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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-Meanwhile, Peach's/Kefka's Castle....

Kefka: Report.

Guard: Muhti and his group are still out side the castle walls and-

Guard 2: Lord Kefka! Something else has infiltraed the castle!

Kefka: Identify it and -

(Black smog started to fill the throne room, and all the Guard present collapesed.)

Kefka:...Mari...You've been a very bad girl lately, haven't you...?

(Mari steps out of the smog with a diobolical grin on her face. She wasted no time to quickly dash forward, Her arm turning into a long, wicked sword. Kefka saw it comeing and block it WITH HIS BARE HANDS.)

Kefka: What is the meaning of this?! I control you!

(Mari just laughs ruefully.)

Mari: Could you do me a favor?

Kefka: ?

Mari: Tell the rest of the Plague Union...When I kill them next...

They can burn in hell.

Kefka: What-Huk!

(Kefka suddenly felt a powerful pain in his gut, and realized much too late that Mari's OTHER hand Was free to attack. He fell to the ground. Completely. Still.)

Mari: Oooo.....That was a rush! *laughs*

???: Lord Kefka! Are you-

(The rest of the guards come in and gasp)

Guard: You....You killed him.

Mari: Uh...What does it look like, Sherlock?

From now on, you work for me.

Now clean this up. And send a squadren of Robots or something At Dimmsdale. Smashfan is there. Kill him.

And Bring Discord here. I want to have a private conversation with him...



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


*sigh* there still blowing stuff up over there, ****

What is this Bomberman..? Proly is...



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
-Unknown Location-

???: You're an idiot

??? (2): My my such temper-

???: I MEAN IT!!

??? (2): Gee Cousin, why such temper?

???: Do you know what you did?

??? (2): *Pretends to think* Nope

???: You let her, gain control

??? (2): All part of the plan


??? (2): You're not the same cousin, used to be like me, laid back, funny, unless, you're not my cousin.

???: Urgh, of course Im your cousin!

??? (2): Are you sure? You seem very serious, lets put a smile on that face.

???: You're not taking this seriously and if you dont listen to me, we won't be family anymore!


??? (2): We'll always be family

???: Then do your job....

-Mushroom Kingdom-

Muhti: We'll infiltrate the beacon, take out a Light, and restore the Mushroom Kingdom from Kefkas dirty hands.

???: Kefka? He died

*Everyone turns to see Shadow*

Shadow: This is Queen Maris land now.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, in the elevator... discord senses something has happened...)

what is it, discord?

discord: "something's just come to my attention. there's some business i must take care of... i'll be right back..."

(discord warps out)

elecman.exe: "anyone got any ideas where that guy's going?"

no, but we'll soon see...

(discord warps to mari)


mari: "discord. you're certainly early..."

discord: "mari, something seems to have come over you. i simply thought your leaving was just a mere phase, and that you would soon get over it, but for it to evolve into... THIS..."

mari: "impressive, isn't it? i've your insanity to thank for that."

discord: "(grabs mari by the neck) i'm very worried that something has happened. they say i drive some mad, but certainly it's not to THIS effect, no matter HOW badly i screw their perspective! believe me, i've seen the worst i can do, and not a THING like THIS..."

mari: "don't try to pull your mind games on me, mr. spirit-of-disharmony. you'll only put yourself in deeper sh** trying to turn me to my polar opposite."

discord: "joke's on you, mari. (slams one finger into mari's head, then takes a chocolate milk of glass from nowhere)"

(mari begins to lose all color to her, turning her completely grayscale)

discord: "i don't even NEED the mindgames for my influence to take hold. just look what happened to Fluttershy last time i was let out and about!"

mari: "...why? it makes no sense..."

discord: "remember what i said about 'making sense', mari? besides, it's the only way to contain your infection for now."

mari: "...infection?"

discord: "it's as i feared, mari. your bitterness and hatred for me has left you susceptible to... THE PHANTOM D*CK..."

mari: "...yuck..."

discord: "not THAT kind of phantom d*ck, you perverted... the Phantom D*ck is an old foe of mine. he was, as you were, unable to appreciate the artwork i've created over the ages."

mari: "artwork? maybe if you're a demented MC Escher."

discord: "when he died, he swore to find a suitable host to have his revenge... normally, your mindset was able to hold your own against his influence, only allowing him small windows to do minor damage at best. but thanks to the influence of kefka, he was able to finally take control of you. tell me... did you feel anything when you went completely cuckoo-bananas?"

mari: "i did kind of feel a surge of... something... something EVIL..."

discord: "then THAT'S about when he snatched up the turbo-controller to your mind. i've got to act quickly, before you're taken by his influence again!"

(a blue spirit exits mari's body, and is channeled into the glass discord was holding)

discord: "there... (snaps fingers) that should do it!"

(mari's colors are restored)

mari: "...discord?!"

discord: "see, mari? you were never REALLY evil, you were just possessed by an evil entity through your emotions..."

(discord's chocolate milk turns blue, with a face forming in it)

face in chocolate milk: "DIIIISCOOOORD!!!!"

discord: "meet your overshadower, mari. the phantom d*ck himself... as chocolate milk..."

mari: "...still sounds pretty gross."

the phantom d*ck: "mari. if i'd have forseen this, i would've clutched even tighter! i should've KNOWN discord's pre-brainwashing trickery was only a personal factor to him!"

discord: "you see, mari; when one works for the greater good, EVERYONE benefits..."

(discord throws the glass that the phantom d*ck is trapped in out the window)

discord: "it was HE who forced you to kill Kefka and Fawful in cold blood..."

mari: "don't remind me... they were evil, yes... but things could've been handled much better than outright KILLING..."

discord: "i hate to break this to you, but that's life, mari. people die at other people's hands every day. if you can't take a little bloody nose, then maybe you should log out and crawl under your bed. it's not safe to tread alone. the internet as a whole is home to many wonders. appeasals to interests both subtle and gross... but it's not for the timid..."

(discord flashes out, back to us)

discord: "i'm back, guys."

crocker: "what were you doing away for so long?"

discord: "i was only relieving someone of their troubles... which reminds me... (snaps fingers)"

(mari is teleported to muhti)

and what did THAT do?

discord: "brought two souls together, who are in DESPERATE need of eachother's help..."


wow, you were right. this IS slow...


crocker: "(pulls out a nintendo DS) pokemon battle, anyone? i've just caught a Solrock, and i'm DYING to use it!"

elecman.exe: "three words... (takes out a nintendo DS) BRING... IT... ON..."

cool, you guys have fun...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
-Kefkas Castle-

Nuhti: Very quiet....

Nars: Lord Kefka was pronounced dead, Mari took over but Discord stopped her.

Anti-SF: It's like they paved an empty road for us!

Nars: I suppose, though we must be care-

*Nuhti and Anti-SF were already racing towards the stairway*

Nars: *mumbles* Nobody listens to me don't they?


Nuhti: FIRST!

Anti-SF: Damn! Let's wait for the loser.

*Both play chess while waiting and hear a panting Nars*

Nars: You two.... Are *****.....

Nuhti: Thank you!


*Nars and Nuhti ignore Anti-SF as they see a guard approaching*

Guard 1: Welcome, your majestys

Nars: I guess you two were right..... Now we're the antagonists!

Nuhti: And we won't be alone like those two idiots.

Anti-SF: Yep! By the way, Checkmate.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((*Slow clap* Smashfan, that was beauiful. Gross, But Beauiful.

But I'm gonna miss being the bad girl.....:( )))

Mari: It's gone....It's Really gone.....Discord.

Saved me....

...Well, Sh*t. How's that for Irony?

???: GAH! Mari!

Mari: Magolor?

(Muhti and The rest of his group run over to the front of the castle, but at a distance.)


Muhti: Idiot, Discord cured her! Didn't you read the last post?

Magolor: Oh....Wait, how can we know for sure?

Mari: Mags, the next time you doubt me, I'm gonna punch you.

Muhti:....She's back.



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*in Mustroom kingdom, the other side of Mushroom Kingdom*

(Walking out of the Warping room) Some destroyed the damn control panel!! I cant warp to the future or the past!!

I seem to be out of options at the moment... whats this a shotgun....

+Legend of Zelda- found an item jingle+

=Mars got a shot gun!!=

Must be Stinkoman's Shot gun.

Blargy: Mars is that you

What! Blargy Your still alive?

Blargy: hmm...( If I kill a mager player like Mars, then the other evil guys might giving upgrade on my position!!)

Cool atleast someone I knew from before survived this tragedy. Lets go Blargy, you can help me out.

Blargy: Not quite mars16, as you my not have noticed, I've sided with the winning team!


Well I guess I have no choice but to fight you\





Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Nuhti: Teleport them

Nars: Who?

Nuhti: We are forming the official villains club right?

Anti-SF: Let's call it E.V.I.L!!


*BarnacleBoy leaves in a flash*

Nars: Trippy.....

Nuhti: Alright. *Uses telepathic powers to teleport Xiroey and Mari*


Xiroey: Nuhti....Nars.... Anti-Smashfan.... Where's Kefka?

Anti-SF: Dead

Mari:Whats going on?!!?

Nars: Quiet! Nuhti make her shut it.

*Nuhti snaps his fingers and Mari grew evil again*

Anti-SF: There we go, we called you so we can form E.V.I.L!

Mari: Copyrighted by Nickelodeon

Anti-SF: Shut up!

Nars: Here's what we are going to do.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Part 1"]Nars: Here's what we're going to do...

*Xiroey raises his hand*

Xiroey: Yes, I have an objection!

Nuhti: *Groans* Can't it wait?

Xiroey: I beleive it's of the utmost urgency! sir!

Mari: Sir?
Did charizard knock a few screws loose when he hit you on the gut earlier?

Xiroey:No. As a matter of fact I do not have screws!

Nars: *sighs* Who's idea was it to bring this idiot--?

*Mari raises a hand for silence*

Mari: Wait a minute...

*Takes a close look at Xiroey's eyes, which are a hazy purple. And completely unfocused*

Mari: He's not one of us!

*transforms her arm into a sword*

Xiroey: You always were a smart girl Mari.

*Xiroey's body transforms into black mist before Mari can deliver the killing blow. He reappears floating in the air*

Xiroey:Nope. Too slow!~

Anti-SF: Kill him!

*Xiroey brings out his guns*

Xiroey: Saay, how come these don't burn my hands if they're made of electricity?

*Nuthti gets behind Xiroey and stabs a sword through his back. Oddly enough he doesn't flinch*

Xiroey: Ooh, Nice stab!

Nuhti: What the h*ll?

Xiroey: My turn!~

*Shoots Nuhti in the face*

*Nuhti falls to the ground and goes limp*

Anti-SF: Shoot.

*Anti-SF raises his arms and gathers a giant orb of black energy*

Anti-SF: Mari, cover me for a second. This should put an end to this lousy B**tard.

Mari: Cover yourself!

*Mari vanishes and gets right in Xiroey's face*

Mari: Lets see you survive this!

*Mari stabs an arm though his chest. Just barely missing his heart*

*Xiroey just floats there with Mari's arm inside him*

Xiroey: You know, from this angle you're kind of cute...

*Mari's arm ingnites and Xiroey's entire body catches fire*

Mari: Why won't you Die!?!

*Mari feels a presence behind her*

(???): I believe that is my doing...

Mari: (Who the--? Dang, like this I won't be able to move away in time...)

(???): Night time...

*Mari feels a hand on her shoulder and she falls asleep*

Anti-SF: So, you're behind this Gengar.

*Gengar floats in the air inbetween mari and xiroey*

Gengar: Right you are my good man!
Say, Hows about you go ahead and give up now that I've got you outnumbered?

Anti-SF: And why would I do that?

*Mari's eyes suddenly snap open, and they glow a hazy purple like Xiroey's*

Mari: My, such lovely weather we're having...

Anti-SF: Sleepwalkers...

Gengar: You guessed it!~
Guess this is good bye then.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Part 2"]

Gengar: So then, your surrender?

*Anti-SF laughs*

Anti-SF: Ahh Gengar, you always were an easy one to figure out...

Gengar: Hmm...?

Anti-SF: Tell me, What do you plan on doing if I don't surrender?

Gengar: What do you think captain obvious?

Anti-SF: So you honestly intend to come at me with Mari and your best friend... Who, by the way, has already taken considerable damge as it is.

What happenes when he wakes up?

Gengar: (Dang, he's calling my bluff)

*Anti takes Gengar's silence as a confirmation*

Anti-SF: Well, It looks like the advantage is with us then...

*Nars lies snoring on a random pallete she made on the ground*

Anti-SF: NARS!

*Nars snaps awake*


Anti-SF: Are you seriously taking nap? Now?

*Nars rubs her eyes*

Nars: Well I figured hey... Stuff started happening, people started fighting, and I figured it was a good time for me to start napping...

Anti-SF: Well get your butt up and back me up!

Gengar: {sweats} Uhm... Is this a bad time? Because we can just... come back later if that's fine with you guys...

Anti-SF: No! I'm not done with you yet. You wait right there!

*Continues chewing out Mars*

Anti-SF: What were you thinking--

Gengar: K. Weeeee're just gonna go...

*Gengar grabs Xiroey and Mari and the three fade away*



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, the elevator FINALLY stops!)

elecman.exe: "YES!! evolution, mid-battle!"

crocker: "...dammit, how am i going to deal with a f**king MANECTRIC?!"

uh, guys?

(both parties switch of their DSes)

crocker: "oh, we're here!"

(the underground lab lights up)

so, anyways, let's get right to it. what're we gonna need?

crocker: "(now wearing a game show host uniform) leeeeet's find out! if everyone would please take a look over to the..."

(three words light up; CLOSET, OF, and GADGETS)

audience: "CLOSET! OF! GADGETS!!!"

crocker: "first up is a BEE-YOOTIEFUL little number designed by me! BUILT by me! and you all best hope NOT pointed at you!"

RED Engineer: "damn it, fellas!"

(we are greeted with a shot of a box with electrical pulse chargers on it)

crocker: "the Flight-Zapper! one blast of electromagnetic bolts from either of it's twin-chargers is enough to fry the wings off any (spaz) FAIRIES!! fun fact, it also works wonders as a backup generator for the household! i'm DEAD serious, one good charge, and you'll NEVER have to worry about blackouts again!"

elecman.exe: "b**ch PLEASE..."

(now a shot of the golden exo-armor worn by crocker in his Nicktoons Unite boss battle)

crocker: "and now, we have the same armor i wore in Nicktoons Unite! you may think this thing still runs on generators from the Big Wand, but not anymore! it now has it's own power supply,"

(cut to see the armor is hooked up to a car battery)

crocker: "-recently charged from the previous item!"

(cut to a shadowed item)

crocker: "and last, but certainly not least..."

(the item is lighted, revealing crocker's mother)

crocker: "we have... my dear sweet mom, who i love SO much... she's available if you're interested, fellow men!"

(cut to a pair of seatless chaps with cleats attached by the sides of the legs)

crocker: "and also, we have-"

enough with the game show, dude. let's just take what we can.

crocker: "you're probably right, we're going to need EVERYTHING..."

(we all leave with piles of gadgets in each set of hands... excalibur in back holding crocker's mother)

excalibur: "gettin' lucky tonight, i'm lookin' for heaven!"

(we're in another slow, mass-effect-style elevator)

crocker: "...this WILL take a while..."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Meanwhile, back in Veridian..."]


Gengar: Okay, I know it's bad but--

*Xiroey continues screaming*

Gengar: Look, calm down man! You're only going to make yourself bleed out faster!


Gengar: But, if you're not carefull you'll--


Gengar: Look, I know it hurts, but you have to stop screaming like this..

*Xiroey starts rolling around screaming again*

Gengar: *sighs* Mari, a little help over here...?

Mari: Sure, I'll keep him quiet for you...

*Xiroey see's Mari walking toward him and his eyes go wide*

Xiroey: Uhm... Buddy?
Why's she walking towards me like that?


*Mari slugs Xiroey in he head and he goes unconciouss*

Gengar: Good, now I can focus...

Mari: You think I may have hit him too hard?

Gengar: Nah, broham's fine.
...Though you may have knocked a few of his screws loose with that one.

Mari: Sorry...

Gengar: Alright, looks like the wound's aren't too serious. I should be able to handle this...

Mari: Hmm...? What do you mean "handle" it?

Gengar: Well, Xiro here never took the time to learn how to use Recover so...
I'll have to heal him myself...

*Mari shakes her head*

Mari: Yes, I know what you meant. But last I checked, you Gengar don't have any healing moves...

Genagr: We have one...

-realization dawns-
Mari: You're joking right?

Gengar: Fraid not...

Mari: You could just end up killing you both.

Gengar: Nah, I mean. I mostly survived last time I tried this...

Mari: Mostly...?

Gengar: K. Here we go!

[Gengar used Pain Split]



-Cut to Drawcy and Clair still locked in a cell-

Drawcia: So, is anyone going to come and bust us out of here, or has everyone already forgotten about us...?

Clair: No worries. I'm sure your friends are working out a way to come find you right now~

Drawcia: *sighs* (Why do I get the feeling we're going to be here a while?)



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

// Mars and Blargy Clash in battle//

You dont seem to be strong like you were before!!!

Blargy: Because Smash fan did something to my broken Powers!!!!! But I dont need them to destroy you HHAHA!!


Blargy: Laser Gun!!

*The projectile clinged and disapeared*

What, my fire balls did not over prioritize!!

Blargy: Im suppressed My self!!

F**k This (Pulls out the Shot gun)

Blargy: Thats not fair!!

Take this (fire the weapon... but its out of bullets))

Oh ****...

Blargy: It seems your brain isnt the only empty shell here Mahhahha, Screw KICK ATTACK.



Blargy: ouch** what that out prioritized me!!



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-Meanwhile, Viridian forest...-


Magolor: I know, dude....Lame. Very lame.....I still feel bad about abandoning Muhti, though...

Ralts: We still need to find my big sis!

Magolor: And you know where she is?

Ralts: Duh! I use telepathy.

Don't worry, we'll find her in no-

(Ralts falls into a random hole in the ground.)


???: Ralts?

(Ralts picks up his head and and stares straight at Clair through bared wall.)

Ralts: Clair!

Magolor and Marx: Drawcy!

Drawcia: Boys!~

It's about time. Now if you could just open the door...

Magolor: How? It's locked...

Marx: Uh, Hello? Hat?

Magolor: You think everything can be fixed with that hat.

Marx: Uh...So far, It HAS fixed everything.

Like so...

(Marx pulls out a chainsaw and revs it up, Letting loose a hystarical laugh. Random lightning completes the picture and Clair faints)

Drawcia: Bravo!~

Magolor:....WHAT WAS THAT FOR, MAN!? D-:<

Marx: I was gonna cut the bars!...Figured I'd entertain the ladies while I'm at it.

Magolor: Marx, What a witch sees entertaining and what a princess sees as entertaining are two COMPLETELY diffrent things!

Marx:.....Is that why Clair fainted?

Magolor: YES!


Magolor: *facepalm* Let's just get the girls out of there and find Mari and Xiro, OK?




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Back in Veridian..."]

Mari: What am I going to do with you two?

*Gengar and Xiroey hobble along behind Mari. Gengar holds awkwardly onto Xiroey's leg for support*

Gengar: Don't mind us... We'll be right behind you. Carry on..

Mari: *sighs* Come here...

Gengar: Hmm?

*Mari bends over and holds her hands out behind herself*

Mari: Climb on my back.

Gengar: You mean like--

Mari: Please, don't say it. It's already embarrassing enough as it is...

Xiroey: You're going to give bud here a piggyback?

Mari: *groans* Look, do you want me to help you or not?

Gengar: You kidding?

*Gengar hops over and jumps up into Mari's arms*

Gengar: Onward Ho!~ Mar.

Mari: (What am I, a train?)

Xiroey: We might want to keep moving... No doubt Nars and Anti-SF will eventually figure out we've decided to come back here...?

Mari: Good point. We still haven't saved Clair or Drawcy yet.

...Speaking of which, weren't me and Xiro brainwashed a few moments ago?

How did we end up here? And with you?

*Gengar waves his hand*

Gengar: Pfft. Please, I've been hypnotizing suckers before it was cool.

Xiroey: Well were all very greatful, but can we please get moving?
I'm about to fall over over here!


[COLLAPSE="West Veridian..."]

*Both Gliscor and Chrysalis stand fixed one one spot*

Gliscor: So... It isn't just me right? Those two really just disappeared?

Chrysalis: You're guess is as good as mine Gliscor.

Gliscor: Good, because I thought I saw Xiroey try to attack us just now...
But then Gengar posessed him

And then they kinda went...

Chrysalis: "Went poof?"

*Gliscor crosses his arms*

Gliscor: I'm just stating what I saw.

Chrysalis: At any rate... Now that it's just us two, it might be reasonable for us to seek out other allies.

Gliscor: Well, Charizard should be lying somewhere around this area.

Chrysalis: "lying?"

Gliscor: Mari pulled a home run kick on him and he went flying...

Chrysalis: ...

You know,
You have the most colorful ways of explaining things. Did you know that?

Gliscor: So I've been told.

*Chrisalis starts walking of in some random direction*

Chrisalis: Well. We're not going to find him by standing around here are we?

*Gliscor stands staring off into space*
Gliscor: Would be nice...

Chrysalis: Come on Gliscor.

Gliscor: -jumps- Eep! Yes Ma'am!



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Mari: GAH! Man. You. Are. Heavy.

How many Nightmares have you been eating?

Gengar: I'd rather not say...I'm suprised you're able to carry me, though.

Mari: I could carry Xiro here if I put my mind to it. Both of you, though? Not so much.

Xiro: HA! I'd like to see that.

Gengar: Yeah, We'll wait until you topple over and then later I'll tell you all about it.

Mari: *chuckles*

Gengar: My god. She just laughed.

Xiro: She did?

Mari: Boys! Stop...*laughs again*

Xiro: I don't think I've ever heard you laugh.

Gengar: I didn't think it was even possible.

Mari: OK! OK! Fine....So I laugh........I haven't laughed in...a long time...OW!

(Mari accidentaly bumped into a huge sign.)

Mari:...Dimsdale? HEY! I love this show!

Gengar: You do?

Mari: I used to watch it every day when I was a kid ((( true story, dudes. :D))) And Smashfan is here too, I think.

Xiro: Huh. You? Used to watch Fairy Godparents?

Mari: Yeah....Oh! And there's one thing I always wanted to do since Season 1....

Xiro: Which is...?

Mari: Uh....Later. First, We need to go to Dimsdale Elementery. He should be there...

(((Mr. Crocker, Prepare to meet your Maker... :evil: I'm not gonna kill him.....But I do wanna hurt him...:D )))



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

*Muhti and gang run upstairs to confront Light*

Light: GUARDS!! *Doesnt notice Muhti and the rest*

Luigi: You're guards are gone

Dimentio: But Luigi has guards

Light: !WHAT?!

*Zero slashes at Light then pins him*

Zero: Had enough of your crap

Light: Hehe, what are you going to do? *Spits* You're all pathetic

Zero: *Looks deeply in Lights eyes and gets him to calm down* Good boy

Light: What happened?

Muhti: Nothing but your idiot self

Light: Shut up

Dimentio: Enough comments ladies, we need to get to Dimmsdale. *Snaps fingers*

Muhti: Dimentio this isn't Dimmsdale. Dimentio? DIMENTIO?!


???: Did you find a way?

??? (2): No my darling, not yet.

???: Better hurry

??? (2): Why sweetums?

???: Nuhti,Nars, and Anti-SF took over.

??? (2): ...........

???: They seem to respect you still, Kefka

Kefka: Oh stop it! People are doing what's right.

???: You need to overcome death, Cousin

Kefka: Yes dear, overnight may be well (-.-)

???: Don't give me an attitude. Do it!


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


*Mustroom kingdom*

(Standing over a defeated Blargy) Now what Blargy!?

Blargy: If i had my broken Powers this would not have happened!!! damn you smash fan!!!

Suck nerd


Got more explosions! what the hell is going on over there?

Blargy: Teleport!!

Wait what, damn he got away!


*A huge mushroom cloud covered the sky above mustroom kingdom*

Hmm something tells me thats were the Main war is!!



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(back in the elevator)

excalibur: "so, meta knight. what's say you continue the story of how you came to know mandie? i believe you left off with yourself in combat with vegeta."

(back into the flashback)

meta knight's narrative: "i tried to talk him away from his target, but as we all know, vegeta is far from negotiable..."

meta knight: "vegeta, you fail to understand! if your saiyans or the irkens were to attempt to drive these ships off, there's a good chance your 'claim' would be reduced to nothing!"

vegeta: "(grabs meta knight) it's a risk i'm willing to take... (throws meta knight out of the ship)"

(meta knight flies back into the ship, performing sword combos on vegeta)

meta knight: "stop this nonsense! you'll attract unnecessary attention to the both of us- !"

vegeta: "i can handle it! (kicks meta knight away) you, on the other hand, will die by MY hands before these creatures even come near you!"

meta knight: "... (flies to a higher part of the ship) suit yourself..."

meta knight's narrative: "it was clear that vegeta would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, no matter what they may be. so i decided to leave him be. i decided; seriously, f**k him... THAT'S where i made my mistake..."

(the alarm goes off)

meta knight's narrative: "...i flew straight into the detention level."

(meta knight is surrounded by cells containing a plethora of prisoners from multiple alien races)

kodos: "metal ball warrior, run! it is not safe here! SHE is coming!"

meta knight: "'she'? who is 'she'?"

kang: "the daughter of the matriarch of the species holding us prisoner, princess man-die! you must leave, now, metal one!"

(princess man-die and two guards enter the room)

man-die: "...what the flagnarg are you doing on my ship?"

meta knight: "princess. i have come to warn you of the threat you face on this planet. the Saiyans and the Irkens have clashed yet again for control over this planet, and they are not willing to stop until one side is either driven off or killed."

man-die: "hmph, i know all about the irken-saiyan rivalry. their foolish antics cost my species it's homeland! i've come to this planet to exact revenge, and take out both sides at once!"

meta knight: "this poses another problem, man-die. if your army were to clash with both these forces, the warfare would not only leave literally nothing of pop star, but your army will be drastically weakened!"

man-die: "it's a risk i'm willing to take."

meta knight: "that's what vegeta said... you don't care for anyone else, do you?"

man-die: "(closing in on meta knight) i've been left homeless, my mother was killed in the crossfire, i was left standing at the altar of my own wedding, DO I LOOK LIKE I F**KING CARE ABOUT ANYONE ANYMORE?!?!"

(man-die's booming voice sends meta knight straight into a wall)

meta knight: "believe me when i say this; if you follow through with your attempts to cause others pain in retaliation for your own sufferings, you'll only be hurting yourself even more..."

man-die: "..."

kodos: "princess, has anyone ever told you that you look a good deal like a futuristic Evil-Lyn?"


(a bunch of care bears burst into the room)

tenderheart: "did someone say 'care'?"

all except care bears: "AAAAAGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

kang: "someone, kill them! kill them with fire!"

(meta knight flies into the army of stuffed bears while man-die takes a large rocket launcher and starts blasting them with electrical charges)


(flashback abruptly ends with the elevator opening)

ah, we're back at ground level!

crocker: "perfect! let's load the gear on board!"

meta knight: "*sigh* perhaps i can finish my flashback another time..."

(we get on board the halberd, gadgetry in tow, then take off)

princess celestia: "where do we go now?"

well, we did agree to chase down the flock of skarmory... gilda, you and the rest of your pack defend the halberd from the outside and help us find the skarmory.

gilda: "got it! (flies out)"

(the halberd is now surrounded by griffons, gilda standing at the bow of the ship wearing a headset)

meta knight: "(over gilda's headset) gilda, can you hear me?"

gilda: "loud and clear."

meta knight: "good. despite the length of the elevator rides, the skarmory couldn't have gone too far for you to see. we need you to guide us in their direction. should we turn to port or starboard?"

gilda: "...what?"

man-die: "he means right or left, gilda."

gilda: "oh. why didn't you just say that, then?"

(gilda looks left and right. a sonar beeping effect plays as her eyes move)

gilda: "go to the left!"

(the halberd turns left)

crocker: "this is perfect! with gilda guiding us, we should find the skarmory in no time!"

caption: "NOTE: Being part-eagle, griffons have eyesight well enough to see a target from a great distance."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
I guess Ill wait tuntill smash fan makes his next post...... I dont really now what else to do at this point...


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Gengar: Look!

(The Halberd flys off into the distance...)

Mari: Damn it! We're too late....

Xiro: Now what?

Mari: Hmmm....I guess...Uh....

Sorry, guys, for once I got nothing.

???: XIRO! MARI!

(Marx, Magolor, and Drawcia all call down from the Lor)

Mari: Guys! Down here! Think you can give us a ride?

Marx: You got it! Magolor! Set course for the Halberd!

Magolor: Right!

Good luck.

Mari: (Huh? Clair? Are you safe?)

Clair: Yes. We're back at the village and we've caught the real kidnappers. So that's done.

Mari: (Say, Clair....Could you do me a favor and ask you father something?)



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Back in Veridian"]

Chrysalis: So you mean to say you're both scientists?

Gliscor: Yep. Me and Char. We've been together as science geeks for as long as I can remember...

Chrysalis: That's actually kind of surprising...

Gliscor: Surprising?

-Chrysalis stops walking-
Chrysalis: It's just... You're so...

*Gliscor waves his hand*
Gliscor: Nah, I get ya.

Chrysalis: ? {starts walking again}

Gliscor: People give me that all the time. In all honesty me and Charizard weren't exactly born normally...

Chrysalis: You mean as in Birth defects...

*Gliscor laughs*
Gliscor: No, I mean as in we were both born with mutations in our genetic code.
It was bad enough that our expected lifespan was limited down to a quarter of the typical expectancy...

Chrysalis: No, thats...

Gliscor: Nah, It's okay now.

Chrysalis: So they were able to treat it?

Gliscor: Not exactly...

*Gliscor reaches into his non-exsistant pockets and takes out a small round canister*

Chrysalis: Whats in there?

Gliscor: Funny you should ask. It's crystalized rats blood.

Chrysalis: ... You carry around rats blood on your person?

Gliscor: It's not what you think.
Actually, before this whole meteor buisness. Me and Charizard were working on a project down in one of the labs owned by the Leage of Unappreciation.

This is the result of that work.

Chrysalis: which would be...

Gliscor: It's a cure.
A universal one to be exact.

Chrysalis: Wait, you mean. It can cure anyting?

Gliscor: Sort of... It's kind of still in testing.
But the gist of it is that It systematically goes through the body and destroys anything that isn't part of it's genetic code.

Chrysalis: That sounds pretty dangerous.

Gliscor: It is. It's a special DNA based drug that works by copying the hosts DNA then attacking anything that foreign to that code. The problem is that Food, nutrients, and benificial bacteria get destroyed as well...

Chrysalis: That is a problem...

Gliscor: We're working on a modified version that leaves certain things intact... But for now, it's doing a good job of clearing out all the mutated cells. Since theres an alteration in the genetic code, they get destroyed as well...

Chrysalis: I see, so it's essentailly a "Reset" drug.

Gliscor: Funny, that's what Charizard wanted to call it. You catch on quick Crystal bug lady!~

Chrysalis: ... (did he seriously just call me that...?)

*Gliscor stops*

Gliscor: Say, where were we headed anyway?

Chrysalis: I don't know, I was following you.

*The two look around and see nothing but trees for miles around*

Gliscor: I think it's safe to say we're both lost...

Chrysalis: It was your idea to stray off the dirt path...

Gliscor: Those things do nothing but go around in circles anyway. We were bound come across it again if we just cut through.

Chrysalis: Yeah, well your "shortcut" has us completely lost with no clue which way is which...

Gliscor: Yeah, the idea sounded a lot better at the time...

*a soft chanting comes from a distance away*

Gliscor: Hey, do you hear that?

Chrysalis: As a matter of fact. I do.
Sounds almost like... Chanting...

Gliscor: Good, because I wasn't making sure I wasn't just hearing things like I always do.

*Chrysalis decides to ignore that*

Chrysalis: It's getting closer.

Gliscor: Should we run?

Chrysalis: Perhaps, but whatever it, or they are....
They might be our only chance of finding our way out of here...

Gliscor: So we wait then?

-Gliscor's question gets answers by a sudden sharp pain in his butt-

Gliscor: Ow!
What gives, it's not time for my injection.

Chrysalis: (Tranquilizer darts!)

*Gliscor holds his head like he's disoriented. Then passes out*

Chrysalis: (This isn't good. Have to call the horde...!)

*Chrysalis sticks a hoof in her mouth and prepares to whistle*
*then feels a sharp pain in her left forleg*

Chrysalis: (Not good... )

*Chrysalis feels her vision starting to fade. The last thing she sees is an approaching mob of green then her vision fades to black*


[COLLAPSE="Onboard the Lor..."]

Latios: You know man, you look like absolute crap right now.

Genagr: Me Have you looked in a Mirror lately?

*Xiroey laughs*
*Then doubles over in pain

Xiroey: Hah... Ow,
Okay, laughing is Bad...

*Magolor walks in on the two sitting in the corner*

Magolor: Hey, what are you two doing down here in the bottom of the ship? Everyone's up in the main cabin.

*Gengar rubs his head*

Genagr: Yeah... about that...

Xiroey: Noise is kind of... uncomfortable at the moment

Gengar: Yeah, so is movement...

Xiroey: and sunlight

Genagr: It's much better down here.

*Magolor looks confused*

Magolor: What happened exactly?
You both look like you went through World War III

Genagr: Why don't you ask the Steak Queen. I'm sure she call fill you in.

Magolor: Steak, what--?

Xiroey: That's what we're deciding to call her.

Gengar: Mari had a habit of stabbing people through the chest when she was evil.

Xiroey: Hence "Steak"

Gengar: Broham thought of the name

Xiroey: I had a craving for meat...

-Magolor gives the two an odd stare-

Magolor: You know, it makes my head hurt when you both do that...
-he regathers himself-

Magolor: No, thats not why I came down here...

Gengar: Hmm...?

Magolor: It's about Mari.

Xiroey: {Picking at his scabs} Yeah? What about her?

Magolor: She hasn't been herself since Veridian.

Gengar: Mari?
She seemed pretty normal to me...

Magolor: No, it's just...
She's been trying so hard lately.

Gengar: ... [was unconcious or possessed throughout most of the story]

-Magolor looks at a spot between Gengar and Xiro-

Uhm, mind if I sit.

*Gengar scoots over*

Gengar: Please, scoot right in.

Magolor: Thanks
-sits down-

Xiroey: So, you were saying about Mar?

Magolor: {clears his throat}
It's been going on ever since we started this journey... Ever since news hit of the Meteor's impact, Mari's been trying to take on multiple responsibilities at once...

Gengar: Yeah, bossy responsibilities more like...

-Xiroey punches Gengar-

Gengar: OWWWWW! What the heck dude?

Magolor: No, Gengar's right.

Gengar: hmph. Meanie...

Magolor: I think she's been stressing herself out a bit too much lately. Trying to keep everything in order. Just twice now, she tried to walk out on us and quit the crew.

Gengar: Hmm... that would explain why she was down in Lavender Town that one time when I was still possessed...

Magolor: Indeed. That was because of a fight she had with Discord, and she ended up abandoning ship.

Xiroey: But that doesn't explain why your down here telling us about it. What do you hope to gain by telling me and Gengar?

Magolor: Actually, It's you I'm looking for.

Xiroey: Hmm? Why me?

Magolor: You Latios are able to sense other's emotions correct?

Xiroey: Yeah, I mean. I try to give you guys your privacy and all but--

Magolor: Great! Because I was hoping maybe you could talk to her Xiro.

Xiroey: Y-you want me to--

Magolor: She's been really quiet lately. I have the feeling if whatever's bothing her isn't addressed. She might decide to turn tail again...

Gengar: Nah, I mean. I'm sure she's learned her lesson by now...

Magolor: You don't know Mari -.-

*Xiroey appears to ponder over it a second*

Magolor: So... You'll do it?

Xiroey: I don't see why not.
Best not to leave anything to chance.

*Magolor heaves a gigantic sigh of relief*

Magolor: Phew, now that that's over with...
*Magolor opens his cape and takes out a CD case*

Magolor: I found this lying around a little while ago.
It was lying around in Veridian forest all by itself and, I figured one of you might be able to make use of it...

*Gengar takes it and examines it closely*

Gengar: What is it?

Magolor: If i recall correctly, It's a TM.

Gengar: Hmm?

Xiroey: He means if you use it it'll instantly teach you a certain move. Depending on what kind of TM it is.

Which TM is it Mag?

Magolor: That's just it. I have no idea. I figured either one of you might be able to figure it out...

*Xiroey gets up*

Xiroey: Well, I guess that much can wait til' later.
For now I think I should to ask Mari what's up.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Zero: Will you shut up?! No matter how-

???: boo

*Zero jumps 50 feet in the air and lands with a splintering pain*

Dimentio: ahahahaha never gets old....

Muhti: You're an *** Dimentio did I ever tell you that? You first leave us for an hour and then you scare Zero?! Where are we any?

L: It appears we landed in some sort of park.

All: No **** Sherlock

Light: But which park is what w-


*Everyone jumps out of the way as a golf cart almost hits everyone, the golfcart starts to do "donuts"*

Muhti: I have a feeling I know where we are.... Oh wait!

*Muhti let's out Combusken he had forgotten*

Combusken: Dark.... Cold...... Tiny.... Taught myself English too... *Shivers* Horrifying

Muhti: Sorry about that, buddy

*The cart stops doing donuts and a big bird *NOT SESAME STREET* and a raccoon step out*


Rigby: YEA!

Mordecai: Shut it fuzz ball

Rigby: Hmm hm hm hm

Muhti: Sorry about that! We were trying to teleport to Dimmsdale but someone screwed up.

Mordecai: Well you guys can spend the night inside the house if you want. We can play video games, eat some chips....

Dimentio: Oh my, this low IQ bird thinks we are going to have a sleep-over.

L: Manners Dimentio

Muhti: Alright then. I guess we can crash at your place then!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Muhti, You watch Regular Show?! Awesome!)))

-Deck of the Lor-

(Mari is sitting down at at the edge, thinking about what had happened lately...)


Gengar: Why did you come here the first time?

Magolor: Quit like you did?

Discord: People die at each other's hands every day...

Marx: You being a girl and all...

Seth: You don't think your strong enough.

Do you?


Mari: *sigh*

???: HEY! Depressed person!

(Mari turns around and sees Marx bounceing on his ball.)

Mari: ...How do you do that?

Marx: Do what?...Oh. Practice. LOTS of practice.

This thing used to squish me when I was first learning how to bounce on it.

Mari: It did?...Ha, I would have loved to see that.

Marx: Yeah, well, too bad! I'm a master. Gonna take something big to knock me off. I'm THAT good.

So what are you doing up here?

Mari: Oh, just...Thinking.

Marx:...You're not gonna fly solo on us again, are you?

Mari: What?! No!...Not after that.

Marx: Oh. Just checking, cuz...You got that look on your face.

Mari:...Am I That predicable?

Marx: Like a child's book.

Mari:...Huh... Well, you don't have to worry about that. I'm not leaveing.

I know now that people get hurt if I'm not around to protect them...

Marx: OK, I've had it! What's with you and...That?

Mari: Uh...

Marx: Your always saying that you want to protect people. Why?

It's not like it's your job or something...

Mari: ...I don't know...Ever since I was little, I always stood up for people who couldn't do otherwise. It's like....an instant reaction or something.

Like I was born to protect the innocent.

Marx:....You're weird. Like Drawcia.

Mari: Hey, Where is she, anyway?

Marx: Uh...painting, I guess. I don't know what that witch does these days.




Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Mordecai: Sorry Benson

Rigby: Yea! But they need a place to crash.

*Benson analyzes every one of them*

Benson: You're Muhti right?

Muhti: Uh yes? Why do you ask?

Benson: Rigby, Mordecai, bring Skips here.

-5 minutes later-

Skips: What's the problem?

Benson: Tell them the prophecy.

Skips: They're the heroes?

Benson: Yes, tell them please

Skips: Alright, you know the Smashboards Villans right?

Dimentio: Yes...

Skips: Their real name is the Illumanti

Muhti: Wait... What?

Skips: They were started in 1776. They want New World Order by December of 2012.

Light: Really? Sounds like me.

Skips: Uea but they're a group unlike you, many people are part of the group, such as Kefka,Anti, Tord, and more. There's a whole list!

L: So uh why?

Skips: They want only 500,000,000 people left on Smashboards, as well as Satanic people.

Zero: That's cruel on my prospective. But how are they doing this?

Skips: They already control the media and the Government. 9/11 on Earth was all a hoax done by them, Bin Laden is rumored to be part of the CIA. He was "dead" May 1 because May 1 is the fire festival.

Muhti: Explaining the satanic part.....

Benson: And you need to stop them.

Luigi: And everyone forgot about me!

Muhti: *Ignores Luigi again* And who is their leader?

((I would like to point out all this information is true, JFK, 2Pac, Michael Jackson, and more were killed for exposing this. They want New World Order))


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Whether or not the [glow]Illuminati[/glow] actually exist is debatable.

[COLLAPSE="Onboard the Lor"]

Ow... stairs...
great, I think my scab just reopened...

Ooh look the top! Finally!

*Xiroey steps out into the cool morning air*

Xiroey: Well this sure is nice...

*Marx hops by on his ball while Xiroey is taking in the breeze*

Marx: Hey, what are you doing up here Xiro?

Xiroey: Huh?
Oh hey Marx. Actually, I'm sort of looking for Mari. Haven't seen her anywhere inside the ship.

Marx: Mari?
She's over there on the edge of the ship being deep as usual.

Xiroey: "deep?"

-Mari calls over from the far side of the ship without turning her back-

Mari: You two better not be talking about me!

-Marx jumps-
Marx: Yikes. Gotta go.

*Marx hops down the stares*

Xiroey: ...Okay...
-looks over towards the edge of the ship. Mari leans over the edge with her elbows on the rail-

Xiroey: (Okay, you've come this far... no time to get cold feet.)

Mari: What is it Xiro?

Xiroey: Eep! (What does he have, eyes in the back of her head?)

Mari: It's rude to stare at people you know...

Xiroey: R-right...
-Xiroey walks over and leans next to her on the rail-

Xiroey: So... whats up?
You feeling okay?

Mari: It's okay Xiroey Marx and I already had a talk.

Xiroey: Y-you did?

Mari: Yes. Theres nothing to worry about.
Just go back inside.

Xiroey: Oh...
Okay then...
Guess I'll just...

*Xiroey gets up and starts to walk away*

Xiroey: (There. Easy as pie... Nothing to worry about.)

Mari: Xiro wait...

Xiroey: (Oh crud... She's calling after me!
What do I do? What if she gets mad and stabs me through the chest again like a vampire and--)

Mari: Uhm, you feeling okay?

-Xiroey rockets 10 feet into the air. Then comes back down and regains his composure-

Xiroey: Uhm... Yeah, never better!

Mari: Okay, that was wierd...

So. Anyway, whats up. Whats up why are you up here?

Xiroey: Well actually, Magolor was worried about you and--

Mari: No. Why are you here and--
What are you doing?

Xiroey: {Giant trash can lid hanging over his chest} Uhm... Nothing?

-Mari decides to ignore the trash can lid-

Mari: Anyway. Why did you come here instead of him. I thought you and Gengar were down there recovering...

Xiroey: Well it's funny you should mention that. Actually--

*Xiroey is cut off by an explosion on the bottom of the ship*

Mari: Ugh, what now?

*Marx bursts back out onto the deck of the ship*

Marx: Xiro! Mari! Get down here quick!

Mari: What is it?

Marx: This ship is under attack!


[COLLAPSE="Lor - Main Cabin"]

Magolor: This isn't good. The left hull is breeched! and the left wing is severely damaged!

Gengar: Aren't those wings mainly for show anyway?

Magolor: Those wings are where we store our primary flight generators and-- Oh thank god you're both alright!

*Marx Mari and Xiroey all walk in*

Xiroey: Whats going on, Whats all the hubbub?

Magolor: Not good. The Lor is under attack. Already the enemy has punched several holes in the ship!

*Another explosion is heard from below*

Gengar: I take it that's not good...

Marx: Somebody needs to get down there.

Gengar: Normally, I'd volunteer to take care of it but...

Mari: No you and Xiro wait up here. Me and Marx will check it out.

Marx: W-why me?

Mari: Because Magolor is the only one keeping us from plumeting thousands of feet to our death.

Marx: ...oh.
Right, that.

*The ear spitting sound of splintering wood comes from below*

Magolor: *sobbing* Their recking our beautiful ship!

Mari: We're wasting time
*Grabs Marx in her arm*

Mari: We'll be right back.

Gengar: Great. We'll be here...

Magolor: *Sobbing* How could this happen...

*Mari flips the manhole leading to the bottom of the ship and dissapears along with Marx*


[COLLAPSE="Outside the Lor..."]

Cheif Skar: That's right! Keep it coming.
Slice these terrirory crossers out of the sky!

Flock of Skarmory: SKWAAAAH!

-the group continue hacking away at the hull of the ship with their glowing wings-

Cheif Skar: Keep at it!
That'll show that lousy Kefka to show his face in our territory!

*The skarmory manage to rip another hole in the Side of the Lor. Sevral wooden planks fall to the ground and a gaping enterance is revealed*

Cheif Skar: Great! Cease your attack!
I'll go in and have a chat with these lousy tresspassers.

Flock of Skarmory: SKARRMORY!~

Cheif Skar: What? Someone's coming?


*Mari steps out into the bottom of the ship. She sees the gaping hole and goes berserk*

Mari: What the heck is this?

Marx: I believe they call it a hull breech...

Mari: Yes, but who's responsible?

*A large metalic bird steps in through the hole they created and takes a look around.

It fixes a keen eye on Mari and Marx*

Skarmory: So you're the good for nothings that decided to invade our air space.

Marx: This isn't good Mari... I think there might be more of them outside...

Mari: What is this? Why are you attacking our ship.

Skarmory: As head of the Skarmory back patrol. It's my job to ensure the safety of the main flock.

The real qustion is. Why have you invaded our airspace?
Are you of Kefka's crew?

Marx: N-no you've got it all wrong we're--

Mari: We're part of the group specifically formed to take down Kefka and the leigion of Antagonists...

*The Skarmory takes in this bit of information. Then gives Marx and Mari a closer look*

Cheif Skar: Now that you mention it... You lot don't bare the leigon's insignia...

Marx: That's because we're not with them you stupid bird!

Cheif Skar: SKWAAK!

Mari: Marx! We're trying to defuse a situation here, not cause more trouble.

Marx: Sorry...

Cheif Skar: So you claim to be with the resisting army then is that it?

Mari: No. Actually we're part of a small crew.

Marx: We're the ones responsible for saving your butts the last time Smashboards was in trouble!

Mari: Marx... shut up!

Cheif Skar: I see, so you're with Discord then...

Marx: You know discord?

Cheif Skar: Flank!

*A rugged looking skarmory with several skars flys in and roosts next to the cheif Skarmroy*

Flank: You called sir?

Cheif Skar: See to it that a group of men are waiting at the departure point with supplies.

Flank: Of which kind sir?

Cheif Skar: The kind you'd typically use to repair a ship.

Flank: Noted sir.
-Flank flies off-

Marx: You mean you're helping us?

Cheif Skar: Yes, terribly sorry for the inconvenience. With things the way they are now, any unidentified object in invasion of our airspace has to be immediately dealt with as a threat.

Mari: Yeah, I can understand...

Cheif Skar: Anyways, if you don't mind following us down to our main base. we'll get that hull of yours taken care of.

Marx: Well... thanks, I guess.

Mari: No... If we follow you guys down then we're likely to lose Smashfan and the others...

Cheif Skar: Don't worry about that. The main flock already came into contact with them earlier. Flank sent several of our fastest scouts out to alert the main flock that you and that other ship are not a threat.

And that you're waiting not far behind.

Mari: Thanks...

Cheif Skar: No, the thanks is with us.
If not for you and you're group, we wouldn't have an airspace to defend.

We'll make sure you and your flock are properly supplied for the long road ahead.

Mari: Thanks alot Cheif Skar.

Cheif Skar: Again, that gratitude is all ours.

*The cheif turns around and flies out of the ship*

Cheif Skar: Flock! Prepare to land!

Marx: Guess that's it then... We're going to get some new stuff...

Mari: Looks like. Still, Magolor isn't going to be too happy with their leader when they finally meet...



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(a single skarmory heads towards the halberd)

gilda: "!!! gilda to meta knight, we've got a lone skarmory heading our way!"

meta knight: "they must've spotted us! i KNEW this was a bad idea! OPEN FIRE!"

(celestia flies out and shoots a sunbeam from her horn, the skarmory just dodges)

man-die: "that little f**ker's fast!"

gilda: "i got this. griffons, ATTACK!!"

(the swarm of griffons dash one by one for the skarmory)


gilda: "and how do we know that's not some stupid trick, huh?!"

i have to agree. optimus prime fell for that one time, got his chassis handed to him by megatron hulked out on a bunch of power chips.


gilda: "guys, hold 'im down just so he doesn't try any funny stuff."

(2 griffons bring the skarmory to the bridge, holding him down by the wings)

let's humor the steel/flying-type.

(we all head to the deck)

skarmory: "smashfan, what in arceus's name are you thinking, holding me down like this?!"

nothing personal, just doing what's necessary. we just want to make sure you're not affiliated with Giovanni or the antagonist army.

skarmory: "Giovanni? team rocket died off YEARS ago! and the antagonist army is the whole reason for our fly-by."

discord: "well, your fly-by gave us the pleasure of the company of Gilda and her new pack of griffons."

gilda: "Giovanni chased these guys outta' their habitat when i met them. something about a deforestation effort..."

skarmory: "believe me, ms. griffon, that had just as much of an impact on us! we may live in the mountains, but most of our prey lives in the forest!"

speaking of which, why would griffons live in the forest, anyway?

gilda: "don't ask..."

gollum-voiced griffon: "we've been chased out of a lot of places. we were desperate!"

hmm... anyway, the skarmory's story seems to check out...

gilda: "i guess... let 'im flap, boys."

(the two griffons let go of the skarmory)

skarmory: "(flies to the deck) ah, thanks for that. anyway, we've heard all about your ventures, smashfan, and we're more than happy to help! the main flock is just up ahead, i'm just here to see if it really was you and not someone jacking the halberd... again..."

meta knight: "don't remind me..."

skarmory: "we've also found a flying blue boat with wings. friends of yours?"

that must be the lor starcutter.

elecman.exe: "then that means mari's still alive!"

buizel: "a hearty bravo for defying the odds, mar."

again, sorry for the brutality involved. with the world like this, everyone's kind of on-edge about who they can trust.

skarmory: "i know that feel, bro."

discord: "anyway, let's head to the lor!"

lead the way, skarmory!

skarmory: "BRAAAK!! you got it!"

(we head back in and follow the skarmory, gilda and the air squad of griffons forming a barrier around the halberd)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Dimentio: psst Muhti

*Muhti turns in his sleeping bag*

Dimentio:what Skips said is fake.

Muhti: How do you know?

Dimentio: The Illumanati is just a hoax, Kefka.... He is my family

Muhti: I'm not surprised.....

Dimentio: Yea... They're just called the antagonists of Smashboards.... I've been helping him escape hell.

Muhti: You WHAT?!

Dimentio: I must leave now. May we see each other on the battlefield.

*Dimentio then vanished off*

Muhti: Dimentio..... Be safe.....


Nars: We. Are. Doomed

???: Are you sure?

Nuhti: DIMENTIO! And Kefka?

Kefka: Hello my hearties! Care to step down?

Anti-SF:Yes! We can.

Dimentio: Thank you, for that we shall reward you later. For now, we are going to be busy


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*Mars sitting on a ledge, because he was tired of walking at the moment, and is still sitting on that ledge till this moment!!!!*


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
((-- Must be a comfortable ledge :p--))

[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ - West Landing Sector"]

*A lone figure stands out in the middle of a long runraw with it's wings behind it's back.*

Cheif Braviary: (Hmm... Skraw and his group of Skarmory have been due back for nearly half an hour now. Something must've thrown them off schedule)

*He holds up his foot and glances at his ankle watch for the millionth time*

Cheif Braviary: ( There's a good chance they've encountered trouble. If so, it might be a good idea to dispach a group of flyers to--)

(???): Why are you standing out in the middle of the runray old man?
Don'cha know Air ships pass by here and junk?

Cheif Braviary: -sighs- What do you want Ichigo?

Ichigo: I got bored of waiting around in that pansy stand and decided to take a little walk.

(Ichigo's Robe): Heeey Ichigo? Why did you stuff me in here? This is totally unfair, I wanted to go with Rukia. Why are you so mean?


Kon: ...

Cheif Braviary: {raises an eyebrow} So I bear it theres a reason you've decided to join me as company?

Ichigo: Yeah, I was getting to that. Master Cid wants you back in Mission Control. Something about two allied airships...

Cheif Braviary: Airships?

Ichigo: Yeah, apparently Skraw and his group got into a tangle with a bunch of Antagonist rebels and--

*Braviary pushes his way past the Soul Reaper and rushes back towards the base*


-Cheif Braviary ignores him-

Cheif Braviary: (So, this is the reason for Skraw's tardiness.
Still, two allied airships? It's unlikely that anyone unloyal to the Antagonist group could survive alone out there for long...

Whoever these people are, they must be tough.)


[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ - East Landing Sector"]

Gengar: My stomach hurts from all that dropping. I think I need to go lay down. Does anyone own a nice soft batch of hay I can drop into...?

Xiroey: Had to climb... up and down stairs... Legs too sore... can't walk...

-Cheif Skarmory ("Skraw") looks down at the pair of whiners crawling around on the pavement-

Skraw: Are you sure you're part of Smashfan's legendary alliance?

Mari: Don't mind those two. They're always goofing off in strage ways like this.

Skraw: Oh... Should I call for a medic?

Gengar: Hey bird... dude... can you carry me over to a bed or a haystack?
I don't have anymore energy...

Skraw: (He can't be serious)

Flank: Sir, I've just confirmed that we've landed in the wrong sector. Cheif Braviary was set to meet us on the west side Cheif.

Skraw: Yes, I know. But we had no choice in the matter. The wind was starting to pick up, and he wouldn't have been able to land safely the other way.

-Xiroey pulls himself off the ground-
Xiroey: So this is the base for the Protagonist Army I've heard so much about.

*Skraw gives Xiroey an appraising look*
Skraw: I'm surprised you've managed to hear about us. No, I'm afraid we've been forced to change our name. While this organization was originally intended to gather wandering protagonists in order to combat the approaching army. There simply isn't vary many of us, and we've been forced to seek help from whomever whe find wandering around the countryside.

Flank: We changed our name to "Impact" since It was originally the meteor that drove us to create this small organization of heroes.

Mari: So this is your only base?

Skraw: Not exactly, but this isn't exactly the correct time to discuss this. Better we all go inside and rest. I can have someone more qualified fill you in tomorrow.

Gengar: {Bleeding from several spots} Rest... Sounds good. Where is the bed...?

-Scraw gives Gengar a look of concern-
Skraw: Seriously, do I need to call a medic?



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
-The Lor-

Magolor: Why is my ship always have to be abused like this...?

Mari: Hey...Mags.

Magolor: GAAAH!

(Magolor shoots up into the air, punching another hole in the ceiling.)

Mari: DUDE! Are you OK?!

Magolor: ....Never better...Nagrh!....Uh...Little help?

(Mari Jumps up and grabs Magolor by his cape. She manages to free him, However, She rips his cape in the process.)

Magolor: OW....Thanks, Mari. *notices his cape* Oh....

Mari: Don't worry, I can sew it back together.

Magolor:...You...can sew?

Mari: Yeah.


Mari: What's so suprising about it?

Magolor:.....It's just...It's such a Girly skill!

Mari: And I'm a girl. -_-

Magolor: Yeah, and A tomboy.

Mari:....Just gimmie the dang cape.

(Magolor hands his cape to Mari, and she randomly pulls out a sewing kit.)

Magolor:...You had that thing the whole time?

Mari: Girl's gotta be prepared.

Magolor:...You can be so...Normal sometimes.

Mari: Yeah.

Magolor: Hey..Did Xiro talk to you?

Mari: Uh...Actually, It was Marx, Then Xiro.

Magolor: Marx? Wow. Not like him to care. Maybe because

Both: Your a girl and all.

Mari: I know, that's what he said.

You know, I noticed...He's the only one who's not really afraid of me, ya know?

Magolor: Huh?

Mari: I noticed...Xiro was afraid to talk to me.

And so is Gengar, I think.


Magolor: Mari...I'm not afraid of you.

Mari: Magolor, you shot up into the ceiling.

Magolor: Uh...Halcandrean custom?

Mari: It's OK, Mags. Lately, I'm scaring a lot of people. But I guess that's the price I have to pay...

Here. It's finished.

(Mari hands Magolor His now fixed cape)

Mari: I'm gonna go see how Gengar and Xiro are doing. I'll help you fix the ship later.
See ya.

(Mari leaves)

Magolor:...*sigh* She has a LOT of issues, right Drawcia?

(Drawcia appears from a broken wall, completely hidden from view)

Drawcia: But she means well. Humans are very complex creatures, Magolor. Don't forget that.

Magolor: I know, It's just...I wish I could do something to make her feel better.

Marx: We all do, Mags.

Drawcia: When did you get in here?

Marx: Hello? Millions of holes in here?

Magolor: We need to think of something...

Marx: Hey, Whatever you guys think up, I'm down with it. I've never seen a more depressed person.

Drawcia:......I got it!~ Gather round, my fellow Ex-villans...



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York


Muhti: Dimentio switched sides... He teleported us elsewhere


*Everyone except Muhti jumps at the females voice*

Muhti: Oh hi Mari

Mari: You idiots wrecked poor Magalors ship!

Zero: Not our problem


Zero: No-nothing

???: Ah! How did we get here!

???: Shut it Mordecai! We are with people.

Combusken: And Pokemon!

Luigi: And plumbers.


Drawcia: What an interesting family reunion


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*Still sitting on that Ledge thinking why dis all happend and X zamining theruins of old mustroom kingdom and the rest of the world..... and still sitting on that ledge till this very moment!!!!!*


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Mari: OK, OK, Let's all sort this-

Mordecai: Sup, Mari.


Rigby: Sup!

Mari: Uh...Yeah, you too.
Anyway, So Dementio swiched sides?

Muhti: And He's with Kefka.

Mari: SAY WHAT!?

Magolor: I thought you killed him.

Mari: Appearenly, Dementio brought him back...I am SO gonna punch him in the face when I see him!

Luigi: And without big bro, we're doomed...


Luigi: Kekfa hypnotized Light and killed him...

Mari: So...Mario's gone? And It's Kefka's fault?

Muhti: Pritty much.


Magolor: Uh, oh, She's got that look again...

Mari: How soon can the ship fly?

Magolor: Uh....About 5 hours...

Mari: If we all work together, we can get the Lor flying in half the time. So let's get to it!

Mordecai: Wait, Why are you doing this? You weren't there.

Mari: Mario wasn't just a hero.

He was my friend.

And no one murders my friends.

Rigby: Whoa. Creepy.

Drawcia: So much for my suprise...

Mari: I'm gonna go check up on Xiro and Gengar. You guys repair the ship.

Mordecai: Aw, even here we gotta work...

Muhti: Shut it, Mordecai!



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(something is shot into the control room. dark aeris has landed in our midst, battered)

dark aeris?!

dark aeris: "(weakly) oh, hey smashfan. don't mind me, i'm just going to be pushing up daisies over here."


dark aeris: "kefka's back. i tried to take him out of the picture and have the Plague Union to myself. but he forced the juggernaut on me."

excalibur: "FOOLS! one does not simply force the juggernaut! because HE'S THE JUGGERNAUT, BEEYAWTCH!"

dark aeris: "as i was flying across these many miles, something dawned on me... i am a F**KING SH**HEAD... all my life, i thought i could prosper as a villain. i realize now, i am merely fodder. nothing but a coup for the dark characters' existence. i, too, was simply but a cliche clone."

discord: "it took you 4 years to realize THAT?"

(ba dum-tssh!)

dark aeris: "i would like to change my ways. but it's too late now... everything's getting dark... smashfan, turn me into one of your avis before i disappear..."

(holds hoof up, scanning the mangled body of dark aeris)


dark aeris: "make that the next one you turn into."

i dunno, past villain avatars gave me... urges... plus, i've only just today turned into this Keldeo avatar.

dark aeris: "just do it, you motherf**king c**ksu-"

(dark aeris falls unconscious, then disappears into a cloud of purple smoke)

[DARK AERIS is officially dead]

...well, that was out of left field.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*Still sitting on the ledge bored of killing abusing this damn keyboard and thinking about nothing but staying on this ledge till something happens, and still on the way towards the mushroom cloud..... but at the moment still enjoying the ledge till this very moment!!!!!!!*


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="-Impact HQ - Recovery Sector-"]

Mari: Those two should be staying in one of these rooms...

-A loud crash comes from behind one of the doors, followed by the sound of several muffled explosions-

Mari: ... Why do I get the feeling I'm going to have to go in there?
-Mari enters the room-

Xiroey: Hah, you'll have to be quicker than that if you want to catch me bud~

Gengar: -charging his Shadow Ball-
Stand still so I can blast you!​

Mari: Uhm, Guys?

-The two suddenly stop-

Xiroey: Oh hey there Mar.
*climbs down from a bookshelf*
To what do we owe your fine company?

Mari: Weren't you two... dying a moment ago?

Gengar: Yeah, funny thing about that.

Xiroey: They have really good medics here

Gengar: Taught me how to use Rest. And they even taught Xiro here how to use Recover.

Xiroey: Probably should have took the time to learn it sooner...

Mari: ...

Gengar: Oh sorry Mari, clearly you're here for something. What's on your mind?

Mari: Actually, I came to let you guys know we're about to head out.

Xiroey: What? So soon?

Genagr: But didn't you hear, Smashfan's due to meet up with us here in a few hours. We're going to regroup and restock for the road ahead of us.

Mari: Something came up.

Xiroey: Something?

Mari: Mario'd dead. Apparently, Kefka killed him.

-Xiroey blinks back shock-

Xiroey: W-wait, you mean...

Gengar: Bro, weren't you and Mario like... Best friends at one point?

Xiroey: No... thats impossible. He couldn't...

Mari: I know Xiro, Mario was one of my close friends too.
Mag and the rest of us are preparing to head over and teach Kefka a lesson.

Gengar: But that doesn't make any since... Kefka's dead isn't he?

Mari: Dementio brought him back to life.

Xiroey: Whoa, now Dementio's on their side again...
-Xiroey stops and waves his arms-​
No no. We're only wasting time discussing this here.
I take it everyone will be aiding in the repairs of the ship then?

Mari: So you'll be joining us?

Gengar: Hah!~
You're a real commedian there Mar.

Xiroey: Please, knowing you. You'd probably find a way to take off even if the entirety of the fort tried to hold you down.

*Mari laughs*

Mari: Thanks you two.

Gengar: Don't thank us. We're only doing what any good friends would.

Xiroey: Well,
Or what bad friends would... Considering we're encouraging her to head off into untold danger, and the near-entirety of the Antagonist army.

Gengar: Ture. True.

-mari prepares to leave-
Mari: Alright, then. You coming?

Xiroey: Sure thing.
Lead the way Mar~



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
--impact HQ skies, halberd--

skarmory: "we should be coming up on the lor's location soon, BRAAK!!"

meta knight: "so, while i put this thing on autopilot... (presses button)"

halberd computer: "AUTOPILOT ENGAGED. (dedede's voice) TO YOUR MAMA!"

meta knight: "why haven't i deleted that yet? i suppose i should finish my flashback..."

(into the flashback once more)

meta knight's narrative: "after we'd slaughtered the care bears offscreen, i decided to show man-die what was happening."

meta knight: "princess. if you continue your assault... well, just look what's happening!"

(outside the craft, irken ships are colliding with the dirt, picking it up and launching it at the saiyans, who are punching it with their bare fists, shattering it)

meta knight: "you see how powerful your enemies are? both of them at once would wipe out your forces entirely."

man-die: "i don't give a sh**, they're not going to get me without a fight..."

(both armies are advancing for man-die's ship)

meta knight: "you can't win. but there are alternatives to fighting..."

man-die: "hmm... maybe you're right..."

meta knight: "does this ship have a cloaking device."

man-die: "hmm..."

(the ship disappears)

almighty tallest red: "huh?"

almighty tallest purple: "what the- ?!"

vegeta: "rrrgh, where did they go?! saiyans, search every square inch of the planet! and continue to kill any irkens you find!"

almighty tallest red: "irken elite, encompass pop star to make sure they won't escape! no species escapes the irken empire's clutches!"

(meanwhile, man-die's fleet has already escaped pop star)

meta knight: "it seems we have escaped. it's a good thing your entire fleet has an invisibility field."

man-die: "we use it for sneak attacks, but i didn't expect to ever use it to sneak AWAY from attack..."

meta knight: "you see? there is more to winning your battles than brute force alone."

man-die: "y'know, there's still the problem of you getting back to pop star..."

meta knight: "if you have any escape pods, i would use those if you wouldn't mind."

man-die: "we can arrange your departure on one of the fleet ships still docked here."

meta knight: "very well then."

(the two make their way to the docking area)

man-die: "also, i'd HARDLY call that back there a victory. we just snuck away."

meta knight: "all i've done by my suggestion was buy you ample time."

man-die: "for what?"

meta knight: "for you to reinforce your army. gain more warriors for your armada, and come back when you can put up a fight."

man-die: "hmm... i see your point. very well, a century should suffice to buff the security in our numbers."

meta knight: "(enters a ship in the docking bay) good. and also... take care... (tries to perform the 'live long and prosper' gesture, but can't with gloves on, so just waves)"

man-die: "(waves back) goodbye, meta knight..."

meta knight: "goodbye, man-die..."

(meta knight's escape ship exits the docking bay)

meta knight: "(looks at hand) curse these fingerless gloves..."

(the flashback ends)

meta knight: "i still have the very ship i used to get back in the escape hangar. i keep it as a reminder to myself that not all hostile warmongers are heartless. that they have lives and families just like the rest of us..."

well said, meta knight.

skarmory: "we're here, BRAAK!!"

ah, good. let's contact them.

meta knight: "Halberd to Impact HQ, come in Impact HQ."

woman's voice: "this is Impact HQ. welcome, Halberd. we've been expecting you. the lor is currently docked in our west side, though you're free to use our east hangar."

(the halberd lands on the east runway)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Dimentio: These grapes are devine Kefka

Kefka: Thank you aha, hand picked from my garden

Dimentio: Really touching eith nature, but there's something I have to say, Mr.LeaderofAntagonistArmy

Kefka: And what is it?

Dimentio: It's about time to dethrone you.

*Dimentio leaped at Kefka before he could manage a gasp and went into a brawl with him*

Kefka: You.... No.... Good....... Traitor....

*Dimentio pins Kefka*

Dimentio: Say your last words, sweety

Kefka: You'll never get away with this.

Dimentio: And who's going to stop me? I'm the highest rank now

Kefka: The Heroes of Smashboards will slaughter your little body.

Dimentio: We will see Ciao!

*silence, then footsteps*

Nuhti: Lord Kef-..... You killed him.

Dimentio: Yes. The pest wasn't worthy to be on the throne.

Nuhti: Do you need anything? Lord Dimentio?

Dimentio: AHAHAHAHA oh, no, just out up defenses.

Nuhti: As you wish *Runs downstairs*

*Dimentio makes a list of the people he wants on the Army:


Dimentio: Let's start. Shall we?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[COLLAPSE="Impact HQ - West Landing Sector"]

Xiroey: You guys certainly don't waste time...

-The three of them look over and sees the entirety of the crew hard at work. Even Mordecai and Rigby manage to work up a sweat-

Mari: Wow, at this rate we might actually depart ahead of schedule.

Xiroey: Well, it does us no good to stand around gawking does it. Better get to work!

-Xiroey transforms into a Latios then flies off-​

Gengar: I gotta admit. I'm gonna miss all these nice medics...
-Gengar looks around and sees that Mari has already left-​
... I really have to stop spacing out.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Magolor: Nice work on that paint job Mordecai. If I didn't know any better I'd say it looks better than before.

-Mordecai spins his paintbrush around like a pistol-​
Mordecai: Years of practice.

Latios: Wow, nice work getting everybody organized Mag. It couldn't have been more than an hour, yet you guys are almost done.

Magolor: Yeah, surprised me too. Who knew these two slackers were such a big help.

Rigby: Hmf~

Latios: Anyway... Anything I can do?

-Magolor thinks on it for a second.-​
Magolor: Actually, you can take care of patching the holes. You can fly, so there won't be any problem with reach.

Latios: On it.
Latios flies up to the top of the ship. A small army of floating planks float up after him.​

Magolor: Looks like we're in good shape...

Mari: -walks up-
Wow, I gotta say Mag, I'm impressed.

Gengar: Hmm... So, do they really need our help or can I go chillax?

Magolor: Thanks Mari.
And no Gengar, everybody's pitching in. You might as well too.

Gengar: {Grumble} Fine...

Mari: Any word from Smashfan yet?

Magolor: Nope, I haven't seen him.
But I did just hear a ship land somewhere on the other side of the Encampment, so I'm assuming he's here.

Mari: Great.
(Perhaps Smashfan might not want to join us, but I have a strong feeling maybe Celestia or Buizel would...)

Magolor: Thinking about something?

-snaps out of her thoughts-​
Mari: Huh?
Oh, nothing.

Say, what else do you guys need help with?

Magolor: Honestly, if we had any more help it might cause a problem. Why don't you go and check on Smashfan?

Mari: Alright. You guys better be done by the time I get back!

Magolor: Pssh, Please woman.
We'll be done faster than it takes you to cook up soup.

Mari: Alright, I'll hold you to it.

-After walking a good distance away Mari stops as a thought strikes her.-

Mari: Wait a minute... I've never cooked soup.



Magolor: Doesn't this qualify as animal cruelty?

Mordecai: This is so wrong. On so many different levels.

Gengar: Would you relax guys?
I just made a hard job a heck of a lot easier.

-Mordecai sits in a chair woven out of tree bark while a ferocious bear fans him and feeds him grapes-

Mordecai: Yeah, but I mean...
Was all this necessary.

-having an armidillo give him footrubs-​
Technically they're all asleep. They're not suffering any.

-Getting his back messaged by a gorilla-
Magolor: W-w-w-w-we should st-o-o-p and return them to their habita-ats

Marx: Where did you find all these animals anyway?

Gengar: They were... around.

-Magolor glances over towards the Lor. A bunch of monkeys go at it with hammers and buckets trying to get the Lor repaired and repainted.

Magolor: I never thought I'd live to see this day...

Gengar: Well live it up boys~
Rest while you can, because once we leave we're going to have all hell going up against us!

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