally and never get things done.

Gengar: Deep stuff bro

Mr.L: Bro? *starts remembing but then forgets* Never mind, forget what I said!

Drawcia: What do you propose Mr.Jester?

Dimentio: What did Britain do to conquer land dear companions?

Muhti: They claimed land little by little, until the colonies revolted and slowly retreated with land.

Dimentio: Exactly, but we will be smart and keep the land without people distracting us. We can take Smashboards Protagonist HQ first, with a bit more help than we already need. TABUU!

*A blue man appears out of no where, no clothes, no facial expresions, nothin*

Dimentio: Lets go now. CIAO!

*The group leaves to the unattended Smashboards HQ*

Muhti: Its abandoned...

Gengar: Nobody in sight.

*They walk in as Tabuu starts making citizens in the city into their slaves/warriors.*


*The screens went from the light blue Protagonist screen to a red Antagonist screen*

Mr.L: So this is where we start?

Dimentio: Yes O'Choosen One that failed on my conquest in Super Paper Mario

*Mr.L grunts as Tabuu brings up a person*

Dimentio: Oh hello....


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Nvm, made it work :)

...Aaaand, it's glitching again >:/


--Veridian Skies - Kanto Reigon--

Latios: (hmm... so I'm back here again.)
-Latios flies down into the shelter of the trees, and decides to transform into a human to remain inconspicuous-
Xiroey: (There, this place should provide me with decent cover for the time being...)
-Memory flashes back to Genar's betrayal-

Xiroey: Those jerks can burn in h*** for all I care.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Several miles away --




-Gliscor slowly regains consciousness-
Gliscor: Hmm...? Who's prisoner?
Did the Dallas cowboys win...?

Chrysalis: Gliscor, thank heavens your awake.

Gliscor: ...Are you my mom?

Chrysalis: Open your eyes Gliscor, we're being held captive!

Gliscor: No thanks, I already cleaned my room a few minute ago--
-snaps awake-
Wait, we're WHAT?

Chrysalis: Careful! don't move around so much!

Gliscor: What happened? Why are we tied up?
Why am I upside dow-ooooh S***!

--Gliscor and crysalis hang upside down from a treebranch, encased in a cocoon of sturdy vines. Only their heads remain visible.

Beneath them lies a deadly pit of burning spikes--

Gliscor: Ahhh! Fire!
Chrysalis, help! Get us out of here!

Chrysalis: Calm down man, you're drawing too much attention to yourself.

Gliscor: A-atention?
-Gliscor looks around and sees several white eyes peering out of the bushes. Chanting comes from all around the circular clearing of trees-



Gliscor: Chrysalis... who are these people...?

Chrysalis: Shh, keep your voice down.

Gliscor: Sorry...

Chysalis: Listen, I think they either plan to eat us, or sacrifice us to one of their deity's--


Now listen carefully, I'm going to bust us out of here...

Gliscor: How? we're strapped down to each other.

Chrysalis: It was my original plan to free us with magic, but that would only leave us badly outnumbered. Plus, you were unconscious which would only pose a problem.

Gliscor: Well, I'm awake. Now what?

Chrysalis: I'm going to call the horde. They're trained to stay near me at all times, no doubt they're waiting out in the trees, awaiting my next command.

Gliscor: And if they're not...?

Don't worry, they're out there.
Now, In a second I'm going to whistle. When that happen's I want you to use your Protect.

Gliscor: Ahh, I get what you're getting at.

Chrysalis: So you understand the plan then?

Gliscor: Do it, we still don't know where Charizard is.

Chrysalis: Actually, I saw his figure getting carried away earlier. If we follow in that general direction, I'm sure we're bound to come across where they're hiding him.

Now are you ready?



Gliscor: Do it.

-Chrysalis purses her lips and emits an ear spitting whistle. The echo of it rebounds thoughout the area, creating an eerie echo-

Chrysalis: Gliscor now!

-Gliscor throws up his protect, and encases the two of them in a glowing green sphere of light. Imediately after he does so, the two start getting pelted by a storm of tranquilizer darts-

Gliscor: Chrysalis, I hope you know what you're doing, this barrier won't last long!

Chrysalis: Now!
-Chrysalis' horn glows, and the two of them snap free. Gliscor quickly reacts and catches her before she gets impaled on the spikes.-

Gliscor: Whoa! Careful now!
I almost dropped my shield!

Chrysalis: Don't worry, I knew you'd catch me.

...they're here.
-An army of insect ponies is seen flying in through the cap in the trees. Once they land, they immediately charge into the bushes, driving whoever's attacking them out.-

Gliscor: Great, the darts stopped
-Glides them both down to safety-

Now who exactly is it that captured us?

-Theres a ruffling in the bushes and several frightened yoshi's come running out into the open space. Each holds an empty tube in his/her hand, which they use to blow out their deadly darts.-

Gliscor: Yoshi's?!

Chrysalis: Prepare yourself, here they come!

-One brave yoshi decides to charge at Chrysalis in the midst of all the commotion. It opens it's mouth and it's tounge darts out like a slobbery wet snake. Chrysalis's horn glows and it get's deflected and wraps around the Yoshi's body.-

Gliscor: This is not looking good here--
-One Yoshi tosses an exploding egg at him, just barely missing his head-
Gliscor: No! That is NOT OKAY!

Chrysalis: Hmm?

-Gliscor's eyes glow, and several small pointy rocks apear and begin orbiting around his body-

Chrysalis: Look out! To your Left!

-Gliscor releases his small army of rocks and they fly out in each fly out in different directions. Meraculously, each one manages to find it's mark on an attacking Yoshi, and not on Chrysalis or any members of her horde.-

Chrysalis: Wow, nice. I'm impressed.

Gliscor: You're not bad yourself--

Gliscor: What was that...?

Chrysalis: We've knocked out all the Yoshi's. This must be their leader...

Gliscor: Get ready...
-A massive musclebound Yoshi forces his way out of the trees. He stops and regards the two trouble makers with a cold red eye.-

Gliscor: We may be in trouble here...
-The Yoshi roars-


[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]


Xiroey: What was that?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--Back in the wide clearing of trees-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Gliscor places both claws firmly over his senstitive ears-

-The yoshi lowers his head, and paws his foot across the ground like a bull. It fixes both it's prey with a murderous gaze, and smoke blows out from it's nostrils.-

Gliscor: Come and get some, big guy...

-The yoshi charges-

Gliscor: Chrysalis! Split up!
-The two run split off in seperate directions. Gliscor takes to the air, and charges his Rock Polish-

-The Yoshi turns after Chrysalis-

Chrysalis: Minions! now!
-Each of Chrysalis's minions transforms into a Yoshi, and starts lobbing exploding eggs at the charging Yoshi.

It cries out in pain as a several eggs find their mark, and rears it's head up toward the sky-

Chrysalis: Great, Now I can attack it with--
-The air suddenly goes hot-
Chysalis: Oh, thats not good...
Everyone MOVE!
-The yoshi unleashes a white hot torrent of fire, creating a blazing hot crater in it's wake. Chrysalis stands her ground, and takes the onslaught against a glowing white shield of her own creation-

Chrysalis: Not good... He's stronger than I anticipated...
-Several rocks rain out of the sky, jamming themselves painfully into the Yoshi's nose. The torrent stops and the yoshi shakes it's head back in forth in fury.-

Chrysalis: Thanks Gliscor!

Gliscor: Watch out, It's coming back!
-The yoshi looks angrily up towards Gliscor-

Gliscor: Oooh, this can't be good.

Chrysalis: Gliscor get out of there!

-Without warning, the Yoshi bounds up into the air like a large ferocious rabbit. It does a midair summersault and slams it's tail down onto Gliscor's head-

-Gliscor goes hits the ground in a large crash-

Chrysalis: Gliscor! Noo!

-Pointy rocks shoot up out of the smoke, starting chrysalis, and the angry Yoshi-

Gliscor: Take much more than that to do me in!

Chrysalis: ...what manner of pokemon is he?
-In a rage, Gliscor flies directly at the startled yoshi and latches onto it's neck. Surprised, the Yoshi shakes it's head back and forth, trying to shake Gliscor off. Gliscor latches on with his teeth and claws, refusing to let go-

Gliscor: Chrysalis, do it now!

Chrysalis: You idiot...!

-Chrysalis' horn glows, and she unleashes an explosive blast of green energy at the beast-

-The Yoshi takes the blast full on, and hits the earth with a shattering crash-

Chrysalis: Gliscor!

-Smoke billows up out of the crash site, stinging Chrysalis' eyes, and making it difficult to see-

Chrysalis: No...

-The smoke clears and Gliscor is nowhere to be seen. The Yoshi lies on it's side, breathing and unconscious-
-Chrysalis rushes over-

Chrysalis: Gliscor!
No... Why did you have to go and attack it head on?

Damn it! Where are you?

(???): Don't worry, Gliscor is fine.

Chrysalis: That voice... Xiro?

-Xiroey walks out from behind the Yoshi. Leaning up against him is Gliscor, grinning despite immense pain-

Gliscor: Thanks Xiro. I don't know where you came from, but you got me out of there just in time...

Xiroey: What were you two thinking taking on a giant Yoshi like that?
-Chrysalis makes it up to the two of them and examines them both closely-

Chrysalis: ...He's hurt.

Gliscor: ...Just a sprain. *wince* I'll be fine in a few days.

-Chrysalis explodes-
Chrysalis: What were you thinking! Do you have death wish?
Why did you charge in head on like that?

Xiroey: I'm surprised you both stood your ground in the first place...

Gliscor: Dude was seriously strong...
Had to end the fight quickly.

Chrysalis: Yeah, but at the cost of your life!?
-She takes several deep breaths and tries to calm down-
In any case, the Yoshi's are unconcious now, and so is their leader. We need to get out of here before they wake up.

Gliscor: Good idea, we don't want to be around here when these guys finally come too-Whoa!

-Chrysalis gets directly in his face and fixes him with a stern glare-

Chrysalis: And you sir--

Gliscor: *Gulp*

Chrysalis: I want you to come see me immediately after we get to safety so I can look after that arm of yours...

Gliscor: {nervously} S-sure thing...


-- Continuing on from yesterday...--

[COLLAPSE="Western Veridian - Waterfall"]

Gliscor: This way.
A while ago, Charizard and I found a small cave in the base of this cliff, just hidden behind the waterfall. You can access it easily if you climb in around the left side.

Xiroey: Nice, so I take it you've both done a fair amount of exploring then?

Gliscor: We get around.
Follow me.
Gliscor detatches himself from Xiroey's custody, and hobbles over to the pool at the base of the falls. He wads over to the cliff, and grabs hold of an easy foothold near the bottom.-​
It's actually a pretty easy shot from here. Just follow the footholds, and you'll eventually make your way up to the cave.-

Chrysalis: Be careful of your arm Gliscor, you don't want to damage it anymore than you already have!

Gliscor: Don't worry, I'll be fine. I can always jam the point of my tail into the cliff to stop myself in the case that I fall.

Chrysalis: Alright then, be careful.
...Xiro, would you like to go first?

Xiroey: You and I can just fly on up there. Might as well go together.

Chrysalis: Right...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Inside the waterfall cave-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Gliscor gives himself a small shake to get dry himself after being pelted by stray drops-

-Latios and Chrysalis pick a cozy dark spot in the corner to relax-

Chrysalis: You know, you're actually quite comfortable to lean up against.

Latios: {uneasy} Yeah, it's a side effect of the Down. It makes our fur soft...

-Gliscor walks over after becoming satisfied and dry-

Gliscor: Alright, well we've found temporary shelter for the time being. We might as well take this time to formulate a plan of action.

Latios: Good idea.
But you never answered my question.
How did you guys end up facing off against a Godzilla Yoshi in the first place?

-Chrysalis finds a cozy spot beneath Latios' wing and decides to lie down there-
Chrysalis: I don't think I've ever felt quite this exhausted...

Gliscor: I'm actually not sure how Chrysalis and I winded up getting captured. Only thing I remember is getting attacked by darts, and then we both blacked out...

Chrysalis: We probably trespassed upon their territory, and they mistook us for a threat. I'm not surprised. With things the way they are, it's only to be expected that everyone would want to be on edge.

Latios: Yeah, Magolor and the rest of us ended up getting attacked by a flock of Skarmory for that very same reason.

Chrysalis: On that note, Xiroey, how did you end up here all by yourself? And weren't you brainwashed a moment ago?

Latios: Yeah, a lot of things happened since we all got split...

Gliscor: Hmm? Why the sad face? Did something happen?

Latios: You could say that...

Chrysalis: Well, before we discuss this any further, why don't you come here so I can have a look at that arm of yours?

Gliscor: Oh, right.
-Gliscor walks over and kneels next to Chrysalis, she gets up out of her comfortable spot and fixes a glowing horn on the point of injury.

Chrysalis: Hold still...

Gliscor: {Fidgeting} Nnnngh, It itches like crazy!

-The glowing stops-
Chrysalis: There, the bones should be reconnected now.

-Gliscor gives his arm a few experimental turns
Gliscor: Wow, thats a very useful skill you've got there Crystal lady.

Chrysalis: ...Again with the nicknames...
And thanks, you pick up a few tricks here and there after being around as long as I have.

Latios: ...You never finished explaining, Gliscor.
What plan exactly did you have in mind?

-Gliscor stops swinging his arm around-
Gliscor: Oh, yes that...

-Chrysalis takes back her spot next to Latios, and Gliscor decides to rest his back against a rock-
Gliscor: The thing is this, there are simply too many hostile groups around for us to go at it alone. I'm glad you came and found us Xiro. Even with you being able to turn invisible and all, It still wouldn't be safe for you to be out there all on your lonesome.

Latios: (Yeah... it's not like I was any better off with those group of jerks though.)

Gliscor: -continues- Which is why, now that we've found you. I was hoping that maybe you could lead us back to Magolor and the others. Since you've met up with them before, as you've said.

Latios: -sighs- I don't know if I can do that...

Gliscor: Hmm? Why not?
You can sense the location of others can't you?

Latios: ...If they're within a certain range, yes.
But that's not why I can't help you.

Chrysalis: What is it then?

Latios: ...I actually intetntionally ran away from Smashfan's group.

Chrysalis: What? Why would you do something like that?

Latios: -sighs- Theres just been too much drama lately. Those guys are supposed to be my allies and companions...
Yet it seems like, every two seconds somebody ends up turning tail and betraying the other.

Gliscor: Yeah, there does seem to be a lot of that going around lately.

Chrysalis: Well, you can't exactly get mad at them. They were simply other Kefka's control weren't they?

Latios: For the most part, but this time was different.

Gliscor: Different how?

Latios: ...This time my friends weren't controlled.
They left us of their own free will...

Chrysalis: Oh, that is bad.

-Latios goes silent-

Gliscor: That's pretty disturbing news Xiro.
But, if not Smashfan, then who else can we turn to for security?

Latios: ...

Chrysalis: Well, I'm sure whoever it was, they'll come to their senses eventually.

But theres still a problem we have to address here before anything else.

Gliscor: She's right. We still haven't rescued Charizard from those Yoshi's clutches...

Latios: ...I can probably lead you to him.
I sense his presence not far from here. He's still alive, so you both still have time if you hurry.

-Gliscor heaves an enormous sigh of relief-
Gliscor: Man, is that good to hear...

Chrysalis: Well, it does us no good to charge on in there tired and exhausted. We'll all take a five minute break here, then Depart toward where Charizard's being held.

Gliscor: Right, good plan.
(Just hold on a little longer buddy...)



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Mari: ......Ow........My.....everything......

Dementio: Oh, look who's awake....

Mari: Dementio.....What.....have you done.....

Dementio: Oh, just take over Smashboards HQ and hynotized your friends, that's all.


Dementio: (?) and Why are you laughing...?

Mari: You...can go ahead and kill me....it dosen't matter.

As long as....Smashfan and Xiro are alive....you'll never....rule....

Dementio: Hmmm. Good point. However, this won't end so happly for you. So why bother killing you? Besides for the heck of it.

Mari: Ha....That's because....I....have a trick up my sleave!

(Mari's neckless starts to glow with white light.)

Dementio: (!!!) STOP HER!

Gengar and Marx: Yes, sir!

(Both fling themselfs at Mari and the light suddenly vanishes, takeing all three to somewhere else...)

Dementio: Teleportation....where did she learn that..? No matter. Drawcia.

Drawcia: Yes, Mr. Jester?~

Dementio: Track them down. And don't be afraid to use force, dear.

Drawcia: Oooo...Now the fun begins!

- Impact HQ -

Mordecai: Stop! Bad monkey! BAD!!

Rigby: Where's Gengar when you-

(A light flashes in front of the pair and Mari, Gengar, and Marx appear.)

Marx: What the....WHERE THE F*CK AM I?

Gengar: Relax, Marx...looks like Mari snapped us out of Dementio's control....Thanks Mari.

(Mari dosen't say a thing, instead, she falls to the floor with a THUMP!)


Mari: Fu*k you, Marx.....

Marx: Oh. Never mind. :awesome:


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(a figure who looks only like a block makes his way to us)

???: "welcome, smashfan, to Impact HQ."

(pan toward the character to reveal... MISSINGNO....)

missingno.: "we've been waiting for you and your team for some time..."


crocker: "YOU'RE with the Impact organization?!"

missingno.: "yes. foremost glitch expert and scientist. i know every logic exploit in the area."

discord: "get in line, amateur."

missingno.: "...anyway, follow me. (floats down the hall)"

...i guess we should.

(we walk down the hall at missingno.'s lead)

+japanese lavender town+

missingno.: "you see, Impact was founded shortly after the Plague Union took over, and the antagonist army spread across smashboards like butter on toast. i believe you already know the story of how the world became so grim..."

know the story? of course. in fact, i was there... i was there when the strength of us all fell...

(short flashback)

cast it into the fire!

(cut to the RED heavy holding a chain with a GameBoy speaker on it)


RED heavy: "...nyet. (evil smirk)"

(RED heavy disappears)

heavy! HEAVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(flashback ends)

it should have ended that day... there was no strength left in the world of giant men...

buizel: "...anyway, glitch guy. what happen back then? i mean, from your end?"

missingno.: "...someone set up us the bomb. those who remained after the fighter union fell tried to stop them. they tried to fight back, but the antagonists were simply too powerful. not even i nor discord could fathom their sheer power. so we fell back."

excalibur: "this part we know..."

missingno.: "whereas discord hid above the clouds to escape, i, too, had fled. i knew that we stood no chance alone. i began rallying all those who were still alive after that battle, not unlike you are now, and we set up our base here."

man-die: "wait, i don't get this... how did you-"

missingno.: "go undetected for so long? (kinetically pressed a button on a nearby control panel)"

(cut to outside. metal panes unfolds from the ground, encasing Impact HQ in a false volcano)

missingno.: "we hide ourselves within a hollow volcano, and use signal dampeners so that no-one can find us that way..."

elecman.exe: "i gotta say, that's pretty clever..."

missingno.: "thank you. anyway, we formed Impact hoping we could gather all we could. our efforts have been fruitful, but even the vastness of our own forces may not be enough compared to the antagonist army..."

i can tell, what with villains stationed all over the place. we came pretty close to dying against Vile...

gilda: "and having to put up with your own home getting wrecked and yourself constantly watchdogged ain't easy... and i know what i'm talking about..."

missingno.: "i feel your pain... as you can imagine, we'll need all the help we can get. will you help us?"

(sprays jinx repellant all over myself)

i'd like to see someone try and stop us!

(nothing happens to interrupt)

(holds up can of jinx repellant) man, this stuff really DOES work wonders!



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Western Veridian Cave..."]

Latios: ( [Telepathy] I've successfully infiltrated the cave. So far no sign of the Yoshi's or Charizard.)

Gliscor: ( Roger that Latios, in the bushes awaiting further instruction. Over. *Makes a "Kssh" sound inside his mind )

Chrysalis: ( Gliscor, we're just here to rescue Charizard. We're not Charlie's Angels. Cool down, and get serious! )

Gliscor: (Roger, Getting serious. Over. *Kssh* )

Latios: ( I'm sending you both a visual of the cave's outline now. )

-Both Chrysalis and Gliscor feel their vision go fuzzy, then the scene before them shifts to the inside of the cave. The vision moves forward, going through various twists and turns. It stops abruptly when it reaches Latios' current location-

-Vision fades-

Gliscor: (Wow. That really made my head hurt just now...)

Chrysalis: ( Thanks for the visual Latios, we're heading over to your location now. )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Deep inside the cave
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(???): It appears we have intruders.

(???): Come to rescue their friend. Just as we planned.

(???): Do we unleash our trap then?

(??): No. Wait until they make it further in.
Once those fools have gone and trapped themselves, we'll unleash our plan, and Smashfan will officially be down three more!

-evil chuckles-



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Dimentio: Wait Drawcia stay.

Drawcia: What?

*Dimentio snaps his fingers and Mari,Marx, and Gengar reappear*

Marx: What the...

*Dimentio rushes to Mari and takes the necklace and crushes it on the floor*

Mari: *Starts weeping* That was a gift....

Dimentio: Next time you shouldn't be foolish. *Kicks Mari while she is curled up on the floor*

Gengar: That was scary

Dimentio: It shall not happen again

Tabuu: Did everybody forget about me?

*Everyone pays attention to Tabuu*

Dimentio: Oh hello..... Numbuh 625.

*Everyone stays silent as Dimentio floats over to the gagged 625*

Dimentio: *Whispers in ear* Are you ready to join me? Numbuh -625?

*Dimentio places a floro sprout as both Mari and 625 start "screaming". After that Dimentio rips the duck tape off*

-625: Defeating Smashfan huh? I know all his weaknesses.....


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

(((Seriously, guys, Muhti has rendered me helpless..............Help?)))


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*at ONE OF THE IMPACT HQ area's*

*In a healing room full of healing tubes

(standing in the middle of the room) Seems like a good place to avoid battle for a while.... still there aint nothing like that ledge..

A Nurse Joy: Who's there!

Holy shi* u scared the hell out of me!

A nurse joy: are you hear to use one of the tubes?

No....<<she's hot>> im just here to chill... and Now im done typing for now.



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


Kino Der Untoten


_Ronud 10_

Nikolai: We've got pretty far A!

Takeo: We've been further shut up.

Tank: Hey lets leave a crawler this round, my player has to go piss.

Richtofen: What the heck is your player drinking!!? This is like the fith time today!!

Tank: Pipe Down Richtofen. Your just mad because I have more point then you do.


Nikolai: I have the most head shots..... and Im drunk at the same time HAHA :troll:

Takeo: Lets see what I have the most of...... . . . .. . ... .. . . .... . . .

Nikolai: Aww. litttle Takeo sucking today HAHAHA :troll:



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Speed-Typing courses really come in handy :/

Edit: Oh yeah, If anyone wants me to start making these shorter, just let me know! :)

[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ - East recovery sector"]

Girl: So bored...

-She girl sits upright in her plain white room, and amuses herself by bounding a single rubber ball against the far wall-

Girl: What exactly am I doing here?

- The sound of the door opening snaps the girl out of her monotony. A tall man in a white labcoat walks in. In with a clipboard in his arm.-

Man: Hello, nice to see you up and alert.
Would you like me to close the door?

Girl: ...

Man: Well, why don't we close it so we can have a little privacy
-Shuts the door behind him-​
Nice to meet you, my name is Dr. Stein, but you can just call me "Frank" if Dr. Stein sounds too personal.

-The girl regards Stein with an aloof stare-
Stein: Aaanyway...
-pulls up a chair-​
I hear you were found unconcious at the meteor site.
... Any idea how you may have gotten there?

Girl: ...

Stein: You know, there's typically no use in me asking all these questions if you don't respond.

Girl: What do you want?

Stein: Hey! That's better, we're conversing. That's progress.

Girl: ...

Stein: So, I'm just going to disect--
I mean...
Run a few tests in a minute if you don't mind.

- The girl says nothing, and instead holds out both arms to the Dr. -

Stein: No, no
We won't need to draw blood for this.

-She lets her arms droop down to her sides. Meanwhile, Dr. Stein closes his eyes and scrunches his brows in intense focus-

Stein: Hmm...
I see, this is interesting...

Girl: ...

Stein: -comes out of his focus- I must say, I'm quite surprised by this little turn of events. I'm sure Wes will want to know all about this...

But enough of that now, what did you say your name was again?

Girl: I didn't--
- The girl's posture suddenly goes straight and rigid. Her eyes go wide and lob back inside her head as if an evil spirit suddenly overcame her-

Stein: Uhm,
Is everything okay...?

Girl: Death appraches, neigh on the horizon...

Stein: ...That's very nice, but you aren't really making much sen- Hey! where do you think you're going?

-The girl stands up in a daze, and walks stiffly towards the exit-

Girl: I no longer serve any purpose here...

Stein: What are you talking about?
Sit back down, I haven't finished running my tests!

-The girl rases her arm and gives the door a solid punch, and it goes crashing down-

Stein: What in the world---?

Girl: ... I have to go.
-The girl vanishes in a puff of smoke-

Stein: ... -sighs- Why do I always get the nutty clients?


[COLLAPSE="Racing through the halls"]

Girl: -pant- What was that sensation I felt just now...?

-A random guy appears from around a hallway intersection-
Guy: Hey! You can't be in here-- Ahh!

-The girl shoots an orb of light at his chest and keeps running-
Girl: Sorry!

-She skids to her stop at at a sudden two way turn off-

Girl: ...which way?

-A garbled sensation pops up. Images of suffering and blood flash through her mind-

-The girl flinches-
Girl: ...No...

-Looks back and forth between both hallways, trying to decide-
Girl: Damn it, I don't have time for this!

(Random Nurse): Hey, what are you doing outside your room?

-Ignores her-
Girl: Comon... left or right...?

(Random Nurse): Excuse me, Please get back in your room please...

Girl: No choice, I'll just have to go left!
-Takes off-​

(Random Nurse): HEY!

--After numerous twists and turns, the Girl finally comes to a stop in the middle of a random hallway--

Girl: ... Here.
-She examines each detail of the hallway closely, looking for clues-​
I feel like the sensation is strongest somewhere around this point--

-The girl doubles over in pain as another vision hits.
This time of a long girl lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood-

-The girl gets sick and vommits on the floor-
Girl: *Trembling* Yeah... It's definitely strongest around here...

-Ichigo appears from around a corner. He sees the mess on the floor and the girl doubled over in pain-

Ichigo: Hey... Are you alright?

Girl: I-I don't...

Ichigo: Do you want me to call a medic?

Girl: No...
I need...

Ichigo: What is it?

-Without warning, a glowing red crack appears in the wall. Unable to move, the girl stands there helpless as the crack opens up, and a powerful vortex sucks her in-

Ichigo: WHOA!

-The girl makes to reach out to Ichigo as he runs over. Then the current takes her and she gets sucked into Oblivion-


[COLLAPSE="part 3"]

-A hole suddenly opens up in the purple skies of Demention D, and a lone figure comes tumbling though-

- Numbah -625 stops his account and looks up at the random person falling down-

-625: Say Dementio, did we invite guests?

Dementio: What the hell are you talking about? Quit your stalling and finish what you were about to say.

-625: Fine, but before I do, you might want to move...

Dementio: And why is that?

-The girl comes crashing down on top of Dementio's head-

Girl: -faceplant- Ow...

-625: Say, you're pretty hot~
Where did you drop in from?

Girl: Am not in the mood to laugh at falling jokes right now...

Pancake Dementio: What the **** is this? Get off of me this instant!

Girl: -simiconcious- Hey... I think something cushoned my landing...

-The girl gets launched off by a powerful shockwave of energy-

-She flies several meters, then does a graceful summersault and lands on her feet.

Girl: Hmm... This must be where the sensation was coming from.

Where am I?​

-Dementio rubs his head in pain-
Dementio: I don't know who you think you are, but you better have a d*mn good explanation for dropping in here like that!

-The girl remembers why she's here and takes a quick look around-
Girl: Where...?
-Spots Mari lying half-dead on the ground-​
Right there!

-Dementio realizes what's happening-
Dementio: She's trying to help them escape.
She's probably with Smashfan! End her!

-Tabuu takes out his HAX whip and flings it at the girl-
Girl: Whoa, what the heck is that!

Tabuu: DIE!

-The whip hits the ground right where the girl stands and sends up an explosion of sparks.

When they clear, the girl is nowhere to be seen-

Dementio: (Wait... I know this trick)
Tabuu, Defend behind you!

-Tabuu thows up a shield behind himself just in time to block a white Energy Ball to his rear.-

Girl: Wait... they were able to predict that?

-Tabuu spins around and swats the girl out of the air with his arm
She hits the ground hard with an audible CRACK-

-The girl screams-

Dementio: Foolish human! I don't know what brand of idiocy compelled you to try and take me on here.

But as punishment, I'll see to it that your death is as long and agonizing as possible!

-The girl rolls over and tries to climb back to her feet-
Girl: (Not good... I think my arm is broken)

-Dementio snaps and the girl gets pulled toward him-
Dementio: Now... where to begin?

-Dementio gets knocked over by a random Shadow Ball-

Gengar: I'm not entirely sure how we got back here, but I am NOT about to allow you to hurt another Innocent!

Marx: We'll make you pay for what you've done to Mari!

Dementio: ( f*** those losers are awake!)

-No longer in Dementio's hold, the girl walks over to where he lies on the ground and materializes a giant white scythe into her left hand-

Girl: I don't know who you are or what this place is...
But you had better start talking quick, or I swear you'll be wearing a pumpkin across those shoulders...

Dementio: ...As i thought.
The fighting style, that weapon.

Girl: Quit spilling nonsense and start talking or else!

Dementio: Nah, I think I'd rather use you to my advantage.

Girl: Fat chance of that happening creep.

Dementio: I don't think you know where you are girlie.
You can't defeat me here, so don't even try.

But no worries. I have use for you...

Girl: What are you--

-Dementio suddenly dissapears from on the ground, and reappears floating high in midair-

Dementio: Yes... I think Xiro will very much appreaciate this little surprise.

Girl: What are you talking about? Who the **** is Xiro?

Dementio: Oh, don't worry. You'll find out soon enough.
But before that happens...

-Dementio tosses out three more flouro sprouts and they connect with Marx Gengar and the Girl.-

-The three scream out in agony-

Dementio: Ahhh...
Music to my ears...

-625: -eating popcorn- Ooh, this is getting good.

-When the screams fade, Gengar, marx, and the girl all walk up to him and salute-

Dementio: Good, Now isn't it much better now that you're all obeying me as you should?

Now onto you, my pet.

-Dementio floats down to the girl and places a single finger on her forhead. Her image begins to swim in fade a bunch of odd colors, but when they settle a new figure is revealed-

Dementio: Excellent! Just wait until Smashfan gets a load of this new army!
Welcome to the group...


[--I know... Not helping.
Sorry Mari! ]



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((XIRO, DO NOT MAKE THEM SHORTER! I love reading your posts. You guys are so much better then me. That, and I don't spend enough time on the interwebz....:/ )))

Dimentio: All right, then. ONWARD!!!

Mari: Wait...*cough* Just a minute....

Dimentio: *groan* What now? Why can't you just DIE already?

Mari: I....refuse....

(Mari's hand shakes as she reaches for the florosprout on her head.)

Mari: To die....such a horrible....DEATH!!

(Everyone looks on as Mari rips off the florosprout off of her head.)


(Dimentio starts to float with a dark aura.)

Dimentio: I'm getting sick of you and your defiant acts!

(Mari laughs as she slowly gets up and picks up her shattered neckless.)

Mari: Believe me when I say this...The feelings mutual. *puts on her neckless*

Dimentio: HA! Your gonna face ME? Hello? New army at my side?

Mari: Yeah....I guess....

Dimentio: Exactly what I- Wait, What?

(Mari's neckless glows with a very faint light.)

Mari: All my friends have been turned against me....The world belongs to villans....

My family is gone.....

Everyone I ever knew, cared or loved is gone.


I guess....It's my turn now.

My turn...

Dimentio: Your either very brave, very insane, or very stupid. Maybe even all three. You can bearly stand on your feet, yet you dare to chanallge me?

Very well. You'll be the first to fall against my army!


Latias: (?)

Mari: I don't know if you know this....But.... Your brother....is....a good guy....I know you can't hear me....or maybe you can.....But...tell him....

I'm...Sorry...for this...


Dimentio: End her!

Mari: FUSH-RO-DAH!!!

(((*GASP* I USED A MEME!!!))))
((( ^^^ I took a page from your book, Smashfan. :D )))


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
good work, mari. you've taken your first step into a larger world. :)

(Impact HQ, main convention hall)

missingno.: "so far, we've managed to protect this base from all possible enemy attacks. but this upcoming wave will be quite difficult. our fail-safe detection defenses have, ironically, failed."

gilda: "well, THAT didn't last long..."

missingno.: "now, the antagonist army is sending their finest warriors after us, led by the Plague Union's head engineer, Grey Mann."

*sigh* not those goddamn robots again. i thought we'd seen the last of the Mann vs Machine in the virtual world...

missingno.: "they've recently built 7 waves of robots designed after the entirety of us. but not only that, they seem to have gathered intel on smashfan and all his associates as well. all we can do now is send 6 of our finest warriors to fend the robots back."

mach rider: "just 6? that's madness!"

not quite. i've seen waves of Mann vs Machine won, there's not much more there than 6 players.

missingno.: "so we've decided to send the following 6. Smashfan666, Mars16, Gilda, RED Soldier, the Cookie Monster, and Discord. if all 6 would kindly step to the podium."

(i walk up to the podium with mars16, gilda, and discord. soldier and cookie monster following from more spread-out seats)

missingno.: "all 6 of these fine battlers are our best line of defense. each of you will be given a weapon of your choice, and stationed outside to defend this facility from the 7 waves of robots. if any of you have any loved ones that are still alive, say goodbye to them now."

cookie monster: "(waving to the camera) bye, mommy!"

RED soldier: "MAGGOT! what have i told you about breaking the fourth wall without permission?!"

cookie monster: "...only if it funny."

RED soldier: "exactly. and that, my friend was NOT funny! (whips cookie monster) if we survive this, 20, backyard!"

cookie monster: "yes, soldier..."

missingno.: "all 6 of you, out front. prepare yourselves..."

(we are all out in front of the HQ now. the carrier tank approaches from the horizon)

(i'm holding a spear, cookie monster a metal cookie shield, gilda a sniper rifle, mars16 a wrench and toolboxes for buildings, soldier his trademark rocket launcher, and discord a rubber duck)

steel your nerves, men.


on my cue...




HIT F4, NOW!!!


RED soldier: "sound off if you're ready!"

discord: "and now it's time to meet my fate..."

gilda: "anyone else ready to kill some robots?"

mars16: "pony up, boys!"

(cookie monster idles)

...cookie monster?

cookie monster: "cookie monster hitting f4, but nothing happen. must be connection problems again."

RED soldier: "dammit! *sigh* note to self, get him something to protect his wi-fi..."

(150 seconds later)

the administrator: "(over loudspeaker) defend our honor, kill these robots!"

(the first wave of robots arrives, all soldiers and giant gildas)


robo-gildas: "DWEEBS."

RED soldier: "GIVE 'EM HELL, BOYS!"


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

-Round 16-


Nikolai: Let me hit the box!

Takeo: No I want next.

Tank: shut up im not even finished yet!

+Mystery box jingle+


Tank: yea thats right rapid fire action HAHA!

Nikolai: my turn (Hits the box)

+Mystery box Jingle+


Nikolai: This is SHI**Y WEAPON!!

Takeo: serves you right. My turn move out the way.

+Mystery box jingle+

=Teddy bear=

*VOice of a little girl laughs at Takeo*




Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
*Muhti blasts at Mari contrasting at her blast*


*Muhtis blast overpowers Maris as she goes flying across the city*

Muhti: *Walks over to Mari* Ill take that. *Takes necklace, is about to throw it, pauses, and wears the necklace for himself, and then the necklace went from a bright white to a bloody jet black*

Muhti: I got four powers now:

•Cannon Penis I mean Cannon blasters
•...... I almost forgot my Death Note.....

So if you decide to fight us again, I swear I'll kill you with the book*

Mari: Your- you're a monster

*Mari sees Dimentio appear*

Dimentio: And since your source of power and life depends on the necklace and its now a elligant jet black, you will soon join us. Latias, go find Latios, he killed your parents.


Dimentio: SILENCE!

*Latias starts backing up and flies to the cove*

Dimentio: Try another comeback or meme and you're automatically dead, ciao for now, brainless fool


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(As Dimentio leaves with all of his army, Mari slowly starts to lose contiusness.)

Mari: ....Sorry....Everyone.....I.....

I tried....

But in the end....I...failed....just....like...everyone...else..................................

And your going to allow that?

Mari: What can I do? Muhti and Dimentio have almost everyone. It's over. For me.

Fool. It's not over. It's not over untill everyone's dead or you're dead.

And you're quite close, by the way.

Mari: I...don't want to die....

Then let me make a deal with you. One that you can't refuse.

Mari: How do you know I won't?

You just said it. You don't want to die.

Tell you what.

I need you to do me a favor. In return, I'll help you get out of this sorry state.

Mari: What's the catch?

The catch? What other choice do you have?

Mari: ....Ok.....fine.....just...get it over with......

Good girl.

Now here's what I want you to do....

(Mari's wounds suddenly start to heal themselfs)

I want you to go back down there....

Take revenge....

And Kill them.

(Mari's eyes open and there a complete black color.)



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Wat? a tiool box!! Ill just burn them Alive!!

*Charges like super sayian exept covered in Flames!!!!*



*A robot fires a red beam of energy at mars from its eyes, but Mars reflects the attack!!!!!*

Your projectile is useless!!

Since u talked for me!!

Smashfan666: Good stuff Mars!! Now its my turn

*Smashfan does something*


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
*Dimentio watches gleefully at the prisoners work for him*

Dimentio: Glory days! Ever since writing the Dark Prognosticus I have been waiting for this!

Drawcia: About that.... Mari is healed.

Dimentio: How do you know?

*The door was flung open and tore from its hinges as it flew across the room*

Mari:Im back baby

Marx: MUHTI!


*The pen and paper flung out spelling Maris name, Mari tried snatching the paper and/or Muhti but fails*

Muhti: It's done

Mari:I am going to die? No matter as long as I can kill you in 40 seconds I might do this...

*Mari starts running at Dimentio first but he simply teleports.*


Muhti: Mari...


Muhti: You're done

*Trinklets of blood appear from Maris mouth, as she slowly looks at the villain organization, thinking of the fun times she had, will all wash away, and with that Mari slipped into an eternal dream*

Marx: Is s-s-she d-d-dead?

*Gengar takes a pulse*

Gengar: She's dead.

*Dimentio floats over to Maris dead body and spits on it*

Dimentio: I told you not to mess with us.

*Dimentio seperated Maris body parts and teleported each part to a far out locations*

Dimentio: Back to buisness as usual.

Marx: Never liked her.... Always bossy...



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
tHATS harsh..... harsh as fu*K

a narrator: The great Muhti has killed are beloved Mari, and now her body was transporter to unkonown location!! is she really dead, we are not sure!! fIND OUT ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF SMASH BOARDS!!!!!!!!!!

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